Candidate filing opens Monday, July 18 for November city, school district elections
Wilson, Torres-Walker, Rocha up for re-election, Motts, Ogorchock plan to challenge incumbent councilwomen; Householder not running for re-election to school board
By Allen D. Payton
Who wants to run for and serve in public office in Antioch?
Filing for candidates in the November 8 election for two seats on the city council as well as two seats on the school board opens on Monday, July 18. That’s the first day candidates can obtain nomination papers to complete by gathering required signatures from registered voters within the council district or trustee area they’re running to represent. A filing fee is required but that can be reduced by gathering what are known as in-lieu of signatures.
Filing closes on August 12 in races where the incumbent is running for re-election and is extended until August 17 for races with an open seat.
In the city races, Districts 1 and 4 Councilwomen Tamisha Torres-Walker and Monica Wilson in are up for election in November, for four-year terms. So far, former Councilwoman Joy Motts has announced plans to run in District 1. Wilson and current District 3 Councilwoman Lori Ogorchock, after she was gerrymandered into District 4 during the redistricting process earlier this year, have announced plans to run in that district.

The final Antioch City Council Districts Map adopted on a 3-2 vote on Friday, March 11, 2022. Source: City of Antioch and Q2.
For the Antioch Unified School District Board of Trustees, Area 5 Trustee Mary Rocha is expected to seek re-election and there is no incumbent in Area 3, which includes portions of Oakley. Both seats are up for election on November 8 for four-year terms. Trustee Ellie Householder, whose term ends this year, moved into and when the new map was approved during redistricting in January, lived in Area 1 which is represented by Trustee Antonio Hernandez whose term runs through 2024. When reached for comment about her plans, Householder said, “I won’t be running for re-election for school board.”

Antioch School Board seats in Area 5 in lavender (left) and Area 3 in green (right) are up for election in November. Source: AUSD
The qualifications of a nominee and of an elective officer of the city or school board must be a citizen at least 18 years old, registered voter and resident of the council district or trustee area they want to represent.
Forms for declaring candidacy for city races are available at the Antioch City Clerk’s office inside City Hall located at 200 H Street and for school board are available at the Contra Costa County Registrar of Voters’ office located at 555 Escobar Street in Martinez, beginning at 8:00 a.m. on July 18, 2022 and shall be filed no later than 5:00 p.m. on August 12, 2022 (except as noted above).
the attachments to this post:
2022 Adopted AUSD Trustee Area Boundaries