Archive for the ‘Letters to the Editor’ Category

Writer offers two ways to reduce crime in Antioch, will boycott businesses until then

Sunday, August 11th, 2013

Dear Editor:

Recent news stories make it perfectly clear: it is not safe to conduct business in Antioch. Doesn’t matter who allowed all the rotten people into town – they’re here. So, now what?

I recommend: 1. Concealed Carry Permits for all qualifying residents. 2. Armed guards posted in front of all businesses.

According to, there are 150 registered sex offenders in town. With all due respect to law enforcement, officers cannot be everywhere, all the time. Furthermore, continually raising taxes to hire more police will only serve to drive away law-abiding citizens. That is not what you want.

Until the City of Antioch allow its citizens permits to carry and posts guards at all businesses, I will shop elsewhere; I will encourage all my fellow Antioch residents to do the same.

Anne Ray


Letter writer wants hit-and-run driver to know her husband died as a result of accident in Antioch in May

Friday, August 9th, 2013

Dear Editor:

This is written to the woman who caused the wreck in the Target parking lot on May 22nd of this year. I don’t know your name because no one bothered to get it, the police did not come to make an accident report either – thank you Antioch – and you just drove away!

My husband died from this accident! I know you drive a White Dodge Ram lifted pickup. My husband had just left the Dress Barn where he had been doing me a favor, was getting ready to leave the parking lot, when you came around from another side, in his lane. He tried to get away from you as you were bearing down on him. He tried to get off his motorcycle (bike) and get out of the way. It was not a single person accident as the police were reporting; it is called a non-contact collision! The bike fell on his leg and crushed it. He told me you got out of your truck and stood there watching, while he laid there screaming. We have been married 37 years and it is the first time I ever heard him scream.

Yes, he called and left a horrifying message on our phone. I want you to know what the consequences of your actions were. Roy Adams was the father of 10 kids and grandfather of 23, great grandfather of 9. His greatest honor was to ride with the Patriot Guard and Warriors Watch, honoring our fallen and serving military families and heroes. He served this country for eight years, himself. He was a very safe rider and would never have fallen off his bike. He was healthy and never sick a day in his life, took no medications and had all his body parts except a gall bladder. He was a big strong man who loved his family beyond measure and did more service for people than anyone I ever saw! He was a God loving Christian, went to church every Sunday, paid his tithing and kept the commandments.

It took him a month to die, it was horrible and painful, taking his eyesight and his leg; causing two strokes the last one being massive because he was on blood thinners to prevent more blood clots caused by the severe fracture of his left leg. He begged me to help him get relief from the pain. My saddest regret is that I could not. We have always had each others’ back, but I could not help him, this time. The damage was too great.

I know you walked away and left him there to be taken to the hospital, I don’t think you even called 911. Another woman came out of the parking lot and did that. Now, I am left to deal with the aftermath. I have no accident report and so could not get a lawyer.

We just had to lose one of the most important persons in our lives, and believe me it has changed our lives forever. I just wanted you to know what your negligence caused.

Mrs. Rose Adams (now a widow), Knightsen

Letter writer thanks Antioch July 4th Celebration sponsors

Monday, July 15th, 2013

Dear Editor:

Citizens of Antioch, pat yourselves on the back….. you made the family-friendly Antioch Fourth of July Parade and Fireworks again happen and once again be a smashing success!!! With many small donations swelling the total, we raised over $60,000 to pay the tab and the crowd was huge, appreciative and respectful.

This year we conclusively proved that the 2012 model was not a fluke and that this event could be pulled off privately. In fact, the Committee was so inspired that we formed a 501c3 non-profit, Celebrate Antioch Foundation, for permanency. There is hope that we can bring back Holiday-delites and incorporate the Veterans Day Parade under this umbrella, and other events, as well.

Special thanks to Wayne Harrison for his tireless Chairmanship; to Allen Payton for handling the fireworks arrangements, signs, printing and advertising; and to Joy Motts and Martha Parson for spearheading fund-raising. Committee members Bill Cook, Sue Davis, Tim Forrester, Jessica Green, Louise Green, Carole Harrison, Connie Kumar, Earlene and Jim Lanter, Frank Rundall, Alma Townsend, Jeff Warrenburg and Velma Wilson all played key roles.

Sponsoring the fireworks were Supervisor Federal Glover and NRG Energy; the Parade, Sharon Beswick and the Beswick Family Fund; and overall logistical support, the City of Antioch.

Platinum sponsors were Macy’s, Allied Waste, Arts & Cultural Foundation of Antioch, Kiwanis Club of the Delta-Antioch and the Antioch Herald.

Gold sponsors were the Contra Costa County Building & Construction Trades Council, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local #312, Mike’s Auto Body, VFW Post #6435 and the Leo Fontana Family.

Silver sponsors were the Gloria Martin Family, Strategic Threat Management, Antioch Education Association, Antioch Rotary Club, Monthly Grapevine, Brentwood Press, Tony Keslinke Family, Christ Embassy East Bay church, Pegnim & Ivancich, LLP, Delta RC, Rivertown Screenprinting, Paradise Skate, Sno Shack, Martha & Joe Goralka and the New Beer Garden.

Bronze sponsors were Pinky’s Klassy Car Wash, Antioch Woman’s Club, eTranzUSA, NAACP East County Branch, Rick’s on Second, Delta Advocacy Foundation, Rivertown Garden Club, Fidelis Advertising, Mayor Wade Harper, Mayor Pro Tem Mary Rocha, Councilman Gary & Robin Agopian, Councilwoman Monica Wilson and Councilman Tony Tiscareno.

Gratitude to all. Perhaps we’ll see you on our Facebook page or on and see you for sure at America’s 2014 birthday bash.

Walter Ruehlig, Member

Antioch July 4th Celebration Committee

Letter writer disagrees with Zimmerman verdict

Sunday, July 14th, 2013

Dear Editor:

It seems no one would expect justice in Florida anymore and this is sending a wrong signal that Florida is becoming a Banana Republic.

I was appalled to hear the not guilty verdict of George Zimmerman when he had confessed getting out of his car to follow Trayvon Martin.He had a premonition that the boy was no good and at the end of the day, he took his life.

The case was already controversial from the onset as Zimmerman was not arrested or charged for several days. What kind of dysfunctional criminal justice system are we embracing in this country?

Ultimately, no amount of punishment will bring back Trayvon, but this is another hard slap on the face of the deceased boy’s parents.

This is the same Florida that found Casey Anthony not guilty with all the catalog of evidences against her. The family of Trayvon Martin has been let down by the criminal justice system, once again.

John Tanwani


Writer thanks BART management

Sunday, July 7th, 2013

Dear Editor:

I think last week’s strike by BART employees helped riders to experience the commitment and care the management has.

As a regular rider to and from work in SF, I was perplexed at first when the news of the greedy employees came to light but the management made life easier by providing free charter buses from Walnut Creek BART station and other stations. This act was great and I never missed work or got to work late during the five-day strike.

I also hope the greedy employees will be grateful to have job and one of them said he merely made $61,000 last year. How many people with Bachelor’s degree and hefty student loans make $61,000 a year? Such comments took away my sympathy, and besides, many of the station agents are just there for nothing because I have witnessed some rude attitudes from some.

Thank you BART management and please recruit new dependable employees within the 30-day window.

John Tanwani, Antioch

Letter writer thanks Councilman Tiscareno for his assistance

Sunday, July 7th, 2013

Dear Editor:

There are many heroes among us but you rarely have an opportunity to meet them and you rarely ever hear the stories of those that have for years committed themselves to serving others in various capacities in their local communities. Well, approximately 6 weeks ago, I was in a bind and I searched through my archives of namesakes to see if I could find the best person to help me. The person that ended up helping me was not the first on my list to call.

My dilemma: One day, I made an agreement with a youth that if he worked diligently to improve his behaviors that he could earn an object of his choice after a set amount of time. Well, he is a 49’ers fan and he decided that he wanted memorabilia from the 49’ers. I thought no problem, you obtained an object for another student from his favorite team, and you can do it again. I bargained with this student to try and change his mind for various other objects and he had his mind and heart set on something from the SF 49’ers from earlier decades. So, I went about the process the normal way and I made phone calls so that I could obtain the object of my student’s affection the same as I had done in the past. Well, hit a wall and I was stuck! Literally, stuck! Panic did not set in yet as I had not exhausted all of my contacts.

I was going about the task in the normal way of gathering donations that was easy for me. Mind you, I was becoming a pest to some but that did not bother me as I was determined to find the object…any object from the 49’ers. Meanwhile, I was reaching the 3rd month of the agreement and the student was losing faith that I would not come through. I reminded him to be positive, continue to work hard and to not give up on his dream object. He replied: “OK” but it was not a confident OK. A few times, he gave me permission to forget about it. I knew that this student had experienced many disappointments in his life and I was not going to become another disappointment to him so I continued my quest.

I had a Plan B, but I did not want to use it and I had an aha moment! I was in my office thinking and reflecting and this one individual popped in my head out of the blue. I informed the student that I think I know someone that might be able to help me. His face lit up and he became excited and he wanted to listen in while I contacted this individual. Of course, I returned him back to class and instead made a second promise (yikes!) to make the phone call. The student became skeptical again and I made my phone call in faith.

This individual that I called grew up in Antioch and has a long and consistent history of supporting youth and community events. I remember a few years ago seeing him at the City Council meetings, intently involved on major issues that concerned the Antioch community. I also remember all of the events for others that required cooks and organizers and he was there for that. Mostly, I am talking about a phone call that I made to him requesting 49’ers memorabilia for my student and he did not hesitate and he responded with: “I will check and call you tonight or tomorrow”. The next day I received a phone call asking when I could come and pick up the object. I was happy and excited! My endless searching would come to an end and my student would get his object and I would remain the same; a person that did not give up on the seemingly almost impossible task of keeping a promise.

Who is this person I am alluding to? It is Tony Tiscareno the citizen that was appointed to the City Council this year. He made one of my students very happy by supplying me with a 49’ers piece of memorabilia that he so freely gave to me from his collection without any hesitation or second thought.

So, I think that if you are not familiar with Mr. Tiscareno, please take the time to chat with him if possible at the next City Council meeting or at the next community event. After all, building individuality in a well cemented seat as a City Council official is no easy feat and I am hoping that when all is said and done that you will come to know Mr. Tiscareno, as I have, a trusted citizen, a good family man, a good friend and someone that is not just another nice guy. I know that Mr. Tiscareno will vote his convictions on the hard issues and be on the side of the people. You never know when you may have to ask someone for support and don’t be surprised if the answers don’t come from people that you have already reached out too. I really appreciate Tony Tiscareno for having a kind heart for youth. In my line of work saying “no” is needed and necessary but this time it was not an option. Thanks Tony!!

Debra Vinson, Antioch

Mayor Harper supports sale of Roddy property to Regional Park District

Saturday, June 22nd, 2013

Dear Editor:

By now most readers have heard that East Bay Regional Parks is going to acquire the Roddy Ranch property from Jack and Donna Roddy. While some people may lament the loss of more housing subdivisions, I for one am delighted by the preservation of the beautiful ranch lands. The economic realities of the market place have created an opportunity for Jack and Donna to choose to preserve their legacy in the form of parklands. I congratulate them and the park district in being able to forge this monumental agreement.

It has been shown that the theory of building subdivision after subdivision would magically create jobs in the future, is faulty logic. When the voters spoke on the Roddy project to include it in the City’s urban limit line, the superior option of having a regional park was not one of the questions.  In my opinion the residents of the entire Northern California area are better served by a regional park under the stewardship of America’s premier park system (East Bay Regional Park District) than by yet another subdivision.

The purchase of Roddy Ranch by East Bay Regional Parks proves that even lands within the urban limit line can be preserved for future generations to enjoy.  With the experience of the successful preservation of Roddy Ranch, I will be urging the community to support maintaining the integrity of the urban limit line.

Wade Harper, Mayor of Antioch

Writer says public should be concerned about police misconduct

Thursday, May 30th, 2013

Dear Editor:

In June, 2010 I personally went to the F.B.I. offices and submitted a written complaint concerning a number of reported police misconduct and suspected criminal activities by CNET’s Commander Norman Wielsch, Agent Louis Lombardi, private investigator Chris Butler used as their drug expert, and some Antioch Police detectives and officers. The complained of events included questioned search warrants raid (and some without search warrants), armed robberies, unaccounted for and stolen personal properties, false imprisonments of victims, violations of civil and constitutional rights, and many other reported and suspected civil and criminal violations by those identified law enforcement officers.

I also had complained about a March, 2008 suspected wrongful shooting death in Antioch due to the ‘Keystone Cops’ style of police raid upon the unarmed and obviously cooperative victim within his residence. CNET’s Commander Norman Wielsch and Agent Louis Lombardi were present in that case also, along with other involved area police officers.

In the spring of 2011, I also personally and in writing complained to the C.C.C. District Attorney, and his two assigned Inspectors/Investigators, providing them (and the F.B.I. as well) thereafter with additional documented questioned incidents, and the victims’ contact information for their assumed investigation purposes.

As part of my written and verbal complaints I also documented my alarm and fear that some future potential taking of innocent lives by some of these unrestrained rogue cops could occur, writing “These suspected rogue Cops must be stopped quickly before any more Victims are added to their suspected ……. scoreboard, and especially before death(s) of innocent civilians enter into their activities!

Lo and behold, in March, 2012 two of those complained of (Antioch detectives/officers) shot and killed an unarmed civilian during their questioned attempted contact of the Victim.

As a result a Federal lawsuit has been filed by the victim’s parents in April, 2013 (Katherine Harvey and Richard Lopez, Sr., vs. Matthew Koch, Joshua Vincelet, City of Antioch, et al, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District, court cases #2:11-cv-01820-LKK-KJN and #C13-1610DMR-ADR) wherein, among other things, millions of dollars are sought from them and the City of Antioch. Under the law’s discovery rules the defendant officers complained of can be identified in these and other unrelated court cases (civil and criminal) via a legal demand from the D.A.’s and F.B.I.’s Offices (whom I had warned and complained to in writing).

From one of those armed home invasion robberies, where over $50,000 in jewelry and cash was reported stolen from the tied up victims (one a pregnant female), one of the stolen expensive watches was later recovered from one of the identified and involved Officer’s home in 2011. No other stolen or unaccounted for property is known to have been recovered since then. And, none of the other reported and identified Officers are known to have been criminally pursued or charged to this day! Why not?

In another of those complained of cases an Antioch business, the owners and employees, were raided by some of these rogue Antioch Police detectives/officers without a search warrant (which was coincidentally later questionably obtained hours later). The owners were arrested, surveillance camera(s) and computer(s) were turned around or off, employees were reported to be falsely imprisoned, and various reported civil and criminal violations occurred (most was captured on the store’s surveillance tapes).

No criminal complaint was ever filed against the victim owners or their business. In the spring of 2011 the victimized owners and other victims filed a Federal lawsuit, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District, against the City of Antioch and the rogue Officers involved (case #CV 11-01502 EMC). That matter is still pending in the legal arena. This is but another example of Taxpayers’ liability as a result of the reported and documented wrongdoing by the out of control rogue Antioch Police Detectives/Officers. To date there are no known criminal charges filed against any of the involved Officers! Why not?

In April, 2011 some victims reported that in August, 2010 some police officers (CNET’s Commander Norman Wielsch was identified as one of them) conducted an armed home invasion robbery of their Antioch residence. One of the most outrageous acts of that raid was making a female resident to completely strip off her clothes, to her bare skin, by an overly aggressive female officer, all in front of an observing male Officer, obviously just to further humiliate and victimize the helpless female resident. The Victims report that not one law enforcement type of contact, inquiry, or investigation has been made, even though this case also was reported to the D.A.’s and F.B.I.’s offices. Why not? Who or what is really being protected? And for what reason?

There are many fine and honest police officers working in our state, county and cities. But, there are some few officers who take it upon themselves to go rogue, with what appears to be no unaccountability to anyone and with some form of blanket insulation and immunity from investigation, arrest, and prosecution. Why? Instead the public should be protected from them! Any other non-Police person who would have done these types of things would have been shortly arrested and criminally charged. But, obviously, not the Police involved in similar questioned and/or criminal acts! What gives? Equal justice and application of the laws? Why not? Where can the public get these latent ‘keep out of jail’ for free immunity from?

CNET’s Commander Norman Wielsch, Agent Louis Lombardi, and private investigator Chris Butler were the only ones arrested and charged in certain limited cases. This is supposed to apparently satisfy the public, making them the obvious scapegoats for what other officers were also present and/or involved in. That is not good enough. Many of these other rogue officers are still out there working as your police officers, with full access to you, the public.

We plan to submit in the future more published details of complained of events, and other very serious matters, that are of great public concern. Are you, the public then just going to take it and allow it to continue? Well, we are not and neither should you.

Ralph A. Hernandez, P.I., Antioch

Aardvark Investigations & Consulting