Kaiser Permanente Diablo earns East Bay Leadership Medal

East Bay Leadership Council CEO Mark Orcutt presents Marty Ardron, Kaiser Permanente Senior Vice President, Hospital and Health Plan Operations and Sharon Mowat, Physician in Chief of Kaiser’s Antioch Medical Center with the East Bay Leadership Medal during the dinner on August 9, 2023. Photo: East Bay Leadership Council

During the East Bay Leadership Council’s Installation Awards dinner on August 9, 2023 Kaiser Permanente Diablo was presented with the East Bay Leadership Medal. It is the highest honor to an organization recognizing outstanding service in support of the Council and the broader East Bay community. Kaiser Permanente currently is the third East Bay employer to receive this honor twice since the award was founded in 1987.

Kaiser Permanente Diablo includes locations in Antioch, Dublin, Livermore, Martinez, Pleasanton, San Ramon and Walnut Creek.

The Council offered the following about the honorees and the evening: “Kaiser Permanente is not only a world-class health system and one of the East Bay’s largest employers, but a force for generosity spanning from affordable housing construction to gun violence prevention. On top of it all, Kaiser has supported the East Bay Leadership Council’s mission through sponsorships and staff volunteerism that continues to expand our impact and reach as an organization. We are honored to present Kaiser with our top organizational award.”

Kaiser Permanente staff with the East Bay Leadership Medal include (L-R) Cherlene Andresen, Public Affairs Manager, Daniel Mejia, Senior Public Affairs Representative, Michelle Mendoza, Communications Lead, Marta Hudson, Continuum Administrator, Sharon Mowat, Sharon Mowat, Physician in Chief, Antioch Medical Center, Avin Attur, Area Information Officer, Marty Ardron, SVP Hospital and Health Plan Operations, Yvette Radford, Vice President, External & Community Affairs, Linsey Dicks, Medical Group Administrator, Pam Galley, SVP & Area Manager and Deneen Wohlford, Public Affairs Director. Photo: Kaiser Permanente

By East Bay Leadership Council

The sold-out event featured inspiring words from the honorees — Chadi Chazbek, Bielle Moore and Kaiser Permanente — who have all been influential in fostering a thriving East Bay community.

In his opening remarks, EBLC’s President & CEO, Mark Orcutt, shared what is at the heart of the EBLC community, “You would not be here tonight if you were hopeless and disinterested in taking on the challenges we face as a region. You are here because you believe as I do that a group of well-informed and driven leaders can change the world.”

Past Chair Leo Scott passed the baton to Peggy White, who expressed why she is excited to take on the role of Chair of the Board, “The hallmark of my career has been putting my passion and energy into causes that I care deeply about. And I care deeply about the Council’s mission to make the region a better place to live and work.”

It was an inspiring and heartwarming evening, full of appreciation and recognition for the important work being done to make the East Bay a place where businesses and residents thrive.

Thank you to our sponsors for making this uplifting event possible and thank you to our board and community members for your ongoing commitment to EBLC. We are excited for the year ahead!

More information about the East Bay Leadership Council Awards night can be viewed here:


For more information about the EBLC visit East Bay Leadership Council.

Allen D. Payton and Antonia Ehlers of Kaiser Permanente contributed to this report.

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