Antioch Council to hold special Friday meeting to switch final redistricting maps, possibly move councilwoman out of her district

Antioch Council redistricting Draft Map A – Modified as changed during the council meeting on Feb. 22, 2022. The areas in circled in red were modified by Mayor Thorpe. The area in the blue circle was modified by Councilwoman Torres-Walker and moves Councilwoman Ogorchock from District 3 which she currently represents into District 4. Herald file graphic.

Council majority voted for Draft Map A Tuesday night, expected to switch to Draft Map A – Modified which moves Councilwoman Ogorchock from District 3 to 4; legal challenge expected

By Allen D. Payton

Antioch Mayor Lamar Thorpe has called a special meeting for Friday, March 11 at 5:15 PM on redistricting to choose a final redistricting map, in spite of the fact the council already adopted one on a 3-2 vote Tuesday night. While there was confusion as to which map was adopted, that was cleared up by the video of the meeting which shows District 1 Councilwoman Tamisha Torres-Walker say, “I’d like to make a motion that the council adopt Map A, Draft Map A” which was followed by District 4 Councilwoman Monica Wilson seconding the motion. (See related article)

They were joined by Thorpe in voting for Draft Map A, with Mayor Pro Tem Mike Barbanica, who supported Map 521 and District 3 Councilwoman Lori Ogorchock who was still in support of Map 91, voting no. Map 91 had previously been rejected by a majority of council members and Draft Map A – Modified and Map 521 were moved forward to Tuesday night’s meeting from the Feb. 22 meeting. However, in addition to those maps, all the other maps drawn by the consultants of Q2 Data & Research and members of the public were included in the council’s agenda packet. Redistricting ACC030822  (See all the maps on the Council’s Redistricting webpage)

As previously reported, Barbanica said on Wednesday that he will be unable to attend Friday’s meeting due to “a previous engagement”.

Draft Map A – Modified Moves Ogorchock from District 3 to 4

The council majority is expected to switch from Draft Map A adopted on Tuesday night to Draft Map A – Modified which splits the Mira Vista Hills neighborhood and moves the boundary between Districts 2 and 4 from Lone Tree Way to Garrow Drive, dividing that neighborhood, the modification which the consultants of Q2 were directed to do by Thorpe. For the neighborhood near Country Hills Drive, the modification to that part of the map was directed to be done by Torres-Walker. That moves District 3 Councilwoman Lori Ogorchock into District 4 and would allow her to run against Wilson who is up for re-election in November.

Likewise, Map 91 would have moved Wilson from District 4 into District 3 by moving the boundary line in the current district map and in both Maps A from the Mokelumne Trail to Lone Tree Way. It would have prevented Wilson from running for re-election in November unless she moved. At one point during the process, Maps 91 and B were the two finalists chosen by the council, with 91 supported by the majority of those who offered public comments, but were both later rejected.

Source: Antioch City Council March 8, 2022, meeting agenda

Members of the public spoke against Draft Map A – Modified during Tuesday’s meeting because they said it divides neighborhoods in violation of the state’s Fair and Inclusive Redistricting for Municipalities and Political Subdivisions (FAIR MAPS) Act which was passed by the legislature in 2019. It has a maximum population deviation of 7.71% between Districts 3 and 4. Map 521 doesn’t divide any neighborhoods and complies with the act, using major roadways as boundary lines to divide the districts. It has a total deviation of 2.15% between Districts 1 and 3.

State, Federal Law Requirements New Map Must Follow

According to the city staff report on the matter for the council’s meeting on Tuesday, March 8, 2022, “The districts must…comply with the FAIR MAPS Act, which was adopted by the California legislature as AB 849 and took effect January 1, 2020. Under the Act, the City Council shall draw and adopt boundaries using the following criteria in the listed order of priority (Elections Code 21621(c)):

  1. Comply with the federal requirements of equal population and the Voting Rights Act
  2. Be geographically contiguous
  3. Undivided neighborhoods and “communities of interest” (socio-economic geographic areas that should be kept together)
  4. Display easily identifiable boundaries
  5. Be compact (do not bypass one group of people to get to a more distant group of people)
  6. Shall not favor or discriminate against a political party.”

Further, the staff report reads, “The Final Redistricting Map will comply with the federal requirements of equal population and the Voting Rights Act, and the California FAIR MAPS Act, in the following manner:

(1) The districts are geographically contiguous. The districts are arrayed in a simple and logical form without any islands and minimal intrusions from the area of one district into another;

(2) To the extent practicable, the Final Redistricting Map respects the geographic integrity of local neighborhoods and local communities of interest. The Council heard testimony about what constitute communities of interest in the public eye.

(3) The districts are easily identifiable and understandable by residents. The districts in the Final Redistricting Map form a relatively simple pattern.

(4) To the extent practicable, the districts are geographically compact. Their configurations for the most part are compact, simple shapes, with nearby populations included in the same districts.

(5) The districts are balanced in terms of total population and voting age population. The districts are well within the one-person/one-vote deviations permitted under federal and state voting rights laws.

(6) The districts conform to concentration of minority voters. The Final Redistricting Map creates one majority/minority Black voting district.”

Legal Challenge Expected

If the city council adopts Draft Map A – Modified a legal challenge by residents is expected, as occurred in Martinez, which lead to the formation of their independent citizens redistricting commission. As previously reported, in that city’s process, the commission chooses the map, and the council members have no say.

Viewing and Public Comments

City Council meetings are televised live on Comcast channel 24, AT&T U-verse channel 99, or live stream at City Council Meeting LIVE – City of Antioch, California (

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  1. IN PERSON Fill out a Speaker Request Form, available near the entrance doors, and place in the Speaker Card Tray near the City Clerk before the City Council Meeting begins.
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the attachments to this post:

ACC Draft-Map-Modified-A 022222 marked

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Redistricting Stats ACC030822

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