Archive for the ‘Politics & Elections’ Category

Letters: Former Antioch Councilman opposes Wright for mayor, not a “unifier”

Wednesday, September 16th, 2020


Voters of Antioch do not vote for Sean Wright, our current mayor running for reelection! He is not a unifier, he is really a divider with his own unspoken agenda that excludes others’ interests. He needs to be fired!

In the past I have tried to communicate with him about our city government and its operations to no avail. He just ignores anyone he does not personally agree with. He also does not return phone calls or messages requesting his time! He just ignores, ignores, ignores those he said he wanted to hear from. Well, he is not who he claims to be, and he definitely does not serve the public’s interests.

As recent as early July of this year I also submitted to him a request to be placed on the city council agenda, favoring an allowable closed session, concerning some very serious police personnel matters. He has ignored that too. It could even have been placed on the open agenda, but I think that was unwise and preferred the closed session because of the seriousness of the matters I wanted to inform the entire council about. Ignorance is not bliss and the mayor again has failed the public in this and other things!

The very serious matters that I wanted to inform them about are not just going to go away. No, it will become very public very soon in publications pending for all to read and know about. I tried with the mayor and council but his and their choice to just ignore it is on him and them!

As a former peace officer, retired now, and former city council member of Antioch, I have tried to do the right thing via proper channels and methods. But I have been ignored mostly by Mayor Sean Wright and that is a serious mistake if you are an elected official. I have lived here and have served the public for well over 45 years now and will not be quiet when wrongs just go ignored and swept under the carpet. Sean Wright has been a great disappointment to me and many others. I did vote for him before based upon what he promised to do for the public. That was a mistake that I have since learned.

Remember, I tried it the right way, but Mayor Wright and the others just want it to remain unspoken and unheard of. Well, they can read about it in a published expose very soon. I wonder what his and the others’ excuses will be? No, Mayor Sean Wright in particular is not any kind of real leader, not a unifier, now one to not divide, and overall needs to go away and back to his private practice.

Do not vote for him, or any others who come forth with false campaign and false personal promises. Antioch is in a mess, financially and services wise also. This is the opportunity for true change and Antioch sorely needs it. Do not waste your vote on empty shells of political false opportunists.
Stay tuned ladies and gentlemen the near future published information will awaken even the dead.

Ralph Hernandez


Third challenger with education background runs for Antioch School Board in Area 1

Tuesday, September 15th, 2020

Alexis Medina. Photo from her campaign Facebook page.

By Allen Payton

There’s a fourth candidate running for the Antioch School Board in Area 1 and the third to challenge incumbent Diane Gibson-Gray in this year’s elections. On her campaign Facebook page, Alexis Medina writes she’s an “Experienced Program Coordinator, Classroom Educator, and Instructional Coach. Proud parent of an AUSD student.”

According to her website, Medina “has over 15 years’ experience in K-12, as an afterschool program coordinator, classroom teacher, and instructional coach. Research based culturally responsive decision making and relationship building with students, parents, and school staff have been daily practices for her in these roles. She is also the proud parent of an AUSD student. She enjoys visiting local historical sites, museums, and libraries.”

According to her LinkedIn profile, Medina worked as an Instructional Coach, Secondary Social Science and ELA/ELD for the Pittsburg Unified School District from August 2016 through August 2019. Prior to that she worked as a teacher for Making Waves Academy in Richmond,  a 5th-12th grade public charter school focused on historically underserved and socio-economically disadvantaged students. In previous positions Medina worked as a Program Coordinator for the Redwood City-based Bring Me A Book Foundation and as a Community Organizer and Health Educator for the Peace Corps.

In that role, Medina writes she, “Led (an) eight-week professional development series alongside the Regional Teacher Leadership Team for 230 primary school teachers on developing lessons addressing varied instructional needs. Designed and led pre-service training 35 Peace Corps trainees in pedagogy i.e. classroom management, basic lesson planning, adult education, multiple intelligences, experiential learning, and the Swaziland school system. Designed and conducted workshops for over 70 pre-school community caregivers and primary school teachers on basic pedagogy and sustainable teaching resources. Secured and managed logistic and grant funding for community events.”

In three previous positions she worked as a high school teacher in in a variety of subjects including world history, psychology, and sociology, a middle school reading tutor, and an after-school care leader for K-3 students.

Also, on her campaign website, Medina shares the reason she’s running writing, “ I remember our excitement earlier this year as we visited the dual immersion program at John Muir Elementary School. The classroom decorated with brightly colored flags from Latin America and student art for Black History Month signaling that this was a place where my child’s cultural identity would be affirmed. The teachers were enthusiastic, but also very clear that the program was limited, repeatedly advising that we get registered early.

A week later, I rushed to my school of record, receiving the vital time stamp on my paperwork. I had undertaken the research and action required to ensure that my child had access to culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy in a safe and culturally affirming environment, yet was left powerless to the odds, hoping there would be room for us in the program.

Programs like dual immersion should not come down to a foot race for a time stamp but instead should be thoughtfully planned for and strengthened. I am running because AUSD students, parents, and staff deserve a transparent asset-based community development approach to planning and governance. I will work with the community to strengthen culturally responsive practices, community partnerships and civic learning opportunities.”

To learn more about Medina’s campaign, contact her at


Meet candidates for Antioch mayor and city council at The Red Caboose each Saturday Sept 19-Oct 17

Monday, September 14th, 2020

Protest sign attacking Antioch Mayor with drawings of hooded Klan members, swastikas being made for Saturday march

Saturday, September 12th, 2020

Sign making party

Posted by Shagoofa Khan on Friday, September 11, 2020

See 1:26 mark for shot of campaign sign with Klansmen and swastikas. Video from Shagoofa Khan’s Facebook page. 

“The hate and the outrageous attacks must stop” – Mayor Sean Wright says – calls on opponent, Councilman Thorpe to denounce his supporter’s actions, Thorpe declines

By Allen Payton

On Saturday, Antioch Mayor Sean Wright’s campaign for re-election issued a press release stating, “Referring to a sign making party Facebook video post in preparation for a protest in Antioch, today Mayor Sean Wright expressed outrage over a sign highlighted in the video which says ‘I’m Sean Wright I approve of this message’ and depicts people in Klan hoods wearing swastikas.

Screenshot of video showing protester Lacey Brown drawing a poster with images of Klansmen and swastikas. Source: Wright for Mayor campaign.

The post was made by Shagoofa Khan, one of the recent hunger strikers at the Antioch Police Facility, and supporter of Wright’s opponent, Antioch Councilman Lamar Thorpe. In the video (see link above), Khan pans to a sign being drawn by protester Lacey Brown which includes three characters Klan hoods and swastikas saying, “Hers is really nice.”

“I support all peaceful protest against all forms of racism, but blasting me with drawings of hooded Klan members and swastikas is absolutely uncalled for,” said Wright, who is in the middle of his campaign for re-election as Antioch Mayor.

“This has gone way too far,” he added.

A section of Thorpe’s campaign flier. Source: Wright for Mayor campaign.

Khan is prominently featured in Thorpe’s campaign brochure entitled “Leadership that Listens” as one of the women leaders supporting his campaign.

Screenshot of Shagoofa Khan video posted on her Facebook page on Friday, Sept. 11, 2020.

Wright called on Thorpe to immediately denounce Khan’s actions. “If my opponent is listening and promoting individuals who condone the use of Klan garb and swastikas, that says a lot about his character.” Wright stated. “I am extremely concerned for the future of Antioch.”

Khan said her sign will read, “Brooks hires crooks,” referring to Antioch Police Chief T Brooks. Another sign that can be seen in the video reads ACAB which is an acronym for all cops are bastards.

When asked about her sign and if the characters are Klansmen wearing white hoods, Brown admitted, “That’s what those are.” Asked why and if she really thinks Wright is a Klansman or White Supremacist she responded, “I think he knew exactly what he was doing with that email and who he was targeting. (She was referring to a previous email sent out Wednesday by Wright’s campaign about the protest at his chiropractic offices on Tuesday night. See related article) You do realize that was not only a political call to action but also a call to action for violence that he could blame on his mayoral opponent with plausible deniability? I don’t have reason to believe Sean is in the KKK himself, but he certainly condones white supremacy to run rampant in his town and harnesses their fears to benefit politically. You and I may disagree on that, but he is an enabler and even a catalyst to racism in this City.”

When reached for comment Thorpe refused to denounce Khan’s comments or the message on Brown’s poster.

Protest graphic from Facebook promo.

He responded, “These things have nothing to do with me or my campaign. What I am happy to see is that my opponent finally has a point of view. He hasn’t had a point of view on homelessness, he hasn’t had a point of view on growing jobs, and he hasn’t had a point of view on police reform. It’s not that I’m running against him, it’s he hasn’t come to work in four years.”

Wright was given the opportunity to respond but chose not to before publication time. Please check back later for any response or update to this report.

Today’s protest march entitled, “White Supremacy Out of Antioch” is supported by a coalition of mainly out of town organizations including Richmond-based Together We Stand (see their website, East Bay Resistance based in southern Alameda County (see their Facebook page) which, according to their webpage, supports both defunding and abolishing the police, Empact based in the Sacramento area, Bay Area Grassroots, whose founder and executive director is Antioch resident Michael James,

Protest promo on the Together We Stand Facebook page.

also one of the six former hunger strikers, and Brown’s Antioch-based group Justice Advocates & Resources of East County of which Khan is a member. She is not part of Together We Stand as was stated in Wright’s campaign press release.

On the Together We Stand Facebook page announcing today’s protest it reads, “Antioch has a long history of racism and white supremacy. With a long history of racist incidents, the Antioch PD’s hiring of Michael Mallone (sic) a former SFPD cop who quit while facing disciplinary action after the shooting death of Luis-Gongora Pat, and the recent decision by the school board to put cops in schools for the first time, it is CLEAR that now more than ever we need to take a stand! Join us as we work with local organizers from Justice Advocacy and Resources of east county and local residents who need our help to affect change in this community.”

The protest is scheduled to begin at 4 PM at City Park in Antioch at the corner of A and W. 10th Streets with a march to the Antioch Police Facility at 300 L Street to meet up with the protesters who were on a hunger strike but are claiming to occupy the area until their demands are met that Officer Mellone be fired, Corporal Steve Aiello, president of the Antioch Police Officers Association step down from his position for a controversial comment on Facebook, and that the mayor hold another community forum on police reform and race relations. (See related article)

Join Antioch School Board Area 1 candidate George Young for breakfast Saturdays in September

Friday, September 11th, 2020


Voter’s Edge Nonpartisan Guide from League of Women Voters can help you get the facts before you vote

Friday, September 11th, 2020

The League of Women Voters of California Education Fund and MapLight have launched Voter’s Edge, an unbiased online guide to elections covering federal, state, and local races in California. Voter’s Edge provides top-to-bottom ballot and campaign finance information in one easy-to-use site.

Using Voter’s Edge, you can:

  • Access your entire ballot by entering your address.
  • Get in-depth information on candidates, measures, and who supports them.
  • Read explanations of ballot measures along with who supports, opposes, and funds them.
  • Find out where, when, and how to vote, including local polling locations and vote centers.
  • Keep track of your choices and save them for Election Day
  • Access a Spanish language version of the website.

How does it work? Enter your zip code and your street address to access your complete ballot. Your address information is confidential. We are nonpartisan, nonprofit, and do not sell information. Privacy policy.

Six end hunger strike in Antioch demanding firing of one officer, resignation of officers’ association leader

Wednesday, September 9th, 2020

Hunger strikers and other protesters set up a camp site in front of the Antioch Police Facility on L Street.

Protest continues; mayor claims supporters used “intimidation tactic” at his work office, pounding on door before and during council meeting; blames Thorpe for protests; Thorpe denies

Last night we realized we could starve and die on this lawn and our demands wouldn’t be met and no change would happen as a result of our deaths,” – Lacey Brown, protester and former hunger striker

By Allen Payton

Calling themselves the “#6Forced2Strike”, a group of Antioch residents have decided to give up their hungry strike on day six of the protest in front of the Antioch Police Facility. But they still want their demands met of the “immediate termination” of Antioch Police Officer Michael Mellone who shot and killed a homeless man in April 2016, while he was on the San Francisco Police force. They are also demanding Antioch Police Officers Association President Corporal Steve Aiello step down from that position for a comment he wrote on Facebook about an open hand slap of a protester as an acceptable response to being flipped off in the face. He later publicly apologized. (See related article).

The strikers and protesters demands of the Mayor and City Council.

Mellone was facing discipline in summer 2019 following a three-and-a-half-year investigation by both the SFPD Internal Affairs Division (IAD), which recommended a 10-day suspension, and the Department of Police Accountability (DPA), a citizen-staffed local governmental agency, which is overseen by the San Francisco Police Commission, also a volunteer citizen body. According to their website, the DPA “receives, investigates and makes findings on civilian complaints of on-duty misconduct by sworn members of the San Francisco Police Department. Yet, in one of the most liberal cities in America, the citizens in charge of police oversight only recommended Mellone be suspended for 45-days, not that he be fired.

According to multiple news reports, Mellone was not facing discipline for his lethal use of force in the death of Luis Gongora Pat, but for escalating the situation and his non-lethal use of a bean bag gun. Gongora Pat was shot four times with bean bags, yet still lunged at Mellone and his sergeant at the time, using a large kitchen knife. Gongora Pat had a high level of methamphetamine in his system at the time.

In addition, the San Francisco District Attorney cleared Mellone and his sergeant and justified the officer’s use of deadly force.

Mellone was also promoted to sergeant during the time between the shooting in 2016 and August 2019, when he left the SFPD and was hired, again by the Antioch Police Department. He had previously worked for APD until 2013. The investigation in San Francisco was not closed until December 2019

As previously reported by the Herald, Mayor Sean Wright called for Antioch’s own investigation into the shooting of Gongora Pat by Mellone. Antioch Police Chief T Brooks said that an outside investigator was hired to review the 1,800 pages of documents from the San Francisco investigation.

Brooks said on Tuesday that the Antioch investigation continues and didn’t give a date for when it will be completed. Asked if he had given the investigators a date certain to complete their work, he responded, “No. I want them to do a thorough investigation.”

The strikers’ additionally, “Demand the community and its selected representatives (unaffiliated with the City of Antioch & its government) have a seat at the table for the continuation of the ‘Bridging the Gap’ forum during which a third-party facilitator will be assisting with the discussion. We demand that this meeting happen within the next 30 days.”

According to Mayor Wright, the next city council forum on police reform and race relations has been in the works already for either later this month or next month, once the city finalizes hiring a moderator, selected through a Request for Proposal (RFP) process. He and Councilman Lamar Thorpe serve on the council-appointed subcommittee working on the forums.

Council Meeting Public Comments

Several people submitted comments which were read by city staff at the beginning of the Tuesday night council meeting, almost all of them supporting those on the hunger strike and their demands.

Antioch resident Lacey Brown, who referred to herself as one of the hunger strikers, said about Wright, “We also saw he wrote that we were holding him hostage in his office. I feel it shocking that you would say such a lie. We have been calling you and you haven’t responded. We call you Sean ‘No Comment’ Wright. People are coming by and in your name harassing us. I’m completely shocked. If you want more come on down and talk to us.”

Mayor Wright’s post on his campaign FB page 09-08-20.

She was referring to a post by Wright on his Antioch Mayor Sean Wright Facebook page at 7:08 p.m. during the council meeting in which he was participating from his chiropractic office in Antioch. He wrote, “I am being harassed right now and held hostage in the building where I work. Protesters are banging on my door and yelling at the top of their lungs. I can’t even get my notes out of my car. I am afraid. This is not how democracy should work. If you want to change a policy, you don’t threaten and intimidate people. Nor do you hold them hostage. This is wrong.”

That post had reached over 22,000 people on Facebook as of 10 p.m. Tuesday night.

Michael Samson, running for Walnut City Council also spoke during the public comments period of the Antioch City Council

“I got to admit there was a lot of tension in the air, because of those threats that have been posted or are circulating,” he said of those involved with the hunger strike. “Every time a car would drive by there would be tension. There really is a legitimate threat out there. The inaction in response to a really, bold and courageous protest is really upsetting to me. These are people who are protesting for public safety. We have to recognize that the police are part of the problem. The fact that Officer Mellone is still on the Antioch Police force is making your city less safe.”

Julio Mendez, candidate for Mayor of Antioch, wrote, “Do the right thing. The Mellone decision reflects poorly on our city and the APD. This is time for the good ones to step up. These strikers are committed, and the world is watching.”

Someone named Jeff wrote, “If people want to go hungry that’s on them. They won’t starve. Don’t bow down to these unreasonable threats.”

A faded “End Police Brutality” message was written in chalk on L Street in front of the APD Facility.

Hunger Strike Latest in Series of Antioch Protests

The effort to pressure Mayor Wright and council members to meet their demand of firing Mellone has been occurring since protests began earlier this year, including at City Hall, in which city employees were blocked from entering and required police to form a blockade to give them access to the building, and at council members’ homes. A video was shared on social media of protesters at Mayor Pro Tem Joy Motts’ home demanding she support a two-council member ad hoc committee, instead of having all five council members participate in the forums.

Most of those involved are recent graduates of high schools in Antioch over the past five years, based on self-identifying in their public comments during council and school board meetings. One of the leaders of the effort is Shagoofa Khan, a 2018 Antioch Youth of the Year, the same year she graduated from Dozier-Libbey Medical High School and ran unsuccessfully for the Antioch School Board. She ran on a slate with Householder. Khan is also one of the former six hunger strikers.

“The bureaucracy makes it slow,” Thorpe said during the council committee reports, explaining the delay in holding the second community forum.

On the matter of Aiello and Mellone he said, “from my perspective, it’s not our place to get into the affairs of the local police union. That’s their choice. Regards to the Mellone investigation, I’ve grown quite frustrated and want to get information back on that.”

“The investigation of Officer Mellone has been going on a long time. I’d like to get a report on that,” Motts added, echoing Thorpe’s comment.

Regarding the community forums on public safety and race relations she added more explanation for the delay saying, “We decided on June 30th to send out an RFP to hire a moderator. We formed a subcommittee of Mayor Wright and Councilmember Thorpe.”

Wright Responds, Tells About Protest

Wright responded to the comments by Lacey Brown about the protest at his private office, explaining why he had left the meeting and turned off his Zoom camera, at one point.  He said, “about 30 minutes before this meeting, as I tried to prepare, individuals came to my office and were pounding on my door for about an hour. When I opened the door, they had their phones ready to record. When I had my phone ready to record, they all scattered.”

“It was an intimidation tactic that they used,” he continued. “That’s what took place. No lies. The video is the video. I just don’t think this is politics. It is what it is. But I just don’t think it’s right. I have called people and talked, I’m happy to have conversations with people. They can send me emails. But I haven’t received those emails.”

Crys Sandiforth wrote a comment below Wright’s Facebook post confirming his account, “I was in the building. This was intense and out of hand. There is a way to dialogue safely and respectfully for both sides. This was not it.”

When reached for comment about the matter, Antioch Police Chief T Brooks responded, “Officers were dispatched to a group of people creating a disturbance at the mayor’s chiropractic office. Officers contacted approximately 12 people who agreed to leave the area and not return. No further action was taken.”

“No one was arrested,” he added.

Antioch Council District 3 candidate, Antwon Webster also commented on Wright’s Facebook page writing, “I’m glad that no one got injured. In today’s climate, we are smothered in Protest, Pandemic, and Wildfires. When is enough, enough? How much negativity can we continue to breath? It’s time for everyone to just come together and leave hatred behind. The sight of all this anger is just so disgusting. How about we try something new. Constructive dialogue….a conversation that clears up uncertainty or lack of understanding. It’s time Antioch…it’s time to move Antioch forward.”

Wright later shared that a man knocked on his office door, and he walked out to his outer office saying, “I’m looking for a chiropractor. I told him I was closed. I’m not taking patients. There were more people were in the hallway and they started banging on the door and using a bullhorn. Had I opened the door I assumed they would have rushed in.”

Hunger Strikers Share Their Side, Answer Questions

Meeting with a few of those staging the protest at the APD Facility, two of them spoke with the Herald, Shagoofa Khan and Lacey Brown.

Asked about the protest at Mayor Wright’s office, Brown said, “there were less than 10 protesters at his office, last night.” Asked if either of them were there, they said “no.”

Asked if they aware that the mayor, city council, nor city manager have the authority to fire a police officer and only the chief does, Brown responded simply, “well aware of it.”
“You have killer cops, here and we’re letting them stay on the force,” interjected a masked woman who wouldn’t give her name, wasn’t one of the hunger strikers but was there to support them. She was very upset because she said her son had been beaten by Antioch Police in front of her in 2014.

Asked why they were calling for Mellone’s resignation instead of facing the same discipline recommended by the authorities in San Francisco including the citizen-run DPA, of a 45-day suspension, in one of the most liberal cities in America, Brown responded, “If Mellone had stayed in San Francisco and taken his 45-day suspension we would have been outside the DA’s protesting for him to be fired.”

They were next asked if they were aware of the 1,800 pages of documents and that the mayor had called for the investigation into Mellone, and that it took the investigation in San Francisco three-and-a-half years before the recommended discipline.

“We are not out here ignorant of the case or ignorant of the process,” Brown stated.

How long are you willing to wait for the actions that you’re wanting done, they were then asked.

“If we have a violent police officer on the streets for three-and-a-half years how much damage could they do while waiting for the report to be completed?” asked Brown.

She spoke of the need for a different process for dealing with police officers stating, “I do believe Antioch should have a citizens oversight committee because there aren’t wearing body cameras.”

“For a precedent to be set something has to be done the first time,” Brown explained about the protests happening in Antioch, this year. “We are not satisfied with the processes that are in place. We are asking for all the city leaders…to brainstorm for a new situation.”

“This is the first hunger strike in Antioch, ever,” Khan added.

“The problem with leaders in Antioch is they think that complaining about one cop we’re vilifying the entire police force,” Brown shared.

“Every time we encounter a cop, they think we hate the entire force,” Khan said. “It’s not that we hate APD, hate Chief Tammany Brooks, we want accountability. When we as citizens do something wrong, we either go to jail or get a ticket. But when a cop does something wrong there’s no accountability.”

“You have a lot of young people who are frustrated,” said the lady in the mask. “You have older people who are tired. They have to sit in pain in silence. If the police do something, it’s covered up. They pay the families out of a civil suit. Mellone killed that man. That money can’t bring him back.”

Hunger Strike Ends

Asked if they were still on their hunger strike, in the light of boxes of pizza sitting on the table nearby, and if they had been rotating with some staying on site and others going home to sleep and eat, as someone claimed in a comment on Facebook, Brown responded, “For six days there were six people all on a hunger strike, juice and water, zero calorie drinks. Last night we realized we could starve and die on this lawn and our demands wouldn’t be met and no change would happen as a result of our deaths.”

“So, we will continue to occupy this space and others will continue to join us,” she added.

“Our thoughts are in the emails sent,” Brown continued. “We said we understand no one entity can bring about these changes.”

Opposition & Support

Post on the Richmond-based Together We Stand Facebook page.

As this reporter was on the scene a young man in a truck drove by and flipped off the protesters and said “f… you”. Then turned around and drove back the other direction and repeated his comment and gestures.

Both Khan and Brown laughed and said that was nothing, as they had experienced greater opposition, both on social media and in persion, including threats of violence.

“Do the world a favor and shoot yourself in the face” Khan said someone wrote.

“Two others drove by and said that in a group chat it’s being discussed that they were planning to come in the middle of the night and ‘f… us up’,” Brown stated. “I asked if that included murder and rape. He said, all options were open. He said he would know when they were done when he saw ambulances at the scene.”

However, Brown and Khan wanted to point out the support they had received.

“There have been literally 100’s of people who have dropped off food, water, supplies, pop-ups, blankets,” Khan shared.

“We had 30 people who have watched us while we slept,” Brown stated. “The neighbors have even offered help, if we need to run to their house for shelter.”

More Questions & Answers

They were also asked since they’re calling for the resignation of Corporal Aiello from his position as APOA President for his comments on social media, even after he had apologized, will they also call for Ellie Householder’s resignation for her comments on social media against fellow Antioch School Board trustee, Mary Rocha?

“I believe that they were different,” Brown responded. “If you read Ellie Householder’s tweets, she didn’t actually justify any violence against Mary (Rocha) or Diane (Gibson-Gray). They lied. People did stand behind Diane’s car. But no one hit them. People were blocking the doors.”

Wright Blames Thorpe for Protests in Email

Brown mentioned an email sent out by Wright’s campaign on Wednesday blaming Thorpe for the protests. The Herald also received the email.

Wright wrote, “Last night was a turning point for me. Protesters surrounded my chiropractic office last night (thank God my last patient had already left), banging on my door and windows and yelling at the top of their lungs. I had to call the police. This isn’t how democracy should work – not through intimidation, bullying and fear. (See my Facebook post, below)

I wholeheartedly support peaceful protest as the cornerstone of our free society, but that is not what was happening last night. Come to find out, most of these same protesters who have pitched tents in front of the Antioch Police Department aren’t even from Antioch. They go city-to-city intimidating elected officials, not asking, but MAKING DEMANDS. (They came from Lodi and next are going to protest in El Cerrito.)

And they were coaxed here by my opponent, Lamar Thorpe, to forward his agenda and to “stir things up” in our city in the hope you will elect him as your next Mayor.

What is especially disturbing … is how Mr. Thorpe is USING these young protesters, to do his own dirty work while he stays quiet as the man behind the curtain. Now, they’re on a hunger strike and, please take my word for this, if anything happens to even one of these young protesters (regardless of where they come from), my opponent will be the one to answer to our community.

Antioch has had enough of this chaos and it’s time we stand up and take our community back. EMAIL ME HERE and let me know if you’ll join me.

Dr. Sean Wright – Antioch Mayor

Asked if Thorpe is behind their protest as Wright and other people are claiming, Brown responded, “Not only does Lamar Thorpe get blamed for everything he gets credit for everything including my non-profit organization, Justice Advocates and Resources of East County.”

“That was obvious from the way he dismissed us, last night,” Khan said. “Not just Lamar, but none of the city council acknowledged us. The Chief (Brooks) hasn’t acknowledged us.”

Asked if he had seen or heard about Wright’s email, Thorpe responded, “Yes, I read his nonsense. While he’s busy trying to turn me into the ‘boogeyman’, I’m going to focus on telling voters about what I’ve done as a council member and what I plan to do as their next mayor.”

Asked if he was responsible for the protests he responded simply, “No.”

Back to the issue of their protest, Brown said, “I don’t think it would be unreasonable for the mayor or the city council to say, ‘I share your concerns’.”

“The stuff we’re doing is for a conversation for change,” Khan stated.

“This isn’t our first action,” Brown pointed out. “This is an escalated thing.”

The protest continues at the Antioch Police Facility, but now, it’s no longer a hunger strike.

Op-Ed: Actions speak louder than words – campaign season begins

Monday, September 7th, 2020

By John Crowder

Today is Labor Day.  It’s a day to celebrate the workers of America, those who have helped our country to become the greatest nation on earth by showing up every day and getting the job done…whatever that job might be.

Labor Day also marks a political milestone.  It is the unofficial start to campaign season, as those running for elected office ramp up operations to get their message out to voters.

Unfortunately, now more than ever, it is also the time when disinformation, lies, and omissions are pushed on social media and on “news” programs.

We have already seen this with the latest smear of President Donald Trump in a recent magazine article.  In the article, it is claimed that the president is disdainful of veterans, and that he made remarks indicating such.  Those pushing this ridiculous narrative ignore the fact that several people who were present where this supposedly took place have said the story is false, and that people with no love lost for Trump have discussed the event in depth and provided a completely different story.

The sad fact is, leftists in this country hate the president, hate America, hate law enforcement, and, if you support any of them, they hate you.  They also hate the military, which makes the narrative they are pushing even more absurd, as they stake their claim for righteous indignation.

But we do not need to wonder who to believe.  As the adage states, “Actions speak louder than words.”  When you hear statements…and you’ll hear a lot more of them…about the president saying this or that, stop for a moment, and consider the actions of those making the claims, and compare them with the actions of the president.

President Trump has been the greatest friend to men and women who are serving, and who have served, in the military that they have ever had.  Just a few of his accomplishments include:

  • Supporting military spouses with increased job opportunities
  • Supporting veterans’ access to educational opportunities, including online classes and STEM
  • Dramatically improving the quality of care at the Veterans Administration
  • Investing heavily in rebuilding the American military
  • Signing into law the largest military pay raise in a decade

Trump’s opponents also have a record.  A record of lying to a FISA court to obtain bogus warrants on members of Trump’s campaign team (including veterans), a record of lying about a “Russian conspiracy,” a record of lying about, and impeaching the president on, the Ukraine hoax, lying about Trump statements, and running a nonstop “orange man bad” narrative with their propaganda arm, the mainstream media.

Behind this latest nefarious hoax are two things.  First, as I have already mentioned, is an intense hatred of the president and those that support him.  Second, a desire to put doubt in the mind of Trump supporters, those who can see with their own eyes what the president has done for them, and to suppress their votes.

So, no matter what you hear over the next two months, remember the adage, “Actions speak louder than words,” then take a minute to look at what actions each side has taken.  Your choice will be clear.

Crowder is a former reporter for the Herald.