Learn the “Pros & Cons” of the 2024 California propositions

Online Sept. 26, in person Sept. 30th
By Gayle Murray, League of Women Voters of Diablo Valley
Confused about the ballot propositions? Want to learn quickly about them in depth and through a non-partisan lens? Join a Community Conversations webinar on Thursday, September 26 at 4 p.m.
Janet Hoy and Sue Brandy of the League of Women Voters of Diablo Valley will give the Pros And Cons positions of the propositions on your ballot based on the League’s research. The moderators will present information about major funding sources supporting the propositions and answer your questions about both the initiatives and the legislative measures on the upcoming California ballot.
Register for the Zoom webinar here – https://ccclib.bibliocommons.com/events/66ac026442fa12abcec8afcb
The Contra Costa County Library will provide closed captioning and simultaneous Spanish interpretation for this event. The program will be recorded and uploaded to the Library’s YouTube channel after the event.
Information on how to access the Zoom webinar will be sent to your email address 24 hours before the program. Audience questions will be collected and answered through the Zoom Q&A tab.

Pros & Cons In-Person Presentation
An in-person presentation will be held Monday, September 30th from 7:00-8:30 pm at the Pleasant Hill Community Center, 320 Civic Drive in Pleasant Hill. Register on Eventbrite.
Community Conversations are sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Diablo Valley, the League of Women Voters of West Contra Costa County, the Contra Costa County Library and Contra Costa TV.
Contact programs@lwvdv.org for more information.
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