Ruehligs support new community college location, closer to Antioch

Dear Editor:

The September 10th meeting of the Contra Costa Community College Board was at least a partial victory for the voice of common sense. First, BART President Joel Keller and a number of supporting people spoke. They advocated exploring a possible land swap for the 17 acre proposed campus at Marsh Creek Road behind Trilogy Retirement Village.

After Board comment, the College Board President, John Marquez (Area I) formed a feasibility committee to assess the viability of Mr. Keller’s proposal. This consisted of Board Vice President John Nejedly (Area IV) and Trustee Greg Enholm (Area V). Since then the Chancellor, Helen Benjamin, has suggested hiring a professional consultant with site evaluation expertise.

I am heartened that the College Board is not blindly lurching forward as any final decision will have generational consequences.  The new site is five miles from Lone Tree on a dim two way road down the Highway bypass. A representative from Tri-Delta spoke adversely of the site saying, that at best, transportation would be spotty.

At the Board meeting my wife, Cynthia Ruehlig, a Trustee with the County Board of Education, but speaking as a private citizen, concurred. She stated that that those with disabilities and economic hardship would suffer most as many people in East County did not have cars.

On the other hand, the proposed new site, off Mokelumne Trail between Lone Tree and Sand Creek Roads adjacent to Highway 4, has acsessability.  An e-BART station is projected for that site and it is much more central to all area high schools. That weighs importantly as there is an increasing trend towards high schoolers taking concurrent college classes.

Lastly, we’re all hoping that our senior citizens be spared a horror show.  Picture up to 11,000 car trips daily streaming into the now peaceful retirement area of Trilogy and Sumerset.  Many of the students will, invariably, be late to class and rushing. Imagine the dangers of many taking ancillary side roads like Fairview.

For the interests of young and old, then, there are challenging questions to be answered.  Much rides in the balance.

Walter Ruehlig


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