Archive for the ‘History’ Category

Building owner, City working on new, historic mural for 4th Street wall in Antioch’s downtown Rivertown

Tuesday, June 25th, 2024
The historic mural on the W. 4th Street side of the building on the corner of G Street that is being removed will be updated and repainted. Photo by

“We’re going to update it” – Sean McCauley

By Allen D. Payton

Good news for those concerned about the removal of the historic mural on the W. 4th Street side of the building on the corner of G Street in Antioch’s downtown Rivertown.

After reading the Herald article about the mural, Sean McCauley who, with his partner Ron Harrison, owns the building, shared that a new mural would be painted on the building.

“We’re going to update it,” he stated.

“We are working with (Acting City Manager) Kwame (Reed) and (Mayor) Lamar (Hernandez-Thorpe), to redo the mural and to depict a similar and more inclusive scene for the community,” McCauley shared. “Grant funds were secured for this mural and others.”

Asked about the funds for the other murals in Rivertown, specifically the Sesquicentennial mural on the side of the building at 505 W. 2nd Street he said, “The only mural that was in bad shape was the one on W. 4th Street.”

“It wasn’t just the paint. The stucco was failing on the building and has been for years,” McCauley explained. “The building was literally falling off and hitting people.”

“We aren’t going to take the easement off of it,” he continued. “We’re working with Kwame and Brad to get a good mural up there. This is a positive thing for downtown.”

“We tried to get in contact with the muralist (who lives out of state) but she isn’t interested in redoing it,” said McCauley. “We have a muralist we’re working with on our downtown Pittsburg buildings and trying to use the same muralist for this one.”

The design is not done yet but it “will be more inclusive”, he reiterated.

“It’s a $650,000 to $700,000 investment that we’re putting into that G Street block (between W. 3rd and 4th Streets),” McCauley stated. “We’re doing what we can to improve the downtown.”

That includes investments by the two partners purchasing and improving multiple other buildings in Rivertown, including the Salon Suites on W. 4th and I Streets, and bringing several restaurants to the Rivertown Dining District including Smith’s Landing Seafood Grill, Monica’s Riverview, Guadalajara Taqueria, Abuelita’s House Pastries and Peruvian Sandwiches, and Buford’s BBQ.

In addition, Sylvia’s Florist is returning to Antioch and will soon open in McCauley’s building at 101 H Street in the old Casino building next to Waldie Plaza.

Scene inside the phone company office shows two boys outside the window on W. 4th Street. Photo by

UPDATE 1: Original Mural Leader Wants Replacement to be Historically Correct

After reading the article above, former Antioch Councilwoman Elizabeth Rimbault, who was instrumental in leading the effort for the W. 4th Street mural, offered additional information about who it depicted and wants to ensure the replacement is historically correct.

“The original Operators Telephone Office Mural was historically correct for the occupants of the corner office in the 1940’s and 1950’s of downtown Antioch. The people depicted were real and were prominent figures of the time with names and families some still in Antioch,” she shared.

“Bill Friedrickson was the telephone repairman leaning against the truck and in the late 1990’s cleared hundreds of pounds of abandoned phone wires in the attic of the Historical Society Museum when they acquired the Riverview Union High School,” Rimbault continued. “Bob Beswick was a driving force of the community without serving on the city council.”

“When it is stated, the new mural will be more ‘inclusive’, does that mean people will be painted in that were not an employee of the phone company? Or not a resident in 1950? That would constitute revised history which I am sad to say there has been too much of that in Antioch lately in these 2020’s being more politically driven,” she stated. “I suggest that as the Historical Society received all rights, obligations, and remaining funds from the Antioch Friends of the Arts, that the Society be given final say of correctness of all historical facts depicted in the new design of the mural.”

“The boys seen in the window were just children that Char Downs Siska, the artist, painted in. They don’t depict anyone specific,” Rimbault added.

“It should be noted the only murals granting a city easement are W. 4th and G Street and 505 2nd Street. All other murals on private buildings and walls are totally the property owners’ right to choose,” she stated.

UPDATE 2: Mural Leader Suggests Depicting Two Black Sisters to Make New Mural Inclusive While Maintaining Historical Accuracy

After a few days thinking about it, Rimbault shared additional historical information about a Black family who lived in Antioch during the time the mural depicted. She offered a suggestion of adding depictions of two of the sisters to make the new mural more inclusive and keeping it historically accurate, as McCauley mentioned.

“Hold the presses,” Rimbault requested after her memory was triggered. “The mural was for 1951. It’s possible that at that time the Blanton (sp) family lived on railroad property near Railroad Avenue and A Street. The two oldest girls were in Antioch schools until Vergy was told to attend Pittsburg High School as she was graduating from junior high to high school. Her sister Joyce was in my husband’s Class of ‘61 and Vergy would have been in the Class of ’62.”

“If you count backwards, both girls would have been six and seven years old in 1951 and the only Black children in Antioch at the time,” Rimbault stated. “So, if the mayor wants the mural to be inclusive, two children looking into the operators’ window need to be little girls and it could be a tribute to the two, as they had many friends in school and should have been allowed to stay. But due to the underlying, unwritten law of Antioch the superintendent of schools suggested to their parents they would be better off in Pittsburg where they would be able to date boys of their own race.”

“And little girls would be more appropriately curious about all the women operators,” she added.

“Years ago, Joyce attended my husband’s class reunion of 50 years and had always considered it her class even though she was made to transfer as a junior,” Rimbault shared. “Her sister had a much harder adjustment, dropping out later and died as a young woman.”

“It’s amazing what memories this situation has caused to flood back to me. Have not thought about this in years,” the former Antioch historian mused.

Antioch council-commissioned historic mural removed from Rivertown building wall

Tuesday, June 25th, 2024
A worker scrapes the paint off the side of the building at the corner of W. 4th and G Streets removing the historic mural painted in the late 1990’s. Photo by Allen D. Payton

UPDATE: “We’re going to update it” – building owner Sean McCauley.

Antioch residents, business owners, former councilmembers upset

The first Facade Mural Easement on private property recorded in the State of California.

“Part of the easement agreement was the City agreeing to maintain the murals” – Elizabeth Rimbault

By Allen D.  Payton

Good news UPDATE! – Building owner, City working on new, historic mural for 4th Street wall in Antioch’s downtown Rivertown. (See article)

The historic mural on a privately owned building wall in Antioch’s downtown Rivertown is being removed beginning Thursday, June 19, 2024, to the dismay of residents, business owners and former Antioch Council members. Commissioned by the council in 1997 and paid for with private funds, the mural, located on the W. 4th Street side of the brick building at the corner of G Street, was no longer being maintained by the City at staff’s direction after some of the paint was pealing and cracking. Before the new owners purchased the building in 2021, they were given permission to remove the mural instead of the City repairing it. To maintain the mural would have been cost-prohibitive for the new owner according to the property manager who chose to remain anonymous.

Former Antioch Councilwoman Elizabeth Rimbault was instrumental in bringing to life both the murals on W. 4th Street and W. 2nd Streets. As a former member of the Antioch Friends of the Arts and former leader with the Antioch Historical Society, she was the one who led the effort for the mural’s approval by the council after she was no longer serving, raising the funds and working with the muralist.

“What a travesty,” she said first learned its removal. “That was the first Facade Mural Easement on private property recorded in the State of California. How low the City has come.”

Certificate of Acceptance of the Facade Mural Easement.

A Certificate of Acceptance dated March 3, 1998 was signed by the city attorney states, “This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by Grant of Façade Mural Easement…from” the building owners at that time, “to the City of Antioch…is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer…pursuant to authority conferred by Resolution of the Antioch City Council adopted on May 10 1983, and the grantee consents to recordation thereof…”

Rimbault then offered some background to the mural which depicted a scene of the telephone company that was located inside during the 1950’s that included the late Don and Helen Meagher who were talking to the office manager, a real woman, as new residents at the time.

“Don came to work as a teacher in Antioch,” she shared. “Helen later became the leader of the former Antioch Friends of the Arts, and it was her dream to have a mural community for residents and others to appreciate in the city’s downtown.”

The mural depicted Dr. Thomas Dozier walking by with a child, scenes of the of the telephone office including Don (in brown suit and tie) and Helen (in blue and white outfit) Meagher and Bob Beswick on the corner. Photo by Workers remove the first telephone office scene that included Helen and Don Meagher. Photo courtesy of Vicky Galloway.

“I worked on that just prior to Helen’s death,” the former councilwoman shared. “Becoming a mural community and attracting visitors was Helen’s dream. City Attorney Bill Galstan and I put it together. Then I did all the negotiations with the owners and obtained their signatures. So sad. She died before we were able to get the first one approved.”

The mural also depicted an actual woman who worked as an operator at the switchboard as well as a telephone truck and the man leaning against it was an actual employee who literally installed all the phones in Antioch, at the time.

The mural also included a painting of the late Dr. Thomas Dozier, a local physician who practiced medicine from the 1930’s through the late 1980’s and one of the namesakes of Antioch’s Dozier-Libbey Medical High School.

“He walked by the building each day between his home and office a block away,” said Rimbault.

On the right end of the mural was a depiction of the late Bob Beswick, who owned Beswick Insurance in downtown, holding an American flag.

“He was the unofficial Mayor of Rivertown who greeted people,” she shared. “His office was in the nearby building that fronts W. 4th Street next to the auto repair building that houses Pantell’s Music Box, today.”

Rivertown business owner Vicky Galloway was not happy, saying, “I’m just upset that they took it down without trying to preserve it. It’s just another part of downtown gone.”

Antioch Historical Society Director Kay Power said when she learned of the mural’s removal, “Oh, no! That was nice. It just needed some repair.”

When informed of the matter, former Councilwoman Norma Hernandez said, “Anything to do with art that goes up should stay forever. The City can’t back away on historical art. This is a sad day. I don’t agree with anything they’re doing and they should uphold their contract. You can’t trust the City and they’ve proven it again.”

Former Antioch Public Works Director and City Engineer Stan Davis, who was on the Antioch Historical Society’s Board of Directors for 20 years until he resigned a few years ago, offered his perspective.

“I know the city was responsible for it and they (the building owners) got permission to remove it. The problem is the city hasn’t maintained it,” he stated.

“There was a paint problem with the building before they put it on,” Davis continued. “The paint was coming off and it was taking the mural with it. The wall should have been scraped and painted, first. They’re taking it down to the wall and then painting it

“No one has talked to us about it as a Historical Society. The decision was made without us. But I’m no longer on the board,” he stated. “It’s too bad but I don’t really know what they could do.”

More scenes of the telephone office, paint peeling from the wall between them, and the depiction of Bob Beswick and the G Street end of the mural being removed by one of the workers. Photos courtesy of Vicky Galloway.


The mural was commissioned by the council, and the second to be painted following the Sesquicentennial Mural on the wall of 505 W. 2nd Street depicting early scenes of Antioch from the 1800’s including the July 4th, 19851 picnic when the town was renamed from Smith’s Landing to Antioch, the coal train and a coal miner, Antioch’s first mayor and his daughter, the first teacher in the community.

“After we had the easement, all the council decided they wanted the Sesquicentennial mural on 2nd Street first as that was coming up the following year,” Rimbault continued. “So, then I had to get the artist to design another, larger mural, negotiate with another owner of the old Fontana building and raise $165,000 of private money to pay for it. A minor contribution was made by the City. The minute the Sesquicentennial mural was done the fences were moved to the 4th Street site and the artist started painting.”

“Throughout its history the City has been a poor partner in the mural projects,” she stated. “All rights and obligations were turned over to the Historical Society when Friends of the Arts disbanded. The Historical Society should be hammering the City about maintenance as now this places the Sesquicentennial mural in jeopardy, as well.”

“Interesting the city I have moved to, Manteca, is a mural community and very proud of it,” Rimbault shared. “People drive all over downtown trying to see all the murals and they are historic about the community’s early beginnings or honoring military and heroes. They are beautiful and well maintained. Dozens of them covering entire business buildings walls, some on the second story.”

“Antioch’s crap attitude wins again,” she added.

“The 4th Street mural was paid for 100% with private funds,” Rimbault stated. “The council approved the easement agreement and permit for the mural.

“Part of the easement agreement was the City agreeing to maintain the murals,” she explained. “The conditions are the owner of the building can never paint over the mural and cannot disrupt the wall in any way, such as putting in a window or door.

In exchange, the City agreed to perpetually maintain the murals including removing any graffiti and repairs.”

“It was a recorded easement, and the new owner would have had to obtain a signature from the Historical Society and it would have had to be on the council agenda to get signatures from the City,” allowing removal, said Rimbault who was also a signatory to the easement agreement.

“The Friends of the Arts maintained both murals on two occasions because the City was not stepping up to fulfill their obligations,” she continued. “The City sent a contractor who used the wrong cleaning agent which resulted in one of the faces being blurred. He stopped as soon as he realized what was happening, but the damage was done. Before disbanding, the Friends of the Arts turned over their money, rights and responsibilities to the Historical Society.”

“The mural on the Antioch Library wall on E. 18th Street was the first one allowed on a County-owned building,” Rimbault shared. “The County has done an honorable job of maintaining that mural, unlike the City.”

City Staff Determined Mural “Cannot Be Restored”, Took Photos, Video for Archive

Emails December 2020 and January 2021, provided by the new building owners, among the real estate advisors for the owner selling the building and with city staff, and forwarded to the buyers, show there was a desire to restore the mural and that there was an easement in place.

In an email on Dec. 17, 2020, then-Parks and Recreation Director Nancy Kaiser informed the property manager for the owner selling the building and copying then-Assistant City Manager Rosannna Bayon Moore, that the mural could not be restored.

Kaiser wrote, “The City of Antioch has analyzed the mural located on the building (you manage) located at 4th and G Streets. Unfortunately, the mural in its current condition cannot be restored. It saddens me to acknowledge this situation and provide this report, since we know how beloved this mural is for many residents.

The City would like to preserve the place in history that this mural offers, and is moving forward to capture high quality images/video of the mural so that we can tell the story.

I am retiring and tomorrow is my last day at work. I am pleased to connect you with Rosanna Bayon-Moore, Assistant City Manager. Rosanna will work to see that the image/video project moves along in a timely manner.”

An email dated Jan. 2021 read, “we have been working with the city and historical society to get the mural restored. They currently have an easement. They have indicated they may no longer want that easement or the responsibility to maintain the mural. This might be a benefit to the buyer. We don’t have any agreements or commitments, but I will send you the contract we have been working with so the buyer can follow up with them.”

The remains of the mural on Monday, June 24, 2024. Photo courtesy of Ronn Carter

Questions for Council, Current and Former City Staff, Historical Society President

Questions were emailed on Friday, June 21, 2024, to all five current members who were serving on the city council in 2021, plus, Acting City Manager Kwame Reed, City Attorney Thomas L. Smith, Historical Society president Shari Gayle and former city manager Ron Bernal were informed of the easement agreement and asked about the mural’s removal, if the both the City and Historical Society signed off in 2021, if the council gave city staff that direction, when the City stopped maintaining it and why, what could have been done to repair and preserve it, and if there will be any efforts to secure another Rivertown building wall to replace and repaint the mural.

They were also asked what has been done to preserve and maintain the other murals in Rivertown and other parts of the city, including one at the Veterans Memorial at the end of L Street near the Marina, and the other on A Street next to the Chevron station, and if there is a fund in the City’s budget to pay for it.

Ogorchock responded, “Individuals came to me when the building was purchased. It was never shared with me that we had an easement on it and were supposed to maintain the mural. I asked the city manager about it at that time what could we do to make sure the mural stays. I was told it was in disrepair and the new owner could paint over it.”

“We as council never approved this. It’s my understanding, we as a city were not supposed to maintain the art and the owner was to put a coating on it every two years. Obviously, the previous owner didn’t. City staff made the decision. I was not aware of the easement. It was not brought to council. We should have maintained it but we didn’t. That was not brought to council. That was a decision made without us.”

“We need to make sure that we have funds set aside to maintain and repair the murals and utility boxes in the city. I will address it as the next city council meeting,” she added.

District 2 Councilman Mike Barbanica replied, “I don’t recall any knowledge of this.”

Second Mural on the Building

“It was the second mural on that building,” he shared. “I remember the first time as a kid with my parents seeing that mural being painted. The Honey Sweet Donuts shop was located inside.”

“That mural included a guy, laying on his stomach, reaching out for something. It was a very unusual mural. But it was beautiful,” Barbanica added.

Former Antioch City Manager Ron Bernal responded, “Yes, the City decided it was too expensive to rehabilitate the mural.”

He reiterated what was written in the email by Parks and Recreation Director Kaiser writing, “The mural was however professionally photo documented to preserve the artwork.”

Acting City Manager Reed was then asked to locate the photos and video of the artwork.

Additional efforts to reach Gayle of the Historical Society were unsuccessful and no responses were received from them or the other council members prior to publication time.

Please check back later for any updates to this report.

Celebrate America’s 248th Independence Day on July 4th in Antioch

Wednesday, June 19th, 2024

Parade, Live Music by Universal Soul and fan favorite Foreverland, Kids Zone, Dunk Tank Fundraiser, Food Trucks or Dine at local restaurants in historic, downtown

Parade entries, Dunk Tank participation deadline: June 24

July 4th, 2023 fireworks. Herald file photo

By City of Antioch Recreation Department

Join the City of Antioch in celebrating America’s 248th Independence Day in our historic, downtown Rivertown. Set up along W. 2nd and W. 3rd Streets. before 4:00 PM to watch our annual 4th of July Parade pass by. Visit Waldie Plaza to experience live entertainment and enjoy local food vendors and trucks.

Have an exciting time with friends and family in the Kids Zone located at City Hall, before picking your spot to see the big fireworks show at dusk.

Source: City of Antioch

Celebration Site

The main celebration site will take place in Waldie Plaza and the parking lot of City Hall, encompassing W. 2nd to W. 3rd Streets and G to I Sreets. There are many occurrences within the celebration site including a live entertainment stage, local vendors, Kids Zone, food trucks – or dine at one of the restaurants in the Rivertown Dining District, DJ stage and much more.

Source: City of Antioch

Parade Route

The parade will begin at the intersection of W. 2nd and E Streets at 4:00 PM. The Judge’s Station will be located at the center of Waldie Plaza. A second parade performance stop will be on W. 3rd Street next to City Hall. We will finish the parade on W. 3rd Street at the corner of D Street.

Register for the Fourth of July Parade

Parade Entry Information

Independence Day is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate our community spirit than by joining our annual Fourth of July paradeWhether you’re young or young at heart, a solo walker or part of a group, this parade is for everyone! From classic cars and colorful floats to decorated bicycles and festive performances, let your creativity shine as we come together as a community to celebrate this Fourth of July! The deadline to submit parade applications is Monday, June 24th.

For more information and to register to enter the parade, here. There is no entry fee; participation is free.

Live Entertainment – Universal Soul and Foreverland

Source: City of Antioch

Universal Soul
Also known as the House Band for the Golden State Warriors, Universal Soul is known for their ability to excite a crowd with their soulful and lively performances. Consisting of lead singer, Leah Marie Vox, George Epps on keys, Dante’ TAZ on the drums, and Brain Turner on the bass, Universal soul is just the group to kick off our Fourth of July Celebration!

Source: City of Antioch

Foreverland – The Electrifying Tribute to Michael Jackson returns to Antioch!
Since 2009, Foreverland has been mesmerizing audiences around the country with their larger-than-life tribute to the one and only Michael Jackson. Featuring three dynamic vocalists, a powerhouse rhythm section, and the hardest working horn section in the biz, Foreverland recreates hits from the Jackson 5 era through the end of Michael’s incredible career in a way that honors the King of Pop’s musical genius and legendary showmanship like no other tribute band has ever done.” Read more about Foreverland when you click here.

Dunk Tank Fundraiser Participation & Information

Source: City of Antioch

Sign Up to Take the Plunge!

What better way to celebrate Independence Day than by making a splash and raising funds for a fantastic cause?! By participating in our Dunk Tank event, you’ll not only have a blast but also contribute to providing scholarships for youth and adults to participate in recreational activities they might not otherwise have access to. Not interested in sitting in the tank? Get involved by donating to the cause! As you attend our Fourth of July Celebration, stop by the Kids Zone to take your turn trying to sink the sitter! Cheer on our throwers and our volunteers as we raise money to continue to provide recreational opportunities for residents, young and young at heart! The deadline to sign up to take the plunge is Monday, June 24th.


Participation is free. Participants must submit TWO preferred timeslot options and a signed general liability waiver by June 24, 2024 to confirm their spot. Late entries will only be considered if availability allows. No sign-ups will be accepted on the day of the event.


City Hall parking lot (200 H Street, Antioch CA 94509). Participants should report to the recreation bus and canopy (located at the east side of city hall’s parking lot) 5-10 minutes before their sitting timeslot to receive their towel before heading to the dunk tank to take their seat.


The City of Antioch is committed to providing a safe, family-friendly environment where all people are treated with kindness and respect. We ask all participants to adhere to these guidelines:

1. ALL DUNK TANK PARTICIPANTS ARE ASKED TO WEAR A T-SHIRT AND SHORTS. No bare chests, bikinis, or speedos as staff and members of the public may take photos and record dunk tank activities.

2. Participants are not to engage in any vulgar, offensive, or sexually suggestive gestures or comments while sitting in, entering, or exiting the dunk tank.

3. Spectators are prohibited from engaging in any vulgar, offensive, or sexually suggestive gestures or comments toward sitting participants. Spectators MAY NOT throw balls or other objects at sitting contestants. Spectators who are unable to follow these rules, forfeit their remaining ball throws and will be removed from participating in the dunk tank fundraiser.


For the safety of sitting dunk tank participants, the tank is covered by a metal cage to prevent the possibility of being struck by a thrown ball. Recreation staff and security will be readily available to handle any potential restricted actions by dunk tank participants and/or spectators.

The tank will be filled with approximately 500 gallons of water and has a weight capacity of 250 lbs.

All ball throws will be taken from a minimum of 10ft away from the target for youth 12 & under and a maximum of 20ft away for those 13+ years of age.

Register for the Dunk Tank, here.

Antioch July 4th Schedule of Events
4:00 PM – 5:00 PMParade
4:00 PM – 9:00 PMKids Zone
5:00 PM – 6:30 PMLive Entertainment | Universal Soul
5:00 PM – 7:00 PMKids Zone Stage
7:00 PMAnnouncement of Parade Winners
7:15 PM – 9:15 PMLive Entertainment | Foreverland
7:30 PM – 9:30 PMKids Zone Stage
9:20 PM – 9:40 PMFireworks Show
Times subject to change

Historic Belshaw Mansion in Antioch’s Rivertown is for sale

Friday, June 14th, 2024
The historic Belshaw Mansion sits at the corner of E and W 7th Streets in Antioch’s downtown Rivertown District. Source:

130-year-old home is a Bay Area prized jewel; former home of State Senator, State Assemblyman

Exclusive to the Herald

A view of the E Street side of the mansion.

The Belshaw Mansion, in Antioch’s historic, downtown Rivertown District, built in 1894, is celebrating its 130th anniversary this year. Now, after being owned by the Costello family for the last 27 years, the stunning house, one of the most iconic homes in the city and one of the Bay Area’s finest treasures, is for sale.

There’s quite a history behind it. The mansion was originally built for and owned by State Senator Charles Belshaw and then Assemblyman Robert Easley and it has played host to numerous community events.

Located at 705 E Street on the corner of W. 7th Street, it is one of the Bay Area’s most historic homes.

What makes it so historic?

First, its age and then its size, which proudly boasts 4,492 square feet of living space on approximately a 10,000 square foot lot. In fact, years back, the Belshaw Mansion took up the entire city block.

A simple drive downtown, and you cannot miss its presence. It rises to the top, showcasing its Victorian classic and Tudor-design accents. And finally, its historic greatness. The Belshaw Mansion has hosted numerous civic gatherings and tours for residents and dignitaries from other parts of the country.

To learn more about this historical gem in the Bay Area, a few questions were asked of former Antioch Councilwoman Elizabeth Rimbault, a former president and managing director of the Antioch Historical Society and local real estate appraiser. She has written and had articles published about the Belshaw Mansion in the past.

Asked why she believes the Belshaw Mansion is so historic Rimbault replied, “The Belshaw Mansion is one of the earliest homes in Antioch. It was designed and crafted in grand style by some of the original settlers of Antioch. It was custom-built with great care and detail and has continued to shine with its unique beauty for many years. Even though it was built in the 1890s, many people today cannot believe just how magnificent this home truly is.”

Asked what makes it so unique that it is often referred to as a mansion, she shared, “Because of the size of the house, when you see it from the street, it is overwhelming as it is huge. It certainly catches your eye. It has various rooms and levels everywhere you turn. The moldings have an original look, and the hardwood floors are exceptional – they no longer make homes like this. The size of the dining room and foyer area is quite impressive, and it has been the location for many parties and gatherings. It originally had a dumbwaiter that went up to the second level — just one of many unique characteristics of this grand property.  

A view of the W. 7th Street side of the house.

Rimbault was also asked, considering all the new developments in southeast Antioch and other communities, what type of family or families might be interested in the Belshaw Mansion. She responded, “It is suitable for several different families. To start, someone who appreciates history and loves beautiful items from the past or someone who is looking for an oversized home with plenty of living space, high ceilings, and numerous rooms and bathrooms will love this home.

Also, in today’s world, as housing prices continue to soar, it’s an excellent selection for multi-generational living. I have been in the home when one family had it as separate units for various families and another family had it as a single-family home.  It has the flexibility to suit either scenario as it has numerous bedrooms, bathrooms, living rooms, kitchens, entrances, parking, and amenities.”

From her previously written articles about the Belshaw family, Rimbault was asked what she knew about Charles and his relatives and why they are so prominent in Antioch’s history. She said,The Belshaw family is one of the most well-known families in Antioch’s history. They had mercantile stores and were involved with the mines, railroad, wharf, and city water development. Charles Belshaw, for whom the house was built, was a prominent State Senator who represented the district at the Capitol.”

Asked for any additional thoughts and information about the Belshaw Mansion Antioch residents should know about and appreciate, Rimbault shared, Its early history is with people involved in and familiar with state politics, and having been used to entertain dignitaries and local people simply adds to the charm of this home. Originally, the Belshaw Mansion was enjoyed by political families, first the Belshaws and then the Easleys, which is very interesting.

For more information and regular updates about the Belshaw Mansion, visit the home’s website at

Dave Costello, the owners’ son, and Allen D. Payton contributed to this report.

Antioch Council approves Juneteenth Proclamation, includes “commitment to eradicate systemic racism”

Wednesday, June 12th, 2024
The Antioch City Council were joined by Police Oversight Commissioner Leslie May for a photo with their 2024 Juneteenth Proclamation by Acting Assistant City Manager and Parks & Recreation Director Brad Helfenberger as Acting City Manager and Economic Development Director Kwame Reed looks on during the council meeting on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. Video screenshot.

By Allen D. Payton

During their meeting last night, Tuesday, June 11, 2024, the Antioch City Council unanimously approved the following proclamation including promotion of this Sunday’s third annual City-sponsored event:


WHEREAS, Juneteenth is recognized as Freedom Day or our country’s second Independence Day;

WHEREAS, Juneteenth was the day that slavery ended in the United States resulting in the emancipation of all slaves and beginning the restoration of culture, name, language, faith, and identity;

WHEREAS, President Abraham Lincoln first issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, freeing the enslaved people in the South, but those orders were ignored by Confederate Southern slave owners;

WHEREAS, on June 19, 1865, Union soldiers arrived in Galveston, Texas and enforced the President’s order, freeing the enslaved people two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued;

WHEREAS, other systems of oppression and systematic inequalities, such as sharecropping, Jim Crow, redlining, and mass incarceration, the reverberation of Black bodies and Black impoverishment, continued well past slavery and some persist to this day, affecting the physical and mental health, safety, and even the continuing education of young African American children;

WHEREAS, liberation from these systems of oppression, demands nothing less than Black economic liberation manifested through financial literacy, a positive sense of self, an upright ethical and moral compass, high-earning jobs, mentors willing to share the means of self-improvement, and the ability to own the land in one’s own neighborhood;

WHEREAS, many African Americans have advanced academically, politically, and financially and continue to strive to build wealth within the Black community in and beyond; and

WHEREAS, on June 16, 2024, the City of Antioch will hold its Annual Juneteenth Celebration at Williamson Ranch Park, with speakers sharing our rich, proud history, music, ethnic foods, and activities. We invite all our brothers, sisters, and friends of every culture and ethnicity to join us for this historical event and celebration.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, LAMAR A. HERNANDEZ-THORPE, Mayor of the City of Antioch, do hereby acknowledge June 19th, 2024, as Juneteenth in the City of Antioch, the annual recognition of Black emancipation, the celebration of the past, present, and future of Black economic liberation, and our commitment to eradicate systemic racism that undermines our collective prosperity.

JUNE 11, 2024


Following its reading and signature by Mayor Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe, the proclamation was presented to Antioch Police Oversight Commissioner Leslie May with whom the council members took a commemorative photo.

UPDATE: Let Freedom Roll – East County Juneteenth Celebration at Paradise Skate in Antioch, June 19th

Sunday, June 9th, 2024

UPDATE: Now featuring Stellar award-winning recording artist Lena Byrd Miles – featured on Grammy award winning albums, DJ Superb and Anthem Nights Sac.

Presented by 4ever Me Foundation, supporting the socio-emotional wellbeing of youth and young adults. For 2024 Juneteenth Vendor Registration or Donations visit 4evermefoundation | Linktree. Learn more at

Grace Arms presents Juneteenth Celebration Saturday, June 15

Thursday, June 6th, 2024

Enjoy live music from headliners The Main Ingredient and Slave

This year’s Juneteenth Celebration presented by Grace Arms of Antioch will be held on Saturday, June 15, 2024 and feature a Kids Corner, food, games, vendors and live music with headliners The Main Ingredient and Slave.

The event runs from Noon until 5:00 p.m. at the Grace Bible Fellowship of Antioch Campus, 3415 Oakley Road in Antioch. Vendor booths and sponsorships available. For more information visit

History of Juneteenth

Juneteenth is the oldest known celebration commemorating the end of slavery in the United States. Though the Emancipation Proclamation was given by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863, the beginning of the end of slavery wouldn’t be recognized until sometime later – June 19, 1865.

​Early celebrations date back to 1866, at first involving church-centered community gatherings in Texas. They spread across the South amongst newly freed African American slaves and their descendants and became more commercialized in the 1920s and 1930s, often centering on a food festival. Participants in the Great Migration brought these celebrations to the rest of the country. 

​The day was recognized as a federal holiday in 2021, when President Joe Biden signed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act into law. Juneteenth became the first new federal holiday since Martin Luther King Jr. Day was adopted in 1983.

Start of Juneteenth Celebration

When the American Civil War ended, the Union Army arrived in Texas led by Major General Gordon Granger who was given command of the District of Texas on June 10, 1865. On June 19, in the city of Galveston, one of the first orders of business was to post Granger’s General Order No. 3 to inform a reluctant community that President Lincoln over two years earlier had freed the slaves and to press locals to comply with his directive. His order began with:

“The people of Texas are informed that in accordance with a Proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves, and the connection therefore existing between them becomes that between employer and hired laborer.”

This set off joyous demonstrations by the freed people, originating the annual Juneteenth celebration, which commemorates the abolition of slavery in Texas. The celebration’s name is a blend of the words “June” and “nineteenth”.

Union Army Manager General Granger’s General Order No. 3.

Why did it take so long for the news to get to Texas? 

 There is no one reason why there was a two-and-a-half-year delay in letting Texas know about the abolition of slavery in the United States, according to The historical site said some accounts place the delay on a messenger who was murdered on his way to Texas with the news, while others say the news was deliberately withheld.

Due to the delay, slavery did not end in Texas overnight, according to an article by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. originally posted on The Root. Gates said after New Orleans fell, many slavers traveled to Texas with their slaves to escape regulations enforced by the Union Army in other states. 

Allen D. Payton contributed to this report.

Memorial Day events in Antioch May 25 & 27

Tuesday, May 14th, 2024

Place flags at gravesites in Oak View Memorial Park Saturday, May 25 and attend the annual breakfast & ceremony Monday, May 27