Archive for the ‘Politics & Elections’ Category

Op-Ed: Former Brentwood city manager supports Sandoval for Community College District Ward 5

Tuesday, September 29th, 2020

By Jon Elam, Former Brentwood City Manager

An exciting face has returned and is running for election to the Contra Costa Community College Board this November 3rd.  He ran for this race in 2016 and ran a total grassroots campaign as a newcomer and fell just a little short. But he did not go away as he stayed committed to our communities and has come back with renewed energy.

Fernando Sandoval, a native of Pittsburg and a product of our schools, a Veteran, brings a deep understanding of the important role our college plays in helping our students reach their full potential. And most importantly, become a part of our region’s economic future.

Fernando brings an impressive resume of experience and knowledge in finance and information management, both critical areas as the Contra Costa Community Colleges become more and more vital for our growing workforce and also a stepping-stone for so many to a four-year college degree. He is a recent author providing lectures to K-12 and Colleges about identity, motivation, and achievement with an emphasis on education.

Fernando also brings something that has been missing from past Board members — a commitment to trust and transparency built around an understanding that every dollar spent by the College is your money and must be carefully monitored.  How many of us ever remember receiving an update or report on our colleges progress and success? That will change with Fernando’s strong voice and accountability.

His campaign has built a track record of support with over forty endorsements received from College Staff and Faculty, local union leaders, community officials and those who know the commitment Fernando will bring to this important elected position in East County. He wants to put Community back into the Community College District.

Please join your neighbors and friends in the momentum and excitement that Fernando’s candidacy has brought to our community. It’s time for real change and honesty. Vote on November 3rd for Fernando Sandoval for Ward 5 seat on the Contra Costa Community College Board of Directors.

Candidate for Antioch School Board Area 1 George Young offers petition for student trustee signature process

Monday, September 28th, 2020

Dear Editor:

The GeorgeYoung4Change campaign team and I have recognized a universal theme being expressed by our parents and community members through our engagements and emails we receive. The vast majority of the gripes and issues coming from those who have reached out to us, especially those under the age of 25, can be summarized as they do not feel as if they are properly represented within the School Board meetings. I’ve received a plethora of feedback or messages stating they have observed the meeting discussions and listened to the comments from board members and they rarely reflect their concerns or opinions on the subject matter.

The people of Antioch are pleading for a voice that represents the way they think and has the same concerns as they do. The amount of frustration that I have heard from our parents is overwhelming but that frustration only fuels my determination to get my name out and strive to win this campaign so that together we can make the needed CHANGE in Antioch’s education system.  I want to bring the voice of the community to the board. I want to make sure that parents and students know they are heard.

The topic of having a Student Trustee appointed to the Board has been on the board agenda for the past few months.  Each time the topic is brought up it appears to be met with increasing opposition. As far as I can tell, no matter what the rebuttal, whether it be that the student did not follow the correct procedure (even though the student followed the directions that were given to her), or that the petition was not correct, or that the Board is unsure of the Bylaws pertaining to the implementation and appointment of the position, the one thing that is consistent is the board’s request that the petition meets the California Department of Education Code requirements.  Our students have demonstrated that they want this, so I have taken the needed steps to make this petition happen.  I am writing this letter today to ask that current 2020-2021 High School Students, registered in the Antioch six public high schools please consider signing the AUSD Student Trustee petition that is now available on  

The CA Ed Code requires 500 signatures, however, I am asking for 700 signatures as a cushion to cover for any signatures that may be disqualified for reasons chosen by the AUSB Legal team.  Last spring the amazing Antioch Student Body was able to bring together 500 signatures, so I am confident that it will not take much time to collect these 700.

This petition is to open the Student Trustee position on the Antioch Unified School Board, which will then force the board to create the voting bylaws in which one student, to be chosen by their peers via an election, will sit on the Antioch Unified School Board, as a Trustee.  This student will not have the right to vote, however, they will have the right to be part of each discussion leading up to votes, therefore bringing a student voice to the board.

This is just one of many steps I am taking to bring about the changes our schools so desperately need. By giving the students their voice in decisions that directly impact them, we can revitalize the feelings of school pride within our students. Something that has been lacking for quite some time. That pride leads to greater student involvement within the School and the community. This then sparks the flame that ignites the greater community, i.e., parents, teachers, residents, business owners, etc., uplifting our community, providing more resources, and allowing additional help on campus from parents and community groups that in the past have been pushed away.  Antioch public schools should not be a place where children are sent to fail, they should be the place we send our children to succeed. Together we can bring CHANGE to Antioch Schools.  For more information on how you can be part of the CHANGE visit

Petition Link:

Thank you,

SSG George Young

2020 AUSD Board Trustee Candidate, Area 1


Community college teachers’ union endorses Sandoval for College Board Ward 5

Monday, September 28th, 2020

Fernando Sandoval, candidate for the Contra Costa Community College District in Ward 5 announced he has received the endorsement of the United Faculty of all three of the district’s colleges. Following is the letter received by his campaign: United Faculty letter-for-Fernando-Sandoval

September 22, 2020

The United Faculty of 4CD is proud to endorse Fernando Sandoval for Community College Board (Ward 5).

Fernando is an outstanding community leader who will represent students and parents with integrity and help protect the financial future of Los Medanos College, as well as Diablo Valley and Contra Costa colleges.

Electing Fernando Sandoval this year is crucial for our colleges and students. We need change to return our board to ethical, student-centered leadership. Our faculty trust Fernando to put student interests first and to work with managers, staff and professors to provide the best quality education possible with the resources we have.

Unlike the incumbent trustee, Fernando’s approach will be practical, ethical and collaborative. Fernando will help bring groups together in the community and in our district to serve students better.

Faculty support Fernando because we need trustees who will protect district finances and make good financial decisions. We need trustees like Fernando who are driven to support the mission of our colleges and who will provide oversight with integrity.

We support Fernando because of his lifelong commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion.

Fernando will be a champion for students, a true community representative, and a partner in leading our colleges forward.  Fernando understands the crucial role that community colleges play in our communities. Fernando will help our colleges drive economic recovery and social mobility in Contra Costa County. He will help make sure our resources are allocated wisely and fairly, and he’ll stand up for students against the petty personal politics that have led to so many ethical violations and bad decisions from the current Board.

Jeffrey Michels, Ph.D.

Executive Director, UF of 4CD

Sandoval is challenging incumbent Greg Enholm who is seeking his third term on the board. Ward 5 includes portions of Antioch. The election is November 3.

Online Antioch School Board candidate forum Monday night Sept. 28

Saturday, September 26th, 2020

Sponsored by Rocketship Delta Prep Parent Organizing Committee and Grace Bible Fellowship.

To watch the event via livestream click here.

Community leader endorses Antwon Webster in Antioch City Council District 3 race

Saturday, September 19th, 2020

Former Chair of Economic Development Commission Keith Archuleta says, “He is what Antioch needs.”

Keith Archuleta.

Dear Editor:

Antioch is a great place to live. It is a beautiful city full of parks and playgrounds; a city growing in rich diversity and talent.

And, like most communities throughout our country simultaneously struggling with this health crisis, a downturn in the retail economy, and rising income inequality for working families, we are facing complex challenges.

Now is the time for leadership that recognizes the assets we already have in this community. Now is the time for leadership that is inspirational and forward thinking. Now is the time for leadership that unites us to work together as one community to address our many challenges.

After many conversations with Antwon Webster, I have concluded that he has the ideas, experience, expertise, and compassion needed to provide the leadership we need on the Antioch City Council.

In listening to the needs of residents and business owners, Antwon has developed goals in three priority areas; goals which I strongly support:

  • Decreasing crime by continuing to hire an adequate level of law enforcement for the size of our city and supporting our community policing efforts, as we strengthen positive relationships with neighborhoods and provide more activities for our youth.
  • Facilitating smart economic development through accessing entrepreneurship and business development training and capital to support the growth and stability of our local industry and small businesses. In order to get commuters off the roads and working closer to home, we need more local jobs, increased work-based learning and internships for youth through school-business partnerships, and effective job training programs to ensure the readiness of our local workforce.
  • Fostering transparent government through increased clarity about decision-making and resident education on how our tax dollars are spent.

Antwon Webster.

In addition, Antwon’s understanding, creativity and compassion will help our city address the needs of our unhoused resident population. Homelessness is a complex societal problem and government alone cannot solve it. Working to develop creative alternatives and developing concrete actions are what is needed; not merely scapegoating this vulnerable population.

The County and our private sector must share the responsibility for developing an effective unhoused resident program. And we must support and partner with our local non-profit organizations who are already striving to provide needed wrap-around services, such as food, job training, and other assistance to meet the needs of our homeless families and children.

As a military veteran and project manager with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Antwon has demonstrated the leadership skills, project management experience, and land use expertise to provide effective and dependable leadership on the Antioch City Council.

Moreover, his concern for this community is genuine. Since moving to Antioch, he has been a public servant leader, demonstrating his commitment as a member of the Antioch Board of Administrative Appeals, where he reviews municipal code violations. He is also an active member of the Antioch Chamber of Commerce, the Kiwanis and Lions clubs, the Antioch Historical Society, and other community-serving organizations. He is about people, not politics.

That’s why I am endorsing Antwon Webster for Antioch City Council, District 3.

He is what Antioch needs; he will bring our city together; and he will move Antioch forward.

Vote Antwon Webster for Antioch City Council, District 3.

Check him out at


Keith Archuleta

Antioch resident, Former Chair, Antioch Economic Development Commission

Antwon Webster Letter of Endorsement KArchuleta

Wright announces local Amazon Distribution Center will bring new jobs this November for Antioch residents

Saturday, September 19th, 2020

Courtesy of Wright for Mayor campaign.

By Dr. Sean Wright, Antioch Mayor

Just announced … Amazon will be the first tenant of the Oakley Logistics Center, on the border of Antioch and Oakley.  (See related article) Proud to have served on the Dupont Community Advisory Panel with Oakley Mayor Kevin Romick and others. We helped oversee the clean-up and marketing of the site with the former Dupont owners. I am excited to see more local jobs created for our residents, with the new Amazon Distribution Center planning on opening this November in preparation for the holiday season. I am already working with the new property owners on potential Antioch sites for expansion. Will keep you updated on dates for hiring in our community.

P.S. Please share with individuals you know who are looking for local jobs.

Antioch resident files complaint with Attorney General against council candidate Gardner for using homeless non-profit to campaign

Thursday, September 17th, 2020

Antioch resident files complaint with Attorney General against candidate Nichole Gardner of using non-profit to campaign

Complaint filed with FPPC against Lamar Thorpe over flier proves baseless

Screenshot of Nichole Gardner’s campaign post on her non-profit Facebook page submitted with the complaint.

By Allen Payton

A press release was received by the Herald Thursday evening that, “Complaints have been filed against Nichole Gardner, candidate for District 3 Antioch City Council and Lamar Thorpe, candidate for Mayor of Antioch, for their failure to follow the law when it comes to their respective campaigns.” The complaints were filed by Antioch resident Nicole Cedano-White. Complaint to Attorney General re NGardner

The press release continues with, “Gardner, Director of Facing Homelessness in Antioch, is accused of using her 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization to promote and raise money for her political campaign for City Council. Numerous screen shots of Gardner’s nonprofit Facebook posts have been forwarded in a formal complaint to the California Attorney General’s Office for review of these actions. There is also concern of possible ‘co-mingling’ of funds between the nonprofit organization Gardner runs and her political campaign. Complaint to AG re NGardner Documentation

“Ms. Gardner knows the rules and the law specifically states that charity 501(C)(3) organizations are prohibited from being involved in political campaigns of any kind,” said Nicole Cedano, a longtime resident of Antioch. “I can appreciate her desire to help the homeless, but what she’s doing is jeopardizing her ability to continue the nonprofit’s work.”

The press release also reads, “The official complaint to the Attorney General also asks that office to investigate the use of the nonprofit’s automobile paid for with donations from citizens – to make certain it is not being used in campaign activities and door to door canvassing for Gardner’s campaign.”

When reached for comment, Gardner said she hadn’t known or received anything about the complaint when first contacted by the Herald. After reading the material provided to her, she responded, “We have not been contacted by the FPPC or the Attorney General’s Office. Nothing that this says is accurate.”

When challenged on that statement and asked if she was referring to the posts of her campaign promotions on her non-profit organization’s Facebook page, Gardner responded, “Thank you for reaching out. I will keep my statement as it is.”

The Herald will reach out to the Attorney General’s office on Friday for further information.

Copy of flier from Lamar Thorpe provided to FPPC clearly shows disclaimer language that isn’t legally required. (Yellow arrow added)

Complaint Against Thorpe Proves Baseless

The press release also reads, “The complaint against Thorpe is specific to the brochure he is leaving on voters’ doorsteps entitled ‘Leadership that Listens.’ The campaign brochure does not have the legal identification required by the FPPC of who ‘Paid for’ the design, printing and distribution of the piece. That complaint was filed with the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC), the organization that monitors whether a candidate or campaign is following required State regulations.”

“Mr. Thorpe apparently doesn’t ‘listen’ like his brochure claims – at least he doesn’t listen to what is required by law – because we have no idea who actually paid for his promotional material,” Cedano said. “I’m sure the FPPC will review and get to the bottom of this.”

“For the time being, I suggest Mr. Thorpe ceases all distribution of this legally questionable brochure – so as to not deceive voters and to keep within campaign rules and regulations,” she concluded.

Flier that Thorpe claims was provided to FPPC with the complaint against him.

When reached for comment Thorpe said, “The flier was scanned deliberately without the disclaimer. I shared a copy with the FPPC showing the disclaimer and they just responded with, ‘thank you.’”

That echoed the email he sent to the FPPC on Monday, Sept. 14 which reads, “Looks like the person who submitted the complaint left of (sic) the disclaimer when they scanned it. Don’t know if it was deliberate or not but here is my brochure and it clearly has the disclaimer on it.”

A copy of the flier provided by Thorpe to the FPPC and the Herald clearly shows a line at the bottom of one of the pages that reads, “Paid for by Lamar Thorpe for Mayor 2020.” But it also includes an incorrect reference to the FPPC, with the words “PFFC Pending”, referring to the campaign identification number issued by the Secretary of State. A variety of candidates in Antioch and Brentwood have been waiting several weeks to receive their ID numbers, which is unusual, and is most likely due to state employees working remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The FPPC provided Thorpe with a link to the rules for campaign committee disclosure for a variety of media. For fliers the rules read, “’Paid for by committee name’ and committee ID number are recommended but not legally required.” FPPC 2020_Disclaimers_1_Final_V.2

“It’s political silly season and people are going to do desperate things,” Thorpe added. “I’m going to keep focusing on talking to voters.”

Thorpe also provided the Herald the email he received from the FPPC and a copy of his flier he claims was submitted with the complaint by Cedano-White. That shows the portion of the page of the flier containing the campaign committee disclaimer was cut off.

Efforts to reach Cedano-White asking her whether or not she scanned the entire page of Thorpe’s flier, and if she didn’t why, were unsuccessful prior to publication time. Please check back later for any updates to this report.

District 2 council candidate shares “Five Ways to Get Antioch Back on Track”

Thursday, September 17th, 2020

Mike Barbanica

  1. HIRE MORE POLICE OFFICERS… don’t DEFUND the Antioch Police. Fund body cameras on every Antioch Police Officer and put School Resource Officers in our schools. Work with our residents of color to identify ways we can eliminate racism in our community.
  2. BREAK UP THE HOMELESS ENCAMPMENTS… Antioch should NOT be the service city for our County’s homeless population, nor should we be housing the homeless in trailers/motel rooms that are within ¼ mile of our schools. Turn to the County for social/mental health services and housing assistance. Arrest those who are harboring weapons, dealing drugs and stealing/stripping vehicles.
  3. CAPITOLIZE ON OUR DOWNTOWN WATER VIEWS… Antioch has beautiful water views Downtown and at our marina. Smith’s Landing is a good start. Let’s turn our downtown into a place where people want to live, visit and hang out by the river!
  4. MAKE CODE ENFORCEMENT A NEIGHBORHOOD EFFORT… just like we did with Neighborhood Watch. City code enforcement officers can’t do this alone. To clean up blight, we need to institute a way for neighbors to get involved in reporting and helping to eradicate unsightly properties and trash dumping on our streets. We can do this!
  5. EMBRACE ONE DIVERSE, UNITED ANTIOCH … Antioch is one of the few cities in Contra Costa County where people of all ethnicities, all colors, come together and live as ONE COMMUNITY. We need to celebrate this diversity – NOT allow politicians to use it to DIVIDE us for their own political gain.

I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on how we can get our City back on track. CLICK HERE to send me an email. Thank you!

Mike Barbanica

Candidate for Antioch City Council, District 2