Archive for the ‘Letters to the Editor’ Category

Letters: Writer wants change, new community college board member for Ward 5

Saturday, October 17th, 2020


Ward 5 of the Community College Board needs change – Enholm must go!

Ward 5 of the Contra Costa Community College District, including Bay Point, Pittsburg, Antioch, Brentwood, Oakley, Knightsen and Bethel Island, is badly in need of new leadership. The current Trustee for this area, Greg Enholm, has engaged in poor decisions, erratic behavior, and unethical acts that have not served the District, Los Medanos College in particular, very well.

This is not new, but enough is enough.

When the Board of Trustees approved in a 4-1 vote the building of the new Campus located in Brentwood, on donated land, with an approved Bond Measure E in 2014, Enholm continued to oppose its construction. An alternative site would have taken years for approval adding costs for acquisition of land and increased taxes. The new campus was needed as the existing leased building in a retail district of Brentwood was over-capacity. In 2016 Enholm also recommended the residents of the nearby Trilogy community sue the District to keep its construction at bay.

This opposition caused numerous delays, added hundreds of thousands of dollars to the cost due to litigation, and for a time imperiled the use of the approved Bond as expenditures needed to begin within an approved time. Covid-19 has impacted its opening, but the students will be served well by this new educational facility.

Especially troubling has been allegations of multiple ethics violations by Enholm that have recently come to light. He has not denied the allegations. The allegations were found to be true by an investigator of the District which included inappropriately trying to get a friend re-classified to be considered for a top-level position as well as ghost-writing an email to the District. As part of the investigation it was noted that Enholm went directly to the Chancellor to ask him to reconsider his friend for the position even though the person was already deemed to be unqualified for the position.

Of late, with the District facing challenges due to COVID-19, he also voted to terminate upper-level district managers, ignoring numerous requests from faculty and classified staff to reconsider that decision. Enholm has stopped listening to the faculty, staff, and his constituents and has engaged in recent actions that have put our District’s financial future at risk.

It is time for new leadership on the Contra Costa Community College District Board: Elect Fernando Sandoval.

Valerie T Lopez



Writer unhappy with negative campaigns wants Antioch people to join together, love each other

Thursday, October 15th, 2020

Dear Editor:

This is not the time for promoting hate by any candidate. Do we not see what is going on in this country. Is there nowhere that peace and dignity reigns during this time? People are dying. Racism and division rules.

What is all this really about and is it worth it? I guess unity and respect for one another has digressed.
No candidate is all good and none are all bad. Can we come together in a non-political environment and spend time talking about how we will rebuild community for real, and just talk about it?

I want to love people the way Christ has shown us. Whether you believe in Christ or not, I believe most of us in this community believe in unity and care. I’m not going to lie. Love is a struggle right now. Will people who want to love one another come together?

Iris Archuleta


Writer who regularly speaks out on issues endorses Wright for Mayor of Antioch

Monday, October 12th, 2020

Dear Editor,

I have followed the Antioch City Council for years (and I am certainly no stranger to the public comment podium). Experience teaches that the important issues facing our city are surprisingly complicated. Success requires being open minded, communication, intelligent decision making, and experience seeking solutions that are right for Antioch. Taking into account these vital qualities, and in light of the challenges facing our city, I am certain that the right person for Mayor of Antioch continues to be Sean Wright.

Sean Wright’s only political ambition is to be Antioch’s mayor; he is not using our city as a steppingstone for future political aspirations. In other words, he puts Antioch’s interests first. Mayor Wright is not beholden to any political party bosses, hence we need not worry about our city becoming a hobby horse for outside interests that will force Antioch down failed paths and someone else’s agenda. I have always been impressed with Mayor Wright’s in-depth knowledge of the issues, no doubt the product of his ability reach out and listen to people. His livelihood is here in Antioch, his children attend Antioch public schools, active in the Chamber of Commerce – these are just a few examples of how Sean Wright is deeply rooted in Antioch and committed to its success.

Especially important in these difficult times is that Sean Wright is transparent. There are no hidden agendas, no backroom deals, no maneuvering to pack the City Council with allies or employees, and no smear campaigns promulgating lies. Such antics will only serve to divide our city and call into question the motivations of their perpetrators.

I am voting to re-elect Sean Wright as Mayor of Antioch. With all sincerity I ask that you vote for him too. I guess you could say, “I like Wright.”

With Kind Regards,

Dr. Jeffrey Klingler

Antioch Resident (22 years)

District 1 council candidate Soliz proposes emergency ordinance to support Antioch restaurants

Friday, October 9th, 2020

Dear Editor:

The following letter was sent to our mayor and councilmembers in time for their next meeting, Tuesday night.

Mayor and Councilmembers:

In an effort to support and assist our restaurant owners in Antioch, I am proposing the City Council immediately adopt an emergency ordinance to support our small business restauranteurs.  How?

I am proposing that the City limit the amount that third party food delivery companies can charge our restaurants to 15% of the sales amounts.  Currently, food delivery services can charge as much as 30% to provide this service to people ordering from our restaurants.  This temporary measure will help support our local restaurants, cost the City zero to adopt and implement and help during this pandemic time as some people continue to order food delivered to them, instead of venturing out for pick up.

Large conglomerate restaurants can usually negotiate a smaller delivery charge, but our local business owners are at the mercy of the delivery firms, and their high charges.  Our local small restaurants are often dealing with a 20% to 30% charge

Longevity for this ordinance?  Why not have the ordinance terminate when the City Council and County lifts emergency orders related to the pandemic.  Restoration of normalcy seems vague at this point, and the ordinance to support our restaurants should not terminate prematurely.

This is a quick way to support our restaurants in Antioch.  As we approach the fall and winter, we need to be proactive in supporting our business community.  I am available to share my research with you, and expect our City leaders to be responsive in helping our small businesses, restaurants in particular.

Manny Soliz, Jr.

Former Mayor Pro Tem and Councilmember

Current candidate Antioch City Council District 1

P.S. I also support waiving late fees on Antioch business licenses, this year to help all businesses in our city.


Letter writer unhappy with salaries of Antioch school district employees during COVID-19, lack of student services

Friday, October 9th, 2020

Dear Editor:

How about you do a long story or set of stories and publish the salaries of the Antioch Unified 2,700+ employees collecting outrageous pay amounts while the children in the district are getting sub-par or no services. It’s all on The district has contractors “providing services” for special needs children through “distance learning”. Services for mentally handicapped children through a computer screen. Children that cannot talk and do not have fine motor skills to operate the computer.

Yet, these same contractors also work for doctor’s offices and provide in-person services through medical insurance. The kicker is medical insurance won’t pay for these services after three years old because the public schools are required under federal laws to provide it free. But they’re not providing it either, as Sec. 504 of the ADA requires.

Thomas Giles


Letters: former Antioch Police Chief Cantando endorses Webster for City Council District 3

Sunday, October 4th, 2020

Retired Antioch Police Chief Allan Cantando. Courtesy of Antwon Webster for City Council campaign.

Dear Editor:

Over the past few decades, Antioch has become one of the most wonderfully diverse Cities in Contra Costa County.  As we continue to grow, so must our ideas and solutions to complex issues.  Remaining stagnant will not benefit Antioch. The City Council in particular must focus on actions that benefit all residents in the City rather than continue the cycle of political grandstanding.

This election year, we need new energy, and new thought processes on the City Council.  Rejuvenating the city through fresh ideas, and fresh perspectives will allow us to break the cycle of failure.  Our River Town has huge potential, yet the City Council does nothing to improve the conditions of Rivertown and other areas of Antioch.  We need strong, accountable leadership that will take the steps necessary to improve the conditions of Antioch.

The new energy and fresh perspective Antioch needs is Antwon Webster.  I have done the research on him and taken the time to communicate with him on several occasions.  He and his family moved to Antioch in order to create lasting memories and to make a home for their kids.  In doing so, he wants Antioch to be a place that is safe and full of opportunities for his family and for all the residents of Antioch. His top priorities are:

  • Safety:  Working with Law Enforcement to create and enhance our Community Policing program.
  • Reducing Crime:  Supporting our Law Enforcement through funding for additional resources and training.  Increasing the number of law enforcement to an adequate level.
  • Future City Development:  Reviving local business and creating youth outreach and development programs.  Improving city revenue through smart economic growth.
  • Blight:  Cleaning up Antioch and beautify the city so that we all can enjoy and admire the city we live in.  Beautifying and remodeling our historic, downtown Rivertown into something more modern day, where families can come and enjoy a walk on the waterfront.

Antwon Webster is a visionary and as a military veteran, he understands how to strategically move Antioch forward.  He is committed public servant and record of proven leadership.  He has shown and proven that he is a man of his word and a committed to the City of Antioch.  I am honored to endorse Antwon Webster for Antioch City Council, District 3.

Best Regards,

Chief Allan Cantando (Ret.)

Letter writer condemns District 2 council candidate Barbanica’s approach on homelessness

Sunday, October 4th, 2020

Dear Editor:

District 2 Antioch City Council candidate Mike Barbanica offers two solutions to the problem of homelessness in Antioch: breakup homeless encampments and deny the homeless services. He also mentions arresting them. Breaking up encampments is an old solution that we have seen fail. It undermines the effort to get the homeless into housing. It is also now illegal.

Antioch took a similar approach on the issue of the growing number of Section 8 residents. This policy was halted, and the city settled a lawsuit with those residents after the city was accused of discrimination. Running people out of town is not the answer. It is a failed approach. It is a shameful solution. It makes the problem worse. California’s Right to Rest Act makes such actions illegal. (See related article)

The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (“USICH”), an organization composed of nineteen federal cabinet and agency heads to advance federal collaboration to end family homelessness, has recognized that sweeps and the seizure of the personal property of the homeless is harmful and counterproductive. The USICH report, “Ending Homelessness for People Living in Encampments,” finds that “forced dispersal” of encampments is “inappropriate and undermines the goal of linking people to permanent housing opportunities.”

In the California Right to Rest Act of 2018 the California State Legislature defines harassment against the homeless as, “a knowing or willful course of conduct by law enforcement, public or private security personnel, or agent directed at a specific person that a reasonable person would consider as seriously alarming, consider pestering, troubling, disturbing, or threatening.”
When it comes to homelessness Antioch has other obligations.

The requirement to provide for housing and shelter for low-income and homeless individuals as stated in Antioch’s General Plan and to adhere to the requirements of government code is an “obligatory duty which a governmental entity is required to perform,” not a permissive one. Antioch’s mandatory duty created by California Government Code § 65583 et seq., known as the California Housing Accountability Act requires the city to provide for housing and shelter for low-income and homeless individuals.

Michael Kitterman

American Citizens Institute

A Research and Analysis Public Charity


Letter writer supports DA Becton’s reforms and Sean Wright for Antioch Mayor, endorses Lewis for school board

Sunday, October 4th, 2020

Dear Editor:

Since this appears to be an issue, I’d like to make something clear.

District Attorney Diana Becton is brilliant, someone I admire and respect and am blessed to be able to consider her a friend.  I 100% believe she is making resource decisions that are difficult and should not be challenged until or unless you understand resource limitations.  This is not about her protecting criminals. It is about making sure we have the resources to prosecute violent and high-level crimes. I agree with that and support the decisions she has had to make.

With that said, since I am an adult and have the right to make my own decisions, I am supporting Sean for Mayor.

I also supporting Fernando Sandoval against Greg Enholm, and Clyde Lewis for school board.

I also support Tammany Brooks our Police Chief, and anybody that calls him racist should research his background.  His father is Black and he grew up in the hood and knows more about crime and real life more than many people I know. He grew up the way I did, and I have nothing but respect for him.

If this offends anybody, that’s your right.

I have one more thing to say everybody.

I can’t not share other things I know about people running for office during election season.

Although I was and still am hurt by Ken Turnage’s opinion about older people because of my own age, I would be wrong to not share that Ken helped save the lives of one of my students and one of my family members by blessing them with jobs and emotional support when they both needed it.

Iris Archuleta
