Archive for the ‘Politics & Elections’ Category

Murillo writes to explain his support for Wright for Mayor of Antioch

Thursday, October 20th, 2016


As we come to the stretch of this election, we as a community must think who brings our values to City Hall.

I ran my campaign literally and the reason why I suspended it was simple, folks. I knew from the polling numbers that I could not get to the winner’s circle.  When I announced my suspension, it was very difficult but I realized that I was taking from the only candidate that I didn’t want to take from. That is Sean Wright. I feared what happened in 2012 would happen again in 2016 where you the community was denied the leadership we should have received. If you are asking, what happened? Let me explain.

In 2012, we had four individuals who ran for Mayor: Wade Harper, Gary Agopian, Don Freitas, and Michael Leon. The results were Harper 12,594; Agopian 10,129; Freitas 6,329; and Leon 1,740. If Freitas hadn’t run or would have dropped from the race, Harper would have likely lost.

Based on the polls that I and another team conducted, the results this year would recreate what happened in 2012 – getting the wrong candidate in office. I personally feel it would be a disservice by staying in. I had numbers, folks but not enough to take me over the finish line. I can accept that.

We are down to two primary candidates, two contenders who are taking it to the finish line.  I spoke with both candidates and both have strengths but in the end, one must make a decision that is aligned to the principals that you, the community echoed to me in debates, emails and one-on-ones, and on social media.

I support Sean Wright due to the following reasons. He:

  • Understands the importance of fiscal management
  • Will work with Councilmembers to ensure that Measure O funds are collected
  • Will work with the Police Chief and Commission on innovative planning to reduce crime
  • Will bridge the walls that divide our community
  • Understands the need for Local Jobs
  • Will develop strategy that will address the homeless issue
  • Supports holding on new rezoning or new housing starts

Let’s not split the vote again and miss our opportunity for change.  Let’s make Antioch right again by voting the Wright way.

Gil Murillo


Turnage writes in support of Wright for Mayor, also wants to serve with Ogorchock for change in Antioch

Wednesday, October 19th, 2016


We are now three weeks away from our election. The grumblings throughout the city continue “Antioch needs change, Antioch needs a new direction.” This is something I also believe in whole heartedly, that is why I am running for City Council. The question is how many of us actually know what needs to be done to get a “new direction”?

The answer is clear: three votes on the City Council and the thought process can change. The question is which three votes best fits our City. If you are happy and content with the direction of our City then the voting process is simple for you, pick the three incumbents and call it a day. If you are not happy well then it becomes a little trickier. I am a candidate so I am not writing this as a “vote for me” letter to the editor. I am writing the following to hopefully clear up some of the muddy water of what is about to happen in this election as a citizen.

We have a Mayor race for one seat and a Council race that has two seats open for election. If you subscribe to the idea that change is needed, then many of you (us, we and even me) thinks that Lori Ogorchock is doing a good job and can be a part of that change.  Lori is already there with her vote in place, an equal vote to that of the Mayor. In our City, as a General Law City a Council Member and the Mayor have basically the same authority with the exception of a couple items. The Mayor runs the meeting, also the Mayor appoints for commissions and then the Council approves them in a vote.

So in my point of view if you want change, and you want to get to the new count of three votes then it becomes much simpler to get to if Sean Wright is voted in for Mayor. That would give two votes towards the change and only needing one non-incumbent to win a Council seat. Beating an incumbent is hard, beating two is harder.  Please do not think that I am slamming Lori in any way, I think Lori is a good Councilmember and I do think she would make a good Mayor. For me it is what is best for Antioch. For me it is for a change in our majority vote, and I believe that is what many of our citizens are wanting, a change in direction.

If Sean and Lori split the votes too much Wade Harper will be re-elected. Over the past couple years I have been able to get to know the man, Wade Harper, as a person. I like him. I would be proud to have him as my neighbor. As our Mayor I think we can do better in leadership for our City. This is nothing personal just, my opinion on what is best for our citizens.

There is still one more side to this coin, If Lori is to win then, her seat becomes one up for appointment. Not the third place vote-getter in the Council race. So, if Lori wins and one incumbent wins in the Council race (it is hard to beat an incumbent) then we are at a stalemate of 2-2 on the vote for who gets appointed. This can be very difficult to deal with and could leave us once again without change in our City.

We are three weeks away; many of us have our mail-in ballots. We have to ask do we really want to have change? If so what is the best way to make this happen? By using the power of our votes. I am voting for Sean Wright, that way I can have Lori Ogorchock and Sean both which makes this City two steps closer to the change we all want to see.

Kenny Turnage, II

Candidate for City Council


Realtors spend another $6,600 to support Ogorchock for Mayor, over $15,400 to date

Monday, October 17th, 2016

Contribute $1,500 to Turnage in Council race

By Allen Payton

The National Association of Realtors reported, last week, that they have spent an additional $6,600 to help Antioch Mayor Pro Tem Lori Ogorchock, in her campaign for Mayor. She is a Realtor and sits on the Board of Directors for the Delta Association of Realtors. The latest expenditure shown on a 496 form for independent expenditures (see below) is for online advertising.

To date that brings the total the organization has spent on her behalf to $15,459.24, which is more than Ogorchock’s own campaign committee had collected and spent, as of the last reporting period which ended on September 24.

The amount is also the most spent by any organization in support of one of the candidates for Mayor of Antioch in the November election.

In addition, Ogorchock reported receiving another large contribution of $1,000, this one from a retired couple in Antioch. (See below)

Her strongest opponent, when it comes to fundraising, Dr. Sean Wright also reported an additional contribution of $600 from Antioch-based consultant Iris Archuleta, bringing her total support for his campaign to $1,000.

Even with the help from the Realtors, as of September 24, Wright had raised and spent more money than what has been raised and spent by or for Ogorchock. (See previous article on their campaign finances, here).

Council Race

In the Antioch City Council race, Kenny Turnage II’s campaign submitted another 497 form showing a $1,500 contribution, also from the Realtors. But, this one came from the local California Association of Realtors.

Both 496 and 497 forms must be submitted within 24 hours of the expenditure or receipt of funds, for the 90 days before the election. That reporting period began on August 10th, this year.

The next reporting period ends this Saturday, October 22nd and the last pre-election campaign disclosure reports, known as 460 forms, are due in the Antioch City Clerk’s Office at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 27th.

The election is Tuesday, November 8th.





Writer, Antioch business owner, explains reasons he supports Wright for Mayor

Monday, October 17th, 2016


On Thursday June 23, 2016 I attended an event at the Antioch Senior Center. Upon arrival, I was

approached by one of the mayoral candidates and was asked to support them. Unbeknownst to this person, I had decided to support a different candidate earlier in the month – Sean Wright.

I explained that I had worked closely with Sean for six years. That his experience, and leadership were desperately needed by the Antioch community. I also shared that I would be willing to listen, and with an open mind, to anything this candidate wanted to share.

Their reply? “That’s ok. You don’t live here. Your vote doesn’t matter.”

They were right – I don’t live in Antioch, and therefore cannot vote in the local election. I do, however, own a business in Antioch, and have for quite some time. I donate countless hours in the community, and thousands of dollars annually to our schools, service clubs, foster youth, and homeless outreach, among other programs. I have nearly 3,000 clients of whom two thirds are Antioch residents. So, while my personal vote doesn’t “count” I don’t believe the candidate’s reply was fair or accurate.

Sean Wright, on the other hand, has been supportive of my business since the day we met. He doesn’t care that I don’t live in Antioch. He sees the potential that I could one day move here. He

recognizes the economic impact my business has on the Antioch community. Sean is not concerned about my vote, he’s concerned about my business, and all other regional businesses. He recognizes the economic impact a business in the region can have on the residents of Antioch. He cares that my business employs Antioch residents, that my business shops locally – almost exclusively – and that my business gives back to the Antioch community. It’s called vision, and of the three mayoral candidates, Sean Wright is the only one that has one.

Richard Pagano

Antioch Small Business Owner

Save the Yard supporters kick-off signature gathering for new initiative, during Cruise Night, Saturday

Friday, October 14th, 2016

By Lee Ballesteros

The Save the Yard campaign to build a Town Square on the former Beede Lumber Yard site in downtown Antioch has begun the effort anew to gather signatures to give the people of Antioch a voice in the decision for the future of this historic site.

Volunteers are needed. The Kick-Off of for signature gathering for the petition will be at this year’s Antioch Cruise Night on October 15, 2016 from 3PM to 11PM.

Dedicated people are needed to help gather signatures and training will be available. Even if you only have an hour of time to give, it would be appreciated. It’ll be a whole lot of fun if you would like to help and have a bit of time to volunteer. You can also just come down to enjoy the event and sign the petition.

The Save the Yard campaign will be collecting signatures over the next couple of months to ensure the people of Antioch have the ability to vote on such an important issue. It is the belief of the Save the Yard committee that this waterfront parcel, located at the entrance to the Historic Rivertown district of Downtown Antioch, should be enhanced to benefit all of our community. The Town Square Initiative has been forced by the City leaders who would rather sell our most valuable asset to a developer for high density housing. Don’t let this happen.

Lend your voice to this pivotal effort. Volunteer, today and help make the Town Square Initiative a success. The Cruise Night on October 15th, from 3PM to 11PM , is just the beginning. If you are able to donate some of your time please contact Antonio Hernandez at (925) 437-2058 or

Writer, school board member, backs Barr for Supervisor

Friday, October 14th, 2016


I have lived my entire life in East County, and I’ve been on the School Board for over 30 years. I’ve seen our community change a lot during that time, and learned that certain qualities make people into great leaders. I’m here to tell you that Steve Barr is a great leader and I hope you vote for him this election for County Supervisor.

I served with Steve for five years on the School Board. His knowledge about our community and many of the different issues we face, from complex budgeting to keeping our families safe, was always there. But I was also struck by his patience and ability to work with all sides on some very tough issues. He doesn’t just talk about bringing people together- he has the background to do it effectively.

And that’s what we need at the County, representing us and bringing us the resources our community needs. Many people don’t realize the important role the County plays in our lives, but let me assure you that we need a real leader like Steve Barr in that seat pushing for us and making sure East Contra Costa isn’t just an afterthought. Please join me this election and vote for Steve Barr for County Supervisor.

Joanne Byer

Board Member, Liberty Union High School District

Former Superintendent writes in support of Barr for Supervisor

Friday, October 14th, 2016


This letter is to enthusiastically support Steve Barr for county supervisor! As a former superintendent of the Liberty Union High School District, I had the very good fortune to work with Steve when he provided dynamic leadership as a member of the Board of Trustees.

In all regards, I found Steve’s honesty, integrity, intellect, optimism, compassion, and determination to make a positive difference to be truly exceptional qualities.

The LUHSD Governing Board is fortunate to have outstanding, dedicated, and committed members. Steve not only continued that tradition — he significantly enhanced it. His unwavering focus on providing the best academic education and personal growth for ALL students was inspirational.

Fiscal responsibility was another of Steve’s major emphasis. His leadership helped to create policies and procedures that ensured the efficient management of all finances. Accountability and transparency were of the highest priority for Steve.

During times of high stress and high stakes decision-making, Steve was at his best. After seeking and considering input from all stakeholders, he was able to objectively, and thoroughly, analyze all aspects of issues before making an informed decision.

Steve was an incredible advocate for all students. He promoted safe schools in which all students could flourish in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. College prep, vocational, special education, and agriculture programs were all strongly promoted by Steve.

I am confident Steve will exhibit these same qualities and provide the same high quality leadership as a member of the County Board of Supervisors.

Dan Smith

Retired Superintendent

Liberty Union High School District

Op-Ed: Former adult film performer supports Prop. 60 on November ballot

Thursday, October 13th, 2016

By Derrick Burts

The California Nurses Association, the American Sexual Health Association, the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, and the Southern California Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health all agree: Californians should vote yes on Proposition 60 this November 8.

Prop. 60 is also endorsed by California Church Impact, the public policy arm of the California Council of Churches, representing more than 5,000 congregations in the state.

Prop. 60 will protect the health of California’s young men and women who are exposed routinely and illegally to sexually-transmitted diseases, including HIV, by their employers in the adult film industry. The law already requires condoms to be used in porn films. But industry bosses defy the law and require their performers to engage in unprotected sex because they believe condoms don’t sell films. It’s all about their profits, not the health of their workers.

The porn industry’s reckless business practices result in high rates of STDs among its workers. Adult film performers are 64 times more likely to contract gonorrhea than young people in the general population. Gonorrhea is also increasingly resistant to treatment with antibiotics.

And the performers don’t just have sex with their on-screen partners. They have lives off-camera and can infect members of the general public. The reality is that what happens in the porn studios doesn’t always stay in the studios.

Prop. 60 would give Cal/OSHA, the state’s workplace safety agency, additional tools to enforce the existing condom-use rules to protect not only workers but all Californians.

The American Medical Association and the California Medical Association support condom use in adult films and the vigorous enforcement of the rule. Workers in other occupations have workplace protections. Adult film performers deserve the same. It’s only fair.

On November 8, vote yes on Prop. 60 to protect the young men and women of California.

Burts is a former adult film performer and an advocate for performer protection. He lives in California with his fiancé and their infant son.