Antioch Mayor Hernandez-Thorpe participates in Meals on Wheels Diablo Region Community Champions Week

Part of National #SaveLunch initiative to help fight senior hunger, isolation in Antioch across Contra Costa County, and country
By Skylar Schaefer, Communications Specialist, Meals on Wheels Diablo Region
Antioch Mayor Lamar Hernandez-Thorpe joined Meals on Wheels Diablo Region for Community Champions Week 2024 to bring attention to the important work the nonprofit does for older adults in the Antioch community. The mayor participated in a Young at Heart Fall Prevention exercise class and encouraged the participation of nearly 20 seniors!
The mayor had an opportunity to see the impact Meals on Wheels Diablo Region has on Antioch’s older residents when he participated in a ‘Young at Heart’ Fall Prevention exercise class as part of the #SaveLunch initiative. Led by Meals on Wheels America, this nationwide initiative is designed to rally communities around our senior neighbors and protect the essential services that enable so many to remain healthy and independent at home. Across the country this week, Meals on Wheels programs have enlisted elected officials, community influencers and other prominent figures to deliver meals, speak out for seniors and raise awareness for the power of Meals on Wheels. Mayor Thorpe joined a class of roughly 20 seniors at the Antioch Senior Center and learned exercise techniques to improve strength and balance at any age!
“Last year, MOW Diablo Region delivered over 700,000 meals! That is 100% increase since before the pandemic and we are on track to deliver even more this year,” said Sherry Nadworny, MOW Diablo Region Director of Development & Community Relations. “This is an important time for our elected officials to see the impact of our work as federal Covid-stimulus funding will end in September. MOW Diablo Region is committed to keeping our seniors nourished and more connected to our community through this challenging time and beyond.”
As a full-service organization, we at Meals on Wheels Diablo Region are dedicated to addressing all the needs of the seniors we serve. In addition to meal delivery, we provide exercise and fall prevention classes, home safety modifications, elder abuse prevention, and much more. MOW Diablo Region is the only Meals on Wheels that delivers both meals and services to seniors in Contra Costa County.
National #SaveLunch efforts in March will commemorate the historic day in March of 1972 when the Older Americans Act was amended to include a nutrition program for Americans 60 years and older. More than 50 years later, 12 million older Americans are still threatened by or experience hunger, and one in three seniors feels lonely. That is why Meals on Wheels programs from across the country are joining forces to raise awareness and support to ensure we can continue to address food insecurity and malnutrition, combat social isolation, enable independence and improve health for decades to come.
“We commend all of our 2024 Community Champions for stepping up to ensure that Meals on Wheels is there for all of our senior neighbors in need,” said Ellie Hollander, President and CEO of Meals on Wheels America. “In the face of soaring demand and costs that surpass our current resources, we need to come together as communities to bridge the gaps. We can’t do it alone – it takes all of us to save lunch for our seniors.”
For more information on how you can volunteer, contribute, or speak out for the seniors in Antioch and around Contra Costa County this March, visit
About Meals on Wheels Diablo Region:
For more than 50 years, Meals on Wheels Diablo Region has improved the lives of vulnerable seniors in Contra Costa County by delivering nutritious meals and supportive services that allow seniors to remain in their homes safely and with dignity. Programs include home-delivered meals, Breakfast Bags, Grocery Bags, Fall Prevention, Cafés, Care Management, Friendly Visitors, Health and Wellness, and more.
About Meals on Wheels America
Meals on Wheels America is the leadership organization supporting the more than 5,000 community-based programs across the country that are dedicated to addressing senior hunger and isolation. Powered by a trusted volunteer workforce, this network delivers a comprehensive solution that begins with a meal and is proven to enable independence and well-being through the additional benefits of tailored nutrition, social connection, safety and much more. By providing funding, programming, education, research and advocacy, Meals on Wheels America empowers its local member programs to strengthen their communities, one senior at a time.
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