Kiwanis Club of the Delta-Antioch awards $1,000 college scholarships

Kiwanis Club of the Delta-Antioch $1,000 college scholarships and certificates of recognition were presented to Dozier-Libbey Medical High senior Alina Duong by Patty Chan, to Antioch High senior Nicole Harms by Archie Smith, Jr. and to Deer Valley High Class of 2024 graduate SheryKate Corpuz. Photo sources: (left & center) by Kiwanis Club of the Delta-Antioch, (right) Facebook.

To Antioch High, Dozier-Libbey, Deer Valley High graduates

By Allen D Payton

This year, from the proceeds of their fundraisers, including the annual Antioch Restaurant Tour, Holiday Run and Romano Marchetti Memorial Dinner, the Kiwanis Club of the Delta-Antioch awarded $1,000 college scholarships to three graduating seniors. Nicole Harms of Antioch High School, Alina Duong of Dozier-Libbey Medical High School and SheryKate Corpus of Deer Valley High School were honored during each schools’ annual awards ceremony.

Copy of the Certificate of Recognition presented to DVHS Class of 2024 grad SheryKate Corpuz.

The Kiwanis Club of The Delta-Antioch is a group of local men and women who believe in the international organization’s motto, “Serving the Children of the World”. Meetings are held every Tuesday at 8:00 AM, in-person and on Zoom. If you would like to join a meeting, please email and they will send you an invite.

the attachments to this post:

Kiwanis Cert of Recognition SheryKate Corpuz

Kiwanis 2024 scholarship recipients

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