Antioch Council to vote on hiring new city manager with history of controversial social media posts

For two-year term, an assistant city department head from Seattle, with no experience as city manager or assistant city manager
“Let’s just keep it real, there is no such thing as fair when the social construct we live in was created by white people for the benefit of white people only- to the detriment of every one else” – Antioch City Manager candidate finalist Bessie Marie Scott on Facebook
“We’re 70 days from an election as of Tuesday and this should not be decided by this council…There were some qualified candidates that along the way removed themselves from the process.” – Councilman Mike Barbanica
By Allen D. Payton
With just 70 days to go before the election, during their meeting on Tuesday night, August 27, 2024, the Antioch City Council will consider voting to hire a new city manager, and without first introducing the candidate to the public. After violating the state Brown Act open meeting law by first, discussing then, voting to direct staff to hire the executive search firm during Closed Session earlier this year, according to an attorney with the First Amendment Coalition, the city council interviewed fewer than 10 candidates for the position following a nationwide search.
City Manager Candidate Bessie Marie Scott
According to the city staff report for the agenda item, #9, the council’s candidate of choice for city manager is Bessie M. Scott who has not previously worked as a city manager or assistant city manager for any other city. According to both the report and her LinkedIn profile, she is currently the Deputy Inspector General for Public Safety for the City of Seattle, Washington and has served in the position since April 2023.
Before being chosen as the finalist, she, along with other applicants, were introduced to the City’s department heads, according to District 2 Councilman Mike Barbanica.
According to the department’s website, “The City of Seattle Office of Inspector General (OIG) was established to ‘help ensure the fairness and integrity of the police system as a whole in its delivery of law enforcement services by providing civilian auditing of the management, practices, and policies of the [Seattle Police Department (SPD) and Office of Police Accountability (OPA)] and oversee ongoing fidelity to organizational reforms implemented pursuant to the goals of the 2012 federal Consent Decree in United States of America v. City of Seattle, 12 Civ. 1282(JLR).’”
Prior to her current position, Scott worked for a little over three years for the Public Defender Association in Seattle, first as Chief of Staff then as Co-Executive Director of Operations. Prior to that, for a little over two years, Scott worked for the Seattle Community Police Commission, first as Policy Director then as Interim Executive Director. Her longest tenure was for six-and-a-half years for the Seattle Housing Authority where she worked, first, as the Senior Paralegal and Public Records Officer in the Legal Department. That was followed by a position as Senior Policy Analyst for the Office of Policy & Strategic Initiatives, then finally as Strategic Advisor for Rental Assistance Programs.
The staff report also shares, “She has public sector experience in various areas such as public safety, housing programs and municipal policy administration. In her current role, she ensures consistent policy interpretation across all functions of public safety, including Audits, Investigations, Policy and Standards and Compliance.
More specifically, according to the city staff report, “Some of her career accomplishments include: Managed a Home from School Program, which was a pilot initiative that paired a Housing Choice Voucher with a family experiencing homelessness and living in a shelter near a school in Seattle. The program was a success and housed over 250 families in the first year.” She also “Managed a grant funded Education and Outreach Initiative (EOI) Statewide Fair Housing Test Program.”
The proposed agreement does not yet include salary and benefit amounts as those will be finalized during negotiations at the Closed Session meeting on Tuesday night.
Scott was honored with the 2021 Changemaker of the Year Award from Voices & Visions, University of Washington, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance, in February 2021. The announcement on the college’s website for this year’s honorees and celebration, shares details about the award offers three phrases, Collective Wisdom, Brave Leadership and Rigorous Action. The description reads, “Amid the turbulence and challenges we see day-to-day, join us to celebrate leaders catalyzing positive change in our communities and public systems. This moment calls for courageous leadership and rigorous action. Join us for an evening of discussion, discovery, and community. Your participation helps raise critical funds to support the mission of the Evans School, fueling our ability to inspire public service and democratize public policy.”
Scott earned an Executive Master of Public Administration – EMPA in 2020 from the Evans School of Public Policy & Governance, University of Washington and took a Public Policy Analysis course in 2003 at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. She earned her undergraduate Bachelor’s degree with a double major in Law and Society/ Philosophy, with an emphasis in Criminal Justice/ Ethics and Public Policy from UC Santa Barbara in 2003.
If hired, Scott will be the City’s first African American female city manager.
Scott’s Controversial Social Media Posts
But the prospective city manager’s social media posts and comments are already causing a stir, as some of them include racially charged comments by Scott dating back to 2018 and more recently, advocacy for such matters as a “Free Palestine”.

X/Twitter Posts and Comments
In a reply to a Twitter/X post on Aug. 30, 2018, by Franklin Graham, son of Rev. Billy Graham, which reads, “Our nation is in trouble—and it’s because we have taken God out of everything. Follow if you agree,” Scott wrote on Oct. 5, 2018, “Please stop. You abandoned God a long time ago by supporting racists and bigots who help you preserve your whiteness. Stop using GOD to justify your ugly ways. See you in hell!”

A post on her Twitter/X account ( on June 3, 2019, she wrote, “I’ve never hated a character @FelicityHuffman more. Life imitates…that white women are the problem…in real life. Because also who raises white men? #Beckydoes #thatswho #whitewomendobetter #ShameOnYou #CentralParkFive #reidtechnique #f—kkktrump (redacted by the Herald) @realDonaldTrump.”

In a February 16, 2020, post, in response to another post Scott wrote, “White parents just don’t know/care about what we go through worrying about our children being treated any kind of way due to their skin color. Sad. Infruriating. Unfair” and the word America with “kkk” in the middle as “amerikkka”.

A post on Jan. 6, 2021, reads, “You know what’s standing out to me more than these clever memes about today? The White silence on my timeline. #Allies What say you? I need some #Reparations #AccountabilityNow.”

Facebook Posts and Comments
A post on March 31, 2019, on Scott’s personal Facebook page ( of an article entitled, “What Happens When Poor Kids Are Taught Society Is Fair,” she wrote, “Let’s just keep it real, there is no such thing as fair when the social construct we live in was created by white people for the benefit of white people only- to the detriment of every one else and is upheld by systemic and institutional racism which is codified in law, carried out through disparate policy implementation and enforced and upheld by a justice system that acts as a gatekeeper for the halls of power. These are indisputable facts. Convince me otherwise, I’ll wait.” #spotthewhitelie #callitbyitsname #racism

In a July 4, 2019, Facebook post writing, “Siiiiigh” in response to an article entitled, “How to Celebrate the 4th of July When America is a Constant Disappointment” with the sub-headline which reads, “If you feel like patriotism is morally repugnant right now, you’d be correct.”

In a Facebook post on July 5, 2019, of an article with a list of “15 Books Every American Needs to Read to Get the Full Story of Our Nation which included, “Transgender History – The Roots of Today’s Revolution” she wrote, “Some light Summer reading”.

A June 6, 2022, she posted on Facebook about being “the angry black woman”, “To [sic] many times to count.”

One of her more recent and innocuous posts was on Dec. 31, 2023, and reads: “The aftermath. 2023. Feeling so blessed and incredibly grateful to my tribe. My camera roll is wild- so much good stuff! Going forward into 2024 with a humble spirit and a full heart knowing that there is much work to be done if we are to be in our humanity. Free people read freely. Oppression is the root cause of conflict. Everyone should have access to housing and healthcare. Water rights for all. Free Palestine.
And the list goes on. I hope we all love harder in 2024. Happy New Year to you!”

Only Barbanica Responds to Questions for City Council Members
All five councilmembers were asked via email Friday night why they would you hire someone without first introducing the candidate to community leaders, including those from city commissions, the Chamber of Commerce and non-profit organizations as has been done in the past, to get input from them before you vote.
They were also asked if there were no other candidates who have experience as a city manager or an assistant city manager for other cities.
The councilmembers were asked before narrowing down their choices to Ms. Scott, if they were aware of her rather controversial remarks on her own social media pages. Some of the comments above were shared with the councilmembers.
They were then asked if she is really the best candidate and the best fit for Antioch city manager out of those they interviewed. Finally, the councilmembers were asked, if they you really think someone so racially divisive is the right choice for Antioch city manager especially after our community has just gone through the upheaval from the racist text scandal caused by some of our police officers.
Barbanica responded, “My position has been all along this should have been a public hiring. There should have been full transparency as the public needs to be apprised of the progress of the hiring all along. I said that publicly so the public could be made aware of who we were considering. The public went from knowing absolutely nothing about it to one day saying we have a final choice and we’re hiring a city manager and offering a person the job.”
“The public wasn’t aware we had a pool of applicants and that we had narrowed it down, where we were in the progress, and if we’re doing interviews. At one point all the department heads were allowed to do a meet and greet with multiple applicants. The public should have been made aware, so it didn’t come as big surprise.”
“Yes, that should have occurred,” referring to meetings between the final applicant and community leaders before the vote.
“This council should not be making the decision. This should be pushed out to the next council after the election. We have three seats that are up for election,” Barbanica continued. “We’re 70 days from an election as of Tuesday and this should not be decided by this council. It’s very likely that the overall direction of this council could be changing, depending on what the voters decide.”
Asked about the experience of other applicants he said, “There were some qualified candidates that along the way removed themselves from the process.”
“I have supported and continued to support leaving Kwame Reed in that position until the next city council is seated,” Barbanica stated. “At least bring him on as the interim city manager for the next couple of months and let the next council decide if they want to continue with him or start this search over.”
“I’m looking forward to hearing public comments on Tuesday night before I make my final decision,” he added.
When reached for comment, District 3 Councilwoman Lori Ogorchock said, “I will comment after Tuesday’s meeting and not before, because the vote hasn’t been disclosed and would be a Brown Act violation.”
Additional efforts to reach Mayor Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe were unsuccessful prior to publication time.
Meeting Times and Location
The Tuesday night meeting inside the Council Chambers at City Hall, located at 200 H Street, begins with a Closed Session at 5:15 p.m. during which the council will discuss the appointment of the new city manager. The public will have the opportunity to speak during public comments on the items they will be discussing prior to the council adjourning into their closed-door meeting. The council members will also discuss an existing lawsuit and anticipated litigation followed by the performance evaluations of both Acting City Manager Reed and City Attorney Thomas L. Smith.
The regular meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. City Council meetings are televised live on Comcast channel 24, AT&T U-verse channel 99, or live stream on the City’s website. See the full agenda packet.
the attachments to this post:
BMScott Facebook post 12-31-23 cropped
BMScott Facebook post 06-06-20
BMScott Facebook post 07-05-19
BMScott Facebook post 07-04-19
BMScott Facebook post 03-31-19
BMScott X-Twitter post 01-06-21
BMScott X-Twitter post 02-16-20
BMScott X-Twitter post 06-03-19 redacted