Antioch Young Ladies Institute YLI #101 celebrates 100 years of Unity, Sisterly Love and Protection

By Teresa Glenn, YLI #101 President 2021-2022

We are pleased to announce the 100th celebration of our institute, Antioch YLI (Young Ladies Institute) #101. YLI is the oldest Catholic women’s organization on the West Coast. On September 5, 1887, in San Francisco, Annie M. Sweeney, her sister Mary E. Richardson and Emily Coogan founded The Young Ladies’ Institute to provide material support to a young woman who contracted tuberculosis.

YLI was founded on the Christian principles of charity and love. On February 5, 1922, 50 ladies gathered in Antioch, California, under the supervision of Grand President Ella C. Graham to organize the 101st Institute of the order. These women pledged to uphold the guiding principles and set the foundation for the following 100 years. “Antioch,” being the name of the biblical city where the followers of Jesus were first called Christians, was chosen as the institute name.

These dedicated women forged ahead, continuously providing encouragement and understanding to each other while supporting charitable works and enjoying social activities. The good deeds were an incentive for more and more women to join.

The members of Antioch #101 have loyally served Holy Rosary Church since 1922 and St. Ignatius of Antioch, a second Antioch Parish, was added in 1979. We are also proud to offer YLI to our neighbors at St. Anthony’s in Oakley and Immaculate Heart of Mary in Brentwood.

In the past 100 years, the office of president has been held by 96 unique and talented women. Leaders are plentiful with many members having served as Institute Deputy and 21 having been appointed as District Deputy. Grand Institute has benefitted from the numerous members who have served on various Grand Institute Committees. Four members have served as Grand Directors and two members, Loretta Kelley and Betty Scott, have served as Grand President.

As we celebrate 100 years of Unity, Sisterly Love and Protection, we are reminded that these principles are the precious jewels that give brilliance to our organization for they embody our love and concern for each other. These principles connect the members past, present, and future of Antioch Institute #101 in a spiritual bond of shared and cherished friendship.

We are celebrating this momentous occasion at a luncheon on Saturday February 19th at The Lone Tree Golf & Event Center in Antioch at 11:30am followed by our monthly meeting. We will be joined by our Grand President Jeanette Borges, as well as other visiting members from our sister institutes.

Here’s to the next 100!

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