Homeless as a child, newcomer Addison Peterson announces campaign for Antioch City Council in District 3

Running on public safety, housing and economic development

Has written four bills, three of which benefit Antioch residents, students, small business owners; claims “crime is historically low” but is referring to incomplete nationwide stats; wants more low-income housing in city, including market-rate affordable units

Was not recruited by the mayor, has endorsed King for Council in District 2, but not running on a slate

“it’s been disheartening to see how divisive our City Council has become and the lack of effective leadership… Antioch has been broken for a long time.” – Addison Peterson

By Allen D. Payton

While not new to state and national politics, 35-year-old Addison Peterson is a political newcomer in Antioch and has decided to throw his hat into the ring to run for city council in District 3. He’s a former staffer in the California state legislature, former policy specialist for a statewide micro-business support organization, and since January, Peterson works as the Senior Policy Manager for a statewide organic farmer non-profit organization. He also worked on Obama’s campaign and with his Organizing for America public policy advocacy organization.

Peterson held a Campaign Kick-Off Party at the Antioch Community Center inside Prewett Family Park on August 10th. He has lived in Antioch for five-and-a-half years and according to the City’s website, he has spoken a few times during city council meetings, including once in 2023 when he identified himself as a member of the Contra Costa County Young Democrats, and this past Tuesday night in favor of the new Just Cause Eviction ordinance. While he has not been involved in the community serving on any city committee or commission or with any service or other non-profit organization, Peterson does serve as a Community Sergeant with his Neighborhood Watch. (Read more about that below)

He issued the following statement announcing his campaign:

“My name is Addison Peterson, and I am excited to announce my candidacy for Antioch City Council District 3!

Growing up in Los Angeles, I witnessed many of the same challenges we’re facing here in Antioch today: a shortage of affordable housing, rising homelessness, limited support for small businesses, and stalled economic development. As a resident of this city, it’s been disheartening to see how divisive our City Council has become and the lack of effective leadership. Antioch deserves a City Council that is genuinely focused on the needs of its residents, and I’m running to provide that leadership.”

His campaign website also sheds additional light on his childhood, sharing, “I was raised in South Central Los Angeles by my mother, surrounded by my two sisters and the unwavering support of my extended family.

At just two years old, homelessness became our reality when my mother lost her job, and my parents parted ways. But in the face of adversity, our family came together, instilling in me the values of hard work, humility, and community support. This is where I learned the true meaning of resilience and determination.

Taught to read by my determined mother at the age of five, I devoured newspapers to understand the root causes of the challenges plaguing our community. Through this pursuit of knowledge, my passion for politics was ignited, a burning desire to be a voice for the voiceless.”

Career Experience & Education

Peterson’s announcement continues, “With nearly 15 years of public policy experience, I bring the skills and knowledge needed to make real change. I’ve managed state policy in our legislature, led the University of California’s High School Articulation process, helped put together California’s first small business commercial finance protections, and protecting our food and farming system as the California Policy Manager for the California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF), and now I’m ready to apply my experience to help manage Antioch. I’m not here for political games or personality contests—I’m here to get the work done for the people of Antioch.”

According to his profile on the CAMEO Network, which stands for California Association of Micro-Enterprise Opportunity, which still shows him as a Policy Specialist, shares more details about his background. However, Peterson later shared, “I no longer work at CAMEO. I stopped working there in October of last year.”

His bio on that organization’s website reads, “Addison served as a Delegate for the Democratic National Committee and California Democratic Party. After graduating college with his Bachelor’s degree in Political Science, he worked as a Fellow for the Jesse M. Unruh Assembly Fellowship program for the office of Assembly member Chris Holden. While working in the Assembly for a few years, Addison staffed legislation and worked on the Assembly Floor team for the Speaker and Majority Leader’s office. After the Assembly he worked at the University of California Office of the President as the High School Articulation Coordinator working on education policy for K-12 and higher education. During this time, he completed his Masters in Public Administration.”

Peterson earned that in 2017 from the University of San Francisco, and earned his Bachelor’s in Political Science with an emphasis in pre-law in 2013 from Cal State L.A., where he was involved with both the Associated Students Incorporated (student government) and the University-Student Union. That included serving as Vice-Chair of the Lobby Corps, which “is a team of students who work alongside the AS (Associated Students) Chair of Legislative Affairs to represent student interests. Each year, up to 20 students are selected to lobby at the local, state, and federal level.”

“Today Addison enjoys working with the small business community figuring out new ways to support small business at the state and federal policy level,” his announcement continues.

According to his LinkedIn profile, Peterson worked for CAMEO Network as a Policy Specialist from Nov. 2021 until Jan. 2024, when he started his position as Senior Policy Manager with CCOF.

His profile provides additional information about his time as a Democratic Party Delegate from 2012 to 2016. It reads, “Elected as a delegate by voters in Assembly District 36 and Congressional District 25 to vote on the nomination of the President of the United States, endorse candidates for local and state offices, and assisted on political campaigns to elect endorsed candidates, and maintain relationships with local, state and national figures in order to build political networks.”

In addition, from August 2010 to November 2012, Peterson served as a volunteer Neighborhood Team Leader for Organizing For America in which he, “organized volunteers in Congressional District 25 to support the policies of President Obama as well as re-elect him as President.”

His campaign website also shares, “I joined the Obama For America campaign to promote the Affordable Care Act and other issues important to Los Angeles. I helped run local State Senate campaigns in Los Angeles County and was recognized by the Los Angeles County Democratic Party as the 2011 Franklin Delano Roosevelt Democrat of the Year.”

Peterson’s campaign announcement offers his platform: “My campaign is focused on three key priorities: public safety, housing and economic development.

Public Safety: Bridging the Gap Between Police and the Community

As someone who grew up in an environment where encounters with law enforcement often left me feeling more scared than protected, I understand the distrust many in our community feel. Yet, I also recognize that effective policing is crucial for a safe and thriving community. After nearly joining the San Jose Police Department before an injury cut that journey short, I learned that building trust between law enforcement and the community is key. I have family members in law enforcement and fire services across California, and our conversations have only strengthened my belief that community policing is the path forward.

If elected, I will champion new community policing initiatives to rebuild trust between our residents and our police department. I also plan to invest in essential infrastructure like speed bumps, stop signs and bike lanes to address traffic safety concerns and protect our neighborhoods from reckless driving.”

On the Issues page of his website under “Make Antioch Safer” Peterson writes, “After speaking with many residents in District Three, many of our neighbors have concerns with traffic safety, particularly around speeding cars in neighborhoods and sideshows. I remain committed to working with our public safety departments to ensure we revisit some of our neighborhood streets and see where we can add additional traffic safety measures to improve safety. Many new homes have been built in the last few years, and I think it’s time to collect public input to see how we can improve traffic safety in the communities built in the last decade.

So far, the city of Antioch has spent over $200k in traffic safety improvements to prevent sideshows, but to no avail. I will work hard to invest in traffic safety improvements to keep our communities safer.

While crime is historically low, we have still been dealing with crimes that make us feel insecure in our community. I will work with our police department and community leaders to ensure we keep our city safe!”

Housing: A Balanced Approach to Meeting Our Needs

Peterson’s campaign announcement continues, “Antioch is at a critical juncture when it comes to housing. We need over 3,000 additional housing units, and at least half of them must be affordable to meet the needs of our diverse community. Unfortunately, current and past city officials have dropped the ball, missing out on crucial funding opportunities that could have helped alleviate our housing crisis. For example, while Walnut Creek was awarded $40 million from the state’s Homekey grant program, Antioch didn’t even apply.

To fix this, I propose hiring dedicated grant writers to ensure we never miss out on funding opportunities again. We need to be proactive and strategic in our housing approval process, making sure we’re not just adding units, but adding the right kind of housing that benefits our residents and meets our housing element goals.”

On his campaign website under “Housing”, Peterson writes,Housing is a fundamental human right. No matter your income bracket, housing is in low supply and has a high cost in Antioch. According to Antioch’s Housing Element, we lack affordable housing and a low housing supply because of rising construction costs and a lack of community revitalization strategies.

Despite our recent housing boom, Antioch is still behind in the number of units required for our current population and future population growth. Housing in Antioch is only affordable for families above the Average Median Income (AMI), and depending on family size, not every home meets an affordable price point.

My housing priorities include investing in state and federal resources to help communities invest in more affordable housing and find solutions to house the unhoused. Increase housing affordability by focusing on Antioch’s Housing Element to expand the number of available units and increase supply to reduce the cost of housing. Protect tenants from unjust evictions.

Work with housing developers, nonprofits and other community organizations to build affordable housing.”

Economic Development: Revitalizing Our Local Economy

Peterson’s announcement and information about his campaign platform continues with, “Our small business community is struggling. There are many empty storefronts on our streets, a lasting impact of the pandemic and inflation. But it doesn’t have to be this way. I want to bring a Small Business Development Center (SBDC) to Antioch to provide essential support for local entrepreneurs. Many people don’t realize that the federal government funds SBDCs to offer free resources like business planning, access to capital, and financial guidance. Yet, the nearest center is in Concord—miles away from where it’s most needed. Let’s bring one home to Antioch.

My experience in small business advocacy includes working with Senator Glazer’s office to pass legislation that protects small business owners from predatory lenders. I know firsthand how critical it is to have the right support and protections in place, and I’m committed to bringing those resources to Antioch.”

In addition, on his campaign website under “Economic Development” Peterson writes, “As a former small business advocate, I believe in bringing small business technical assistance to Antioch. Our small business community needs technical assistance and access to non-predatory capital. Over the past few years, while working as a small business advocate, I was part of a coalition of organizations in the Responsible Business Lending Coalition to pass legislation to require APR to be displayed in contracts for Merchant Cash Advances (SB 33) and prevent certain lending fees in commercial loans (SB 666).

I will work with other legislators and small business leaders to bring small business technical assistance to Antioch to ensure our businesses grow and thrive.

I also want to work with economic developers to revitalize Antioch. We can bring more arts, entertainment, sports and restaurants because we have a strong community to do it.”

A Partnership for Progress

Peterson’s announcement also shared, “I’m not just running to serve; I’m running to build a true partnership with the community I represent. We need leaders who listen, collaborate and take action. I’m asking you to join me on this journey as we work together to bring positive change to Antioch—the city we all call home.

Marsh Creek Democratic Club 2024 Antioch city endorsements. Source: Addison Peterson campaign Facebook page


He is “endorsed by ACCE (Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment), the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County, the Marsh Creek Democratic Club, and Pinole City Councilmen Devin T. Murphy and Cameron Sasai.” In a post on his campaign Facebook page on Monday, August 26, 2024, above four graphics of Mayor Lamar Thorpe, District 2 City Council candidate Dominique King, candidate for City Treasurer Jorge Rojas, and for himself, Peterson wrote, “Thank you to the Marsh Creek Democratic Club for endorsing me and Partnering With Me For Progress!”

“Thank you for your support, and I look forward to connecting with you as we move forward to build a better Antioch,” Peterson’s announcement concludes.

Campaign Finances Disclose Too Much Too Soon

Regarding his campaign finance reports, while there are some mistakes on his Form 460, Peterson erred on the side of caution as he disclosed amounts from after the filing period that ended on June 30, 2024, that weren’t required to yet be disclosed. (See Peterson’s Form 460)

While Peterson filed a Form 410 Statement of Organization Recipient Committee with the California Secretary of State’s Office on July 25th and with the City Clerk’s Office on August 13th, it shows he was not yet qualified, meaning he had not yet received contributions from others at least $2,000. But he also filed on July 31st a campaign finance disclosure Form 460 for the period of Jan. 1 through June 30, 2024, showing he had raised $1,884.51 including a $1,500 Non-Monetary Contribution, referred to as in-kind, from his wife for the design of his campaign website during the period. Yet, it also shows he had raised a total of $4,056.88 for the year. But there haven’t been any other reports for this year.

Of the $384.51 raised in cash contributions for the period, Peterson received it from three individuals who all live outside of Antioch. But the report also unnecessarily includes a contribution of $192.37 received on July 25th. So, for the year, the report shows he received a total of $1,980 in loans including $564.58 from himself on Feb. 15th. Of that amount, he repaid himself $110.00. But details for the additional $1,415.42 in loans received for the year do not appear on the report.

Finally, the report shows Expenditures Made of $472.21 for the period but a total of $2,153.65 was spent during the Calendar Year to Date. Details for the additional $1,681.44 in expenditures were not included in the report and may not have been required to be reported, yet.

Peterson Responds to Questions About His Experience, Background and Candidacy

Addison was asked a variety of questions about his experience, background and candidacy, including, instead of starting in one of the top leadership positions in the city, why not apply and serve on a committee or commission. He responded, “I could do that, but I have more expansive ideas that the commission or committee could not satisfy. For example, I would not be able to work on housing and economic development on the same committee.”

He was asked, besides speaking a few times at city council meetings, what have you specifically done to improve Antioch in the areas on which he’s campaigning. Peterson responded, “I see everyone’s contributions as necessary to Antioch. That being said, I have written four pieces of legislation signed into law by Governors Brown and Newsom that impact everyday people in Antioch.

Antioch School District offers dual enrollment courses with local community colleges. In 2022, Antioch schools received more than $500K to create career pathways for a dual enrollment law I wrote while working in the office of Assemblymember Chris R. Holden in 2014-2015 AB 288.

I wrote two laws about protecting small businesses from predatory lenders that were signed into law in 2023: AB 33 and SB 666. I was also part of an organization that created the Micro Enterprise Home Kitchen Operations (MEHKO) laws, which allow aspiring entrepreneurs to cook and sell food out of their homes as long as they receive a county permit.

I have not written any legislation regarding housing, but I have participated in discussions around a possible state housing bond and Contra Costa County’s now-canceled BAHFA housing initiative. The state housing bond has been shelved this year because of concerns that it won’t pass after the performance of Proposition 1.”

He’s referring to both the Regional Measure 4 $20 billion bond measure removed from the November ballot in the Bay Area and the Behavioral Health Services Program and Bond Measure which barely passed in March 2024, by 50.18% to 49.84%. It’s providing$6.4 billion for treatment settings, housing with services and reform of the Behavioral Health Services Act.

Peterson was asked if he serves in a leadership position with his homeowners’ association, which position and for how long and if he’s a homeowner. He responded, “I do not serve in any official leadership capacity on my homeowner’s association. I am, however, a Community Sergeant with our Neighborhood Watch. I help them with any community events, such as our monthly clean-up or any community parties, or if we need to reach out to the City to make requests, such as increased police presence or new stop signs and speed bumps.”

Because he mentioned being the “California Policy Manager” for CCOF, but a search on that website’s leadership page doesn’t show his photo or title, but it does show a woman with the title of Policy Manager and another search shows two photos included with an article he wrote on April 17, 2024, with his title listed as, “Senior Policy Manager” Peterson was asked what his current position. He was also asked if using the term “California” was a mistake and if it should read “Senior” instead.

He responded, “My official job title is Senior Policy Manager. I may add ‘California’ to the front to reduce confusion about my primary job responsibility, which is to manage the policy campaigns in the state of California for the California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF). CCOF is the largest organic certifier in the United States, and it has over 3,000 organic farmer members. I’m still employed with them and have been with them since January 8, 2024. Here is a link to the Policy Team’s webpage: Advocacy – CCOF.org. Please excuse the lack of bio information as CCOF’s IT team is still working hard on our website redesign.” His photo and a link to his bio appears on that page.

He was also asked, while with the CAMEO Network, did he do anything to help establish micro-enterprises in Antioch. The organization’s map of members shows four total in Contra Costa County with three in Central County and one in Richmond.

Peterson responded, “CAMEO doesn’t directly establish micro-enterprises, although they do have training programs for them to improve their skills. CAMEO’s real work is to be the trainer for Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) both federal and non-profit. Small business development centers are federal programs that assist small business owners with anything from forming a business plan to transition plans. The biggest pull for SBDC’s are assistance with capital access. They help small business owners find private and public funding for their business and can even help with government procurement assistance. CAMEO ensures SBDC’s get the necessary funding for their operations, expand operations as needed, and train SBDC’s on how to lend Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) funds.”

“During my time there we staffed legislation as well. For example, I staffed SB 33 and SB 666 which started California’s first laws against predatory lending to small business owners,” as he previously mentioned. “We also co-sponsored the MEHKO law, that allows aspiring entrepreneurs to sell cooked food out of their home as long as they have a county health permit.”

Peterson was then asked how he can claim, “crime is historically low” and if he is referring to Antioch, California or nationwide. He responded, “I’m referring to nationwide: See Pew Research Center.” However, the April 4, 2024, report on that website reads, “Most violent and property crimes in the U.S. are not reported to police,” and “In 2022, the most recent full year with available statistics, the FBI received data from 83% of participating agencies.” According to a July 13, 2023, report by the Marshall Project, which offers nonprofit journalism about criminal justice, of the 17% of agencies that didn’t participate, “the two largest police agencies in the U.S., the New York Police Department and the Los Angeles Police Department, are still missing in the federal data” Plus, other agencies, such as the San Jose Police Department and other agencies from large jurisdictions in New York and Florida didn’t report and crimes in those communities were not included in the national statistics.

Regarding housing, while he is committed to approving the 1,248 very low- and low-income housing units required in the Final Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) Plan for the San Francisco Bay Area, 2023-2031, Peterson was asked if he will also approve the 1,768 required moderate income and above moderate income housing units, to include upscale homes currently missing in Antioch’s housing mix – like Brentwood has – to attract business owners who will employ our residents, as has been part of the City’s long-term plans.

Peterson responded, “I believe in following the Housing Element as close as possible. I know perfection is unrealistic. Also, I don’t agree with saying upscale homes are missing in Antioch. In District 3 off Laurel Ave. there are many new luxury homes that are competitive with what Brentwood offers.”

Rather than government subsidized housing, he was asked if he will support market-rate affordable housing units like apartments, condos and townhomes near the Antioch BART Station, as part of the City’s commitment to build 2,500 housing units in the 400-acre required Priority Development Area that his opponent, Don Freitas voted to approve when he was mayor. Peterson responded, “Yes, I support market-rate affordable housing units near major public transit hubs including the Antioch BART station. In fact, I would like for the city to consider transportation when making zoning policy and housing approvals near public transit hubs. I think it could improve the use of public transit and reduce road congestion, greenhouse gas emissions, improve environmental pollution, etc.”

He was then asked what he means by “investing in state and federal resources to help communities invest in more affordable housing and find solutions to house the unhoused.” Peterson responded, “When I say invest in state and federal resources, I mean investing in grant writers that can access those resources. For example, Antioch never applied for a housing grant through any state housing programs such as Home Key. The City of Walnut Creek received $40 million through the Home Key program to build temporary and permanent affordable housing for its residents.”

Asked for more information about his time and positions with the student government or student union at Cal State L.A. and what is the difference is Peterson responded, “during my time at Cal State L.A. I held three different positions in student government and two different positions in my student union. In 2011-2012 I was the Vice President of Community Relations, a position I don’t think exists anymore. From 2012-2013 I served as the College of Natural and Social Sciences Representative. I served on our Board of Directors for our Student Union and was Vice-Chair of our Lobby Corps for all three years. My senior year of college I became the Chair of the Board of Directors for our Student Union.”

“The difference between the student government and the student union at Cal State L.A. is the student government contains the policy making organization for the student body while the student union is a separate non-profit organization that operates the building the student government resides and handles broad programs for students such as cultural clubs, fraternities and sororities,” he shared.

On his LinkedIn profile under Licenses & certifications it reads Composites Fabrication Certified, United Latino Students Association. Peterson was asked to explain, if he was a member of the organization and if he is part Hispanic. He responded, “I earned a Composites Fabrication Certificate at Cerritos Community College while also attending Cal State L.A. I did it because I like to have multiple eggs in my basket and my family is a big aerospace family. My family members have worked at Northrop Grumman, Gulfstream, Boeing, and McDonnel Douglas. In order to be a bottom of the barrel aircraft builder you need to have a composites fabrication certification because you need to work with composites such as carbon fiber. As you know 2008-2013 were economically challenging years and jobs were hard to come by and as a college student, I wanted to ensure I can get a living wage job when I graduated college.”

“I was not a member of the United Latino Students Association, but I did participate in their annual May Day marches supporting immigrant rights in college,” Peterson continued. “Also, I am not part Hispanic. I was raised in L.A. and similar to Mayor Hernandez-Thorpe I had many Hispanic friends, particularly from the immigrant community. Naturally you support your friends.”

He was then asked, why, while running for an office that is supposed to be non-partisan, is you injecting partisan politics by announcing the endorsement of the Marsh Creek Democratic Club. Peterson responded, “I think it would be fake to pretend that I am not an active dues paying member of the Democratic Party when a Google search will show all the work I have done in the past for the party. I don’t feel there is a need to hide behind the non-partisan label. Additionally, both my opponents have gone up for the same Democratic Party endorsements I have. We are all Democrats.”

Regarding the post on his campaign Facebook page, on Monday, Aug. 26th of the MCDC’s endorsements of the mayor, Dominique King who is running for city council in District 2, Jorge Rojas who is running for City Treasurer, and Peterson, he was asked if he’s running on a slate with them. He was also asked if the mayor had recruited him to run. And because his campaign announcement reads, “it’s been disheartening to see how divisive our City Council has become and the lack of effective leadership,” if he includes the mayor in that statement.

Peterson responded, “I am on no one’s slate. I support Dominique King’s run for District 2, but I will stop short of endorsing anyone else. To be clear, Mayor Hernandez-Thorpe did not ask me to run, and we barely met in January when I told him I was running for this seat. I do believe there have been management issues in our city and that includes candidates that are running that have been appointed and elected to positions in our city. After reading the court records from the APD scandal and the Civil Grand Jury report by Contra Costa County there is blame to go around on all sides. I recommend all citizens read those documents in their entirety because Antioch has been broken for a long time.”

Regarding his campaign finances, it appears Peterson will need to file amended forms and was asked if he had received the additional loan amounts and were the expenditures made after June 30th. He responded Friday morning, Aug. 30th with, “I am reaching out to the Antioch City Clerk’s office to fix the issues with my 460 shortly.” But as of publication time Peterson’s Amended reports were not yet on the City Clerk’s campaign finance portal.

Addison and Shanice Peterson have been together for 11 years and married for six. Source: Peterson campaign website

Personal Information

His full name is Addison Marchell Peterson and he is age 35. Asked when he moved to Antioch, Peterson shared, “I have lived in Antioch for five years. I moved here in February 2019.”

On his campaign website, it shows a photo of Petrson and a woman in a red dress holding hands and it mentions Shanice Jackson is his “soulmate”. Then on his Form 460 campaign finance report it shows that Shanice S. Peterson is he treasurer. So, he was semi-jokingly asked if they are the same person and if Shanice is his wife, when they got married and if they have any children.

Peterson responded, “LOL Yes, Shanice Jackson and Shanice Peterson are the same person, and we are married. We got

married six years ago, just before moving to Antioch. We have been together for a total of 11 years as of August. We do not have any children, but we are trying.”

According to the Form 460 finance report, Shanice works as the Chief Administrative Officer for the University of California as of June 26, 2024. A search of the UCSF website shows in the Department of Family & Community Medicine, she holds the title of Associate Chair of Administration and Finance, is head of Business and Administrative Services, and serves in the Office of the Chair and on the Executive Council.

For more information about Peterson’s campaign visit www.electaddisonpeterson.com or email info@electaddisonpeterson.com.

Please check back later for any updates to this report.

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Addison Peterson & Shanice Jackson

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