Archive for September, 2022

Antioch District 1 council candidates forum Wednesday, Oct. 5

Wednesday, September 21st, 2022

Join the conversation and learn about your candidates for City Council in District 1!

Ask how they plan to make Antioch a better place for you and your community.

RSVP by Friday, Sept. 30 at or call (925) 375-6057

Help the Antioch High Band get to Disneyland – Oct. 1st Yard Sale

Wednesday, September 21st, 2022

Introducing retired cop Shawn Pickett running for Antioch City Council District 4

Tuesday, September 20th, 2022

Shawn Pickett inside City Hall on June 30, 2022. Source: Facebook

“Antioch is at a crossroad. We are not on the right path. Not much has changed in the last ten years…We need a councilperson who returns phone calls and emails. We don’t need a councilperson who simply casts a vote.” – Shawn Pickett

Lamar Thorpe, Tamisha nd Monica Wilson have been pushing their police reforms. They’re not meaningful. They’re just bloviating.”

Shawn Pickett

By Allen D. Payton

The only new face, and the only man, running for the Antioch City Council, this year, is Shawn Pickett, a retired Richmond Police lieutenant, challenging incumbent Monica Wilson for the District 4 seat. The husband, father of two daughters and grandfather, recently shared about his background.

“I was born in Berkeley and raised by my grandparents Sarah and Eugene Perry. I attended Catholic schools and in my senior year, I transferred to Albany High School where I graduated. I have a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice Management.

I retired in 2018 as a police lieutenant with 31 years of public service. Throughout my law enforcement career, I have developed a leadership philosophy that will bring success and the ability to move our district forward as your council representative and contribute to the greater at large City of Antioch.

When I moved my family to Antioch in 1993 for the affordable housing and better schooling, I knew Antioch was the place to raise my family. My wife, Lisa and I have been married for 34 years, and we are the parents of two daughters and one granddaughter. My daughters attended Antioch elementary schools and graduated from Deer Valley High School. My granddaughter is a student at Dozier-Libby Medical High School.”

Pickett began his career as a police officer in 1987, then from 2000-05 he served as a sergeant, then in 2005 Pickett was promoted to lieutenant where he served until his retirement in 2017. From 1990-93 he worked as a Homicide Investigation Police Academy Instructor at Los Medanos College. During his career Picket earned his POST (Peace Officer Standards & Training) Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Supervisor Management Certificates, served as a Board Member for the Richmond Police Department Management Association, was selected to attend the FBI National Academy in Quantico, VA and honored with the Community Crime Prevention Officer Award. He also served on the boards of Beside the Blue Foundation based in Roseville, CA and the Guardians of Justice in Richmond.

Why Pickett Is Running

Asked why he’s running Pickett shared, “I am running for council because we need action with results. I am passionate about civic duty, participation in community government, and more importantly, improving our city.”

“Antioch is at a crossroad. We face challenges in our leadership, public safety, public education, housing and the overall well-being of our community,” he continued. “We are not on the right path. Not much has changed in the last ten years.”

“We need a councilperson who digs deep into policy and economics. A councilperson with relatable leadership skills to build trustworthy relationships with all members of our community. We need a councilperson who understands the opinions and needs of the community,” Pickett shared. “We need a councilperson that recognizes when a police department needs to adjust and adapt to better serve the community.”

He then took a slight swipe at the incumbent with, “We need a councilperson who returns phone calls and emails. We don’t need a councilperson who simply casts a vote.”

Offers Reasons to Vote for Him

Asked why voters should choose him over the incumbent or the other two candidates Pickett mentioned his police experience and what he will do for public safety.

“Having served as a police lieutenant, I have developed and possess a robust set of skills and leadership experience with a proven track record to move our district forward. I understand the complexity of city government and budgets,” he shared. “I will work with city officials, community members, and our business partners to establish a credible community policing model. A model that allows residents and businesses direct access to their beat officers to address neighborhood quality of life concerns, while enhancing our public safety.”

“I will meet with the District Attorney and other county, state and federal officials to establish a credible community safety partnership for our residents. These partnerships play a significant role in helping reduce violent crimes in our area,” Picket continued.

He also mentioned other issues he will focus on.

“I will work to establish a city beautification plan with street sweeping services, to include a District 4 Code Enforcement Officer with abatement support. This will help restore our neighborhoods, business areas and roadways,” he wrote. “I support smart development, affordable housing options programs that help ensure we recruit a diverse excellent workforce, competitive salaries, fair working conditions, and options for housing that allows all residents to live and thrive in Antioch.”

Pickett also shared about Antioch schools, although the city council has no jurisdiction over them or the curriculum.

“Regarding our schools, I support fiscal responsibility, curriculum that enhances student success, academic support programs, mentoring, and tutoring,” he wrote. “I support state of the art technology, expanding and diversifying science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) as well as increasing support for students with special needs.”

“My commitment is to excellence in service and improving our community – not a career in politics,” Pickett added.

“I would be honored to have your vote and work with you to make Antioch the best it can be,” he concluded.


More About Pickett’s Campaign

In addition, in a June 30th post on his campaign Facebook page Pickett wrote,

“Dear Residents of District 4

I am excited to announce my candidacy for the Antioch City Council, District 4 seat. I am passionate about civic duty and participation in community government and more importantly improving public safety in our district. Having served as a Lieutenant of Police for more than 12 years, I have developed and possess a robust set of skills and leadership experience that has made me an ideal candidate.

Throughout the 31 years of my law enforcement experience, I have developed a leadership philosophy that will bring success to my role as your council representative and the greater at large City of Antioch. This philosophy entails the following concepts; emphasis on forward leadership approaches, strong work ethic, personal and professional accountability, encouragement of life long learning, organizational process review and improvements and adherence to the U.S. Constitution and principles of justice.

Together we must develop a comprehensive plan to strengthening our response to Public Safety, Supporting our Schools and District Beautification. Our efforts must include literature that raises awareness regarding strategies that promote our community based efforts.

I support advocating for a dedicated code enforcement officer and abatement team that ensures the consistent and timely abatement of blighted properties and the removal of trash from illegal dumping sites. Further, I support business especially during this time of difficulty presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, and I support attracting new businesses. However there is a significant need for a new smart housing initiative, one that benefits our residents, not the builders, to address future growth in Antioch while insuring a stable school district budget that accommodates future needs.

I am an advocate for meeting the essential public service needs with sound fiscal management utilizing best practices.

I am highly motivated as I seek your support in representing what is most important to you the residents of District 4.

Here are my qualifications: I am a retired police manager and District 4 resident of 29 years. I am a highly trained administrator that understands the complexity of city government, budgets and politics who wants to provide insight and leadership in addressing sensitive issues, and provide problem solving strategies for the most pressing challenges facing the City of Antioch.

My commitment is to excellence in service and improving our community not a career in politics.

It’s time to move away from past mediocrity and strive for future excellence.

Thank you for your support and VOTE.”

Calls for Better Community Policing and Dedicated Code Enforcement Officer for District 4

On August 31, Pickett posted photos of the illegal marijuana bust at several homes in District 4 with his comments about it writing, “Yesterday on a post I asked, ‘What’s the plan to deal with violent crime in District 4 and the greater at large City of Antioch.

What type of environment do we foster where individuals who commit violent crimes throughout the Bay Area feel safe in Antioch.

This morning I was awaken to the sound of a helicopter and a large Federal police presence. They were at two homes in our neighborhood conducting investigations.

We need to start asking our elected officials and our police administrators, What’s the Plan?”

Then in response to the announcement of the seizure of $3.3 million in illegal marijuana from homes in District 4, Pickett posted a comment on his campaign Facebook page in which he wrote, “ANOTHER MULTIPLE LOCATION RAID – District 4  This is deeply troubling.  How long were these organized illegal grows operating before being detected?

How many more organized grow houses are still operating in our neighborhoods?

How can we be expected to say something if we see something when we have no idea who to say it too?

This is why we are in urgent need of establishing a credible Community Policing Model with a dedicated Code Enforcement Officer with blight removal support.”

Pickett Says Comments by Thorpe, Wilson, Torres-Walker on Investigation of Antioch Police Officers Could Cost City Money

Post on his Pickett4Council campaign Facebook page on Sept. 10, 2022.

On Saturday, Sept. 10, Pickett commented on social media responding to the recent Times’ article about two of the Antioch Police officers currently under investigation by the FBI and Contra Costa DA’s office. He wrote, “Happy Saturday District 4

We need a change in LEADERSHIP folks. To keep voting for and financially supporting the same candidates is beyond me. This is not an accident this is a failure of leadership at all levels.

It’s important that our City Leadership respond to this article. My understanding from reading media reports is that the City of Pittsburg Police initiated the investigation. It appears that our city leaders had no clue of the alleged misconduct until they were notified that Antioch police officers were also involved.

So, what independent steps have our Leadership taken to self govern the allegations of criminal activity of its employees? As a resident I would like to know?

Simply cooperating and waiting on the investigation to conclude is alot different than responding to the article.    There are no sides other than RIGHT.”

Asked to clarify his comments Pickett said, “My point is that the city council specific members, like (Mayor) Lamar Thorpe, (Councilwomen) Tamisha (Torres-Walker) and Monica Wilson have been pushing their police reforms. They’re not meaningful. They’re just bloviating.”

“You all have been talking about police investigation instigated by the Pittsburg Police Department, but you didn’t know anything about it. You can’t go around high fiving each other when your department is under investigation by the FBI,” Pickett stated. “You should have done something administratively.”

“You have a bunch of cops still coming to work every day and the mayor, Tamisha and Monica are painting them with a broad brush that they’re all a bunch of bad apples,” Pickett stated. “You don’t wait. You have to conduct an investigation, yourself, an administrative investigation. You don’t have to wait until the FBI investigation is over.”

“If the officers are found innocent, and the council members are making statements that the officers are guilty already, they’re helping these defense attorneys and it’s going to cost the city a lot of money,” he added.

Calls for City Official Code of Conduct in Response to Settlement of Mayor Thorpe’s Sexual Harassment Case

In a post on Saturday, Sept. 17, in response to the last week’s settlement by the county Board of Supervisors in the case of sexual harassment allegations against Thorpe, Pickett posted on his campaign Facebook page writing, “Lack of – A Code of Conduct

An Elected official lack of civility impedes governance in many ways; stalling the decision making process, undermining employee retention and recruitment, fueling political apathy and discouraging public participation. Overtime the standard set for acceptable behavior becomes increasingly lower.

In keeping with policies declared by the legislature each city should have a code of conduct for officials. How does a city government establish legitimacy to prevent conflicts of interest, improve standards of public service, and promote and strengthen the faith and confidence of the people of Antioch without one?

Are we expected to just take their word?

Does the City of Antioch have a Code of Conduct for city officials? If not, WHY? City employees have professional standards, since council members are paid shouldn’t they be subjected to the same professional standards?

Why is the community of Antioch time and time again always flying in the blind regarding significant issues involving our elected officials and city departments.

In the mean time neighbors, while council candidates and our elected officials are giving each other high fives & endorsing each other ask yourself, What have they done to lead our city in a time of tumult?

I know the answer. Do you?


Sued Richmond PD Over Abuse by Chief

Asked about his participation in a lawsuit against the Richmond Police Department. Pickett responded, “Police Chief Chris Magnus was making inappropriate comments toward officers of color. We let him know it’s not right, it’s offensive. Magnus agreed to have a retreat in Napa to work things out.”

But things got worse, and accusations of retaliation arose when people gave their opinions.

“He (Magnus) asked certain people’s opinions about a female officer in the leadership. Then after giving them, they were strong opinions, we all received retaliatory treatment and discrimination in the workplace,” Pickett explained.

He was one of seven members of the command staff to sue in state court.

“They offered us a $3.1 million settlement, but two thought their case was each worth that amount, so, that offer went out the window,” Pickett continued.

He and the remaining four other officers sued in federal court. They settled their case and signed a non-disclosure agreement.

“News reports came out that it was about Magnus being gay, but that had nothing to do with it,” Pickett stated.

“We stood up for what is right, against retaliation and discrimination in the workplace. I went through it for almost six years,” he added.

Was Not Recruited by Torres-Walker, Decided on His Own to Run

Asked about the rumored that Torres-Walker had recruited him to run, he said, “No. I knew her as a police lieutenant from being in Richmond. I didn’t know she lived in Antioch for eight years before being elected to the council.”

“That wouldn’t make any sense, as I’m pretty sure she’s supporting Monica,” he added.

Asked if anyone had asked him to run Pickett said, “I had been contemplating it as a District 4 resident thinking about how the needs of the district have not been addressed. I had people come to me and ask for my advice about problems in our district and I thought, instead of complaining I would do something about it and run.”

For more information about Pickett’s campaign visit or on Facebook @pickett4council.

Former Thorpe supporter who claims to also be his former lover says she, too believes his accusers

Tuesday, September 20th, 2022

Screenshot of Lacey Ferguson Facebook video on Sept. 18, 2022, and Antioch Mayor Lamar Thorpe

“I wanted to validate the women coming forward and bound to join them in the coming days by speaking on the culture and history of misogyny that does surround Lamar…You do what he wants, whether that is politically or otherwise, or you are punished for it.– Lacey Ferguson

Calls him “dangerous” and “predatory toward women”

Thorpe does not respond

Ferguson also takes swipes at others, including three council members

By Allen D. Payton

WARNING – MATURE CONTENT: In an almost 25-minute video posted on her Facebook page on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 18, 2022, Lacey Ferguson, who has been a vocal supporter of Antioch Mayor Lamar Thorpe and claims to be his former lover, said she believes the accusations by two women who accused him of sexual harassment. As previously reported the county Board of Supervisors voted last week to settle the women’s legal case for $350,000. (See related article)

Ferguson, formerly known as Lacey Brown, made a name for herself, locally while participating in protests in 2020, including a “hunger strike in which she camped outside the Antioch Police Facility for several days calling for the firing of a police officer and then last year at Police Chief Tammany Brooks’ going away party where she was arrested. She has since helped form the Antioch Homeless Coalition as an advocate for the city’s unhoused residents. (See related articles here, here and here)

Ferguson joins Antioch City Clerk Ellie Householder, also a former ally of Thorpe, who issued a statement on Saturday saying she believes his accusers, as well. (See related article)

She made claims of misogyny by Thorpe, and like Householder, Ferguson mentioned his retaliation against people who supported the mayor but challenged and/or who distanced themselves from him.

In addition, in a comment beneath the post on her Facebook video Ferguson wrote, “To all of the women Lamar is reaching out to, to ask for a statement of support: please think of the impacted people of this situation and do not.”

In the video entitled, “My statement regarding allegations against Mayor Lamar Thorpe”, Ferguson was also critical of Mayor Pro Tem Mike Barbanica and District 3 Councilwoman Lori Ogorchock being “opportunistic” for calling for Thorpe’s resignation, but also criticized District 4 Councilwoman Monica Wilson for calling them racist for doing so.

Ferguson’s Prepared Statement

Ferguson read from a prepared statement which she said she hand wrote: “I felt inclined to come on to my community in light of recent events in my community involving our mayor, Lamar Thorpe and the settlement granted to two victims of sexual harassment who used to work for him at the healthcare district.

No matter what my relationship is with him, in reality, to the public, I am closely affiliated to him, and I feel like it’s my responsibility to address this situation rather than staying silent like I imagine many people surrounding him will do.

First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge the experiences of these two women. I know in the coming days they are likely to experience backlash that is unfair and unwarranted. It takes bravery to come forward on something like this considering his position at his former place of employment and our city.

I’d also like to start by apologizing because myself have made excuses and defended Lamar for a long time. We have not only stood behind him but assisted in furthering his position to get him to the powerful place that he is today. I know in many private conversations I have had with the many women who surround him they feel guilt, shame and responsibility for this which is unfair because he should be the one facing accountability for his actions.

I wanted to validate the women coming forward and bound to join them in the coming days by speaking on the culture and history of misogyny that does surround Lamar.

There has always been an accepted knowledge about him who is closely affiliated. We have likened him to getting a degree in women’s studies to taking a narcissist to therapy. They get the tips, tricks to use and turn around and use them against you.

Everyone is well aware that he sleeps with every young intern or assistant he has or plenty other people within the city – he jokes about this. Several people have come to be saying how he would direct message them and text them while they are in high school or ask for the names or numbers underage asking for them to be invited to events where he would be, but I was never aware of any actual illegal activity, so this was always a running joke I was ware of but was uncomfortable with but never said anything about. This makes me even more ashamed to continue with the things I am about to share.

Myself and Lamar have had a very rocky existence at many different levels of interaction. We have been acquaintances, professional collaborators, enemies and friends more than that throughout different times throughout the past couple of years.  So many times, those of us working together with Lamar that were questionable, not completely unethical were able to rationalize this because we believed the ends justified the means.  All of this for us was for what we believed the greater good.

It isn’t a secret that I have publicly spoken out about behavior I didn’t agree with the unhoused residents’ services, police reform, and other matters. He and I were not on good terms for a period of time after I tweeted about something he and I disagree about up until about February of this year.

I was originally defensive of Lamar when it came to allegations of sexual misconduct. For one, when I was made aware of the sexual harassment allegations against him, I asked him about them and he had stated that these women had been caught stealing money from the Los Medanos Healthcare District and were fired for such and had only concocted this story after their termination to save their own asses and described them, as quote, little ghetto girls.

I myself have had consensual sex interactions with Lamar where he was never aggressive, violent or pressuring me in any way. I got to thinking about how that initiated when I read the full statement in the news from these women over the last couple days from these women and all of it sounded all too familiar and immediately knew these women were telling the truth.

I attended a fundraiser for Monica Wilson at Monica’s Riverview, the restaurant. I showed up late and in scrubs as I had just come from outreach and was irritated when I realized Lamar was still there because I didn’t have the patience to deal with him that day. We had not been getting along for a couple of months if not longer. When the event ended, we had all gone over to the bar side of the restaurant, and he tried to pay for a drink of mine, and I threw his cash back at him. He tried to convince me to dance with him and I chalked this up to him being drunk and I didn’t respond.

As we all were lined up by the door to go to Legends, another bar in Antioch, he loudly said something along the lines of ‘Lacey walking around with all that a**’ and used both his hands to smack and grab my butt. He did this in front of several elected officials and city-affiliated people who just looked at me waiting to say something. I rolled my eyes and gave him a jousting shove in the chest and we all just left. In hindsight, this, of course, was an issue, but like I said, this is accepted knowledge about Lamar that he is just like that and he was drunk and when Lamar is drunk, he says and does dumb things because we all do.

We all left to Legends and he and I both got drunk, we went out to the dance floor a couple of times and once our colleagues left he kissed me at the bar. I knew he was more intoxicated than I was, so I told him he needed to sober up and talk to me tomorrow. He walked me to my car where we kissed again, and he tried to put his hands down my pants, but I stopped him. The next day he texted me something along the lines of its tomorrow, its sober Lamar and I am still thinking about you.

That evening, I went over to his house and he and I had sex, casual sex. Maybe five times between then and his DUI. I’d like to make it very clear that every sexual interaction between Lamar and I was 100% consensual and I am not claiming to be a victim of anything. I am simply trying to provide context as to why I believe these women and to despite his response will likely be to them if any their experience was not an isolated incident.

The behavior on his end is the same but the difference is some of us return his advances and some do not. These women having been fired from their jobs for doing the latter. Anyone who knows Lamar finds themselves in that predicament in a lot of different situations. You do what he wants, whether that is politically or otherwise, or you are punished for it. The attribute that he is most proud of is self admittingly is his pettiness and his ability to get revenge.

The night of his DUI I missed a text from him that said ‘help’ while he was at CHP. A couple hours later around 6:00 AM I got a call from another member of city council asking if I knew where he was because they had gotten the same text. I drove to his house, and I spoke to him.

He was upset. It hadn’t hit the news yet, but he knew it was about to. He was saying things about ‘my career is over, everything was over’. I told him it was going to be okay. I left. Henry Lee (of KTVU Fox 2) was calling him for a statement.

That morning I partied with another person close to him to have some of our friends over to cheer him up a bit. He was in really bad spirits that day and we just wanted him to know he had support. We got trays of food his closest people surprised him at his house as he came home from an event.

I drank way too much, which is my own responsibility and nobody else’s, and I was arrested for a DUI after leaving his house later that evening. He was afraid of anyone finding out where I had been coming from, of course. He said he had interim city manager Con Johnson calling around to impound lots trying to figure out where they had towed my car. I told him that was probably a bad idea and he agreed.

I appreciated him being helpful because I was really embarrassed what had happened and the timing of it all as it was the same day as his DUI. I had previously done some work for him for Rolando Bonilla’s city council campaign down in San Jose which he was running. Some of which I had previously refused payment for. He offered to pay me money to help me get a car, temporarily and he dropped the money off to my house for me. He told me not to talk to anyone or make any statements, but I did want to take accountability, so I did make the statement online anyway.

He called up a mutual connection of ours, an attorney I had worked with through my non-profit organization, and someone he knows personally. He explained my situation and offered to help me out. She and I arranged for me to sign a retainer agreement for to represent me once charges for my DUI came about. I really appreciated this gesture from him.

A few weeks later, I began helping Lamar as a paid volunteer for his anti-recall campaign. He was focused on being the campaign manager for Rolando in San Jose and was traveling there, daily.

During this time, a vote was set to occur by city council regarding HomeKey application for transitional housing funds. Andrew Becker and I approached Tamisha Torres-Walker to hear us out before voting despite Lamar had expected a ‘yes’ vote from her to push it through. She was kind enough to give us time and attend a meeting that we set up. She concluded that from this meeting that further investigation into an additional potential site needed to be done and to Lamar’s surprise, she voted ‘no’ at the meeting.

In immediate retaliation, he abstained from a vote for the Department of Public Safety, something she had been working on and very important to her.

Shortly prior to that meeting, I had a meeting with Councilmember Lori Ogorchock which I had mentioned that when it comes to Lamar none of us really have a choice. We either do what he wants, or he punishes those who go against him. She mentioned I contribute to enabling him and I agreed with her.

He and I spoke after he abstained from the vote with Tamisha, and I expressed my distaste for the behavior he had shown toward her. He said it was political and that is how things get done. I said, respectfully, ‘I don’t support behavior like that’ and I dropped off all the T-shirts, signs, campaign materials on his front porch. I was determined to not continue to enable him despite knowing me and my assistance mean nothing to him and likely wouldn’t make a difference anyway.

The next morning, I received a text message from a mutual connection, the attorney I had been speaking with and had planned to represent him. She let me know, due to quote, ‘capacity at her office’, suddenly, would be unable to represent me. I wholeheartedly believe this was the work of Lamar and taking away his third vote.

It was after this, for the final time, I said I was done with the game we all play dodging and ducking the wrath of Lamar. Nearly every mutual friend of ours has expressed similar sentiments as me but they are forced to continue playing the game. The thing is when you are loyal to no one like he is, no one is loyal to you either. So many disgusting things he was saying and doing were repeated back to me and I was sick about it. I still continue to defend him in some ways.

One of our mutual friends, after this, told me that his increasing erratic and concerning behavior was due to multitude of things, including use of cocaine, allegedly stealing money, engaging in illegal behavior, misusing campaign funds from both he and Rolando Bonilla campaigns and to this day I am not sure any of that is true and I don’t know if it is.  This video would be way too long to go into it all.

But it is here where I began to watch the unraveling of the person I know to be Lamar.

I was at Ellie’s (Householder’s) house, someone who I perceived to be his closest friend and ally, when the news broke about the overturning of Roe vs Wade. When Lamar made his post the initial caption, he made the situation about the ‘Karens’ of Antioch, his recall, blamed the only female Supreme Court judge contributing to its overturning. His post was the first thing that popped up on my Instagram feed and it was how I actually learned about the decision.

Ellie called him to recommend that he change his caption to focus on those more directly impacted and less on himself. He met her with such hostility, that she stood in his kitchen with tears asking him to please not do this when it came to speaking to her and treating her the way that he was. She knew it would be a final nail in the coffin that was already a damaged relationship. I heard him almost laugh at her telling her she was being hysterical, of all words to use, and hang up on her. I was so appalled.

In the coming weeks, I saw the lengths he was willing to go to retaliate against Ellie for distancing herself from him and I was truly shocked. As I mentioned, we all knew who and what he was but seeing it in action in such a blatant way was disturbing. I also began to hear from so many people he had harmed, people were slowly coming together and following the lead of those distancing themselves from him.

These people’s stories are not mine to tell and if they choose to come forward then I fully encourage and support them to do so if they feel comfortable.

Says Thorpe Will Not Resign

I know that he will not resign because he and I have had a conversation about that before in which he told me there would be nothing that could ever make him do so. However, what I am asking for here is for the people who know about everything I am referencing in this video and more to stop sheltering and defend him.

We need to stop rallying around him and speak out and it is all of our responsibility to do so at this point as we have created the situation that we are in, currently.

I would like to also make it clear that people that use racist and bigoted attacks against Lamar are the ones who have created the hostile environment that has not been a safe place for these two women to come forward.

Between Lamar and people like the proponents of the recall against him, our city has been polarized into two groups. You are either 100% in support of Lamar or you are with the racists coming after him for the wrong reasons—no room has been left for legitimate criticisms and he is able to use this as a weapon against those who wish to speak out in disagreement. I already know all the responses this is going to get before this will happen and I would like everyone to understand the part that they play in the reason that these things have been able to continue happening.”


Ferguson continued speaking for almost another nine minutes of why she thinks people have ignored Thorpe’s behavior which is due to their support of his policies and votes with which they agree, as well as calling on other victims of his to not be afraid to come forward.

“It does feel like attacks on Black elected officials. It does feel like an attack on progressive change,” she stated.

“There are women who have had these experiences with Lamar, and they are watching these statements,” Ferguson continued. “Someone who is dangerous and someone who is predatory toward women in office is not only wrong but a distraction from getting things done in this community.”

“I believe this is the right thing and it’s about time people stop protecting someone who hurts people,” she said. “And for the record, if you are someone who I referenced as someone who has been hurt in other ways and you do want to come forward, I want you to understand that there are people who believe you and there are people who will support you.”

“Not everyone is going to continue standing behind this person and it is safe for you to tell the truth,” Ferguson said. “I know that it can be scary when someone so powerful is so willing to ruin your reputation and take away things like your financial stability or other ways that he has threatened you because I know the ways he has threatened you. That can be really scary.”

“I know I am no one significant but I want to come forward just to say I will believe you. And I do,” she stated. “I’ll do everything that I can to make sure that your experience is not, you know, just carted off as someone, this person just wants to attack the mayor or hop on the bandwagon or anything because I know a lot of these stories to be true.”

“Thank you for everyone listening to the end,” Ferguson concluded.

Questions for Thorpe

Thorpe was asked via email Monday evening if anything in Ferguson’s video is not true, and if so, what. He was also asked if he had any other comment in response. Thorpe did not respond as of Tuesday at noon prior to publication time.

Please check back later for any updates to this report.

Mike Burkholder of contributed to this report by providing Ferguson’s transcribed comments which are reprinted, here with permission.

Contra Costa Health Plan rated among California’s top health systems

Monday, September 19th, 2022

The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), the national evaluator of health insurance plans, has recognized Contra Costa Health Plan (CCHP) as among the best in California for patient experience and the quality of care it provides.

Among health maintenance organizations (HMO) offering Medi-Cal, none rated higher than CCHP on NCQA’s annual report card, which gave the Plan 4 out of 5 stars and exceptionally high marks for patient experience and preventative care.

“We are especially proud of our rating for patient experience, because it comes directly from the people we care for,” Contra Costa County Health Director Anna Roth said. “It shows how strong our county’s healthcare delivery system is​, from the medical professionals taking care of county residents to the hospitals and medical clinics serving our community.

Contra Costa Health provides high-quality, affordable coverage through CCHP, which will mark 50 years of service in 2023, making it the nation’s first federally qualified, state-licensed, county-sponsored HMO.

CCHP’s high marks and recognition by NCQA are a direct result of the exemplary care and patient support provided by Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and affiliated health centers, and our Public Health and Behavioral Health divisions, which touch about 243,000 members, including 235,000 Medi-Cal enrollees.

CCHP earned high marks among patients for the quality of care from primary care doctors, overall quality of care, and preventative care. No other Medi-Cal HMO rated higher.

NCQA is a national nonprofit organization that accredits and evaluates a wide range of healthcare organizations and medical practices. A searchable database of its report cards is available at

Visit to learn more about CCHP, including how to enroll if you need healthcare, or call 1-800-211-8040 weekdays.


Foulger plays spoiler for third Antioch Speedway win

Monday, September 19th, 2022

Five-time champion Troy Foulger #49 returned for his fourth IMCA Modified win. Photo by Katrina Kniss

Pearce, Dutra, Holbrook, Brown also winners 

By Candice Martin, DCRR Racing Media

Troy Foulger won the 20 lap IMCA Modified Main Event Saturday night, Sept. 17, 2022, at Antioch Speedway. This was his third win of the season aboard the Bowers Motorsports Modified, and the fact that the five-time champion stole the win from title hopeful Kellen Chadwick meant that Chadwick and Nick DeCarlo ended up tied for the point lead. DeCarlo won the championship on tiebreaker due to four wins to the three that Chadwick had.

Chadwick bolted into the early lead ahead of Bobby Motts Jr, but Foulger slipped past Motts for second on Lap 4. Foulger closed in quickly on Chadwick and made a low pass in Turn 2 on Lap 8 to take the lead. After his own car was broke, incoming leader Nick DeCarlo had to borrow his father’s car and started at the back of the pack. He was trying to make enough passes to at least keep a tie with Chadwick. When Tyler Browne bobbled out of Turn 4 two laps from the end, DeCarlo ended up seventh, which was all he needed to do. Foulger set a rapid pace and brought it home to victory ahead of Chadwick, Motts, Buddy Kniss and Trevor Clymens.

Andrew Pearce #15p gave it a valiant effort in his second IMCA Sport Modified victory, but he’ll come up short in the championship chase. Photo by Katrina Kniss

Andrew Pearce won his second-straight IMCA Sport Modified Main Event, but a third-place finish wrapped up the third championship for Fred Ryland. The race was destined to go without a yellow flag. Pearce and Ryland started on the front row with Pearce charging into the lead ahead of Ryland and Jacob Mallet, Jr. Kenny Shrader made an inside pass on the back stretch on Lap 6 to take third and slipped past Ryland on the inside down the front stretch on Lap 10 to take second. However, Pearce had a commanding lead and led the final 10 laps for the impressive win. Shrader settled for second ahead of Ryland, Tommy Fraser and Jason Ryan, Jr.

Travis Dutra #22 used his first win of the season to wrap up the IMCA Stock Car championship. Photo by Katrina Kniss

Travis Dutra wrapped up the 2022 IMCA Stock Car championship with his first win of the season. He started on the front row and led immediately ahead of Jason Robles. Troy Foulger gained second on Lap 8 and held the position until he threw a wheel in Turn 2 on Lap 14 to end his race. At that point, Dutra led Ryland and Robles, but Ryland threw a wheel in Turn 4 on the last lap as Dutra picked up the win ahead of Robles, Dan Gonderman, Dave Hill and Jason Jennings.

Clarence Holbrook III #2h scored his fourth Pacific Coast General Engineering Hobby Stock win. Photo by Katrina Kniss

Clarence Holbrook III won his fourth Pacific Coast General Engineering Hobby Stock Main Event. Despite having a rough last lap, Misty Welborn won the division championship. Jared Baugh took the early lead over Michaela Taylor and they ran that way until Baugh slowed on the back straightaway and pitted in the infield on Lap 8. Taylor led a lap before Grayson Baca took the lead with a low pass in Turn 4 on Lap 9. Aidan Ponciano settled into second and they ran that way until a yellow flag on Lap 16. Holbrook took the lead on the restart with Baca in second. That’s the way they finished over the final laps as Larry McKinzie Jr ended up third followed by Taylor and Kevin Brown.

Dan Brown, Jr. #15 took the Xtreme Limited Late Model point lead with his second Antioch win. Photo by Katrina Kniss

Dan Brown, Jr. won the 20 lap Xtreme Limited Late Model Main Event and in the process took the point lead in the series. He had won the previous race at Antioch. Matt Micheli jumped into the early lead and built a straightaway advantage within seven laps. As the race hit the midway point, Micheli closed in on slower traffic and had a difficult time getting by. Brown made a Turn 2 pass to take the lead. Two slower cars got together in front of leaders with Jake Dewsbury spinning for a Lap 18 yellow flag. Brown maintained the lead on the restart and went on to victory ahead of Micheli, Kiely Ricardo, Rod Oliver and Dewsbury.

Next week is Championship Night #2, featuring the Wingless Spec Sprints, Mini Stocks, WMR Midgets, a non-point Pacific Coast General Engineering Hobby Stock race and the Hardtops. For further information, go to

Unofficial Race Results September 17th

Antioch Speedway

IMCA Modifieds 

Heat Winners (8 laps)-Bobby Motts Jr, Kellen Chadwick. Main Event (20 laps)-Troy Foulger, Kellen Chadwick, Bobby Motts Jr, Buddy Kniss, Trevor Clymens, Brian Cass, Nick DeCarlo, Jeff Browne, Paul Guglielmoni, Danny Malfatti.

IMCA Sport Modifieds 

Heat Winners (8 laps)-Fred Ryland, Kenny Shrader. Main Event (20 laps)-Andrew Pearce, Kenny Shrader, Fred Ryland, Tommy Fraser, Jason Ryan Jr, Jacob Mallet Jr, Chris Sieweke, Joseph Pato, Todd Gomez, Dylan Connelly.

IMCA Stock Cars 

Heat Winners (8 laps)-Travis Dutra, Jason Jennings. Main Event (20 laps)-Travis Dutra, Jason Robles, Dan Gonderman, Dave Hill, Jason Jennings, Joe Gallaher, Rob Gallaher, Jeff Bentancourt, Fred Ryland, Troy Foulger.

Pacific Coast General Engineering Hobby Stocks 

Heat Winners (8 laps)-Clarence Holbrook III Aidan Ponciano, Jon Haney, Jared Baugh. B Main (15 laps)-Danny Aves, James Graessle, Gavin Griffiths. Main Event (20 laps)-Clarence Holbrook III, Grayson Baca, Larry McKinzie Jr, Michaela Taylor, Kevin Brown, Jewell Crandall, Taylor DeCarlo, Misty Welborn, Jon Haney, Adam Kujala.

Xtreme Limited Late Models 

Heat Winners (8 laps)-Matt Micheli, Kiely Ricardo. Main Event (20 laps)-Dan Brown Jr, Matt Micheli, Kiely Ricardo, Rod Oliver, Jake Dewsbury, Jason Ryan Jr, Paul Guglielmoni, Buddy Kniss, Brett Curran.


Contra Costa County provides payment details for out-of-court settlement in Thorpe sexual harassment case

Monday, September 19th, 2022

By Susan Shiu, PIO, Contra Costa County Office of Communications & Media

Former LMCHD executive director and Antioch Mayor Lamar Thorpe.

(Martinez, CA) – Sept. 19, 2022 – The Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors, in its capacity as successor agency to the Los Medanos Community Healthcare District (“District”), has approved an out-of-court settlement relating to claims submitted by Jasmine Cisneros and Jocelyn Munoz against the District and its former executive director, Lamar Thorpe. (See related article)

The liability insurance carrier for the former District, RSUI Group Inc, handled this matter and provided counsel to defend the claims.  Following a mediation session among the parties, a settlement was reached.  The settlement was fully executed on August 23, 2022.

The total amount of the settlement of both claims was $350,000, inclusive of attorneys’ fees and costs. Of the settlement amount, $321,000 was paid by the former District’s liability insurance carrier. The remaining settlement amount of $29,000 was paid from the Los Medanos Community Healthcare fund, as an insurance deductible payment.

The Board of Supervisors approved the settlement solely in its capacity as the successor agency to the District. As the successor agency, the County was required to assume all liabilities of the District, including any claims filed against it. The settlement includes a release and waiver of all claims by Cisneros and Munoz against the District, the former executive director, and the County.  The settlement also avoids potentially expensive federal court litigation relating to the claims.

Antioch Sports Legends names Gloria Martin 2022 Community Leader

Monday, September 19th, 2022

Gloria Martin

To be honored at annual Hall of Fame Gala October 1st

By Antioch Sports Legends

Congratulations to 2022’s Community Leader inductee, Gloria Martin. Gloria has spent a lifetime giving to the community of Antioch through volunteer work and philanthropy. Gloria has been important part of the Sports Legends program, serving on the executive board for the first ten years of its existence.

To attend Gloria’s induction at the 2022 Hall of Fame Gala. October 1st at Lone Tree Golf & Event Center, for TICKETS call Antioch Sports Legends 925 238 0565 or Louie Rocha Program Coordinator 925 522 1007, TICKETS are $85.00. Tickets MUST BE PURCHASED BY WEEK’S END!


Gloria Martin graduated from Antioch High School in 1955 and embarked on a lifetime passion of “living to give”. A lifetime resident of Antioch, Gloria married her high school classmate, Jim Martin and raised two children, Jim, Jr. and Marlane all while founding and building Merit USA into a strong international presence over a period of 30+ years.

Since the inception of Antioch Sports Legends Gloria has been an enormous force behind ASL serving on the Executive Board and Chairing the Induction Gala for the first 10 years of the program. Her long list of community service, volunteering and generous financial support has aided numerous community organizations including the Antioch Education Foundation, the Leo Fontana Foundation, Antioch Historical Society, Antioch Senior Center, Police Activities League, Boys and Girls Club of East County, Elderly Wish Foundation and the REACH Program to mention just a few.

Gloria has been an active member of the Antioch Chamber of Commerce, Antioch Rotary Club, Holy Rosary Church, Pittsburg Elks Club, Sons of Italy and the Pittsburg Yacht Club among others over the years. She is a two-time Antioch Rotarian of the year including recognition for Lifetime Achievement and a two time recipient of the Antioch Chamber of Commerce’s Citizen of the Year and in 2012 received a special recognition for Lifetime Achievement from the Chamber.

Gloria has served on many boards over the years including the Antioch Sports Legends Executive Board, Umpqua Bank Advisory Board, Young Ladies Institute, Antioch Women’s’ Club and the Antioch Scholarship Committee. In 2016 Gloria received the very distinguished Woman of the Year from the State of California, District 11.

Gloria’s example of humility and service in an exemplary manner is greatly admired and respected by all who have had the opportunity of serving next to her.