Former ally and councilwoman Motts also calls for Antioch Mayor Thorpe to resign
Ogorchock does so, again following release of investigation report by attorney for former healthcare district of sexual harassment claims and Times’ editorial
By Allen D. Payton

Joy Motts’ post on her campaign Facebook page on Sept. 17, 2022.
In a post on her campaign Facebook page on Sept. 17, former Antioch Councilwoman Joy Motts, who had worked and voted along with Thorpe during her two years on the council and is, again running for the District 1 seat, this year called for his resignation.
She wrote, “I want to share the statement I made yesterday at the League of Women’s Voters/CCTV Forum. ‘I take any accusation of sexual harassment in the workplace or anywhere with the utmost seriousness. And I firmly believe that any man or woman that engages in sexual harassment or is convicted of sexual harassment should not hold public office.’
Information continues to come forward about the Mayor in what seems to be a concerning pattern of behavior, abuse of his position, and his treatment of others. I believe it would be in the best interest of the City of Antioch that the Mayor resign.”
Her alliance with Thorpe, which included the effort for the homeless motel on E. 18th Street and his support for Motts’ efforts for the Rivertown Center project at the former lumber company lot for a park and events, had already broken down, earlier this year over the way Thorpe interfered in the annual Juneteenth celebration, for which the organization she leads, Celebration Antioch Foundation, supported and served as the fiscal agent. (See related article)

Councilwoman Lori Ogorchock’s post on her official Facebook page on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2022.
Ogorchock Again Calls for Thorpe’s Resignation
Following the publishing on Thursday, Oct. 6, 2022, of an East Bay Times editorial calling on Antioch Mayor Lamar Thorpe to resign over his “intolerable mysogistic behavior”, District 3 Councilwoman Lori Ogorchock, again called on her colleague to resign. The editorial was a result of the release of the investigation report into the sexual harassment claims by two former employees of the now defunct Los Medanos Community Healthcare District against Thorpe while he was executive director. (See related articles here and here and report:
An article by provides details from the redacted investigation report and that “According to the document, all three allegations were sustained. Confidential Investigative Report LMCHD Thorpe 041222-REDACTED
- One June 11, 2021, Executive Director Lamar Thorpe grabbed Jocelyn Munoz bare leg while they were at a bar, and commented that it was sexual harassment
- Executive Director Lamar Thorpe made inappropriate comments to Jocelyn Munoz.
- Executive Director Lamar Thorpe made inappropriate and vulgar comments to Jasmine Cisneros, then grabbed her buttock, while at a work conference in Monterey.
The report further shows, “Thorpe was vague in his responses, and at several points in the interview did not respond to the question asked. Several of his statements were contradicted by other statements and evidence provided, such as the text messages.”
In a post on her official Facebook page Thursday evening Ogorchock wrote, “The Mayor should resign, I can’t say it loud enough!
Sexual harassment, alleged sexual misconduct, drunk driving, are all enough on their own but stacked together, are egregious and shameful. This behavior cannot be ignored nor tolerated. We must not create an environment in which those that are victims of sexual harassment fear to come forward. At NO time should sexual harassment be tolerated by anyone in any circumstances.
For those on council that fail to denounce the Mayor and his conduct are being enablers. Our community trusts this council to make the tough decisions and to be strong leaders even in the face of taxing times. We should be unified in requesting the resignation from the Mayor.
If not what message are we sending to the victims and our constituents?”
Ogorchock is running for the District 4 council seat up for election next month, after being gerrymandered by the mayor and Councilwomen Monica Wilson and Tamisha Torres-Walker during the redrawing of district lines, earlier this year, moving Ogorchock from her current district into Wilson’s neighboring district.
Thorpe Does Not Respond, Continues to Deny Allegations
Thorpe was asked early Friday morning if he had any response to what is written in the report, the Times’ editorial or the comments by his former and current council colleagues. He did not respond by publication time Friday afternoon.
However, according to a Times article published on Thursday, Oct. 6, “Thorpe has denied the accusations and said the investigation was faulty and failed to include all potential witnesses, including a woman who was with him during one of the alleged incidents. ‘I am denying all the allegations, and the people who were actually there also say it didn’t happen,” he said. ‘I’ll just reiterate that the people corroborating their stories had something financially to gain. No independent witness was used to determine any facts.’”
Please check back later for any updates to this report.
the attachments to this post:
Confidential Investigative Report LMCHD Thorpe 041222-REDACTED
Ogorchock post re Thorpe 100622
JMotts FB post re Thorpe resign 091722