Antioch Council approves $237.5 and $226.2 million budgets for next two fiscal years

Includes projected deficits of $10.2 million in 2023-24 and $15.4 million in 2024-25; also approves $226.6 million 5-Year Capital Improvement Program budget
By Allen D. Payton
During their meeting on Tuesday, June 13, 2023, the Antioch City Council adopted a $237.5 million annual budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24 and $226.2 million budget for Fiscal Year 2024-25 with $10.2 and $15.4 million deficits, respectively. The council also unanimously approved the $226.6 million 5-Year Capital Improvement Program budget and spending up to $2.1 million for police dispatch and records management software upgrade over five years.

Approves Two-Year Budget
The council approved the two-year budget for Fiscal Years 2023-25 using less than $3 million from Budget Stabilization funds for the General Fund, according to Finance Director Dawn Merchant. The 2023-24 Fiscal Year Operating Budget projects a total $10.2 million deficit with $227,370,716 in revenue, including$91,854,602 to the General Fund and $237,524,285 in expenditures, including $92,698,366 from the General Fund. In Fiscal Year 2024-25 the deficit is projected to be $16 million with $210,736,707 in revenue, including$97,314,672 in the General Fund and total expenditures of $226,163,010, including $100,314,672 from the General Fund. (See below)
Over half of the General Fund pays for police, including $50,741,523 in FY 2023-24 and $54,670,183 in FY 2024-25.

Approves 5-Year Capital Improvement Program Budget
The council also unanimously approved the $226.6 million 5-Year Capital Improvement Program Budget with the largest amount of $69 million to be spent on the Brackish Water Desalination Plant. The budget also includes $55.4 million for Roadway Improvements, $47.1 million on the City’s water system, $21.6 million on Community Facilities, $16.4 million on Parks and Trails, $12 million on the Wastewater and Storm Drain System and $4.4 million on Traffic Signals.

Approve $2.1 million for Police Department Software Upgrade
The council approved a five-year contract not to exceed $2,123,744 to develop and maintain a Police Computer Aided Dispatch (“CAD”) and Records Management System (“RMS”) from June 1, 2023, to July 1, 2028, authorizing the Acting City Manager to execute a purchasing agreement with Sunridge Systems.
Mayor Pro Tem Tamisha Torres-Walker was the only council member to speak on the item.
“Increased police response times is literally a matter of life and death in this community,” she said “Three minutes versus 10 minutes when you have a loved one bleeding out in the street… response times matter. Until we can create this other world, this utopia where we don’t need these systems, we need to make them work. Our police department is way behind 21st Century Policing. I definitely support this, and I can make the motion,” which she then did.
Seconded by District 2 Councilman Mike Barbanica, the motion was adopted on a 5-0 vote.

the attachments to this post:
FY 2023-25 General Fund Budget Summary ACC061323
2023-25 Operating Budget ACC061323
2023-25 General Fund Tax Revenue by Source Chart ACC061323
2023-25 General Fund Expenditures by Dept Chart ACC061323
5-Year Capital Improvement Budget ACC061323