Writer says Frazier scores low on tax bills

Dear Editor:

When Jim Frazier first ran for Assembly two years ago, he promised to put people before politics. Unfortunately, like most politicians, he has failed to live up to his campaign promises, too often putting politics before people (also known as taxpayers).

The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association has given Frazier the grade of ‘F’ on its report card for the 2013-14 legislative session. Frazier voted in favor of taxpayers only 21 percent of the time on 15 important bills, including votes supporting tax increases and attacks on Proposition 13.

Frazier did better on the California Taxpayers Association report card for 2013, voting in taxpayer interests 41.7 percent of the time. But this year Frazier has voted with taxpayers just 30 percent of the time. That’s based on 35 bills “that would have a lasting impact on California’s tax structure, and would affect economic certainty, equity, transparency and the complexity of California taxes,” according to CalTax.

Only six of the 80 Assembly members scored worse than Frazier on the CalTax report card. And only 12 Assembly members received a worse score from HJTA.

If you believe your taxes are too low and that government spends your money better than you do, then give Jim Frazier two more years in the Assembly. If you feel that you are over-taxed and prefer to keep your hard-earned dollars, then Alex Henthorn, who favors lowering sales and business property taxes, deserves your vote.

Dave Roberts


One Comment to “Writer says Frazier scores low on tax bills”

  1. Burk says:

    Another classic example of Dave Roberts being Dave Roberts… doesn’t know up from down or left from right.

    Both organizations mentioned are well known to lean way right so really means very little and can offset that with two of my own.

    For example, Frazier was the 2014 Legislator of the Year by the Southern California Contractors Association. Another would be 100% on the Seniors Report Card. The report card is aimed to help seniors understand how their elected officials have responded to the issues facing families and communities.The CCS works with others in the senior network to analyze bills, write letters of support or opposition and more to advocate on the behalf of California’s seniors. The report card is an analysis of lawmakers’ votes on several key bills identified as important for seniors.


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