Antioch’s Split Second Response offers new approach to personal protection, growth and safety

Owner changes name, focus of D1 & Only Martial Arts

By Dr. Tim Calvin, Ed.D., CEO & Founder
We live in a scary world where violent crime seems to be ever increasing, and our children are becoming the byproducts of a society of unfettered scruples and moral degradation. It is alarming as we watch our children become more self-absorbed, socially inept, and morally disconnected as they become attached to their electronic devices and social media platforms that feeds their young minds with inappropriate images and unethical messaging. As a result, our children are becoming more prone to violence, unremorseful, and ill-prepared to deal with the brutal nature of their environment, and they are continuing this trend well into adulthood.
As acts of violence and shootings become increasingly rampant and cities become more unstable, it appears that those charged with protecting and keeping residents safe are incapable of living up to their obligation. As a result, vigilance, and the ability to efficiently and effectively recognize, avoid, de-escalate, or defend oneself or others from various threats or potentially volatile situations, is more vital than ever before.

In response to society’s growing need for an effective resolution to combat its cycle of violence and apathy, D1 & Only Martial Arts has changed and Split Second Response was formed. Located at 3385 Deer Valley Road in Antioch, Split Second Response is revolutionizing the personal protection and safety industry by providing a unique approach to private safety and security, as well as a distinct and customized method of childhood development and individual growth. Split Second Response is a state-certified training facility that provides a multitude of services that includes a modern and realistic martial arts and self-defense program, firearms training for beginners, advanced firearms courses, and Concealed Carry Weapons (CCW) permit certification courses, as well as First Aid/CPR/AED training through the American Red Cross and the Health and Safety Institute (HSI). Moreover, Split Second Response provides BSIS state-certified security guard training courses (guard card, firearms, baton, use of force, and more), in addition to Taser and Active Shooter certification courses.

Split Second Response’s martial arts and personal protection program is designed to provide its students with a real-world approach to personal protection and safety. Realizing that outdated martial arts programs are ill-suited to meet today’s threats, Split Second Response, merged several martial arts styles, including Kickboxing, Krav Maga, basic Jiujitsu, and Arnis (Philippine Stick Fighting) into one well-rounded and highly effective self-defense system. The objective of this program is to condition the individual’s mind and body to instinctively react to whatever danger or threat comes your way. Students at Split Second Response are taught situational awareness and threat assessment, how to defend themselves standing, protect themselves on the ground, defend against multiple attackers, or against assailants with various weapons.

In addition to the unique approach to self-defense, Split Second Response works diligently to develop the character and moral fortitude of our youth. By changing the mindset and perceptions of our children, Split Second Response hopes to create a safer and more productive community one child at a time. The training regimen for each student at Split Second Response is customized regarding their personal growth and development by focusing on habit formation. Split Second Response employs a four-step process for character development and improved behavior by 1.) identifying areas of concern, 2.) working with parents to establish a plan to address these concerns, 3.) implementing the plan, and 4.) rewarding success or helping students refocus and get back on track if they fall short of accomplishing their goals.
Split Second Response is unlike any personal protection and development program on the market, not just in the services provided, but also in the team of professional and elite instructors they employ. Split Second Response has an exceptional and highly skilled training staff that includes former national martial arts champions, current and former law enforcement officers with backgrounds in S.W.A.T., Undercover Narcotics, and Investigations, along with current and former members of the U.S. military. So, regardless of what your personal protection, safety, or growth and development needs may be, Split Second Response is more than capable of helping you meet and exceed your goals.
For more information and to get started today, visit
About Dr. Tim Calvin
Calvin has been in business in Antioch since January 2000, is a former Oakland and Novato Police officer for 10 years and former Sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps serving in Operation Desert Storm as a H.A.W.K. Missile Operator, a former board member of the Antioch Kiwanis Club, and a former board member of the Antioch Police Activities League (PAL).
He has trained in martial arts for over 28 years and has earned a 7th Degree Black Belt in CCR, a 5th Degree Black Belt in Kajukenbo, a 5th Degree Black Belt in Senkotiros Arnis (Philippine Stick & Knife Fighting), a Blue Belt in Brazilian Jiujitsu, is a Level II Krav Maga Instructor, a certified Kickboxing Instructor, a California Dept. of Consumer Affairs: Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS) Firearm and Baton Instructor, an NRA Firearms Instructor, an NRA Range Safety Officer (RSO), a DOJ Firearms Instructor, an NRA Refuse To Be A Victim (RTBAV) Instructor, a certified American Red Cross (ARC) and Health and Safety Institute (HSI) Adult & Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor, an HSI AVERT Active Shooter Instructor and AVERT Instructor Trainer, and an Axon Taser Instructor.
Dr. Calvin is also Executive Director of the non-profit Affiliated Martial Arts Promoter’s Association, and earlier this month earned his Doctorate in Organizational Change and Administration from California Baptist University in Riverside, CA.
Allen D. Payton contributed to this report.
the attachments to this post:
Women’s Only Basic Pistol Course SSR
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