Antioch High Class of 2024 graduates celebrate with special performance of National Anthem

The Antioch High Class of 2024 graduates toss their caps in the air to celebrate on Friday June 7. 2024. Photos by Allen D. Payton (left) and Selena Cedano (right)

By Allen D. Payton

The Antioch High School Class of 2024 graduation started with a special treat at Eells Stadium on the campus of the Panthers on Friday, June 7, 2024. After entering to the sounds of the traditional processional of “Pomp and Circumstance” and following the posting of the colors by the U.S. Marine Corps, graduates Joshua Llanes and George Villalobo performed the National Anthem on their electric guitars, reminiscent of Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock 55 years ago. It was met with cheers and applause from classmates and their new fans in the stands.

The Antioch High School Class of 2024 grads enter Eells Stadium to the sounds of Pomp and Circumstance and led by Principal John Jimno on Friday, June 7, 2024. Photos by Selena Cedano.

“When they asked…I told them no at the beginning of the year,” Principal John Jimno said with a laugh. “But then they killed it at the last rally we had.” (See video of their Anthem performance on Facebook or YouTube)

The U.S. Marine Corps posted the Colors followed by the performance by AHS Class of 2024 grads Joshua Llanes and George Villalobo of the National Anthem on their electric guitars. These and all other photos by Allen D. Payton unless noted.

Associated Student Body Vice President Amanda Rogers, who will be attending U.C. Berkeley, welcomed her fellow graduates saying, “Our lives are filled with unfinished chapters. There is only one you in this world. You are not your mom, dad or sister or brother. You are uniquely you. Continue to be the best version of yourself as you create your own path in life.”

“Someone else’s success does not diminish our own,” she continued. “While it’s natural to compare ourselves to others we must resist the temptation. We are each on our own journey with our own aspirations, dreams and goals.”

AHS Class of 2024 Salutatorian George Feliciano and Valedictorian Albert Wong speak to their classmates. Large photos by Selena Cedano

Salutatorian & Valedictorian

Jimno then introduced Salutatorian George Feliciano and Valedictorian Albert Wong to share their memories and offer inspiration to their classmates.

“Some of this will be in Spanish,” Feliciano began. He thanked his teachers and counselors, friends and classmates “who have made my experience here more tolerable.”

“We made it through COVID, we made it through the years,” he continued. “We’re moving on and there’s just some things we have to let go of because life can be unpredictable at times. Being original is challenging. Sometimes it’s hard to stand out and can be tempting to steal something as a corny joke or plagiarize. I will always challenge myself to stay out of my comfort zone. We all have our priorities and values. But we eventually will have to compromise.”

“We can’t always get what we want. Don’t lose your originality. Be original or be forgotten. Stay beautiful, guys,” Feliciano concluded.

Top photos by Selena Cedano.

Wong spoke next saying, “Freshman year began…in the quiet corners of our homes. Then sophomore year…we moved from the Microsoft Teams meetings to the in-person classroom. Everyone crafted their own unique high school experience to take with them. I figured since I’m going to be stuck at Antioch (High) anyways, I may as well make the most of my time here which led me to join activities such as cross country, track and other club on campus.”

“And now here we are…with student debt and taxess to look forward to,” he said with a laugh.

Speaking of his parents he said, “They expected me to achieve but also be humble in my accomplishments. It is because of their high standards and relentless support that I am standing here as your valedictorian.”

Many of the AHS Class of 2024 grads decorated their caps.

“I encourage you to reflect on the expectations that have shaped you,” Wong continued. “Remember that expectations are powerful, but they are also personal. They are a reflection of your dreams and aspirations. Hold onto them tightly…and never be afraid to exceed them.”

Jimno then offered brief remarks to the graduates saying, “The true gift for many of us who have chosen this profession is days like today. I’m proud of you and in awe at all the accomplishments. Right now, I’m just excited the future is in front of you. Thank you, Class of 2024.”

AHS Principal John Jimno, AUSD Board President Antonio Hernandez and Vice President Mary Rocha each addressed the graduates.

Board President Antonio Hernandez spoke next saying, “I grew up here in Antioch and went to Marsh Elementary. I am the first in my family to go to a four-year college and graduate from Stanford University,” to cheers from the crowd. “Remember to celebrate with the people you have around you…family and friends and those who helped you along the way,” he added.

Although not scheduled to speak, Trustee Mary Rocha said, “I’m cutting in. I’m sure many of you have done that, too,” to laughter. “I’m personally here because my granddaughter is graduating.” She then spoke in Spanish to the parents of some of the students.

AHS Class of 2024 grads receive their diplomas. Trustee Mary Rocha presented the diploma to her granddaughter. (Bottom right)

Acting Superintendent Dr. Rob Martinez accepted the class saying, “On behalf of the Antioch Unified School District, it is my distinct honor to accept the 2024 graduating class from Antioch High School. Upon the recommendation of the faculty and on behalf of the Antioch Unified School District Governing Board of Education, I certify that each of you has completed the graduation requirements set forth by the…District.

Having completed these requirements, I confer upon each of you the high school diploma with all its rights, honors and responsibilities. Henceforth you are to be considered high school graduates and alumni of Antioch High School in the Antioch Unified School District. Congratulations.”

Diplomas were then presented to the graduates and the class officers were the first to receive theirs.

In memory of Giovanni Martino, his sister Kylah received his diploma on his behalf. According to one of the teachers at the ceremony, Giovanni died during their first year back from the COVID lockdown.

Principal Jimno presented a special diploma in memory of Giovanni Martino to his sister Kylah.

Senior Class President Karissa Legaspi spoke to her fellow graduates saying, “Today, we mark the end of an unforgettable chapter. Together we made memories that will last a lifetime. This isn’t the ending. 13 years flew right by us. Look at us now…on this day with the world at our fingertips. When I look out on this crowd I see a bright future. You can make any of your dreams happen. Motivation is the key. Your future is in your hands.

HS ASB Vice President Amanda Rogers and Class of 2024 grad speaks to her classmates. They later turn their tassels led by Senior Class President Karissa Legaspi.

She then led her classmates in the turning of their tassels signifying the end of their high school career. That was followed by the graduates celebrating and tossing their caps into the air.

The Herald congratulates the Antioch High School Class of 2024 graduates. May God bless you in your future!

Selena Cedano contributed to this report.

the attachments to this post:

AHS 2024 grad Jimno Hernandez Rocha

AHS 2024 grads arrive SC

AHS 2024 grad diplomas Mary & granddaughter

AHS 2024 grad diplomas SC top & ADP

AHS 2024 grad Jimno Hernandez Rocha

AHS 2024 grad ASB VP tassels & Class Pres

AHS 2024 grad colors & Natl Anthem

AHS 2024 grad caps ADP & SC

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