Letter writer thanks Councilman Tiscareno for his assistance
Dear Editor:
There are many heroes among us but you rarely have an opportunity to meet them and you rarely ever hear the stories of those that have for years committed themselves to serving others in various capacities in their local communities. Well, approximately 6 weeks ago, I was in a bind and I searched through my archives of namesakes to see if I could find the best person to help me. The person that ended up helping me was not the first on my list to call.
My dilemma: One day, I made an agreement with a youth that if he worked diligently to improve his behaviors that he could earn an object of his choice after a set amount of time. Well, he is a 49’ers fan and he decided that he wanted memorabilia from the 49’ers. I thought no problem, you obtained an object for another student from his favorite team, and you can do it again. I bargained with this student to try and change his mind for various other objects and he had his mind and heart set on something from the SF 49’ers from earlier decades. So, I went about the process the normal way and I made phone calls so that I could obtain the object of my student’s affection the same as I had done in the past. Well, hit a wall and I was stuck! Literally, stuck! Panic did not set in yet as I had not exhausted all of my contacts.
I was going about the task in the normal way of gathering donations that was easy for me. Mind you, I was becoming a pest to some but that did not bother me as I was determined to find the object…any object from the 49’ers. Meanwhile, I was reaching the 3rd month of the agreement and the student was losing faith that I would not come through. I reminded him to be positive, continue to work hard and to not give up on his dream object. He replied: “OK” but it was not a confident OK. A few times, he gave me permission to forget about it. I knew that this student had experienced many disappointments in his life and I was not going to become another disappointment to him so I continued my quest.
I had a Plan B, but I did not want to use it and I had an aha moment! I was in my office thinking and reflecting and this one individual popped in my head out of the blue. I informed the student that I think I know someone that might be able to help me. His face lit up and he became excited and he wanted to listen in while I contacted this individual. Of course, I returned him back to class and instead made a second promise (yikes!) to make the phone call. The student became skeptical again and I made my phone call in faith.
This individual that I called grew up in Antioch and has a long and consistent history of supporting youth and community events. I remember a few years ago seeing him at the City Council meetings, intently involved on major issues that concerned the Antioch community. I also remember all of the events for others that required cooks and organizers and he was there for that. Mostly, I am talking about a phone call that I made to him requesting 49’ers memorabilia for my student and he did not hesitate and he responded with: “I will check and call you tonight or tomorrow”. The next day I received a phone call asking when I could come and pick up the object. I was happy and excited! My endless searching would come to an end and my student would get his object and I would remain the same; a person that did not give up on the seemingly almost impossible task of keeping a promise.
Who is this person I am alluding to? It is Tony Tiscareno the citizen that was appointed to the City Council this year. He made one of my students very happy by supplying me with a 49’ers piece of memorabilia that he so freely gave to me from his collection without any hesitation or second thought.
So, I think that if you are not familiar with Mr. Tiscareno, please take the time to chat with him if possible at the next City Council meeting or at the next community event. After all, building individuality in a well cemented seat as a City Council official is no easy feat and I am hoping that when all is said and done that you will come to know Mr. Tiscareno, as I have, a trusted citizen, a good family man, a good friend and someone that is not just another nice guy. I know that Mr. Tiscareno will vote his convictions on the hard issues and be on the side of the people. You never know when you may have to ask someone for support and don’t be surprised if the answers don’t come from people that you have already reached out too. I really appreciate Tony Tiscareno for having a kind heart for youth. In my line of work saying “no” is needed and necessary but this time it was not an option. Thanks Tony!!
Debra Vinson, Antioch
Yawn…. I’ve seen more homeless people on the streets show acts of kindness compared to this letter.