Former Antioch city manager kicks off campaign for mayor with large crowd of supporters

Ron Bernal will challenge Hernandez-Thorpe on the issues of public safety, homeless, economic development and trust in government
“Antioch is in such crisis…I want a city government that people can trust…I want us to hold our heads high and be proud we’re from Antioch.” – Ron Bernal
By Allen D. Payton

On Thursday evening, Jan. 25, 2024, former Antioch City Manager Ron Bernal was joined by about 300 to 400 supporters to officially kick-off his campaign for Mayor of Antioch in the November election. He will be taking on one of his former bosses, Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe, who Bernal served under for four-and-a-half years, with the campaign theme of “Change Starts Today”.
The event was hosted by local business and building owner Sean McCauley and his wife Maria at their Antioch home, located on the grounds of their Vino Olivo winery and business on Deer Valley Road.

During the reception, before the speeches began, Bernal greeted each of those who attended while they enjoyed catered hors d’eouvres and McCauley/Peterson wines, and took photos in front of three banners reading, “A Safer Antioch Starts Today,” “A Better Tomorrow Starts Today,” and “Change Starts Today”.
Former Mayor Don Freitas, who served as the master of ceremonies said, “I have to tell you that when a lot of people started talking about who’s going to run, (former City Councilwoman) Joy Motts said, ‘I have a candidate.’ I asked, ‘who?’ She said, ‘Ron Bernal.’ I said, ‘Outstanding.’ He knows how local government works.”
“There are over 300 of you here, tonight. Ron, I think it’s a testament to who you are and Sean, because people wanted to see your house,” Freitas said with a laugh.
He then introduced the many local officials, including some council members from neighboring East County cities, who were in attendance.
Speaking of his conversation with Bernal about his candidacy the former mayor said, “It’s the first time in a long time I said, ‘you know Ron, I have hope.’”
Before he introduced Pastor Steve Miner of Antioch’s Cornerstone Christian Center, where the Bernals attend, Freitas said, “a lot of us have been on our knees saying, ‘God, please, please.’”
“This is going to be long. It’s going to be difficult,” Miner stated before offering the invocation. He was then joined on the stage by Bernal, his wife, Irma, their daughter Ashley Pollard and daughter-in-law Michelle Bernal, so the pastor could pray for them, Antioch and the campaign. The Bernals’ son was working and unable to attend the event.

McCauley then introduced the candidate saying, “We all love and know Ron in this area, today. He’s my brother, I love him, and he loves this city. One of our biggest things was, what is it going to do to you and your family? He’s making great money with his consulting firm. The sacrifices they’ll make are going to be impactful. I want everyone to be behind Ron for the next eight months. It’s going to be war.”
“I asked him, ‘Why do you want to do this?’” McCauley continued. “He said to me because he loves this city.”
“I know it’s starting off with a bang, but it can’t fizzle out,” the host added.

Bernal then spoke saying, “I want this campaign to be something we can aspire to as Antioch. When I first came to work for this city 25 years ago…the first person I met was named Mike, he was an engineer. He asked my why I would come to Antioch. I told Mike, ‘I want to make a difference, here in Antioch, and I want to make it better…I made it my goal to make this place a better community.”
“Being in retirement, now for a couple years…I’m asked the same question by people out on the street that know me, the question is, ‘why in the world would you stay in Antioch?’” Bernal continued. “So, I tell people the same answer I said before. Because I want to make it a better place and want to improve it. But I have a second reason, now, and as Sean said, I love this community. I love the people of Antioch…my neighbors, my neighborhood…everything this place has to offer.”
He asked his supporters three questions and spoke of his three top priorities of safety, homeless and economic development: “Is Antioch a safe place to operate right now?” “No,” they replied. “Is Antioch a place that’s helping the homeless get off the streets?” “No,” was the response. “Is Antioch a place where economic development is thriving?” Again, they said, “No.”
“That’s the same conclusion I came to,” Bernal stated. “And what is driving me, those three main issues.”
“The first one being the safety of our community,” he shared. “I want our people…to not operate in fear…to be able to walk out and go shopping…go to a restaurant…pull out of an intersection and not worry about getting hit by a car speeding through…I want to see our police force get restored so that we can have safety on our streets.” That garnered the greatest applause.
“That’s the number one priority,” Bernal said.
“I want to address the homeless issue,” he said next. “They don’t deserve to be living on our streets…on parking lots, parked on Wilbur Avenue. We can partner with other agencies, with the county…to get the unhoused the resources they need…get them into interim and permanent housing and get the homeless off the streets of Antioch.”
“I love them, but I don’t want to see them having to live on the streets of Antioch,” Bernal added.
“The third thing that I think is important and the other two lead to it, is having a vibrant economic development in the city of Antioch, our blighted properties, the fact that businesses have to come to city hall and wait for permits because we don’t have a city staff that’s fully staffed, right now,” he stated. “We don’t have a full-time city manager, assistant city manager, community development director, public works director, city engineer, police chief. I could go on and on.”
“Wow,” some in the audience responded.
“We need those leadership positions filled so we can run this government efficiently and have the results that we want to see,” Bernal continued. “We need to put people who know what they’re doing, who are motivated…entrepreneurial, that are going to make a difference in this city.”
“The final thing I think we need to do is to be a good neighbor. I don’t think Antioch is necessarily a good neighbor to Oakley, Brentwood, to Pittsburg and the County, right now, because Antioch is in such crisis,” he stated. “As mayor, I want to work with the cities around us. I want to see us develop a relationship with the school district.”
“The final thing…I want a city government that people can trust,” Bernal said to a round of applause. “Government is not something you can trust. I’m going to commit to everybody here and everybody I meet to be honest, to have integrity and to be a person you can trust to do what I say I’m going to do and to lead this city in a way we can be proud of.”
“I want us to hold our heads high and be proud we’re from Antioch,” he continued. “I want this to be a place where we can raise our families, where our kids leave and want to come back.”
“Our campaign motto was chosen carefully and it’s ‘Change Starts Today,’” said Bernal. “I want people to know, when we as go out into this community, because it’s going to be a war, and we’re going to infiltrate Antioch, I want to listen to what people have to say, I want to hear their concerns, hear their problems. I want to see what we can do to help, immediately. But before we tell them what we’re going to do about changing this city, I want people to know they’re going to have hope. That’s the main thing I think is missing in Antioch, right now, is people cannot hope for a better tomorrow.”

He thanked those who attended and concluded by saying, “It humbles me to have all these people here supporting. I want you to know my family, my wife, Irma, we’re committed to doing this, together. Nine months ago she said, ‘babe, you’ve, got, we’ve gotta do something about this city’ and I said, ‘alright, what are we going to do?’ She goes, ‘I think you should run for mayor.’ I said, ‘alright.’ And we do it all, together so, I knew what she meant when she said, “we’ve got to do this.’ But we’re committed to doing this together. And it’s going to be a lot of work, but we’re ready for it.”
“Today, change starts,” the candidate stated. “And then we’re going to take this through the campaign, we’re going to take it to November, win the election, then we’re going to propel it into the new year with the change for 2025 for the City of Antioch.”
Irma then joined her husband on the stage.
He thanked the McCauleys “for opening their home up, today.”
“As you all know I haven’t done this before. But I’m learning very quickly. I want to thank all our volunteers…change starts, today,” he concluded.
As he ended his speech, Bernal was greeted with chants of “Ron, Ron, Ron” from his supporters. (See his entire speech, here.)
“We’re going to win because you’re a part of this campaign. I believe in Ron’s leadership to make this a great place to live, learn, work, play and worship,” Freitas said to close out the event, quoting the City’s former Mission Statement that previously hung on the wall inside the Council Chambers.
Daughter Gives Tribute to Her Dad
Following the event, daughter Ashley posted on her Facebook page photos and a tribute to her father writing, “I may be biased but I can honestly say that I have the world’s greatest dad! He has always been the best example of what a godly man, husband, father and friend should be and tonight the support was overwhelming!
My dad has served as Antioch city manager, engineer, director of public works and assistant city manager for the last 18 years before retiring a few years ago…my parents had been praying about what was next for them and they both felt strongly that my dad’s time in Antioch wasn’t done!
So here he goes throwing his hat in the ring for Mayor of Antioch and I can’t think of anyone who knows the city better, has a proven track record of success, loves Antioch and also can lead with integrity and passion. To see 3 previous city mayors tonight there to support him along with 400 other people was a true testament to the impact he has made and the amount of people who truly believe he is the man for the job!
If you’re in Antioch, make sure and vote and if you’re not we are asking for prayers that if this is what God wants for my dad and the city of Antioch that it will be so clear and that my dad will have the wisdom he needs to get this huge job done!
I kinda love this guy, and so does everyone else who meets him!!!”
Bernal said he was born at Alta Bates hospital in Berkeley when his parents lived in Moraga. When he was five years old, they moved to Walnut Creek where he grew up. Bernal attended and graduated from Las Lomas High School where he played both baseball and football.
According to his personal Facebook page, Ron and Irma were married on June 7, 1986. They and their two children moved to Antioch in 1998. They also have four grandchildren. Bernal is 61 years old.
According to his LinkedIn profile he has owned Ron Bernal Consulting since January 2022. During his 25 years in Antioch, he served as city manager from March 2017 to December 2021, as Antioch’s Public Works Director and City Engineer from May 1998 to March 2017, and for his final 13 months in that position he also served as Assistant City Manager. Bernal earned a degree in Civil Engineering from U.C. Davis and is a Registered Civil Engineer with the State of California.
For more information about Bernal’s campaign visit So far, Hernandez-Thorpe is the only other candidate to file any campaign-related papers for the seat, which he did last September. Candidate filing opens in July and closes in August. The election will be held on November 5.
the attachments to this post:
Ron photo with supporters & banners
Ron greets a supporter & reception
Ron Bernal for Mayor photo, logo & slogan
Pastor prays over Ron & family, Sean intros Ron with Don