Antioch Council to consider hiring consulting firm for police department, concealed weapons license fees

New Antioch Mayor Ron Bernal, center, will lead his first regular council meeting and the first one of the new year, on Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2024. Herald file photo.

In compliance with USDOJ agreement; will consist of two former APD personnel

Will receive police chief recruitment presentation

Consider emergency staffing, converting 3 Code Enforcement Officers to other positions

By Allen D. Payton

During their first meeting of the year and the first regular meeting for the newly elected mayor and two members on Tuesday night, Jan. 14, 2024, the Antioch City Council will consider approving an agreement with WBA Consulting & Investigative Services for the police department to comply with the agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice. The amount of the agreement is not to exceed $225,000 through June 30, 2025, with a one-time extension for an additional six months for the same terms.

According to the City staff report for agenda Item 4, the “consultant team that can provide support, guidance, and advice in several areas, which will supplement and enhance the Antioch Police Department’s efficiency and effectiveness. The City requires assistance with overall project management for Police Department operations and administration, policy support, and special project implementation for not only day-to-day operations, but also with compliance efforts identified in the Department of Justice (“DOJ”) settlement agreement with the Antioch Police Department and City of Antioch dated January 2, 2025.” (See related article)

In addition, the staff report reads, “The services provided by WBA Consulting…will be provided by two former Antioch Police Department personnel who have been working within the department as Interim Chief and Interim Captain for the majority of the 2024 year. The team will continue to provide executive police management support and consultation to the Acting Chief and City Manager as it relates to mandatory compliance with relevant federal and state laws, regulations, and rules.”

Police Chief Recruitment Presentation & Process

Under Item 4, the council will be provided with a presentation by Bob Hall & Associates for the recruitment of a permanent police chief. As part of the process, in January and February the firm will Solicit City Council Feedback on Ideal Candidate, Hold Community-wide Feedback Forums (2 in person, 1 Online), Solicit Stakeholder Feedback from the Business Community, Youth & Schools, Faith-based Community, Antioch Police Officers Association and Oher Stakeholders.

The consultants will also Launch a Nationwide Recruitment, Conduct an Online Community Survey and Attend Community Forums for Additional Feedback in each Council District if Requested by Council Members.

Then in February and March Preliminary Screening of Candidates will occur, Candidate Resumes and Cover Letters will be Evaluated to Determine Experience and Education Most Closely Aligned to the City’s Desired Qualifications; the Recruitment Team Will Conduct Screening Interviews with Candidates to Assess which Applicants Should be Moved Forward to the City’s Selection Process and the Most Qualified Candidates will be Presented to the City for Consideration to be Invited to Participate in the Interview Panels.

In March the Candidates will Participate in the following Oral Assessment Panels:
Professional Panel: Consisting Police Chiefs/City Managers
Community Panel: Consisting of Community Members from Each District and a
Staff Panel: Consisting of Leadership Team and other Key Staff Members

In March and April, Candidates Determined to be Most Aligned with the City’s Desired Qualifications will be Invited to an Initial Oral Interview with the City Manager and Additional Community Assessment. If necessary, Finalists will Participate in a Final Interview with the City Manager and then the City Manager will Make the Hiring Decision.

Finally, in April and May, the City will Conduct Background Investigations and other HR Functions and the New Chief Start Date will be Determined.

Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) License Fee

Under Item 6, the council will consider setting fees for a Carry Concealed Weapons License now that the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Office is no longer providing the service to residents of cities.

According to the City staff report. “California Penal Code § 26155(a) requires ‘the chief or other head of a municipal police department of any city’ to issue ‘carry concealed weapons” (CCW) licenses to residents of the city so long as the applicant meets the legal requirements. California Penal Code § 26155(c) allows the chief to enter into “an agreement with the sheriff of the county in which the city is located for the sheriff to process applications for licenses, renewals of licenses, and amendments to licenses…”; however, the sheriff is not required to do this if the population of the county is over 200,000 people.

“For several years, the Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff received, processed, and issued CCW applications for residents of most of the municipalities in Contra Costa County, including the City of Antioch. Recently, the Sheriff advised the municipalities they would no longer be providing this service necessitating the City of Antioch Police Department to implement a CCW process.

“Pursuant to the California Government Code §66000 et seq., and California Penal Code §26190(b)(1), fees can be assessed to recoup an amount equal to the reasonable costs associated with processing CCW applications, issuing CCW licenses, and enforcing the license. The City of Antioch Master Fee Schedule, effective July 1, 2024, does contain a ‘Gun Permit Fee’; however, it is unknown the last time this particular fee was updated, and the established fee does not effectively recoup the costs associated with conducting this activity nor have the appropriate title.

The proposed fees are as follows: New Permit Initial Fee (refundable)- $261.50; Issuance Fee – $261.50; Renewal Permit – $455.00; Amended Permit – $64.00 and Duplicate – $30.00.

Emergency Staffing

Under Item 11, the council will consider approving funds for the following emergency staffing positions for the Finance Department, Human Resources Department, Office of the City Manager, Office of the City Clerk and Conversion of Computer Technician in Information Services: Payroll Specialist; Human Resources Manager; Human Resources Analyst; Public Records Coordinator; Assistant to the City Manager; and conversion of a Computer Technician to Administrative Assistant in Information Services.

The proposal includes conversion of three Code Enforcement Officer (“CEO”) positions.

Meeting Details

The council meeting begins at 6:00 p.m. with a Closed Session to discuss five matters including a significant exposure to litigation, conference with labor negotiators for the Antioch Public Works Employees Association (APWEA) Bargaining Unit, Public Employee Evaluations of the city manager and city attorney, as well as discussing of the police chief employment.

The regular meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers inside City Hall at 200 H Street in historic, downtown Rivertown. The meeting can also be viewed via livestream on the City’s website or on Comcast Local Cable Channel 24 or AT&T U-verse channel 99.

See the complete agenda packet.

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