Archive for the ‘Education’ Category

AUSD congratulates the Prospects High and Adult Education Classes of 2020 – see list of graduates

Monday, June 29th, 2020

AUSD congratulates the Deer Valley High Class of 2020 – see list of graduates

Friday, June 26th, 2020


AUSD congratulates the Dozier-Libbey Medical High Class of 2020 – see list of graduates

Thursday, June 25th, 2020

To see photos of some of the graduates click here. See below the video of the DLMHS Class of 2020 virtual graduation.


Antioch School Board adopts resolution reaffirming district’s “Commitment to Equity and Social Justice” on split vote

Wednesday, June 24th, 2020

Crystal Sawyer-White, the district’s only African American board trustee votes no

By Allen Payton

During the Antioch School Board meeting on Wednesday, June 24, 2020, Superintendent Stephanie Anello presented a resolution she had been working on to reaffirm the district’s commitment to equity and social justice. However, both Board President Diane Gibson-Gray and Trustee Ellie Householder also submitted resolutions.

Yet, Householder said she wanted to adopt something during the meeting and not wait, since the board won’t be meeting in July. So, she forwent including any additions or changes she had submitted.

“Initially I requested this as an African-American because I’m concerned about what I’ve seen on the news and over the last decade,” said Trustee Crystal Sawyer-White. “I want to support Ellie and I support Black Lives Matter. I believe condemning violence and injustice should be added to this resolution.”

“I am with Trustee Householder and approve it as is, because I don’t want to take the time to find a draft we can all agree on,” said Board President Diane Gibson-Gray. She then made a motion to adopt the resolution submitted by Anello. It was seconded by Householder.

Without further discussion the motion was approved on a 4-1 vote with Sawyer-White opposing.

Following is the resolution adopted by the board:

WHEREAS, the Antioch Unified School District is deeply committed to tolerance, equity, and the success of all students, and

WHEREAS, we proudly serve a diverse and vibrant school community comprised of myriad ethnic, cultural, and racial backgrounds, and

WHEREAS, our mission is to realize the success of our diverse students by providing education opportunities and resources that help to eradicate years of insidious acts and policies that exclude, exploit, and harm diverse students and communities, and

WHEREAS, the Antioch Unified School District (AUSD) desires to provide a physically, socially, and emotionally safe school environment that allows all students equal access to the District’s academic and other educational support programs, services, and activities, and

WHEREAS, AUSD prohibits and condemns racial discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying of any student based on actual or perceived characteristics of race or ethnicity, color, nationality, national origin, immigration status, ethnic group identification, age, religion, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression, and

WHEREAS, recent and historical events throughout our nation remind us that hundreds of years of prejudices, injustices, and inequalities are embedded in our social structures and institutions, and

WHEREAS, decades of civil rights legislation and education have not obliterated racism and inequality in our nation, and

WHEREAS, we live in a nation that was founded on the premise that all are created equal and are born with inalienable rights which are embedded in our Declaration of Independence and protected in the United States Constitution, and

WHEREAS, systemic racism has a negative impact on the safety, heath, and well-being of all Americans while disproportionally and significantly negatively impacting African Americans, and

WHEREAS, the Antioch Unified School District is committed to taking concrete steps to achieve equal opportunity and success for all students and recognizes our responsibility to uphold the humanity of any group or individual that is the target of racial injustice and inequality, and

WHEREAS, addressing the needs of African American learners requires recognition of the inherent value of Black student, families, and staff.

THEREFORE, BE IT DECLARED that the Antioch Unified School District condemns all acts of racial injustice and hereby reaffirms our commitment to equity and social justice as guiding principles of District actions and policy-making; and

THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER DECLARED that the Antioch Unified School District, through its Educational Services Department, will develop courses that foster cultural awareness and sensitivity; and

THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER DECLARED that the Antioch Unified School District encourages all middle and high schools in the District to form Black Student Unions to advocate the needs of students while empowering, teaching, discussing and exploring the Black experience; and

THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER DECLARED that the Antioch Unified School District, through its Educational Services Department, will develop resources for educators and families for distribution and posting on AUSD website that teacher about, celebrate, uphold, and affirm the lives of African Americans; and that support critical dialogue among students, staff, and community members about the impact of bias and racism in our schools, community, and nation; and these resources will be embedded in professional development as integral components of the Districts work with teachers in all subjects; and

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER DECLARED that the Antioch Unified School District will continue to train staff in the use of restorative justice and trauma informed practices in an effort to reduce the disparity of African American suspensions compared to other student groups; and

THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER DECLARED that the Antioch Unified School District will continue to actively consult with parents, educators, and community groups to develop additional resources that focus on the well-being of African American students, families, and caregivers for the purpose of contributing to the ongoing need for healing; and

THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER DECLARED that this resolution will be distributed to every school in the District.


Antioch School Board adopts $247 million annual district budget, revisions expected in August

Wednesday, June 24th, 2020

By Allen Payton

During their Wednesday, June 24, 2020 meeting, the Antioch School Board voted unanimously to approve the district’s 2020-21 fiscal year budget of $247.7 million. However, many changes to the district’s budget are expected based on the final negotiations between the governor and legislature, and the governor’s line item vetoes in the state budget. The school board will consider revisions in early August. (See the entire 224-page budget, here)

“We have the opportunity to adopt our budget even if the state hasn’t adopted theirs… we are obligated to meet our obligation by June 30,” said Deputy Superintendent Jessica Romeo. “If there is a budget adopted after we adopt ours, we do a 45-day revision to our budget. There are significant revisions from the May Revise. We will do that at the first meeting in August.”

According to the staff report, “The California Legislature met its constitutional deadline of passing the state budget on or before June 15, and it is anticipated that a budget will be signed by the Governor on or before June 30, 2020.”

However, “the Governor and the Legislature are negotiating the differences between the two plans, and it is currently expected that an agreement will be reached before the end of June.”

“We will maintain our mandatory reserve of 3.7%, and actually 3.8%,” Romeo stated. “I’m

The District’s Budget is comprised of eleven separate funds, the General Fund is the primary fund of the District AUSD Budget. The other 10 funds are Adult Education, Cafeteria Special Reserve, Deferred Maintenance, Building Fund, Capital Facilities, Special Reserve for Capital Outlay, Capital Projects Fund for Blended Component Units, Bond Interest and Redemption, Retiree Benefit Fund and Foundation Private-Purpose Trust fund.

However, the General Fund, which pays for all district employee salaries and benefits, is more than 83% of the budget and is divided into two parts. The Unrestricted portion is 56.59% of the AUSD Total Budget, and the Restricted portion makes up 27.34%.

“We’re just going to anticipate that this is going to change drastically,” Trustee Ellie Householder said.

“Yes,” responded Romeo.

The budget was adopted on a motion by Trustee Mary Rocha and second by Trustee Gary Hack, passing on a 5-0 vote by the board.

“Thank you to staff. It’s not over, yet,” Board President Diane Gibson-Gray said.

Antioch School Board learns of three possible reopening plans

Wednesday, June 24th, 2020

From the AUSD staff slide presentation.

By Allen Payton

During their board meeting on Wednesday, June 24, 2020 the Antioch School Trustees learned of the three possible reopening plans for district schools for the next school year in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. AUSD Reopening Plan 2020.21

“Every day we get new information either from the health department,” said Superintendent Stephanie Anello. According to “the governor’s budget, we may have to open in order to receive funding. That’s the information that came out, yesterday.”

Associate Superintendent for Educational Services Christine Ibarra offered the staff report on reopening. “I’m really happy to share what we’ve created this far,” she said. “There is an expectation that we reopen schools fully…with enhanced safety measures.”

Ibarra offered three possible reopening plans in her presentation to the board including hybrid, full distance and full return plans.

Hybrid: If AUSD is able to reopen with social distancing requirements restricting the number of students that can be on campus at any given time, AUSD is prepared to start the year with a model for face to face instruction and distance learning with students on modified schedules.

Full Distance: If, due to state or county restrictions, or a collective decision is made not to reopen our schools for modified in person instruction, AUSD is prepared to open with a revised and fully developed model for distance learning. This option will also be available for parent choice if we open with a hybrid model.

Full Return: If Contra Costa County Department of Public Health provides guidelines to allow schools to fully reopen safely, AUSD is poised to adjust accordingly. Likewise, if the need for school closure arises,we will be prepared for distance learning.

The district is also “considering staggered arrival and departure time. But that might be an inconvenience for families that have students in different grade levels in the schools,” Ibarra said.

Further actions will be taken to obtain parent and community feedback, professional development for teachers, learning loss programming, and parent training and messaging.


AUSD congratulates the Antioch High Class of 2020 – see list of graduates

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020


Contra Costa County Library launching Front Door Service beginning Monday

Friday, June 12th, 2020

Beginning Monday, June 15, the Library will offer Front Door Service at 23 community libraries. The service will allow patrons to pick-up books, DVDs and audiobooks placed on hold through the Library’s website at

Those patrons with holds on the shelf from early March, before the Health Order began, will have the opportunity to make appointments first. This is necessary to clear the thousands of holds currently on library shelves and make room for new holds. Those patrons will be contacted with instructions explaining how to make an appointment to pick up their materials. Appointments are encouraged, but not required. Those coming to the library without appointments may experience a wait.

New holds can be placed beginning on Thursday, June 18, and appointments will be open to any patron who wishes to pick up available holds. Patrons will be notified when their holds are ready. They will make an appointment at the appropriate location and schedule a pick-up time. Once at the library location, the patron will call or text the number on the sign at the front of the building. Staff will confirm the library card number and collect the items. Materials will be placed in a bag with the patron’s name on it and put on a table at the front door. It is a safe, contactless process.

“We are eager to reconnect with library users and take this important step toward reopening,” said County Librarian Melinda Cervantes. “Staff are taking every precaution to provide visitors with a safe, library experience.”

Front Door Service is available during regularly scheduled hours at 23 locations. See the full list of locations and hours here. All libraries will be closed on Sundays. Front Door Service will not be available at the Pinole, Pleasant Hill or Prewett locations until further notice.

For the safety of our patrons and staff, Library items will be quarantined for a minimum of 72 hours in between each use. Staff will wash their hands frequently, wear masks and observe social distancing protocols. Patrons approaching the front door should also wear a mask and observe social distancing guidelines. All returns should be placed in the book drop.

Stay tuned to for more information about how to use Front Door Service.

For questions about library services, contact staff via Chat, Monday – Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. or text questions to (925) 290-7627.