Antioch Sales Tax 8th Annual Report shows 80% of Measure W funds still spent on police through last June
May be lower, now with no additional officers in this or next years’ budgets, and department down to as low as 88 active sworn; will be presented during council meeting Tuesday night; provides incorrect information as to intent of measure
By Allen D. Payton
At the beginning of Tuesday night’s Antioch City Council meeting, the Sales Tax Citizen’s Oversight Committee for Measures C and W will present their 8th Annual Report on the revenue and expenditures of the current 1% sales tax approved by the voters in November 2018. The report is for the city’s Fiscal Year 2020/21 which ended last June 30. Measure W Sales Tax COC 8th Annual Report ACC032222
The report shows a total of $15,624,254 was spent on police for 80.18% of the funds from Measure W. However, since no funding for additional officers was included in this or next year’s budgets, that figure could now be less.
What is written on the Committee Observation page of the report is incomplete. It reads, “The intent of Measure W extends Measure C, voter-approved sales tax at the one-cent rate to increase investment in code enforcement, clean up blight, road repairs, support youth and senior services, and attract new business and jobs to Antioch” and cites the source for their information as the Measure W page on the city’s website –
But that fails to mention the intent was, first “Continuing to maintain 911 police response and restore the number of police officers patrolling City streets” as written on that webpage. Further, it ignores the first priority is “to provide for public safety and 911 service” written in the resolution, for which a link is provided on that page, and adopted by the city council, that was necessary to place the measure on the ballot. Finally, that comment also fails to mention the ballot language provided in the documents labeled “Ordinance” on that page, which reads, “To maintain Antioch’s fiscal stability, police patrols, 911 response…”
The presentation slide does mention police by including, “80.18% of Measure W funds are allocated to Antioch Police Department.”
While the one slide that includes the Staff Report FY 21 shows no net gain or less of sworn officers for the police department, the current active staffing is down to 88 sworn officers as of two weeks ago. Mayor Lamar Thorpe continues to ignore calls from three other council members to place the hiring of additional sworn police officers on a council agenda.
The report also shows most of the remaining $3.9 million in Measure W funds were spent on Code Enforcement at $1,587,420 and Recreation at $1,547,869.
The regular council meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. and will be held in the Council Chambers at City Hall located at 200 H Street in historic, downtown Rivertown. It can also be viewed live on Comcast channel 24, AT&T U-verse channel 99, or live stream at City Council Meeting LIVE – City of Antioch, California ( (See the complete meeting agenda.)
the attachments to this post:
FY21 Msr W Sales Tax Funding pie chart ACC032222
Measure W Sales Tax COC 8th Annual Report ACC032222
FY21 Msr W Sales Tax Police Funding ACC032222
FY21 Msr W Sales Tax All Depts expenditures ACC032222