Antioch Council to consider ordinance banning advertising or organizing illegal street races, sideshows, reckless driving exhibitions

Spending $1.74 million for additional staffing, awarding $50K in Civic Enhancement Grants
Before regular Tuesday meeting will receive presentation on state open meeting law, again discuss hiring new city manager during closed session
By Allen D. Payton
During their regular meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2024, the Antioch City Council will consider adopting an ordinance banning advertising or organizing an illegal street race, sideshow or reckless driving exhibition on or in a public highway or offstreet parking facility. They will also consider spending $1.94 million for additional staffing and a Water Park Maintenance Fund and awarding $50,000 in Civic Enhancement Grants.
Before the regular meeting, at 5:00 p.m. the council and city staff will hear a presentation on the state’s Brown Act open meeting law, by Christopher Diaz of the Best Best & Krieger law firm, reminding them what they can and can’t do regarding serial meetings, matters allowed to be discussed during closed sessions, reporting out of closed session and their use of social media. Then during closed session beginning at 6:00 p.m. the council will once again discuss hiring a permanent city manager and one current lawsuit and two potential lawsuits.
Ban on Advertising or Organizing Illegal Street Races, Sideshows, Reckless Driving Exhibitions
Although during the Nov. 14, 2023, meeting, the council majority opposed making it illegal to be a spectator at a sideshow, the council will consider under Item 4 of the regular meeting agenda, make advertising or organizing an illegal street race, sideshow, or reckless driving exhibition on or in a public highway or offstreet parking facility a violation of the Antioch Municipal Code.
According to the City staff report on the item, “The California Vehicle Code (CVC) criminalizes engaging in motor vehicle speed contests, speed exhibitions, and reckless driving, including aiding and abetting these activities. Under state law, violators are guilty of a misdemeanor and face penalties including up to 90 days in jail, a fine of $1,000, or both, 40 hours of community service, and suspension of a perpetrator’s driver’s license for three to six months. Increased penalties are imposed on repeat violators or violations resulting in serious bodily injury.
Despite law enforcement efforts to enforce the existing State regulations, the City’s streets have been the site of continuing illegal sideshows, speed contests, and exhibitions of speed over several years. These events attract spectators. The presence of spectators encourages street racing to continue, which creates a public nuisance that generates noise, air pollution, an increase in traffic accidents, property crimes and damage, personal injuries, deaths, and calls for law enforcement and emergency medical services.
California DMV reported a significant increase in 2021 in the number of reckless driving citations statewide and an 80% increase in excessive speed violations. The California Highway Patrol has reported as of May 2023 that, in the past five years, 264 collisions statewide attributed to street racing and sideshows, resulting in 30 fatalities and 124 serious injuries. Therefore, illegal street racing poses an imminent risk to the health and safety of participants, spectators, and the general public.
The Ordinance attempts to discourage illegal sideshows, street races, and exhibitions of speed within the City, by regulating the organizing or advertising of such activities. The following activities would be specifically prohibited:
• Knowingly organizing a street race, sideshow, reckless driving exhibition, or exhibition of speed conducted within the City on a public street, highway, or in an offstreet parking facility.
• Advertising, within the City, a street race, sideshow, or exhibition of speed conducted or to be conducted in the City on a public street, highway, or in an offstreet parking facility.
• Advertising online, including on social media, a street race, sideshow, or exhibition of speed conducted or to be conducted in the City on a public street, highway or in an offstreet parking facility.
The Ordinance targets a clear, limited population and gives proper notice to individuals as to which activities are lawful and which activities are unlawful. Furthermore, illegal street racing can generate significant revenue for organizers and advertisers. Advertising illegal activity is not constitutionally protected speech. The Ordinance includes proper exclusions to prevent interference with or inhibition of any lawful exercise of constitutionally protected rights of freedom of press and freedom of speech.”
Consent Calendar
Under the Consent Calendar Item F, the council will receive the City of Antioch Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2023.
Awards for Civic Enhancement Grants
Then, under Item M. of the Consent Calendar the council will consider approving the award of $50,000 in the 2023-24 Civic Enhancement Grant Program. The program supports community events and improvement projects that originate with non-profit organizations. At the Regular Meeting of January 18, 2024, the Parks and Recreation Commission voted to recommend funding and the City staff is recommending the City Council approve a:
- $2,500 grant plus approximately $2,300 of in-kind City facility services to the Antioch Rotary Club;
- $1,500 grant to Be Exceptional for Funds to Expand Youth Programs for people with disabilities;
- $1,500 grant to Cancer Support Community to provide support and services to people and families impacted by cancer;
- $3,000 grant plus approximately $5,000 of in-kind City facility services to Celebrate Antioch Foundation to provide community special events in Rivertown;
- $1,000 grant plus approximately $3,900 of in-kind City facility services to Contra Costa Legal Services for informational sessions on avoiding fraud and scams at the Antioch Senior Center;
- $8,000 grant to Delta Learning Center for tutoring services primarily for elementary school students in English/ Language Arts;
- $3,000 grant to El Campanil Theater
- $2,000 grant plus approximately $1,500 of in-kind City facility services to Facing Homelessness to provide supplies and resources to the unhoused;
- $3,000 grant to Grace Closet for Expansion of Community Resource and Health Fair;
- $1,500 grant to Loaves and Fishes of Contra Costa to provide food for families, seniors, unhoused residents, and veterans;
- $8,000 grant plus approximately $300 of in-kind City facility services to New Generation Equity/STEAM4Real for Providing Sports/ Athletic activities for the community;
- $2,500 grant to the Police Activities League (PAL) to provide Sports/ Athletic activities for the community;
- $5,500 grant to RR Transitional Housing for the Youth Empowerment Monthly Seminar;
- $4,500 grant to SHARE Community for the Mobile Shower and Hygiene Service Program; and
- $1,500 grant to This Active Art for free art activities for the community.
Budget Amendments
Under agenda Item 6 the council will consider approving amendments to the 2023-24 and 2024-25 fiscal year budgets for staffing and other items totaling $1,941,673 as discussed during their meeting on Nov. 28, 2023 meeting. The budget additions will fund the following:
- Assistant to the City Manager – $279,125
- Human Resources Specialist reclassification – $31,333
- 5 Community Service Officers (Police) – $824,339
- 2 Dispatchers (Police) – $386,807
- Office Assistant (Animal Services) – $118,711
- Animal Services Techinician (Animal Services) – $101,358; and
- Water Park Maintenance Fund – $200,000.
Read the entire meeting agenda, here.
The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers inside City Hall at 200 H Street in Antioch’s historic, downtown Rivertown. It can be viewed via livestream on the City’s website, on Comcast local cable channel 24 or AT&T U-verse channel 99. To speak during public comments at either the beginning or end or the meeting or on any agenda item, you must be present at the meeting.