Frank Ballesteros’ Humbug! at El Campanil Theatre Dec. 20 & 21

Source: Frank Ballesteros

By Allen D. Payton

Since 1978, Antioch resident Frank Ballesteros has been performing as the character of Ebenezer Scrooge in and directing “Humbug!”, an adaptation of Charles Dickens’ 1843 novella entitled, “A Christmas Carol”.

This year, the performances will be held at Friday, December 20 at 7 PM and Saturday, December 21 at 2PM and 7PM at El Campanil Theatre, 602 W. 2nd Street in Antioch’s historic, downtown Rivertown.

Ballesteros has been teaching acting skills to children and adults and holding performances of various plays since 1968.

“I’ve always loved the classic movie ‘A Christmas Carol’, the 1954 version,” he said. “We used to watch it every year. Then George C. Scott played the part of Scrooge in the 1980’s adaptation.”

“Then I put in the Christian message. Instead of Scrooge accepting Christmas, in my show, Scrooge accepts Christ, which is the same as the message of Christmas,” Ballesteros shared. “No one has ever been offended in the 40 years, that it’s not the original story. Charles Dickens did that when he had Scrooge say, ‘I want to follow that star to Bethelehem’.”

Tickets are $15.00 per person and are available at Event Details – Frank Ballesteros: Humbug! – El Campanil Theatre

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