Archive for the ‘Letters to the Editor’ Category

Letter writer: Lessons from the coronavirus “trials and tribulations”

Sunday, May 10th, 2020

Dear Editor:

Long after the Coronavirus secures history book infamy, we hope that practical lessons endure from the trials and tribulations.  We know, after all, that to ignore history is to condemn oneself to repeat it. Collectively, then, we need an organizational health infrastructure reset button and, individually, we need a self-accounting of our everyday habits and mindsets.

Consider first our investment priorities. The U.S., on average, spends 186.6 billion dollars a year on counter-terrorism measures. By contrast last year we allocated a billion dollars for pandemic prevention. Consequence? Congress has now pumped trillions for economic stimulus recovery. Go figure it.

Global accountability is in order.  China, for one, must confront the issue of transparent case reporting. Granted, this is a a novel virus and it’s easy to finger-point but the W.H.O, CDC. NIH and whole assorted alphabet soup of mega health organizations demand serious self—examination, on where the ball got dropped. National and regional and state governments, too, must evaluate why the world response was a dollar late and a day short.

Face it, we are woefully unprepared with our global health infrastructure and therefore sitting on a time bomb. Remember, this could be just a preview.   As a human race we are inextricably inter-connected thru easy travel, instant digital communication, and global markets. This pandemic should amplify our awareness that an outbreak anywhere is, in fact, an outbreak everywhere.  We’re literally one air passenger away.

Individually, too, we each play a part in world health as a fence is only as strong as its links.

SOCIAL JUSTICE: Do we blithely accept a health system that leaves tens of millions uninsured; or do we join the 21st century?

REDIRECTED ATTENTION:  Do we continue to support the effect-not-the-cause philosophy of pharmaceuticals or do we vigorously commit to a prevention approach to combat our raging national epidemics of diabetes, obesity, heart disease and hi-blood pressure.

PRIORITIES: Do we show indifference for Mother Earth’s fragile ecosystem; or do we act as mindful stewards of our priceless inheritance?

VALUES:   Do we worship the fleeting Almighty Dollar above all else; or do we instead seek the imperishable currency of God, family and country?

Yes, by any measure this pandemic is a gruesome ordeal, but we have to be open to grow, learn and extract lessons from it. The fabled evangelist Vance Havner said, “God uses broken things. It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength. It is the broken alabaster box that gives forth perfume. It is Peter, weeping bitterly, who returns to greater power than ever.”

Walter Ruehlig


Letter writer – removed commissioner had conflict of interest, City should have Code of Conduct program

Sunday, May 3rd, 2020

Dear Editor:

Recent activities brought a flurry of insights and observations which again has divided our City. It is great to be on the sideline at times seeing the arrows fly to and from. The division of community and most of all, reacting to what is considered was with cause. It is particularly important before you attest one’s character, you ensure that you are in the correct position to do so.

The public spoke adamantly for and against this commissioner. The public, many of them constituents of those elected, brought their concerns in during this emergency, public meeting and in private to the mayor and/or councilmembers.

There are two questions which were not brought forward by our city council or staff. These questions bring forth a bigger issue than that of what transcended on social media.

Appointments are not elected positions and as such, we rely on those elected to best review candidates interested in openings throughout the City. When an appointee has had financial ties to the City in which there was financial gain, the candidate should not be considered. When a commissioner is already in a seat of authority, the mayor should remove the commissioner immediately. This is to ensure the commission is unbiased.

Therefore, the first question is: why did the mayor and city council allow a commissioner whose had financial ties with the City to remain in a role of authority?

During council discussion with the city attorney, there was a question implied but sadly not stated well. The question brought forward was in the area of training. I believe the question better stated is, have all commissioners taken a Social Media Code of Conduct program in which there is a test to ensure they understand the implications of any conduct not aligned to their role would then lead to their immediate removal?

In today’s world, it could be blurry to understand one’s view as personal to one that of an appointed role. City staff noted there is a three-day conference where commission members attend which outlines their roles and what is expected of them. But the real question should be, did this commissioner complete the City of Antioch Code of Conduct program?

Furthermore, does the City of Antioch have a Code of Conduct program for their employees, elected official and appointees?

I am not providing an approval or condemnation of this commissioner. I can however state that if you’re going to shame a person, do so with a clean conscience knowing that you provided the tools for their success or they decide to take another path.

If you continue to pull back the layers on this subject and those involved, there will be more to discover which will cloud and divide this City even further.


Gil Murillo

Antioch resident

Letter writer says county requiring face masks is unlawful but will comply, for now

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020

My fellow Americans. In these trying times we must be ever vigilant of our surroundings but most importantly our common sense and gut reaction. My father, being of few words always press into our psyche.

“Think to do. Don’t do to think!”

With that I publicly declare, especially with this apparent plandemic.

“I do not assume! I do not consent!   However, I do under duress follow these recommendations under the purported information we are being fed.  Therefore, let it be known I will not give up my God-given rights indefinitely! And I hope neither will you. This plandemic shall pass. And I will fight with all my might to regain my rights.

Please feel free to mirror these sentiments and tell ten people that tell ten people.  You are not alone with these observations. We are being conditioned and trained for the new “normal” over a flu.

Not on my watch!

“One can lose one’s rights for a stick of gum.  But it takes a bloody nose to get it back!”

Fernando Navarro


Writer offers suggestions for “winning the war” against the coronavirus

Thursday, April 9th, 2020

Dear Editor:

Our epic and titanic struggle against Corona Virus is likened to waging war, but unlike other conflicts the current enemy is invisible.  Not only are the lines between civilians and combatants non-existent but the physical enemy, the deadly virus, is unseen. There’s mental enemies, fear and depression, that are likewise ghostly.

The doctors daily address the need for social distancing, sheltering at home and using masks. On top of their advice, common sense dictates we keep our immune systems as strong as possible partaking in a daily routine, sound nutrition, hydration, exercise, and sunshine. What, though, of the insidious psychological foes?

It is said that idleness is the devil’s workshop.  We’ve got our work cut out then because threatening boredom, coupled with a constant barrage of grim cable and internet news, can grind down the spirits of the best of us.

Physics offers some hope in telling us that two things can’t occupy the same place at the same time.  As darkness recedes to rays of light, as cold subsides to warmth, fear recedes from hope, negativity shrinks from positivity. When my two children were teenagers I found that the best way to limit their piss and vinegar was to keep them so engaged with activity that they didn’t have time for acting-out nonsense, though that’s not to say that even that sensible teenage prescription was foolproof!

No arguing, activity can do catalytic wonders and I offer here a short list of tips that have helped me in the never-ending battle for a positive disposition during these times of trial and tribulation.

  1. Establish some needed normalcy thru a daily routine.
  2. Set the day’s compass upon rising with prayer and meditation.
  3. Indulge often in laughter, the best medicine.   Crazy as it sounds, Job 5:22 says ‘you should laugh at destruction and famine.’
  4. Rediscover family board games. It could be a refreshing break from each of us satiating on electronic gadgets.
  5. Explore a new or old hobby. As example, my wife has of late spent considerable hours revisiting family tree research and matching family photo albums with internet sleuthing.
  6. Read a good book.
  7. Bring a smile by surprising an old friend or family member with a phone call or gift basket at their door.
  8. Bookend the day not with distressing cable news but be inspired reflecting on reasons for gratitude or by Scriptural reading.

In war, the enemy takes no quarter. Our foe is relentless and the scourge virulent, so our charge is one of physical, mental and spiritual vigilance as we each soldier on.

Americans have an indomitable spirit. We’ve triumphed over two world wars, 9-11, a great Depression and a Great Recession, this too shall pass with us coming out victorious and the stronger and the wiser for the ordeal.

In the midst of tough times we must reject the dead weights of worry, resentment, fear and sadness and own the wings of hope, appreciation, peace and humor. Our Mother Country, the Brits, call it a stiff upper lip.

Our ultimate triumph lies in embracing the truth that occasional ‘trouble is inevitable, misery is optional.’

Walter Ruehlig


Writer calls Antioch Council’s moratorium on evictions unnecessary and disingenuous

Wednesday, April 1st, 2020

Dear Editor,

I had submitted a written statement to the Mayor in objection to any action by the City of Antioch concerning overreaching and rental contracts to which the City is not a party.  The action by the City in this matter is unnecessary and largely disingenuous.

The City of Antioch has failed year after year, decade after decade to protect the homeowners who live in Antioch. Initially an inspection process for rentals was instituted to hold tenants and landlords accountable for poorly maintained property.  In the crash of ’08 that went belly up and the City has done almost nothing for the last 12 years.

Then as a citizen’s initiative Measure O was passed creating a business license fee for rental properties. No services have been directly provided to anyone for the fees collected. The inspections were not restarted. Another fail. And, oh yes, because no service is directly provided for this tax there may be a Prop 218 violation.

Now, the council steps forward to interfere in rental payments.  It might help if just one of the council members owned an investment property here in Antioch.  As far as I know, none do.  So, we have five people with little or no experience in the business taking destructive action.

In a previous article you printed concerning the County Courts, and I can confirm; no, Mr. Thorpe you cannot file an eviction at this time.  The courts are not accepting them.  And based on the closure, they won’t be filed for at least 30 days.  Additionally, even if a tenant has been served a 3-day notice to pay rent in Contra Costa County the courts have extend that notice period out an addition 10 days before they will even accept the filing.  It is questionable if the County courts have this right because it hasn’t been litigated yet.  Best guess, it will be found in violation of the State Constitution.

In my business we are allowing tenants who have found themselves without work, ill with CN-19 or taking care of a family member sick with CN-19 to defer part of the rent.  We are not waiving or cancelling rent. We require a written statement from the tenant attesting to the statement above.

The City Council is totally out of line, overreaching and in my opinion using this measure as a springboard for reelection.  If you want to help, help the property owners who live in town and care about value, quality of life and services.  Get the homeless issue under control, begin inspection of rental properties again and hold rental owners and tenant accountable.  And, provide some direct services to those of us who pay the taxes here in town.

Mark Jordan, Principal Broker RE/MAX Preferred Properties

Writer supports Supervisor Burgis for re-election for her “integrity, brilliance and imagination”

Thursday, February 27th, 2020

Dear Editor:

I writing to express my genuine respect, admiration, and appreciation for Supervisor Diane Burgis and whole-heartedly support her re-election.

We are blessed to have a leader with the level of integrity, brilliance, and imagination that Diane has demonstrated in serving the people of Contra Costa. She is a woman who is relentless in her efforts to bring innovation to our region and has made significant strides towards job and business creation to support our local workforce.

I have witnessed first-hand Diane’s wisdom and her dedication to regional improvement through her work on business-based drone development in far east Contra Costa, the creation of a multimillion-dollar light industrial park at the site of the former DuPont plant in Oakley, and the launch of the Family Justice Center in Antioch that includes job training and support for people who have been victims of human trafficking as well as those who seek skills training in technology employment through the work of the “Love Never Fails” project that has made significant impact throughout the Bay Area.

Diane is accessible and genuinely loves our communities and those of us who live here. Please cast your vote for Supervisor Diane Burgis, so she can continue with the amazing work she is doing for the benefit of our families. My husband Keith is fully in support of this statement.

Iris Archuleta


Antioch Police Officer’s Association recommends Glover for Supervisor

Monday, February 24th, 2020

Dear Editor:

Our Antioch Police Officer’s Association is proud to recommend Supervisor Federal Glover on Election Day, March 3rd.

Please join us.

Under Supervisor Federal Glover’s leadership, Contra Costa County has opened a new Family Justice Center in Antioch to help victims of domestic violence, elder abuse and human trafficking. Supervisor Glover also fought for cameras to deter freeway shooters on Hwy 4. The Antioch Police Officer’s Association joins Antioch Firefighters and 911 personnel in supporting Supervisor Glover’s re-election.

Steve Aiello

President, Antioch Police Officers’ Association

Homeless Antioch resident shares concerns, discussion group in downtown for mental health and wellness

Friday, February 21st, 2020

Dear Editor:

With pride, A Cup of Jo Bruno (ACoJB) presents a bittersweet blend of warmth and sacred space while providing an opportunity for delta life to be recognized for the unique attributes to downtown Antioch. While currently homeless, ACoJB is building a community with the folks who know the rituals of delta living. As seasons change, the early morning routines will be met with fresh coffee, baked goods and special guest appearances from local advocates and funders of upcoming development in the area. Before the normal business hours of downtown Antioch, there is a unique opportunity to strengthen what has since been lost; community. Community builds family, and downtown Antioch has lost family along the way because we have forgotten our community. We seem to have forgotten a lot.

Antioch is a shadow of what it once was. It’s at the dark side of the moon. The tides keep rising and falling and the fish are still biting, but downtown Antioch is the hidden gem that seems to be looked over. Surrounding cities, and even mid/up-town Antioch are being developed where folks are spending their money in the newly acquired space. However, from Highway 4 to the Delta waters and A Street to Auto Center Drive, not so much. I could even throw in the Antioch Mall to this region of Downtown Antioch. What’s really going on folks? Maybe we don’t want new people here. Maybe we don’t want the oldtown feel to change. Maybe we don’t trust outsiders. Maybe we are just too scared to open our arms to something that will change the unique beauty of our culture. As a matter of fact, it very well could be because we are still fighting amongst ourselves and blaming others for our inability to accept our unique culture for what it is. But, regardless of the reasons or opinions of others, we need to develop downtown Antioch.

There are layers here. There are dark corners, shady ledges, and some low-down places along these delta lines. The homelessness. The drugs. The death along the tracks. The hidden secrets of women and the most dangerous of situations. The missing girls and boys. Drug and human trafficking. The beauty of small-town business and their owners. The unseen truths of trade and barter. The respect and honor held between strangers as they share a joint and enjoy the colors of our delta sunrise and sunset. There are those who smell of the waters from coming back from a fishing trip and others who are still sleepy-eyed, going out for their first attempt at fishing that day. The piers have lines dropped every day. You’ll find, in some hidden corners, an attempt to take a life, save a life and even birth a life in the marshlands of the delta.

We are all shades of ghetto and rock and roll. We love low riders with miniature tires and hydraulic jumps. Don’t get us started with the sideshows and loud music. Or the spray paint tagging you’ll find along the train tracks. The trains themselves are constant with their horns, too. Road hogs, Harley’s, and crotch rockets can be found in parking lots all along the water line. There’s the industrial side of things where the dust is kicked up from outside forklift use. The semi-trucks are constantly in and out of our driveways. The grease is on our knuckles, mud on our boots, and weed in our pockets. In a blink of an eye, we’ve seen two dispensaries show up. Thank you! But we won’t ever forget the backwoods dank. Bottom line, we don’t do much, but we do it all together. We watch out for each other. We keep our distance when we need to. We are as dysfunctional as any other community family and it’s about time we show the Bay Area what we’re about.

The laughter, the tears, the anger and pain. The love, the compassion, the secrets and rewards. The humor, the slang, the language and cultures. We are a breed of river rats with foul mouths and a don’t-give-a-darn attitude. We’ll jump from pleasant to ratchet in a split second then buy you a drink. We are the misfits, the rejects and troublemakers. We don’t listen well, but we know how to talk. We break rules, create new ones, and we’ll change them regularly depending on the situation at hand. Those who live, work, and play along the entire delta are a special culture of folks. Within that delta line is the small corridor of downtown Antioch. We are like none other.

Many are ignorant and blind to the street life, however. Folks are consistent with their failure to shut their mouths and open their hearts. Or their wallets. The privileged don’t recognize the pain of the poor but the poor is rising in community. Watch out, y’all. Soon, you’ll see community gardens providing fresh food for our local schools. How about innovated solutions for our homeless? A place for our youth to kick it? Or what about a comfortable atmosphere to explore some of that deep-rooted delta trauma we’ve experienced? We’ll have workshops and trainings available to help with mental health wellness. We need it because, the truth is, those of us with roots along the delta know it’s a constant struggle. The old family roots come with new beginnings because things are changing so rapidly. Folks want to heal their ancestral pain. The development of oldtown Antioch is inevitable, and it’s intriguing to see who’ll succeed in bringing us new business. Where will the community decide to spend their money when the new developments come? Will these new developments try to kick us out?

If you pay close attention to the community of delta life, you’ll find a breed of folks who’ll love you deeper than anything you ever experienced. We watch out for one another and if someone’s in trouble, we tend to rally together and help. We are dirty but clean when we need to be. Sometimes we fight. Folks will pull a gun, shoot out your tires, talk shit all day long, but come to hug each other after smoking a blunt. And seriously, be careful. You leave your car running while you run inside to get something, it might get taken and later found along the backroads with no tires. We have that red, sippy cup lifestyle with straws and drinks on ice. You’ll find us taking shots, talking shit and playing pool. We’ll throw some dice, flirt with the visitors and maybe even hook up with a stranger. We love to eat. We’ll cook for you anytime. We know how to get something when we need it. You’ll find survivors out here.

And, one thing is for sure, what you won’t find out here, along the delta, is judgment. Sure, we may not like you but we ain’t gone judge you. Sure, we may ask you to leave our establishment, but you’ll never be judged. Most likely, you’ll become a story we tell the locals. Or maybe you’ll fit right in and become a local. The thing is, down here, you could be a person of color or transgender and come across someone who is uneducated who uses a derogatory word. It might make you mad. Or even piss you off. But it isn’t because we’re disrespectful, it’s just, truth is, we’re a breed of folks who don’t care. It’s not that we don’t care about you and your overall wellbeing, because we do want you to succeed in life. Truly. But what it comes down to is that we don’t care what you do or who you do it with or how you’re doing it. Just don’t interfere too much with our lives. It’s no joke down here, at the delta water line. You’ll find culture alright, just make sure you’re ready for it because we’ll never change. Or leave. Don’t come down here getting your feelings hurt. We don’t want your Starbucks. We don’t want your corporations. We don’t need any more liquor stores or mini markets. We have enough hair solons, tattoo shops, and thrift stores. Let’s calm down a bit with all the churches, huh. I don’t really want to get started on the massage industry either, but please stop. And seriously, the solution for restrooms at the marina are ridiculous. We can do better than outhouses and cement buildings that resemble a prison cell. Antioch, we can do better.

The new developments will be challenged by the locals if it doesn’t already fit into our culture. Some folks have tried, and they’re no longer in business. Sorry, not sorry? Folks from other parts of the Bay come into Antioch, thinking they can add to it by creating something new. Not quite. Stop trying. It doesn’t work. Learn the culture and community before you build here. Learn the voice of the delta before you start telling us to change our ways. Learn the pain of our homeless before you tell us to leave. This is our home, too. Take our word, trust us. Listen to us. We know. We’ve been doing this for many generations, and there is a new vision coming. Work with us.

We ask that you learn something before you come into our hood and try to rebuild us. City representatives and the old money still in this town need to learn from us, too. Y’all think you know what we want? Come talk to us and I bet you don’t. I’ll throw my money on any bar to bet that you have no idea what we want down here. Or what our interests are. Or how we see our own community being developed. Honestly, in some situations, we’re still arguing amongst ourselves. The bottom line is that it’s time y’all start throwing your money where it’s needed. Come talk us. We have answers. We have innovated ideas and solutions for the millions of dollars you’re confused about spending for your community’s needs. The land that is owned by the city needs to be used for proper structures, programs, and development. We’re such a unique culture down here, don’t try to change us.

This piece is solely the voice and opinion of Jo Bruno, a Pittsburg native who has called Antioch home since 2002. She spent many hours along the tracks as a young adult, working in the deep industrial side of delta life. Jo’s lived experience and education allows her the authority on Peer Support in Contra Costa County. Currently a Peer Action League Member for California Association of Mental Health Peer-Run Organizations (CAMHPRO), she is advising on how to build policy so Peer Specialists can finally be recognized in the state. California is one of only a few states that don’t recognize their Peer Specialists, so Jo is advocating for more Peer Programs in east Contra Costa County. Jo Bruno is also working with Contra Costa County Behavioral Health Department, Mental Health Services Act, and advising multiple committees and organizations (i.e. 211, Health Leads (BALI) and more). Together, throughout the Bay Area, they are working on changing the stigma of homelessness and mental health while encouraging advocacy and self-expression to change public policy in Contra Costa County. Jo is a significant bridge between millions of state and federally funded dollars and East Contra Costa County. The system is flawed, and she believes we can make forward movement without disrespecting the already strong community in downtown Antioch. Starting in the early morning hours of Spring 2020, ACoJB will be open for discussion and solutions regarding the topics of how we can develop our city together.

Tony’s Beer Garden is established by a long-time entrepreneur in the restaurant and bar business. The opinions, discussions and projects are in no way associated with Tony, but the Beer Garden’s outside environment will hold space for discussion and event planning. It’s where we will fundraise, have open forums, and concert events to bring awareness to our unique culture. At this establishment, we will begin providing Peer Programs that Jo is establishing with an up and coming peer community, The Delta Peers. The Delta Peers is a collaboration of Peer Specialists throughout Contra Costa County who have lived experience within the mental health systems. We are peers who have lived experience with many platforms and systems. We are trained professionals who can bridge resources to the community needs. Tony’s Beer Garden is located at 809 W. Second Street in Antioch

Jo Bruno

Antioch #CupOfJoBruno – a long time self-publication platform for mental health wellness and healing trauma