Message from Antioch Police Chief Brooks on coronavirus response

Antioch Police Chief Tammany “T” Brooks. Photo by APD.
All officers reporting for duty are healthy
Message from Chief T. Brooks:
Hey everyone! First and foremost…how about a shout out to our social media team and the amazing way they can tell a story (see last post)! Not only was that some great police work, but the creative storytelling makes it fun to read! I’m so proud of the men and women of this organization!
I hate following up that story with my boring style of writing, and hope I don’t put you to sleep. But I felt this was important.
A lot has changed recently, hasn’t it? The COVID-19 global pandemic has altered our lives in ways none of us have ever experienced – or maybe even imagined. But let me share with you something that has NOT changed…the Antioch Police Department continues to serve you as we always have: with vigilance, dedication, integrity, and a commitment to the safety of our community.
I heard a rumor some believed we reduced our police staffing in response to this outbreak. This is absolutely not true! Currently all of our officers reporting for duty are healthy, and we’d like to keep it that way. We have taken a number of steps in an effort to keep them (and you) safe and reduce the likelihood of contracting and/or spreading this virus. These include (but are not limited to):
– Patrol teams are working separate and independent from one another, eliminating any cross contamination between each shift. This includes the use of the locker rooms prior to and after shifts.
– Investigations staff has been divided into three separate teams working in different work spaces. Again, this is to hopefully eliminate cross contamination between the entire group.
– In person team briefings have been suspended.
– Issuing additional personal protective equipment.
– Made the dispatch center off limits to everyone except dispatchers.
– Handling many non-emergency calls for service via telephone or directing people to file an online report (when possible). YES – we are still responding to emergency, in-progress, and high priority calls!
– Increased sanitation measures taken around the police department. Also requiring officers to sanitize their assigned patrol car prior to and after their shift, as well as after any prisoner transport.
We know many of you are fearful, uncertain, and possibly anxious about the future. It’s natural to have these feelings as long as they don’t become overwhelming. And while fear can be contagious, so can good will and human kindness. It is said “Out of difficulties grow miracles.” The Antioch Police Department is here for you, and I am confident we will get through this together!
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