Payton Perspective: Lots of bullying accusations to go around in the Antioch school district
School board isn’t properly overseeing their one employee, have exposed district to lawsuits, while majority of students are underachieving in math, reading and science
The last performance evaluation for Superintendent Anello was over four years ago
By Allen D. Payton
There sure seems to be a whole lot of bullying and accusations of it going on in the Antioch Unified School District, lately.
First, there were accusations of bullying by employees against a supervisor in the maintenance department over the placement of an extra desk on a roof saying that was his new office, which was investigated and determined to be a prank – over a year prior.
Then that employee and others complained to one Bay Area TV reporter because they weren’t happy with the results of the internal investigation, and bullied District staff until that supervisor was placed on paid leave (which he’s still on) and more investigations were conducted (for which we’re still waiting for the results).
Then ASUD Board President Antonio Hernandez chose to go to the media with private personnel information and bullied Superintendent Stephanie Anello calling for her resignation. That’s because he chose to follow the lead of the complaining employees, siding with them and blaming her for not handling the situation properly, because she and her husband are friends with that department supervisor. That’s even though she had nothing to do with that supervisor’s hiring, nor does he answer to her in the District’s chain of command.
Then members of the public and the leader of the local union for the school district classified employees, California School Employees Association (CSEA) Chapter 85 followed Hernandez’s lead and bullied Anello and her entire district leadership. Chapter president Brian Atkinson announced at the May 8, 2024, school board meeting that “The executive board of our chapter took a vote of no-confidence for the cabinet.” However, whether that vote ever occurred has come into question and has yet to be confirmed. (See related articles here and here and 1:56:00 mark of the May 8 school board meeting video)
Then, during last Wednesday’s board meeting, the audience accused Area 5 Trustee Mary Rocha of bullying Hernandez by calling for his censure, which was the appropriate action to take, which is basically a public spanking or hand slapping. (They could not vote to remove him from the board. The most they could have done was vote to remove him from his position as president).
Finally, the audience were the bullies by disrupting the school board meeting, including while Area 4 Trustee Gary Hack was trying to speak on the matter and shouting down the 86-year-old Rocha, literally and surprisingly calling her a racist for challenging her fellow Hispanic board member’s behavior.
Wrong Message Sent and Lesson Taught
What Hernandez and the other three board members did, sadly, was send the wrong message to current and future board members and the students they’re supposed to be elected to help acquire an education was that the ends justify the means. First, it was done by the board president repeatedly violating the rules, this year, and then what the audience did during the most recent board meeting. While Hack and Area 3 Trustee Dr. Clyde Lewis spoke on one side of the issue, that there is a proper process that must be followed, they wimped out and voted the opposite way by not supporting the censure. Worse, Hernandez defended and doubled down on his actions instead of being just a little bit humble and admitting he could have handled things differently and better, and Area 2 Trustee Dr. Jag Lathan’s defense of his inappropriate actions, as well.
Is that really the lessons we want students in the district to learn? Violate the rules, then raise their voices and defend their actions, stomp their feet, yell, call out, be disrespectful and disruptive, and worse call people with whom they disagree names and label those people racist until they get their way? That’s called childish behavior, and while we might expect it from young children, it is not the appropriate manner to get things accomplished for any student in the district and certainly not adults, including parents and others who were in the audience Wednesday night.
That may be how things are done in the big cities, but this isn’t San Francisco, Oakland or Berkeley and it shouldn’t be the way to get things done in Antioch.
Hernandez blew things out of proportion and has been merely grandstanding at the expense of Anello, thinking and hoping he finally had an issue he could use to bully her into resigning or get her fired, as he’s been trying to do since the month after he took his seat on the board in December 2020. Worse, he did so at the district’s expense. His actions have exposed the district to lawsuits from her and the maintenance department supervisor. With the board’s failure to censure Hernandez this past Wednesday night for his clear violations of board policy and bylaws, they’ve made the matter worse and have further exposed the district to those lawsuits.
While it’s doubtful Anello will sue as she will continue to keep her job, if she wants it, at least until the new board is seated following the elections in November and wouldn’t want to end her career, that way, it’s more likely the maintenance department supervisor might file a lawsuit which will cost and waste taxpayers’ money.
I expected and still expect more out of Hernandez. He’s a bright young man and could have learned from this situation, taken his lumps and proper discipline Rocha attempted to mete out, and let it be a learning experience for him, current and future board members and the district’s students. I also expected and expect more out of Lathan who claimed it was “oppression and White supremacy” for Rocha attempting to properly discipline the board president, especially when they’re both Hispanic. How utterly ridiculous, completely baseless and we all know she knows that. Our local officials must not be so divisive, knock off the race baiting and hateful rhetoric and set a higher standard and better example for the students. Frankly, the other board members should have called her out for saying such a thing and condemned it. As I’ve told elected officials in the past, I tell them all, now – do better, be better.
You Had One Job! Board Not Managing Their Only Employee
As they saying and online meme goes, “You had one job!” when people mess up big time while at work. It applies to the school board as they have only one employee who they hire and answers to them, the district superintendent. As I told Hernandez at one of the high school graduations, recently, they have every right to terminate her or whomever holds the position. But they haven’t followed the proper process and procedure by providing Anello with proper oversight and have repeatedly proven they can’t handle that simple task which is supposed to be conducted only once each year.
That’s because Hernandez hasn’t done what’s required to even evaluate Anello properly, much less have grounds for her termination. Nor have the other four board members. Yet, that is literally their number one job. They’re part-time policy makers and it’s the full-time professional employees including the superintendent and district staff leaders who answer to her, that are supposed to be following and carrying out the board’s directions. But the board hasn’t properly provided it.
The last time the superintendent was evaluated was over four years ago in 2020, when Diane Gibson-Gray was board president. So, during Ellie Householder’s term as president from 2020-21, followed by Hack’s presidency in 2021-22, then Lewis’ term as president from 2022-23 and this year under Hernandez’ leadership, the board has failed to evaluate Anello each year because they never gave her goals to work on, which is what’s needed to measure her performance for the evaluation.
Seriously, how tough can that be? When I was on the Antioch City Council – and I was the youngest council member in the county when I was first elected – we had two employees who answered to us and for whom we provided annual performance evaluations: the city manager and city attorney. I had never done one previously for a public employee, but I learned real quick in my first year how it’s done. The council members with greater tenure showed this new member, what to do, including meeting with the two top city employees to provide the necessary guidance and goals, then typing up the evaluations. Only a council member could do that because due to proper personnel procedure, no other city employee could do it so they wouldn’t see what the council included in those written evaluations. Why can’t the school board do the same for their one employee? Why can’t at least three of them agree on the goals to give to the superintendent each year? Is it really that difficult? Of course not.
While Lewis made an effort, last year, by having the board bring in a paid outside consultant to help them develop the list of goals to give to Anello, they never completed that task. Yet, as was pointed out during last Wednesday’s meeting by NAACP East County Branch Vice President Dr. Kimberly Payton, the board has continued to give annual pay raises to the superintendent. On what basis can they claim she’s earned them?
Even without providing her an evaluation, Hernandez and Lathan attempted to terminate Anello’s contract in May which failed on a 2-3 vote, as it should have. Plus, Hernandez has continued to place on Closed Session meeting agendas Anello’s performance evaluation, even while she’s been on paid leave, knowing she wouldn’t be in attendance and before providing her the board’s goals by which to measure her performance. So, it was all for show knowing nothing could be accomplished.
All this while the majority of students in the district are underachieving in math, reading and science especially Black and Hispanic students, which is where the Board’s focus should be. That’s what’s most disappointing – all the game playing, political posturing, trying to please certain people instead of one, doing their job to properly oversee their only employee, and two, working to improve the education of our district’s students. Talk is cheap and all of it has added up to little to no progress. Yet, Hernandez, Lathan and others want to blame Anello. She’s not at the top. They are, and as the old Romanian saying goes, the fish rots from the head down.
So, this November, hopefully, we can begin cutting out that rot. Lewis isn’t running for reelection, and rumors are Hernandez, who represents Area 1, is going to run for City Clerk – now that Householder, the incumbent, has fallen out of favor with his and her former political ally, the mayor, after she publicly exposed, opposed and distanced herself from him following the settlement of the sexual harassment lawsuit against him in 2022 (and who I believe has matured, grown into and proven herself in her current elected position since then, and I’d be willing to support her for re-election). So, there will be one or two new board members elected in those trustee areas.
Frankly, Hack shouldn’t run again as he failed during his presidency to do what was necessary to properly oversee the board’s one employee, failed worse this past week when he let Hernandez off the hook and the worst due to the abysmal test scores of the district’s students. If you’re too tired to fight the necessary battles and do what’s right with the authority and responsibility given to you, it’s time to move on.
So, perhaps we will be able to elect three new board members who can demonstrate the ability to properly manage their one employee and actually put the students and their education first.
One more thing on who we elect to local office: let’s make sure they can demonstrate the necessary maturity, not still be in school getting their education, have the time to devote to the position, not use it for political grandstanding purposes nor trying to implement a hidden political agenda, and are willing to take on the role of boss to one employee – give her goals and then evaluate her performance based on them, and most importantly make improving the education of our district’s students their true top priority.
The bottom line is we all oppose bullying among students, so it shouldn’t be occurring or allowed among the adults, especially those in leadership in the Antioch Unified School District. Everyone needs to be mature, respectful and good examples to the students in how they behave, follow the rules and treat others. Perhaps placing signs like the one above throughout the district including in the Board Room might help as a reminder.
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