Community college teachers’ union endorses Sandoval for College Board Ward 5

Fernando Sandoval, candidate for the Contra Costa Community College District in Ward 5 announced he has received the endorsement of the United Faculty of all three of the district’s colleges. Following is the letter received by his campaign: United Faculty letter-for-Fernando-Sandoval

September 22, 2020

The United Faculty of 4CD is proud to endorse Fernando Sandoval for Community College Board (Ward 5).

Fernando is an outstanding community leader who will represent students and parents with integrity and help protect the financial future of Los Medanos College, as well as Diablo Valley and Contra Costa colleges.

Electing Fernando Sandoval this year is crucial for our colleges and students. We need change to return our board to ethical, student-centered leadership. Our faculty trust Fernando to put student interests first and to work with managers, staff and professors to provide the best quality education possible with the resources we have.

Unlike the incumbent trustee, Fernando’s approach will be practical, ethical and collaborative. Fernando will help bring groups together in the community and in our district to serve students better.

Faculty support Fernando because we need trustees who will protect district finances and make good financial decisions. We need trustees like Fernando who are driven to support the mission of our colleges and who will provide oversight with integrity.

We support Fernando because of his lifelong commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion.

Fernando will be a champion for students, a true community representative, and a partner in leading our colleges forward.  Fernando understands the crucial role that community colleges play in our communities. Fernando will help our colleges drive economic recovery and social mobility in Contra Costa County. He will help make sure our resources are allocated wisely and fairly, and he’ll stand up for students against the petty personal politics that have led to so many ethical violations and bad decisions from the current Board.

Jeffrey Michels, Ph.D.

Executive Director, UF of 4CD

Sandoval is challenging incumbent Greg Enholm who is seeking his third term on the board. Ward 5 includes portions of Antioch. The election is November 3.

the attachments to this post:

United Faculty logo

United Faculty letter-for-Fernando-Sandoval

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