Archive for the ‘Water’ Category

Antioch Council approves $177 million 5-Year Capital Improvement Program

Saturday, June 29th, 2024
Source: City of Antioch Public Works Department

Will bring back for future votes: more street cameras, ordinance requiring native plant species for new developments, city owned property and resolution opposing Amtrak Station closure.

Ogorchock, Hernandez-Thorpe agree City needs to maintain historic murals

By Allen D. Payton

During their meeting last Tuesday night, June 25, 2024, the Antioch City Council adopted the 5-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for 2024-29 which includes $176.85 million for projects in multiple categories including roads, parks and trails, water, sewer system and city-owned buildings. They also agreed to move forward, for future council votes, additional street cameras and an ordinance requiring plants included in new developments and on city-owned property be at least 70% native species.

Finally, the council agreed to return with a resolution opposing the closure of the Antioch Amtrak station and sending a letter to the San Joaquins Joint Powers Authority which governs the service in and through the city. Plus, the mayor and District 3 Councilwoman Lori Ogorchock agreed the City must maintain the historic murals it owns. District 1 Councilwoman Tamisha Torres-Walker was absent for the meeting.

Source: City of Antioch Public Works Department

Council Approves 5-Year CIP Budget

The council heard from Acting Public Works Director Scott Buenting about the 5-Year Capital Improvement Program for 2024-29 with a budget covering $176.85 million for a variety of projects in various main categories. The CIP also shows $7.7 million in projects completed during the 2023-24 Fiscal Year which runs from July 1st to June 30th. The CIP also provides the list of $171.1 million of projects currently in progress of which $116.1 million is for the Brackish Water Desalination Plant. A total of $2.19 million for Community Facilities improvement projects was added to the list which includes $1 million for the police department’s Dispatch Communications Center Improvements and $550,000 for Antioch Water Park improvements.

The category to receive the greatest level of funding was $52.9 million for Roadway Improvements followed by $45.8 million for the City’s Water System, not including the desal plant for which $22.95 million was allocated. Community Facilities (City-owned buildings) were allocated $21.8 million followed by $18.85 million for Parks & Trails. The Wastewater & Storm Drain System will receive $10.25 million, and Traffic Signals were allocated $4.3 million.

Antioch 2024-29 CIP expenditures by Program Category. Source; City of Antioch Public Works Department

$20.629 Million for L Street Improvements

Under the Roadway Improvements category, the greatest amount of funding received by a project, $20,629,000, is for the L Street Improvements from Hwy 4 to the marina which includes widening from Sycamore Drive to W. 10th Street. With planned completion in 2028, the project will provide four lanes of traffic, as well as curbs, gutters and sidewalks on both sides of the street, and landscaping.

CIP Budget Sources of Funds

Sources of funding for the projects include $60 million from sewer and water Enterprise Fund and $41.2 million from Special Revenue Funds including Measure J, the county’s half-cent sales tax for transportation, state gas tax and federal ARPA funds approved during COVID. An additional $27.8 million is from Grant Funds, including federal and state program sources, $16.9 million from the State Revolving Loan program, almost $10 million from the City’s General Fund and $2.4 million from Capital Improvement Funds. Over 10 percent of the CIP budget, a total of about $18.6 million, is currently unfunded.

See complete 5-Year CIP for 2024-29

Council Moves Forward Two Proposed Items for Future Votes

The council also discussed matters proposed by two council members. With Torres-Walker absent, her proposed items were held over to the council meeting in late July including creating a new Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Officer position and a Health and Safety Analyst position for the Human Resources Department.

“I would like to put this back on the agenda when she can speak on it in late July,” Mayor Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe stated. The others agreed.

Street Cameras

“It’s very important to have these cameras back in our community….capture vital information,” said Ogorchock about her proposed agenda item. “Currently we have 130 cameras. If we had another 130 that would cover all intersections coming in and going out of the city.”

“The cost would be $250 per camera to maintain,” she continued. “They will be huge in capturing drivers and spectators of sideshows.”

“Is there consensus to bring back the cameras for discussion?” the mayor asked.

“I support cameras coming back and the discussion,” Barbanica said.

“OK. That will be coming back,” Hernandez-Thorpe stated.

Taxpayer Protection Act Opposed, But No Vote As It Was Removed from Nov. Ballot

Ogorchock, who asked for this item to be on the agenda for discussion and a vote by the council to oppose it, said, “I have really good news about this. The California Supreme Court ruled the Taxpayer ‘Deception’ Act would be removed from the November ballot.”

However, the measure was actually entitled the Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act and if passed would have required all new local taxes to be enacted via a two-thirds vote of the electorate. (See related article)

Ralph Hernandez said, “Unfortunately, you don’t have really any information there in the packet. At this time without a lot of the information…if you’re looking at tax increases, I’m against it. I think the public already suffered enough in this economy.”

“This was a ballot measure sponsored by the California Business Roundtable that would impact cities like us negatively,” the mayor explained. “The Supreme Court decided it can’t even be on the ballot.”

Policy on Use of Native Plant Species in New Developments

Ogorchock also asked for this item to be on the agenda for discussion. One speaker asked that the policy, “include private developments and city land and parks. There are a variety of nurseries that offer native plants. Native plants can be acquired at reasonable costs.”

“Direct staff that when native plants – more than 70% be native plants,” she continued. “Without that, birds in general can’t reproduce. They need lots and lots of caterpillars. Keystone species provide the habitat for caterpillars.”

Another speaker, Alexander Broom, said, “A mandate or an ordinance would be a huge step in the right direction for new developments and city property. There’s just so many benefits.”

Ogorchock said, “I do believe we need to start looking at adding this to the General Plan. This is something we can do within our city, not only with new developments but with City property. I’m for having a 70% policy of native species.

I definitely concur,” District 4 Councilwoman Monica Wilson said. “Invasive species of plants have been planted and wreaked havoc on our environment. I think this is a plus for our city to do. It can play a part in our Climate Action Plan.”

“I’m definitely in favor of it coming back, at least 70%,” Barbanica stated.

Asked if the requirement on new development can be done with developers, Acting Community Development Director Kevin Scudero said, “I can’t find a city in the state that has one.”

“I think it’s not that difficult to do it we just need to do it,” Ogorchock added.

“That will come back,” the mayor said in conclusion.

Agree to Bring Back Resolution Opposing Amtrak Station Closure

Before the council discussed the Antioch Amtrak Station closure Ogorchock, who had requested the item to be on the agenda, suggested Hernandez-Thorpe public comments on the matter first, which he did.

One resident, Tashena Garret said, “We are still fighting to save our train. We, again, are not giving up.”

Another resident, who the mayor referred to as Mr. Gums, said, “I’m in support of the Amtrak train station staying. I would like all the council members to show their support for the Amtrak station staying.” He wanted the council to issue a press release stating that.

“I did meet with ACCE and a couple other individuals regarding the Amtrak station,” Ogorchock stated. “And in order for them to have a really good conversation with Senator Glazer, Assemblyman Grayson, Supervisors Federal (Glover) and maybe Burgis, we would like to have a resolution regarding the need, why we need that station and how important it is to our community.”

“So, I think that when they have the resolution in hand and they go and meet with these elected officials then they have something from the City stating why it’s so important,” she reiterated.

“What we’re asking for is a resolution to come back saying we never agreed to this,” Hernandez-Thorpe stated.

“I don’t know if it needs to say, that we didn’t agree to it,” Ogorchock responded. “Basically, it needs to say who it impacts, how many people, ridership, people go to work, basically…actually I started a resolution.”

“You guys had a draft,” the mayor said to City staff members.

“Well, the attorney said you would give me one,” Ogorchock stated.

“Do you want it to come back late July?” Hernandez-Thorpe asked, referring to the next council meeting (as they won’t hold one the second Tuesday in July). “We could call a special meeting.”

He then mentioned that the July 19th Board of Directors meeting of the San Joaquins Joint Powers Authority, which oversees and operates the Amtrak line in and through Antioch, had been cancelled. The next meeting is scheduled for Sept. 20th in Martinez, according to the organization’s website.

“Oh, but you want it for your advocacy efforts,” the mayor said to staff.

The council members then agreed to bring back a resolution for a vote opposing the closure of the Antioch Amtrak Station at their meeting on July 23rd.

“But I think it’s important that we include language we were never asked to weigh in, we were never asked our opinion,” Hernandez-Thorpe said, “Whoever made the decision, according to the San Joaquins, and you’ve all seen the video – I sent it to you – that this was the city manager, former city manager Ron Bernal who made this decision. He never told us about it. He never asked us to make a decision or weigh in. For the city manager to singularly make that decision on his own, I just think it was inappropriate and it needs to be noted.”

“So, everybody agree to that?” the mayor asked. “OK. So, consensus, there.

The City is supposed to be maintaining and repairing the murals approved by the Antioch City Council, including the one removed from the W. 4th Street building wall this past week, the Sesquicentennial mural on the building wall at 505 W. 2nd Street, the Veterans Memorial mural at the foot of L Street near the Antioch Marina and boat launch, Love Conquers All mural on Sunset Drive off A Street behind the Chevron Station and a the painted utility boxes throughout town. Photos by Allen D. Payton (top left & center, bottom left & 2nd from left). Photos by City of Antioch (bottom 3rd to the right and corner). Photo by Google Earth (top right)

Ogorchock, Hernandez-Thorpe Agree City Must Maintain Historic Murals

During Council Communications and future agenda items, Ogorchock spoke about the murals in the city following the removal of the historic, council-commissioned mural on W. 4th Street this past week. (See related articles here and here)

“The mural on 2nd Street, we do have an easement on that property, next to the Nick Rodriguez building,” she stated. “It does need some repairs. I don’t want to go through the same issues. We need to make sure because we have an agreement, that is a written agreement, that we would maintain these. So, we need to go back and do what we need to do on that mural because there’s parts of it…that is weathered.”

“Then we need to make sure, we have the one at the Marina,” Ogorchock continued. “So, we need to make sure that all the murals are being maintained and repaired along with the (utility) boxes that we have.”

“The ones we own, I think the issue is with the easements on a few of them,” said Hernandez-Thorpe. “If we could take that back and I had an understanding…it’s really hard. And we do have all that money we set aside for murals, and we need to use some of that for the ones we’ve said, historically that we’re going to maintain.”

“On that, we do need to make sure that the mural money that we put aside was for a new mural,” Ogorchock pointed out. “That Mayor Pro Tem Wilson has asked for, too.”

With no further discussion on the matter, the council then voted to adjourn the meeting.

Opinion: Antioch’s Path to Prosperity – Embracing hydroelectric power from the Delta

Friday, June 28th, 2024

By Brandon Lawson

As Antioch searches for ways to rejuvenate its economy and community, it’s crucial to remember our rich heritage of leveraging local resources for growth and prosperity. Historically, from the coal mines to the steel mills, our city thrived by tapping into what was readily available. Today, we face a similar opportunity, not by following the trend of tech industry acquisitions, but by returning to our roots and using our natural assets—specifically, the abundant water of the Delta.

Creating hydroelectric power plants along the Delta can be Antioch’s modern-day coal mine. This initiative will not only provide sustainable energy but also generate a surge in job opportunities, echoing the industrial boom of our past. It’s a chance to align with global movements toward renewable resources while addressing local employment and energy needs.

Such a project would do more than just power our homes; it could stimulate local businesses, attract investments, and provide the city with a stable economic foundation. Furthermore, hydroelectric power is clean, reducing our environmental footprint and offering our community a leadership role in the sustainable practices that are increasingly valued worldwide.

We must also consider the broader implications of this shift. By focusing on sustainable energy, Antioch can set an example for cities across the nation that economic growth and environmental responsibility can go hand in hand. This is not just about energy; it’s about cultivating a resilient community ready to face the challenges of the future with innovative solutions derived from our historical identity.

As we ponder Antioch’s path forward, let’s choose to harness the natural strength of the Delta. This approach not only respects our past but also paves the way for a future where Antioch stands as a beacon of sustainable innovation and economic independence.

Lawson is an educator and sci-fi author from Antioch who writes under the pen name Will Scifi.

Antioch Water Park After Dark every Friday in July

Thursday, June 27th, 2024

The Antioch Water Park presents Water Park After Dark each Friday night in July.

First, enjoy Carnival Night on July 5th, followed by Christmas in July on July 12th. Then enjoy Country Night on July 19th and finally All Star Night on July 26th.

Pre-Sale tickets are $11 per person and $13 at the door or purchase an After Dark Pass for all four nights for just $35 per person at

The Antioch Water Park is located inside Prewett Family Park at 4701 Lone Tree Way.

WETA includes Antioch ferry stop in 2050 Vision

Friday, May 10th, 2024
Source: WETA

“A Vision for Water-Based Transportation and Emergency Response on the San Francisco Bay”

By Allen D. Payton

The Bay Area’s Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA) board adopted the 2050 Service Vision and Expansion Policy during its meeting on Thursday, May 9 and the plan includes a future, possible station for Antioch, as well as one each in Pittsburg, Martinez and Hercules. Also included is an additional route for the existing terminal in Richmond, which currently offers WETA’s only ferry service in Contra Costa County.

The plan includes two tiers, with the four additional Contra Costa terminals in Tier 2 which will be added based on demand and current, technological barriers to service. The Vision includes one route between the San Francisco Ferry Building to the Hercules terminal and a separate route to and from the Antioch, Pittsburg and Martinez terminals.

The Vision explains that first, “WETA will enhance existing route frequency to continue growing markets for all-day service.” Then, “WETA will expand by implementing the Tier 1 projects from the map including regional priority projects such as those included in regional plans – including Mission Bay and Treasure Island to the San Francisco Ferry Building, Berkeley to San Francisco, and Oakland to Redwood City.”

That will be followed by WETA exploring “development of Tier 2 projects from the map to further expand the reach of the ferry system as market demand matures and technologies evolve to overcome current barriers to operating service.”

In the plan, “WETA will provide at minimum three types of service on the ferry network: Local service consisting of short distance trips connecting dense urban hubs; Regional service consisting of medium and long-distance trips connecting activity centers; and Special Event service to major venues with existing terminals.”

In addition, “WETA will electrify the ferry system to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

According to their website, “Water transit is a vital part of life in the San Francisco Bay Area. WETA has been developing a shared vision of the San Francisco Bay Area ferry system in 2050, including the level of service and extent of WETA ferry operations and emergency response.

This ‘Service Vision’ informs how WETA operates in the future and what changes will need to be made to get there. The vision will serve as the foundation of WETA’s Business Plan, which will present the specific strategies and actions required to achieve the 2050 Service Vision. Strategies and goals are divided across six Focus Areas.

This service visioning effort is a unique opportunity to re-imagine water transit and address emerging priorities concerning the environment, equity, economic development, emergency response and quality of life throughout the Bay Area.”

According to the staff report for the agenda item #11, the plan was “developed to define a long-term service vision based on input from agency stakeholders, the public, and other parties with an interest in the future of the agency. The goal of this project is to create clear direction for the agency and its staff concerning future expansion efforts, prioritize the use of limited funds, identify resource needs, and help build a broad coalition to advocate for future investment in the regional ferry network. The WETA Board received a presentation on a draft Policy at its last meeting in April 2024. Following that meeting, staff incorporated comments from Directors into the final 2050 Service Vision and Expansion Policy—including more detailed information about emergency response and first/last mile connections.

During an initial stakeholder and public outreach effort in 2021, staff identified six focus areas

for consideration in the Business Plan. These include:

1. Regional Ferry Network

2. Emergency Response

3. Environmental Stewardship

4. Community Connections

5. Organizational Capacity

6. Financial Capacity

At Business Plan Workshop #1 held in August 2022, the Board identified a set of network expansion concepts for consideration in defining a 2050 Service Vision. Staff undertook a technical evaluation of these concepts and conducted broad stakeholder and public engagement to create a proposal to develop a draft 2050 Service Vision that was presented to the Board during Workshop #2 in April 2023.

Upon receiving direction from the Board to look more broadly at opportunities to expand the ferry network, staff worked with its consultant team to incorporate this feedback into an updated draft 2050 Service Vision and set of feasibility criteria for future expansion projects.

The draft service vision and feasibility criteria were refined upon review with key project stakeholders, the Community and Business Advisory Groups, and the WETA Business Plan Subcommittee. A consistent source of feedback during the outreach process was support for a WETA pilot program to test the feasibility of new technologies and emerging markets. The product of this process is the final 2050 Service Vision and Expansion Policy.”

The Vision also includes Terminal Rehabilitation & Replacement, improvements to Terminal Access, encouraging Transit-Supportive Land Uses in close proximity to eachcandidate ferry terminal, and Emergency Response. “WETA serves as the coordinator of water-based emergency response activities in the Bay Area in the event of a major disaster or disruptive event. In this capacity, WETA will work closely with the California Office of Emergency Services and/or the United States Coast Guard and will be directed to perform activities coordinated on a regional and state-wide basis. These include deploying WETA’s fleet resources to evacuate dangerous areas, to move first responders, and to deliver needed supplies. WETA will coordinate with other regional maritime partners to add to this fleet response, and terminal facilities must have sufficient capacity and facilities to accommodate these partner vessels. All new expansion terminals must be designed and built to Essential Facilities Standards. Emergency service to individual terminals will be guided based on state and regional direction.”

In addition to Thursday’s meeting, WETA held a public Board of Directors workshop on the 2050 Service Vision in April. The service vision evaluation memo and presentation slides are available, here:

Here’s the public survey summary report, first published in May 2023.

To learn more about the project, visit Bay Ferry 2050 microsite where you can subscribe to updates, share your feedback and more.

Delta Conveyance (tunnel) Project issues Final Environmental Impact Report

Friday, December 8th, 2023
Source: CA DWP

Haga clic aquí para ver este aviso en español

To public agencies prior to certification per CEQA requirements

By California Department of Water Resources

The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) is today releasing the Final Environmental Impact Report to public agencies that commented on the Draft EIR, per the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).* Proposed responses to comments, as well as the Final EIR and accompanying informational resources, can be accessed at This action signifies the last step DWR is required to take under CEQA prior to deciding whether to certify the EIR and approve the proposed project.

The Final EIR was prepared by DWR as the lead agency to comply with the requirements of CEQA. The Final EIR is presented in two volumes: 1) the contents of the entire Draft EIR, as revised, and 2) all comments received on the Draft EIR and responses to substantive comments. 

At the conclusion of the CEQA process, DWR will determine if the Final EIR has been completed in compliance with CEQA and whether to certify that the Final EIR reflects DWR’s independent judgment and analysis. Following certification of the Final EIR, DWR would then determine whether to approve the proposed project, an alternative or no project. Learn more about the CEQA process here.

The proposed project identified in the Final EIR would modernize the state’s water infrastructure in the Delta to help protect the reliability of this important water supply for 27 million Californians and 750,000 acres of farmland from earthquakes and climate-driven weather extremes. 

Accessing the Final EIR

The Final EIR is available online at

Informational Materials and Resources

Project Planning Next Steps

  • Community Benefits Program: Should DWR certify the Final EIR and approve the proposed project, DWR plans to release the Community Benefits Program Implementation Plan and Guidelines Discussion Document next year for review. There will be associated public engagement opportunities announced when that document is released. 
  • Additional Permitting: DWR continues to pursue additional required federal and state planning processes, including but not limited to federal and state Endangered Species Act compliance, adding points of diversion to existing water rights and Delta Plan consistency. Information and updates related to these processes can be found on the project’s permit portal website
    *DWR is releasing the Final EIR to public agencies prior to certification per CEQA requirements. While CEQA does not require—and DWR is not providing—a public comment period on a Final EIR, it does require DWR to send its proposed responses at least 10 days prior to a decision on certification of the EIR.

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Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion Project receives $10 million from Bureau of Reclamation

Thursday, July 27th, 2023
Los Vaqueros Reservoir and Dam. Source: LVREP

Funding to benefit regional water supply improvements and protection of critical bird populations

Expansion will increase capacity by 115,000 acre-feet, cost about $1.25 billion

The Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion Project Joint Powers Authority today (July 27, 2023) was notified that it will receive $10 million in federal funding from the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. The funding will be used to further the project’s goals of improving Bay Area and Central Valley water supply and supporting wildlife refuges along the Pacific Flyway, a vital migratory route for critical bird populations.

According to the National Audubon Society, each year at least one billion birds migrate along the flyway, which is only a fraction of those that used it a century ago. Wildlife refuges along the Pacific Flyway provide protection against habitat loss, water shortages, diminishing food sources and climate change.

Additionally, the expansion will increase the Los Vaqueros Reservoir capacity from 160,000 acre-feet to 275,000 acre-feet and add new and modified conveyance facilities to provide environmental, water supply reliability, operational flexibility, water quality and recreational benefits.

The dam will be increased by 55 feet from its current height of 226 feet to 281 feet from toe to crest.

“We are grateful to Reclamation for acknowledging the importance of the Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion Project and the role it will play in providing water supply reliability for 11 million customers and protection of critical bird populations from the Bay Area to the Central Valley,” said Board Chair Angela Ramirez Holmes. “Our partnership with Reclamation is invaluable and will help ensure quality of life now and for future generations.”

The $10 million allocation today is authorized under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, approved by Congress in November 2021, and is in addition to a previously awarded $164 million from all federal sources for the reservoir expansion project. The project was previously authorized for federal funding under the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act of 2016.

Source: LVREP

According to the project Fact Sheet, the total development and construction cost of the expansion is budgeted at approximately $980 million in 2022 dollars and $1.25 billion in escalated costs through the end of construction. Construction is expected to last from 2023 through 2030.

“We appreciate the ongoing federal support of this project that is vital to millions of Californians and key wildlife refuges,” said Los Vaqueros Reservoir Joint Powers Authority Executive Director Taryn Ravazzini. “The allocation of these funds marks another milestone and allows the LVR JPA and its members to continue our progress toward regional resilience.”

Source: LVREP

About the LVRJPA

The Los Vaqueros Reservoir Joint Powers Authority (JPA) was formed in 2021 and provides governance and administration for the Phase 2 Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion Project (Project).  The Los Vaqueros Reservoir is an off-stream reservoir owned and operated by the Contra Costa Water District.

The Project will increase Bay Area and Central Valley water supply reliability, develop water supplies for wildlife refuges, and improve water quality while protecting Delta fisheries and providing additional Delta ecosystem benefits. When completed, it will increase the Los Vaqueros Reservoir capacity from 160,000 acre-feet to 275,000 acre-feet and add new and modified conveyance facilities to provide environmental, water supply reliability, operational flexibility, water quality, and recreational benefits.

Allen D. Payton contributed to this report.

In response to DEIR Restore the Delta claims water tunnel “will not save the Delta”

Friday, December 16th, 2022

Source: Restore the Delta

“The Tunnel Project will not save the Delta, and it probably will not save the State Water Project’s and Central Valley Project’s reliance on Delta exports either.” – letter from Restore the Delta on DEIR

The proposed Delta Conveyance Project (Delta Tunnel) would construct new water intake facilities on the Sacramento River in the north Delta to fill a single tunnel with diverted freshwater flows. That water would be shipped to large farming operations and water wholesalers south of the Delta. The Delta Conveyance project would divert up to 6,000 cubic feet of water per second. The project is estimated to cost between $16-40 billion and won’t be completed until at least 2040.

After the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Delta Conveyance Project was released in July, the comment period was extended to today, Friday, December 16, 2022. The Draft EIR was prepared by the state Department of Water Resources (DWR) as the lead agency to comply with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act by evaluating a range of alternatives to the proposed project and disclosing potential environmental effects of the proposed project and alternatives, and associated mitigation measures for potentially significant impacts.

No decisions will be made on whether to approve the project until the conclusion of the environmental review process, after consideration of public comments submitted on the Draft EIR and issuances of a Final EIR. At that time, DWR will determine whether to approve the proposed project an alternative or no project.

On Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2022, Restore the Delta submitted detailed comments on the DEIR to the DWR.

“The California Department of Water Resources should be embarrassed by the lack of climate change planning in the DEIR for the proposed Delta Tunnel. The DEIR was out of date for climate change science when it was released in July 2022,” said Tim Stroshane, Policy Analyst, Restore the Delta. “If completed in 2040 it will be obsolete, then. Meanwhile, California will have spent big money on a project the state will be unable to use as Delta water levels rise. Instead, we should invest in the resilience of Delta environmental justice communities and the rest of the state for flood and water supplies, reducing the big projects’ reliance on the Delta for future water needs, using water use efficiency and water recycling, and increasing local and regional water supply self-sufficiency to ward off drought and megafloods.”

“DWR has learned nothing since California WaterFix. Their sales pitch, that the tunnel is a climate project, is built on incomplete data and faulty analysis,” said Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, Executive Director of Restore the Delta. “They have continued their pattern of erasing how the project will impact Delta urban environmental justice communities. And they are minimizing how construction will ruin small Delta farming towns, and the natural resources essential to the cultural and spiritual practices of historic Delta tribes. The tunnel is a failed idea that nobody supports, except for the Department of Water Resources.”

Read the comment letter and attachments by Restore the Delta.

Highlights from the Comments

Environmental impact of Tunnel:

“Reviewing the Executive Summary, we count 17 significant and unavoidable impacts of the proposed Tunnel project on the environment. Among these impacts will be loss of prime agricultural farmland, loss of local non-tribal cultural resources, transportation and air quality impacts, and painful loss of tribal cultural resources. There are other impacts omitted, belittled, or greenwashed by the Tunnel DEIR.”

Flow and salinity impacts when Tunnel in operation:

“The Tunnel Project has region-scale impacts on the Delta, should it be built. The Tunnel DEIRacknowledges that a major operational impact will be, reducing Sacramento River flows (and hence flows to its distributaries in north and central Delta channels) and reducing the estuary’s ability to repel tidal salt waters which are ever-present (see Attachment 9 to this letter). Such operational impacts will have economic and ecological impact on the Delta region, and a Community Benefits Program must be developed to mitigate the economic and ecological effects of Tunnel operations on Delta communities, especially environmental justice communities.”

Failure to consider alternatives:

“DWR in particular is hide-bound in its loyalty to a Delta conveyance approach eclipsed by the emerging and growing effects of extreme heat and extreme storms.

“A huge failure of imagination by DWR is on display in this DEIR. Each of these alternatives is vulnerable to the slings and arrows of expected climate change effects, which we will go into further below when commenting on project modeling methods and results. But what we see displayed in the Tunnel DEIR is a complete failure of state water officials to imagine alternative approaches these last few years since the demise of California WaterFix in early 2019.”

Faulty consideration of Delta Environmental Justice impacts:

“We are deeply disappointed that DWR resorted to ignoring its ‘Your Delta, Your Voice’ Survey as a basis for informing how and what kind of environmental, environmental justice, and community impacts the Delta Tunnel Project would impose on the Delta EJ community both of the direct Legal Delta and of the Delta Region as a whole. It is plainly obvious that 1) the Legal Delta as well as the Delta Region are bona fide environmental justice communities, with relatively small proportions of white and wealthy populations; 2) Delta residents AND Delta region community members rely substantially on the Delta directly, and the north Delta in particular, for subsistence fishing, and it is thus an environmental impact to have both fishing spots taken away from anglers and fish removed from the vicinity for North Delta Intakes construction activities; and 3) in the operational phase, lost flows in the Delta will increase salinity in the Delta as it reduces flows in north and central Delta channels, and thereby contributing to the spread of harmful algal blooms which will disproportionately injure Delta people who rely on fishing and broad outdoor activities to enjoy the Delta. In sum, the Delta Tunnel Project will harm such beneficial users of water as fish, outdoor water-contact recreation, and environmental justice communities.”

About Restore the Delta
Restore the Delta (RTD) is a grassroots campaign of residents and organizations committed to restoring the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta so that fisheries, communities, and family farming can thrive there together again; so that water quality is protected for all communities, particularly environmental justice communities; and so that Delta environmental justice communities are protected from flood and drought impacts resulting from climate change while gaining improved public access to clean waterways. Ultimately our goal is to connect communities to our area rivers and to empower communities to become the guardians of the estuary through participation in government planning and waterway monitoring. RTD advocates for local Delta stakeholders to ensure that they have a direct impact on water management decisions affecting the well-being of their communities, and water sustainability policies for all Californians.

Allen D. Payton contributed to this report.

Floating house on Antioch waterfront torn down Wednesday

Thursday, December 15th, 2022

Photo by Antioch resident who chose to remain anonymous. Published with permission.

“This is Rivertown not shantytown!”; $220K cost to City for removal

By Allen D. Payton

After five years, the floating shanty on the river along Antioch’s waterfront is finally gone as of Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2022.

The house on floats was moved from one of the Delta islands and placed there in 2017 by property owner Tom Trost. He wanted to send a message to the city council that his property between E. 6th and A Streets at the entrance to historic, downtown Rivertown, reached the end of the piers under the water. Trost was hoping to pressure them into including that portion of his land in the city’s Downtown Specific Plan, which the council updated in February 2018. (See related article)

Since then, the floating house has become more and more of an eyesore attracting homeless individuals and was even the subject of a painting entered as an item for guests to bid on during the silent auction of the Antioch Chamber of Commerce’s annual gala, one year. (Seriously. That really happened. No joke!)

This writer repeatedly told Trost, “this is Rivertown, not shantytown!” and asked him to remove the eyesore. But Trost, whose family owns a house moving company, said he didn’t have the money.

Then state law changed thanks to the help of former Assemblyman Jim Frazier, according to Antioch Community Development Director Forrest Ebbs. He has been working on the effort for the last six months and said, because of changes in the law the State Lands Commission can now seize derelict vessels. Since the house was on floats it was considered a vessel.

“The commission seized the house and transferred it to the city which is paying $220,000 to the specialized contractor to remove the house,” he said.

“It was sinking,” Ebbs explained further, “and was a potential hazard because of diesel fuel cans on the backside of the house. If the house had sunk that would have created a disaster.”

Plus, “it would have required a more specialized contractor and the cost could have tripled,” he added.“We were able to work it out with Trost who agreed to have it removed,” Ebbs continued.

Asked if the costs will be assessed to Trost’s property, the Community Development Director said, “No. Probably not.”

Regarding Trost’s efforts to ensure his property includes the portion under the water, Ebbs said, “The legality of that property is a complicated issue we need to dive into (no pun intended). It may be included if it’s contiguous. But control of parcels under the water involves many agencies and is on a case-by-case basis as there are a lot of issues. The City doesn’t have an opinion on it at this point.”

“If there’s a grand plan for Tom’s property that included the land under the water we could consider it, then,” he added.