Vote by Antioch School Board to terminate superintendent’s contract fails 2-3

A complete Antioch School Board was in attendance for both the closed session and regular meeting, on Wednesday, May 8, 2024. They applauded the district employees of the year. But Superintendent Stephanie Anello was absent and still out on sick leave. Video screenshot.

Before evaluating Anello; with her absence Board President Hernandez again unable to conduct her evaluation

By Allen D. Payton

During a closed session meeting on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, the Antioch Unified School District (AUSD) Board was anything but unified as a vote to terminate Superintendent Stephanie Anello’s contract failed two-three. While how each trustee voted was not reported out by Board President Antonio Hernandez, it can safely be assumed he was joined by Trustee Jag Lathan in supporting the motion and it was opposed by Trustees Mary Rocha, Gary Hack and Dr. Clyde Lewis, Jr.

It was Hernandez’s third attempt in three weeks to hold the closed session board meeting to discipline, dismiss or release Anello followed by her performance evaluation. The superintendent was still out on sick leave, for a total of two weeks as of today, foiling his efforts for the latter agenda item. (See related articles here and here)

The closed-door meeting, which is required for personnel matters, began at 6:00 p.m. and was attended by all five board members, following one public comment by Kim Atkinson, a Purchasing Technician for the school district. She is the wife of union leader Brian Atkinson, president of the Antioch Chapter 85 of the California Schools Employee Association. He also holds the position of Assistant Regional Representative for the statewide union.

District employee Kim Atkinson speaks during public comments prior to the AUSD board closed session meeting on Wed. May 8, 2024. Video screenshot.

“Who is running our district, right now?” she asked. “We are in crisis without a leader. Kenny Turnage was at a school district golf tournament, last Friday. Is this how the district handles administrative leaves? Do we need to have the state step in?”

“Liz (Robbins – the District’s Chief Business Official) brought Kenny Turnage to the office. I was terrified,” Atkinson continued. “On the video you can see he walked out with files. What files does he need when he’s on administrative leave?”

However, it was the annual Antioch Rotary Golf Tournament that Turnage attended at the Lone Tree Golf Course.

Following the closed session, which lasted about 50 minutes, the board held a special Recognitions session that was to begin at 6:45 p.m. but started late.

District Teachers, Classified Representatives of the Year Honored

Before the regular meeting began, AUSD Teacher of the Year Nicole Vicknair of Bidwell Continuation High School and runner up Samantha Marquardt of Marsh Elementary were honored by Associate Superintendent of Educational Services Christine Ibarra. (See related article) Vicknair is also one of the finalists for the Contra Costa County Teacher of the Year, which will be determined later this year.

In addition, Danielle French was honored as the 2024 Classified Representative of the Year, as well as finalists, Lisa Bagwell and Jezebel “Jijie” Siao.

The meeting took a brief break for photos of the award winners and board members, as well as refreshments.

Hernandez Announces Failed Closed Session Vote to Terminate Anello

At 7:15 p.m., Hernandez called the meeting back to order and reported out of closed session. He said, “A motion and second to terminate the superintendent’s contract were made. The vote was two-three, and the motion did not pass. However, Hernandez did not say how each individual board member voted.

During public comments by district staff, Brian Atkinson spoke saying, “The executive board of our chapter took a vote of no-confidence for the cabinet.”

He then mentioned “the desk on the roof”, which is one of the complaints against Turnage. “They called it a joke. Two people thought it was funny. That’s in the paperwork” referring to the findings from one of two district investigations into the matter.

His wife Kim then spoke again repeating much of what she had said earlier.

That was followed by shouts from those in attendance of, “What do we want? Justice. When do we want it? Now,” which weren’t gaveled down by Hernandez.

Rocha Warns of Impact on Bonds from District Turmoil

Toward the end of the meeting, under Agenda Item 22 entitled Rocha read from prepared remarks warning of the impact on the bond ratings from the current district turmoil. She said, “I’d like to make my own statement, explain and clear some facts. I’m just making a statement.”

“As to the special board meetings, from one day to the next I was told to come to a meeting. It was my birthday weekend. I was not contacted by the board chair and I’m the co-chair,” Rocha added.

Lewis said, “I do want to clarify, I found out about the first board meeting, I wasn’t available for both of those meetings. I found out the day of. I think the way it’s painted in the media I refused. No. I found out the day of.”

UPDATE: In a post on his Facebook page, Thursday morning, Lewis offered additional information about the special meetings. He wrote, “I want to thank everyone who reached out to check on me since last night, you are truly appreciated.

Just for clarity, there were questions about why I was not in attendance for the unilaterally called special board meetings. In both instances, I was informed of the meeting the day of the meeting was set to occur. Professional courtesy and collaborative leadership would (or should at least) dictate that scheduling a meeting should begin with identifying availability.

I’m not saying these decisions are politically motivated or informed, but I’m not, not saying that either.”
#keepitabuck #politicalpressurerevealed

Video of the meeting can be viewed on the District’s YouTube channel.

the attachments to this post:

Kim Atkinson speaks at AUSD brd mtg 05-08-24

AUSD Board meeting 05-08-24

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