Antioch PD to hold Drive by Disney “Spirit & Support” Christmas Giveaway collection event Dec. 7

See over 35,000 lights and 70+ handmade wooden cut-outs
Special Guest Appearance by Belle for photos with guests
By Antioch Police Department
For 28 years, with the help of our family, friends and community, we have been providing holiday support to local families. Please help us continue our efforts this year during our Drive by Disney “Spirit & Support” at the home of Gary and Kristen Vistalli located at 3732 Colonial Court. The event will be held this Saturday, Dec. 7.
See have over 35,000 lights and 70+ wooden cut-outs all handmade and SPECIAL GUEST APPEARANCE by Belle who will be there taking photos with guests.

We’re collecting gift cards, new unwrapped toys, blankets, clothes including hats, gloves, scarves and socks, as well as money including Venmo payments. Items collected will be provided to the Antioch Police Department Giveaway Event for Antioch residents. Our goal is 100 families or even more!
We REALLY need items for TEENS!
Drive by and drop off between the hours of 5:30 pm to 10:00 pm. If you cannot come by in person, please consider a monetary donation or if local, we can arrange a pick-up. Just let us know. We truly appreciate your generosity for so many in need.