Archive for October, 2016

Three finalists announced for Community College District Chancellor, public forums scheduled

Friday, October 21st, 2016

The Chancellor’s Search Committee has announced the selection of three finalists for the position of Chancellor of the Contra Costa Community College District (District). The finalists are: Eugene Huff, Dr. Kindred Murillo, and Dr. Fred Wood.

The 20 members of the Search Committee have been working since May 24th to recruit and interview candidates and narrow their choices down to the top three.

Public forums have been scheduled at each college and the District Office on Monday, October 31, 2016, beginning at 8:30 a.m. The three finalists will make statements and answer questions from attendees. The public forums will be 50 minutes each and are open to the community, students, faculty and staff. A detailed schedule of the public forums is available at

chancellor-public-forum-scheduleIf anyone is unable to attend the scheduled public forums, the public forums held at Contra Costa College will be streamed live, and links to these recorded public forums will be available on the District website. Online comments about the finalists will be accepted through November 1, 2016, 5:00 p.m.

The Governing Board will interview all three finalists on November 1, 2016, and conduct additional deliberations as needed. It is anticipated that a public meeting will be scheduled within a couple of weeks following the interviews at which time the Governing Board will take action on the Chancellor search.

The Chancellor serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the District and reports directly to the five-member elected Governing Board. The Chancellor, in collaboration with the three college presidents and other District leadership, is responsible for assessing, planning, organizing and evaluating the resources, programs and services of the District to meet the educational needs of the students and the community.

As the educational and administrative leader of the District, the Chancellor represents the District to community groups, business and industry, labor organizations, public school districts, the Chancellor’s Office of the California Community Colleges, the University of California, California State University, private colleges and universities, city and county agencies, and the California legislature.

Following are the three finalists for Contra Costa Community College District Chancellor

gene-huff-finalGene Huff (top left) has been with the Contra Costa Community College District since 2001. He has served as Executive Vice Chancellor, Administrative Services, since 2013, overseeing the fiscal services, human resources, information technology, police services and risk management areas for the District. He first served as a contract administrator, Vice Chancellor of Human Resources, in 2004 and has been the District’s chief negotiator since that time. Prior to joining the District, Huff worked for Whirlpool Corporation in operations and human resources for eleven years. Huff serves on the Executive Committee and Board of Directors for the Contra Costa County Schools Insurance Group, and chairs the District’s Retirement Board of Authority. He is best known for training and presenting on collective bargaining, and interest-based bargaining in particular, to human resources and other groups for almost a decade. He graduated from Purdue University with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in management.

dr-kindred-murilloDr. Kindred Murillo is a passionate college educator serving for twenty years in the California Community College System. Serving for the past five years as the Superintendent/President of Lake Tahoe Community College, Kindred has worked with the campus and the local community to financially stabilize the college through Measure F, transparent and accountable budgets, and a focus on scheduling for “student access and success.” Before arriving in Tahoe, she served as the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services for Contra Costa Community College District. Kindred also served as the Vice President of Administrative Services at Pasadena Area Community College District. She was promoted to Vice President of Finance and Administrative Services when Copper Mountain Community College became a separate district. Kindred was hired as an adjunct faculty at Desert Community College District in 1996, served as a full-time faculty member, and moved into college administration in 2000. She brings a unique background to community college with 13 years of business and six years of governmental relations experience. Kindred is a product of the community college system, graduating from Barstow College with a liberal arts degree.  She completed her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration at Redlands University and earned a Master of Science in Organizational Development and a doctorate in Organizational Leadership at Pepperdine University. Kindred enjoys spending time with her family riding bikes, hiking, and paddle boarding. She loves to read and is an avid seeker of knowledge.

dr-fred-woodDr. Fred Wood presently serves as Chancellor at the University of Minnesota Crookston (UMC). UMC, which was a two-year technical college beginning in 1966 and transitioned to a baccalaureate granting institution in 1993, is a work-force focused campus of the U of M system of which half of the degree seeking students are on-campus students and the other half are on-line. UMC offers an experiential learning based curriculum where on-campus students are required to complete an internship and currently offers 14 degrees fully on-line. Chancellor Wood joined UMC after a 26-year career at the University of California, Davis, where he served as vice chancellor of student affairs from 2007 to 2012, leading one of the largest student affairs portfolios in the nation. His career at UC Davis included other leadership positions, as well, such as interim vice provost for undergraduate studies and associate dean of the College of Letters and Science, while concurrently serving as a faculty member in chemistry. He began both his college education and professional career at the community college. Prior to UC Davis, Dr. Wood was a faculty member at North Idaho College and his first teaching assignment during graduate school was at Diablo Valley College. A first-generation college graduate, Chancellor Wood earned an A.A from Diablo Valley College, and B.S. and Ph.D. in chemistry from UC Davis. He is married and has three grown children. He enjoys hiking, biking and skiing with his family.

The Contra Costa Community College District (CCCCD) is one of the largest multi-college community college districts in California. The CCCCD serves a population of 1,019,640 people, and its boundaries encompass all but 48 of the 734-square-mile land area of Contra Costa County. The District is home to Contra Costa College in San Pablo, Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill, Los Medanos College in Pittsburg, as well as educational centers in Brentwood and San Ramon. The District headquarters is located in downtown Martinez.

Following are the Members of the Chancellor Search Committee:


Three fourth-generation Antioch residents write to support Turnage for Council

Thursday, October 20th, 2016

Dear Editor,

As fourth-generation Antioch residents, we would like to share why we are supporting and voting for Ken Turnage II for Antioch City Council.

We have had to watch our home town become plagued with crime, our neighborhoods overrun with blight, businesses closing all around us and a general feeling of not being safe.

We are unable to get the help we need because of a lack of city services, a shortage of police officers and any interest from our current city council members.

We can see hope in Ken Turnage.  He was raised in Antioch, owns and operates a local construction company that he worked at as a young kid.  He learned from the bottom up and has made it a successful business.  He has given his time, money and hard work in many aspects to help build up and support Antioch.  We have seen him at the city council meetings always taking an interest in what is happening with our city and always willing to help.  For this, he was named Citizen of the Year 2015.  He is raising his young family here so has a vested interest in our community.

Ken always has a smile on his face, pleasant to talk to and listens to other points of view keeping an open mind.  His campaign has been positive and supportive of other candidates and without any negative comments.

It is time to move out of the past. Let’s put in new city council members from top to bottom who have bright, new innovative ideas.

This is what we want for Antioch.  We may not get the good ‘ol days back again but the days to come can be much better.

Thank You.

Verne Roberts

Peggy (Lawrence) Roberts

Susan (Jenkins) Williams


Former Chamber staffer writes of how Sean Wright changed her mind about Antioch’s future

Thursday, October 20th, 2016


I have lived in Antioch since 1968. Although I am not a political person, I worked for the Antioch Daily Ledger for many many years. Working at the Ledger surrounded me with the news of the day and Antioch’s triumphs and missteps. Over the years, I formed an opinion that Antioch as a city, had missed too many opportunities and any opportunity for greatness. I loved my town, but I just felt that opportunities for Antioch were limited…until I went to work at the Antioch Chamber of Commerce.

I worked for Sean at the Antioch Chamber of Commerce from April, 2015 until April, 2016.

Sean changed my mind.

I had the opportunity to hear him speak on several occasions and to just talk with him about Antioch a few times in the office. He spoke with such vision and enthusiasm that I began to see that Antioch’s future is not limited by the past. Sean believes in the greatness of our town, he sees the good, he’s been working for years with business owners, educators and leaders for the good of Antioch.

I began to see Antioch through his eyes and it really changed the way I see my town.

I have already voted (absentee) and I absolutely voted for Sean Wright.

I would encourage you to visit his FB page and his website  and hear what he has to say.

Sean is not a politician looking for a stepping stone to what’s next. He’s a visionary without a personal political agenda. Sean has an Antioch agenda.

Thank you.

Janet Dossey


Murillo writes to explain his support for Wright for Mayor of Antioch

Thursday, October 20th, 2016


As we come to the stretch of this election, we as a community must think who brings our values to City Hall.

I ran my campaign literally and the reason why I suspended it was simple, folks. I knew from the polling numbers that I could not get to the winner’s circle.  When I announced my suspension, it was very difficult but I realized that I was taking from the only candidate that I didn’t want to take from. That is Sean Wright. I feared what happened in 2012 would happen again in 2016 where you the community was denied the leadership we should have received. If you are asking, what happened? Let me explain.

In 2012, we had four individuals who ran for Mayor: Wade Harper, Gary Agopian, Don Freitas, and Michael Leon. The results were Harper 12,594; Agopian 10,129; Freitas 6,329; and Leon 1,740. If Freitas hadn’t run or would have dropped from the race, Harper would have likely lost.

Based on the polls that I and another team conducted, the results this year would recreate what happened in 2012 – getting the wrong candidate in office. I personally feel it would be a disservice by staying in. I had numbers, folks but not enough to take me over the finish line. I can accept that.

We are down to two primary candidates, two contenders who are taking it to the finish line.  I spoke with both candidates and both have strengths but in the end, one must make a decision that is aligned to the principals that you, the community echoed to me in debates, emails and one-on-ones, and on social media.

I support Sean Wright due to the following reasons. He:

  • Understands the importance of fiscal management
  • Will work with Councilmembers to ensure that Measure O funds are collected
  • Will work with the Police Chief and Commission on innovative planning to reduce crime
  • Will bridge the walls that divide our community
  • Understands the need for Local Jobs
  • Will develop strategy that will address the homeless issue
  • Supports holding on new rezoning or new housing starts

Let’s not split the vote again and miss our opportunity for change.  Let’s make Antioch right again by voting the Wright way.

Gil Murillo


Congressman DeSaulnier receives “A” from National Education Association

Thursday, October 20th, 2016

Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (CA-11), the only Bay Area member on the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, received a perfect grade on the National Education Association’s (NEA) annual report card for the first session of the 114th Congress. The NEA is made up of 3 million members who are teachers and staff that work in every level of education, from pre-school to university graduate programs. Their Legislative Report Card measures Members of Congress’ overall support for public education and educators, with each Member receiving a letter grade of A, B, C, D or F.

“We know student success is highly dependent on early investment in their education. In my first year as a Member of Congress, I fought for a high quality and affordable education for every student in every classroom across the country. I am deeply honored to receive an A from the National Education Association and look forward to continuing to work with the NEA to improve our schools and prioritize student’s academic success,” said Congressman DeSaulnier.

“We commend Congressman DeSaulnier for listening to educators and getting the job done for students during the 114th Congress,” said Mary Kusler, NEA director of government relations. “The Congressional passage of the bipartisan Every Student Succeeds Act, which Rep. DeSaulnier supported, is a direct result of what is possible when legislators from both sides of the political aisle put students ahead of partisan politics especially in an era of gridlock in Washington. This result also is an unequivocal recognition that many lawmakers still believe educators – those who know the names of their students – are the most trusted professionals best equipped to make school and classroom decisions to ensure student success regardless of ZIP code. We hope that the bipartisanship displayed at times last year will lead to greater future collaboration. We will continue to work with all elected officials to ensure the success of every student in America.”

Congressman DeSaulnier’s measures to improve Head Start programs, protect student athletes from concussions, and strengthen students’ access to support and “wraparound” services like tutoring, counseling, and other extracurricular activities were successfully included in the Every Student Succeeds Act. Additionally, Congressman DeSaulnier recently completed his Education Listening Tour, during which he visited every school district and in California’s 11th Congressional District.

Antioch Council hears blight and homelessness report, gives go ahead for Sycamore area apartments rehab

Thursday, October 20th, 2016

By Nick Goodrich

On Tuesday, October 11th, the Antioch City Council heard a report on the city’s ongoing efforts to combat blight and homelessness, and also oversaw a public hearing concerning the proposed financing of the Delta Pines Apartments.

Public Comments

During public comments at the beginning of the meeting, and the Council once again heard from Save the Yard supporters, as well as a few Antioch business owners.

Joy Motts, a leader in the Save the Yard effort, read aloud from the city’s General Plan, which presented Antioch’s waterfront as a possible “major attraction.” She and several others expressed their frustration that the city had decided to build townhomes on the property, rather than a park and event center.

“The Beede Lumber Yard is a perfect place for a park,” Motts said. “Houses are not a legacy that anyone will remember you for. It’s time that you incorporate a public discussion into the decision of the Beede Lumber Yard.”

Two business owners in downtown Antioch also spoke before the Council on the state of the city.

Antioch resident Jim Lanter, a 12-year downtown business owner, listed several concerns, including the state of downtown at night, and blight affecting much of the surrounding area. He suggested installing better lighting to make people feel safer in downtown Antioch at night, and encourage businesses to stay open later.

Nicholas Olivier, owner of Urban Jumble in downtown Antioch, agreed with Lanter. He asked for increased police presence downtown, especially at night.

“Downtown is beginning to grow, but we definitely need help,” he said.

Efforts to Eradicate Blight & Homelessness

Ron Bernal, Assistant City Manager and Director of Public Works for the city, was on hand to give the report on blight and homelessness to the Council. He noted that the 2008 recession had contributed greatly to the blight problem by leaving behind a number of neglected residential properties and vacant buildings of businesses that were forced to close their doors.

The city was forced to shut down its Code Enforcement department and let go several park and street workers who had previously helped keep Antioch clean.

Since that time, the city has gradually built up the department, including the hiring of three new Code Enforcement Officers, one technician, and two laborers. The city has also reinstated the 40-hour work week, allowing Code Enforcement to do more each week.

In addition, Bernal reported that the Antioch Police Department’s hiring of an outside company – SP Plus Corp. – to ticket and tow vehicles, has seen great success. In the past six months, 528 unregistered, inoperable, or illegally parked vehicles were removed from Antioch’s streets.

The Council recently approved a three-year extension of the contract with SP Plus Corp. Bernal cited several other successes, such as the restriping of streets and curbs, and a new shopping cart ordinance slated to go into effect on November 1st, as signs that the city is making strides in combating blight.

“We’re trying to be very responsive to things that are offensive in our community, we’re making every effort to do that,” he told the audience at Tuesday’s meeting.

Bernal then addressed the homelessness problem in Antioch. In the last year, the city has seen a 33% increase in its homeless population, from 122 to 164. That increase paces East County’s 33% raise, while West County actually saw a 45% decrease.

The closure of the Don Brown Center earlier this year, which had provided services and resources for many of the East Bay’s homeless, and of Shelter Inc.’s transitional housing on Delta Fair Boulevard, created problems, Bernal said.

The city currently has budgeted $50,000 for the funding of homeless services, and the Antioch Shelter Project, which aims to replace the closed Don Brown Center, is in the process of finding a new location.

But Bernal emphasized the importance of the community in fighting the city’s homelessness problem, noting that faith-based institutions and individual citizens continue to do their part.

“Everybody needs to get involved,” he said. “We all need to try to work together.”

Delta Pines Apartments

Council also oversaw a public hearing on the proposed financing of the Delta Pines Apartments, on Sycamore Drive.

Delta Pines was constructed in the 1970’s and consists of 186 units on 7 acres, and is part of Antioch’s affordable housing stock. The Council voted 5-0 to approve a $35 million bond issued by the California Statewide Communities Development Authority for real estate investment firm Levy Affiliated to finance the complex.

The proposed financing will include its purchase and renovation by Levy Affiliated, which aims to provide energy upgrades, handicap accessibility, and new kitchens, energy-efficient appliances, and floors to the units.

No representatives of Levy Affiliated spoke on behalf of the project during the hearing, and no opponents spoke against it.

“I’m grateful that this is happening,” said Councilmember Monica Wilson, “That we have organizations coming in to rehab some of our older buildings, to make them handicap accessible, and for our low income and affordable housing. So hopefully we see some more of these come up.”

Mayor Pro Tem Lori Ogorchock agreed, citing recent rent increases.

“I’m just happy that they’re doing them, and that they’re making them ADA compliant,” she said. “We have several people with disabilities that were forced out of their rentals because their rents were increasing. So we need more of these.”

Belle ballot statement lie case continued to December, may change plea or face trial

Thursday, October 20th, 2016

By Allen Payton

The latest court hearing in the Contra Costa District Attorney’s case against Contra Costa County School Board Member Jeff Belle, over a lie on his ballot his statement in 2014, was held on Monday, October 17th.  However, according to Deputy D.A. Steve Moawad, “it was put over” and “the next court date is December 15th.”

At that hearing, Belle will have to either change his plea from not guilty or the judge will set a date for trial, Moawad explained.

Belle was charged with lying on his candidate’s statement in his campaign for school board in 2014, for writing that he had a college degree, when he had not yet obtained one. That fact was revealed in an interview with this reporter for an article posted on the Herald website.

If convicted, the maximum penalty for lying on a ballot statement is a fine of $1,000. Belle represents Area 5 on the county school board, which includes most of Antioch.

Antioch Police calls for service highlights for week of Oct. 6-13, 2016

Wednesday, October 19th, 2016

Antioch Police calls for service highlights as published in City Manager Steve Duran’s Weekly Report dated October 14, 2016 and provided by Chief of Police Allan Cantando.

Calls for Service and Arrest Data Summary:

Time Period: 10/06/16 00:00:00 – 10/12/16 23:59:59

Number of Calls for Service: 1,676

Number of Case Reports: 247

Number of Arrests: 78

Felony: 38

Misdemeanor: 40

Arrests with DUI charge: 4

The data is based upon unaudited CAD/RMS data at time of report generation.

  • ·10/13/2016 at 3:08 am, 42 year old Otis Wyatt was contacted in the apartment complex located at 3915 Delta Fair Blvd. He was found with a narcotics warrant out of Sacramento PD. He was taken into custody without incident and booked into county jail.
  • ·10/13/2016 at 2:00 am, APD units were in the area of Sycamore Dr. and Banyan Way watching a recently parked stolen vehicle when an unrelated stolen vehicle was picked up by a license late reader camera and an alert was received by area units. The vehicle was quickly located and an enforcement stop was conducted. 21 year old Sydney Frachon was taken into custody without incident. She was later booked into county jail and the vehicle was returned to the registered owner.
  • ·10/12/2016 at 9:18 pm, an officer made routine traffic enforcement stop for tailgating at W. Tregallas Rd. and Lone Tree Way. 28 year old Marcos Ruiz was contacted at the driver’s seat and it was discovered Ruiz had a warrant for his arrest for felony DUI. Ruiz was taken into custody without incident and sent to county jail.
  • ·10/12/2016 at 5:53 pm, officers were dispatched to Oliver’s Fish House on A St. for a report of suspicious subjects walking up and down the street. Upon arrival, officers contacted 26 year old Clarence Smith in front of the business. Smith is on three separate counts of probation with a search clause. During a search of Smith’s person, officers located methamphetamine in his pocket. Smith was booked at APD and later transported to county jail.
  • ·10/12/2016 at 9:07 am, 26 year old Denzel Foster came to the APD lobby to turn himself in on an outstanding warrant for assault on a peace officer. Foster was arrested and booked into county jail.
  • ·10/12/2016 at 9:06 am, an officer made a vehicle stop at the Arco station on Contra Loma Blvd. and contacted the driver, 23 year old Caesar Railey. Railey was found to have a warrant for Identity Theft out of Minneapolis Minnesota. The warrant was extraditable and Railey was arrested and booked into county jail.
  • ·10/12/2016 at 1:38 am, The Green Education Foundation has a donation box in the Macy’s parking lot. The container has surveillance cameras and APD was advised that someone was in the container. Officers arrived and found 29 year old Ashley Hammond inside the container. A representative from the foundation responded and requested that Hammond be arrested for trespassing. Hammond was arrested and issued a citation for trespassing.
  • ·10/12/2016 at 1:08 am, 36 year old Andrew Burns was contacted during an enforcement stop on Davison Dr. near Harris Dr. Burns is on probation with a search clause. Burns was found in possession of a switch blade knife. Burns was arrested without incident and sent to county jail for a probation violation and being in possession of the switch blade knife.
  • ·10/12/2016, an officer conducted a traffic enforcement stop for expired registration at Romi’s liquors on E. 18th St. 44 year old Succhina Collins was passenger. She was found to have a no-cite warrant in the system for petty theft. She was arrested and booked at county jail.
  • ·10/11/2016 at 11:54 pm, 32 year old Eduardo Silva was contacted during an enforcement stop at A St. and W 16th St. He was determined to be driving under the influence of alcohol. Silva was arrested without incident and sent to county jail. 10/11/2016 at 4:57 pm, officers responded to the 5000 block of Heacock Way on a call that 35 year old Bryan Anderson was causing a disturbance in his house. While in route, dispatch advised that Anderson had a felony warrant in the system for assault with a deadly weapon. Anderson was contacted and arrested for the warrant. He was booked into county jail.
  • ·10/11/2016 at 10:36 am, APD dispatch received a call of an audible alarm at a home in the 4800 block of Valley Way. Prior to police arriving, the resident of the home called to report a burglary. The suspects were recorded on the home’s surveillance system. One of the suspects was armed with a firearm. The victim recognized one of the suspects as 20 year old Ricky Dawson, who was a family acquaintance. A few minutes prior to the alarm call, dispatch received a call of a suspicious Mercedes Benz at Knoll Park on Country Hills Dr. in which two males were seen exiting the vehicle with black hoodies. The caller on the suspicious Mercedes provided a license plate that showed the vehicle was registered to Dawson. An area check for Dawson, which included his residence, had negative results. Later in the shift, officers received information that Dawson was at a house on Belshaw St. When officers arrived, Dawson was seen going to a detached garage where he lives. Dawson was confronted by officers and taken into custody. 21 year old Raymond Smith was also contacted in the garage. Officers found that Smith matched the description of the second suspect in the burglary. Smith is on parole for robbery and was also arrested. A loaded handgun was recovered from the garage. Both Dawson and Smith were booked into county jail for several felony charges.
  • ·10/11/2016 at 5:19 am, officers were sent to an AED call for an unconscious male at a residence in the 2300 block of Shelbourne Way. It was determined the residence did not have power and the residents have been using a generator since August. Three residents suffered carbon monoxide poisoning and were sent to the hospital. A message was left with Antioch Code Enforcement and a Contra Costa County Arson Investigator remained on scene until code enforcement arrived.
  • ·10/11/2016 at 3:44 am, an officer located a suspicious vehicle in the 5100 block of Canada Hills Dr. APD dispatch advised the vehicle was stolen and 28 year old Taralynn Williams was the driver. Williams was arrested and sent to county jail.
  • ·10/10/2016 at 11:38 pm, 36 year old John Sanborn was contacted by an officer as he was sitting in a car at the Executive Inn located at 515 E. 18th St. Officers located 16 grams of methamphetamine and a dagger in Sanborn’s possession. Sanborn was arrested and sent to county jail.
  • ·10/10/2016 at 9:21 pm, officers responded to a fire assist call at 2201 Willow Ave. The garage caught fire and it was discovered that the garage had been turned into a space to grow marijuana. PG&E responded and determined the meter had been bypassed and the resident was stealing power. An arson investigator was on scene. The resident had paperwork on hand to grow marijuana medicinally and told officers she hired an electrician she met at a hydroponics shop to wire her grow room. APD Investigations was notified. Damage to the home was minimal. This case is still under investigation. 10/10/2016 at 6:53 pm, an adult male was walking near Jack-in-the-Box located at 2505 A St. when he observed 25 year old Freddy Gonzalez in the parking lot. The male suspected his girlfriend of cheating on him with Gonzalez and decided to confront him. Gonzalez obtained a large machete from his vehicle and began attacking the male. The male sustained lacerations to his legs and hand. He was transported to the hospital where he will likely undergo surgery, but is expected to survive. Gonzalez was located in his vehicle and arrested without incident. He was identified as the responsible by an independent witness and sent to county jail for assault with a deadly weapon.
  • ·10/10/2016 at 2:33 pm, an officer was in the area of D St. and W 13th St. and attempted to make a traffic stop on a vehicle for excessive speed. The vehicle accelerated at a high rate of speed failing to yield to the officer. A short pursuit ensued while dispatch was giving the registered owner information on the license plate. The vehicle was approximately two blocks ahead of the officer when it collided into a tree at the intersection of W 7th St. and D St. The driver, and solo occupant, fled on foot through yards. A perimeter was established and two canine officers conducted yard to yard searches with the canines. 19 year old Bryce Colton was located hiding between a garage and fence in the rear yard of 207 W 6th St. Colton refused commands by officers and was bit on the upper left leg by one of the police canines. Colton also had an outstanding no bail warrant for his arrest for a probation violation. Colton sustained a minor abrasion to his upper left leg as a result of the bite. He was medically cleared from hospital and transported to county jail.
  • ·10/10/2016 at 7:32 am, 31 year old Aaron Esposo was contacted during a pedestrian stop at 4045 Lone Tree Way. A name check revealed he had a misdemeanor non citable warrant for his arrest for a misdemeanor charge. He was arrested without incident and transported to the county jail.
  • ·10/10/2016 at 1:50 am, 30 year old Jacob Schmidt was contacted during a pedestrian stop on Contra Loma Blvd. near San Carlos Dr. and had warrants for his arrest for the charges of auto theft, possession of stolen property, and being under the influence of drugs. Schmidt was arrested without incident and sent to county jail.
  • ·10/9/2016 at 8:42 pm, officers responded to a report of a traffic collision in a driveway in the 4400 block of Elk Dr. Upon arrival, it was determined that no collision occurred, but 22 year old Patrick Herrick was driving a vehicle while under the influence. Herrick was arrested without incident and sent to county jail.
  • ·10/9/2016 at 3:30 pm, a citizen called APD reporting a Jaguar with paper plates was on fire at Blue Rock Dr. and Boulder Dr. The citizen provided a good description of the male and female that exited and ran from the vehicle. Officers arrived quickly and a VIN check revealed the car was listed as stolen out of San Mateo County. During an area check, an officer located two subjects matching the description walking on Eagleridge Dr near Eagleridge Park. As the officer approached, the male, 34 year old Joshua Tanasescu, took off on foot through the park and the female, 24 year old Jamie Hampton, was detained. A perimeter was established and a canine officer conducted a track. The police canine located Tanasescu hiding in the backseat of an unsecure Ford Mustang in the neighborhood. Tanasescu surrendered to officers once he realized he was found by the canine. Tanasescu was identified as the driver and Hampton was identified as the passenger. As it turns out, the stolen vehicle sustained engine troubles which caused a large amount of smoke and was not intentionally set on fire. Tanasescu was found to have an outstanding felony warrant for auto theft. He was transported to county jail on the warrant and for the new charges of auto theft, possession of stolen property, and resisting arrest. Hampton was released pending further investigation from the scene.
  • ·10/9/2016 at 3:28 pm, an officer observed 49 year old Isidro Revuelta walking in the area of L St. and Loma Ln. and knew Revuelta had two warrants for his arrest. One for DUI and the other for driving on a suspended license. Revuelta was arrested and issued a new court date.
  • ·10/9/2016 at 2:52 pm, loss prevention for Kmart observed 51 year old Dilistia Graffenread conceal various fishing accessories and exit the store without paying for them. Graffenread was detained and brought back to the loss prevention office. Graffenread was placed under citizen’s arrest for shoplifting and later released with a citation.
  • ·10/8/2016 at 10:02 pm, 27 year old Brentyn Vincent was contacted during a traffic enforcement stop in the area of Cavallo Rd. and E. Tregallas Rd. and found to have warrants for his arrest for auto theft and drug charges. He was arrested without incident and he was sent to county jail.
  • ·10/8/2016 at 6:11 pm, officers were at 901 Mullberry Way investigating a suspicious person at the residence. While at the home, officers contacted 18 year old Angelina Jaimes and discovered she had a felony warrant for her arrest on several theft related charges. Jaimes was taken into custody without incident and transported to county jail.
  • ·10/8/2016 at 11:31 am, officers were dispatched to a report of a male sleeping in the shopping center at 18th St. and ‘A’ St. Upon arrival, they located 39 year old Richard Kearnes sleeping in front of Bella Nails. A records check showed Kearnes had a non citable warrant for his arrest on the charges of indecent exposure and public intoxication. Kearnes was taken into custody without incident and later sent to county jail.
  • ·10/8/2016 at 10:18 am, officers were dispatched to the old AAA located on Verne Roberts Cir. on a report of an alarm. Upon arrival, they located 44 year old Nicole Costa who had an encampment set up to the rear of the business. A records check showed Costa had an outstanding warrant out of Tuolumne County for narcotics related charges. Costa was issued a new court date and was released from the scene.
  • ·10/8/2016 at 5:00 am, 37 year old Kentrell Hall was involved in a vehicle collision in the area of Canada Valley Rd. and McFarland Ranch Rd. Hall was found to be DUI and was transported by ambulance to the hospital for non life threatening injuries. Hall was released from the hospital pending further investigation.
  • ·10/7/2016 at 11:41 pm, an officer made an enforcement stop in the area of Davison Dr. and Lone Tree Way and found the driver of the vehicle, 24 year old Eddy Castaneda, was DUI. The driver was arrested without incident and sent to county jail.
  • ·10/7/2016 at 11:12 pm, an officer made a vehicle enforcement stop and contacted 38 year old William James in the parking lot of 7-11 located at 4355 Hillcrest Ave. James displayed objective symptoms of being under the influence of an alcoholic beverage. After doing several field sobriety tests, the officer arrested James for DUI. James agreed to a breath test showed to be over the legal limit. James was then transported to county jail for a sobering period.
  • ·10/7/2016 at 9:52 pm, an officer located 45 year old David Bledsoe riding his bicycle on A St. and knew he was a parolee at large. The officer contacted Bledsoe and arrested him without incident. Bledsoe was transported to county jail.
  • ·10/7/2016 at 11:17 am, 35 year old Melvin Russell is transient and was found sleeping in the garbage can area of the Somerset Apartments located at 3185 Contra Loma Blvd. A staff member asked Russell to leave the property and he started yelling and became irate. Russell was contacted and arrested for trespassing. Russell was issued a citation and released on his signed promise to appear.
  • ·10/7/2016 at 7:06 am, an employee of the Community Integrated Works Program located at 1105 Buchanan Rd. called APD dispatch and reported that an unknown person popped all of the tires on four vans belonging to the program. There was video of the incident but unfortunately the video did not capture the face of the suspect. No other suspect information could be provided and it is unknown at this time why someone would have damaged the vehicles.
  • ·10/7/2016 at 4:26 am, 19 year old Ethan McCoy was contacted at the Economy Inn on E. 18th St. McCoy was found to be in possession of 12 “dime bags” of methamphetamine, a scale, and cash. He was arrested and sent to county jail.
  • ·10/6/2016 at 10:17 pm, an officer saw a vehicle driving in the area of E. 18th St. and Cavallo Rd. and ran its license plate. The car was listed as stolen. The driver, 33 year old Joseph Esquer, pulled into the Little Caesar parking lot and was arrested without incident and sent to county jail for auto theft.
  • ·10/6/2016 at 7:31 pm, officers were dispatched to a brush fire at Costco. Upon arrival, witnesses advised they observed 45 year old Thomas Grant intentionally set the shrubs on fire and flee on foot. During an area check, Grant was located and he was positively identified as the responsible by witnesses. A Contra Costa County Fire Investigator responded to the scene and determined the fire to be arson. Grant was arrested without incident and transported to county jail.
  • ·10/6/2016 at 2:07 pm, officers were notified by a parole agent that 31 year old Dupree Straughter was out of compliance per his sexual assault registration requirements for failing to register since his release from prison. Officers located Straughter on Mahogany Way near Dogwood Way. During a search of Straughter’s person, officers located suspected methamphetamine and a glass pipe. Straughter was booked at APD and later sent to county jail on charges of violating his registration requirements and narcotics charges.
  • ·10/6/2016 at 1:30 pm, an employee of Sunseri Construction Company was using a nuclear density gauge at a construction site on Tabora Dr. The employee sat the device on the ground and an excavator ran it over causing the radioactive material inside of the device to become exposed. Contra Costa County Fire, County Hazmat, Code Enforcement, Parking Enforcement, APD VIPS and several APD officers assisted in securing the area. James Donlon Blvd. and Contra Loma Blvd. were closed down. The east half of the apartments at 1111 James Donlon Blvd. were evacuated. The incident took about 5 1/2 hours to resolve and ultimately it was determined that there was no health hazard.