Archive for October, 2020

Candidate Profile: Jim Davis for Antioch City Treasurer

Thursday, October 15th, 2020

Antioch City Treasurer Jim Davis.

It is my desire to continue as Antioch City Treasurer based on my wide and diverse experience and training. I have a firm working knowledge and understanding of the numerous duties and responsibilities of this vital position and its required functions. Having managed people and departments for over 30 years and served in public office for 14 years, including Mayor, I have a rich appreciation for all and can relate to all diverse backgrounds.

Given my banking background I have a strong analytical aptitude to understand financial issues and budgets.  I  have extrapolated my experience in reviewing and adopting guidelines for the Statement of Investment Policy in compliance with state law, control of wire transfers, field check custodian, processing requests for paying off Assessment District 26 and 27/31 debt, processing travel claims, reviewing paid warrants, preparing the Treasurer’s Report to the Council and managing the Certificate of Deposits and all other required duties as set forth in the Government and Municipal Codes all within and under the set office budget.

Antioch’s investment portfolio of $120,000,000 is well diversified and properly invested in highly performing companies and government securities with appropriate high credit ratings.

During these times of economic, political, social uncertainly and unrest it is critical to maintain financial continuity and stewardship with an experienced Treasurer, I have a proven track record of achievements. Now is not the time to change this continuity in leadership.

Please vote for James “Jim” Davis for Antioch City Treasurer.


Cell: (925) 890-4503

Facebook: @Elect-Jim-Davis-Antioch-City-Treasurer-106313474551119/


Wright compares his positions on public safety to opponents in race for Antioch mayor

Thursday, October 15th, 2020

From Wright’s email message on Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020.

Two differences between him and Thorpe on council votes are clear, the other issues and comparisons aren’t so clear.

By Allen Payton

In an email on Thursday, Antioch Mayor Sean Wright’s campaign issued a message with a graphic about his positions on public safety issues and compared them to those of his opponents, entitled “Where I stand on public safety issues.” However, the graphic provided with the email doesn’t mention his other opponents by name. It mentions two votes taken by the city council, one about the School Resource Officers which one of his opponents, Councilman Lamar Thorpe voted against, while Wright voted for it. The other council vote mentioned was for spending up to $1 million to take over a motel on E. 18th Street to house the homeless, which Wright voted against and Thorpe voted for. (See related articles, here and here)

On the issue of defunding the police, the graphic reads under Wright’s name “No to Defunding” and under the words “Other Candidates” it has a check mark next to the word “YES” in large, green letters and reads, “Movement happening now to defund the Antioch Police so there are fewer officers.” However, Thorpe has never stated publicly that he supports defunding the police only that he wants to implement 13 reforms, including those from the 8 Can’t Wait national effort (see related article). On Gabriel Makinano’s campaign website it reads, “Hire More Police using Measure W funds as the people voted for to get to 1.2 Officers per 1,000 Population.” In Rakesh Kumar Christian’s statement and ad in the September issue of the Antioch Herald it reads “No Defunding Police”, but it also reads “No Hiring More Police.” On Julio Jesse Mendez’ campaign website he doesn’t mention anything about police, but under the issue of Education, it reads #endschooltoprison, #counselorsnotcops.

The final issue mentioned in the Wright campaign graphic is District Attorney Diana Becton’s policy decision regarding looting, from earlier this year (See related article). Under Wright’s name it shows the word “NO” large and in red, while under “Other Candidates” it reads “Opponents are silent on this issue,” which is accurate because no other candidate for Mayor of Antioch has publicly mentioned any concerns for the DA’s policy. But, the statement continues with “being supporters of DA Becton’s re-election campaign” and includes her campaign website endorsement page. where Thorpe’s name is listed, along with Councilmembers Monica Wilson and Lori Ogorchock, and former Councilmember Tony Tiscareno. However, those endorsements were for her election campaign in 2018, because it lists Thorpe as Mayor Pro Tem and Tiscareno as Councilmember, which they both were at the time.

Endorsements for Diana Becton’s first campaign for Contra Costa District Attorney in 2018 from her campaign website.

Following is Wright’s email message:

Antioch Neighbors,

Here’s a quick look at where I stand on important public safety issues in our community. As you can see, my opponents’ vision for Antioch future differs greatly from mine. If you should have any questions or would like to share your opinions about what we need to do to keep residents safe, please email me by CLICKING HERE. Thank you.

Dr. Sean Wright – Antioch Mayor/Chiropractor

Writer unhappy with negative campaigns wants Antioch people to join together, love each other

Thursday, October 15th, 2020

Dear Editor:

This is not the time for promoting hate by any candidate. Do we not see what is going on in this country. Is there nowhere that peace and dignity reigns during this time? People are dying. Racism and division rules.

What is all this really about and is it worth it? I guess unity and respect for one another has digressed.
No candidate is all good and none are all bad. Can we come together in a non-political environment and spend time talking about how we will rebuild community for real, and just talk about it?

I want to love people the way Christ has shown us. Whether you believe in Christ or not, I believe most of us in this community believe in unity and care. I’m not going to lie. Love is a struggle right now. Will people who want to love one another come together?

Iris Archuleta


Candidate Profile: Lauren Posada for Antioch City Treasurer

Thursday, October 15th, 2020

Lauren Posada.

Lauren Posada

Office Seeking: Antioch City Treasurer

Current Position: City of Antioch – Accounting Technician

Top Priorities:

  • Increasing transparency regarding City finances and budget processes
  • Provide easy to understand and accessible financial data to the Community
  • Advocating for greater community engagement and involvement
  • Recommend strong fiscal policies to ensure long-term sustainability and excellence in City services


  • Part of implementing a green initiative filing system. Converted solely from paper to all documents being stored online to allow quick accessibility that overall saves time and money.
  • Conducted City wide training of new financial software and scheduling of various departments to increase transparency and understanding.
  • Leader of a local ministry that is involved in various outreaches within the community including but not limited to focuses on human trafficking awareness and food distribution to those in need.

Facebook: hLps://

(925) 303-3334

Antioch Police Officers say Councilwoman Wilson’s policies will increase crime in Antioch

Wednesday, October 14th, 2020

In an email sent out to Antioch voters on Tuesday, by the Antioch Police Officers Association, they explain why they won’t support Antioch Councilwoman Monica Wilson in her re-election bid for a third term.

“It’s unusual for the Antioch Police Officers’ Association, comprising 118 sworn officers, to NOT ENDORSE AN INCUMBENT councilmember. We CANNOT SUPPORT Councilmember Monica Wilson. We’d like to tell you why. Simply put, Ms. Wilson supports policies that will lead to INCREASED CRIME in Antioch.

First, Ms. Wilson publicly defends the District Attorney’s policies to NOT CHARGE shoplifters, looters or individuals in possession of heroin, cocaine or methamphetamines. There is no doubt this new policy, just announced, will increase crime in Antioch.

Ms. Wilson is also an advocate of Lamar Thorpe’s homeless motel – which would turn the Executive Inn on E. 18th and Cavallo into a permanent residence for the homeless. This location is near homes, 1/4 mile from four schools and is ALREADY a sensitive crime area.

With regard to accepting a tax-free $750,000 a year grant from the Department of Justice to bring back School Resource Officers in six Antioch schools, Ms. Wilson voted NO. We don’t understand her reasoning here.

Antioch is at a fork in the road. Are we going to control crime or are we going to elect leaders whose policies will just encourage more of the same? We ask you to think about Monica Wilson’s record before you vote on or before November 3rd.

Thank you for reading this message.”

Antioch Police Officers’ Association

Working to Protect the Citizens of Antioch

Candidate drops out of Antioch School Board Area 1 race, endorses Hernandez

Wednesday, October 14th, 2020

Screenshot of Alexis Medina post on her now deleted campaign Facebook page on Oct. 5, 2020. Provided by Antonio Hernandez.

By Allen Payton

Candidate for Antioch School Board in Area 1, Alexis Medina, announced on her now deleted campaign Facebook page on October 5, that she was dropping out of the race and endorsing her former opponent, Antonio Hernandez, instead. The Herald learned of the announcement in an email from Hernandez sent on Oct. 6 but not viewed until Tuesday. Medina did not contact the Herald to inform us of her decision.

“I noticed you published a candidate profile for Alexis,” he wrote. She has since dropped out of the race and has chosen to support my campaign. Thought you should know.”

In her Facebook post, Medina wrote, “During this unprecedented era of COVID-19 we have all struggled with our new normal. For me that means realizing that running a campaign and participating in distance learning, while also maintaining a balanced and healthy family life is a task to difficult to sustain. Therefore, I have decided to no longer actively seek the office of Antioch Unified School Board Trustee.

I am delighted to throw my support for Antioch Unified School Board Area 1 to Antonio Hernandez.

Thank you all for reaching out and supporting our campaign.


Alexis Medina”

“I’m excited and proud to have the support of Alexis Medina,” Hernandez stated when reached for comment. “Her campaign, like mine, was fighting for equity and community inclusion. I’m looking forward to seeing more of Alexis’ leadership in the future.”

An effort to contact Medina to verify her announcement was unsuccessful prior to publication time. Please check later for any updates to this report.

Medina’s name will still appear on the ballot and she can still receive votes, and even win the election. Her withdrawal from the race leaves Hernandez, fellow challenger George Young and incumbent Trustee Diane Gibson-Gray remaining in the race. Voting has already begun and Election Day is Tuesday, November 3rd.

Wright campaign mailer falsely attacks Thorpe claiming he’s a deadbeat dad

Wednesday, October 14th, 2020

Back of Wright’s attack mailer against Thorpe. Courtesy of Wright’s campaign for mayor.

Thorpe says he does pay his child support; reveals second child, a son; calls attack “sickening and disgusting”

County Child Services confirms he’s current with his child support payments, had it reduced in 2016.

By Allen Payton

In a mailer received by voters paid for and sent out by Mayor Sean Wright’s re-election campaign beginning on Saturday, it claims his opponent and fellow Councilmember Lamar Thorpe has failed to pay child support, among other attacks, including an old one about a sexual-related incident between Thorpe and his then, girlfriend in college, which the Herald reported on in 2014 and 2016.

However, as was written in the latter article, “it is clear what he was accused of never happened. He was still punished for it, in an on-campus disciplinary process. While it took him a year, Thorpe won his appeal, and his record was expunged.”

Front of Wright’s attack mailer against Thorpe. Courtesy of Wright’s campaign for mayor.

On one side of the mailer it shows photos of a variety of women with the message “We are daughters, mothers and grandmothers…Let us tell you why we cannot support Lamar Thorpe for Mayor.”

On the other side, along with other accusations the mailer reads, “Lamar Thorpe doesn’t pay his child support,” and references in small type at the bottom two cases in Contra Costa Superior Court, one in 2015 and another in 2016.

The details in the mailer referencing the two court cases for Thorpe’s child support.

Thorpe Responds

When reached for comment Thorpe said, “It’s a lie. The first court case was to establish child support. The second was to reduce the amount of child support that I paid, because I overpaid.”

Asked if it was for his daughter who he is seen with regularly in photos and videos on Facebook and in public, Thorpe responded, “No, it’s for my son. But I’m not going beyond that because it’s nobody’s business. It has nothing to do with being on the council and nothing to do with being mayor.”

“When I learned I had a son, I started paying child support,” he stated. That was six years ago, in 2014.

“But, to call me a deadbeat dad is ridiculous,” he continued. “I provide for my son and I provide for my daughter,” adding that he’s “sending her to private school.”

“The irony is, recently the state sent me back about $3,000 because I had overpaid,” Thorpe shared.

“It’s sickening and disgusting,” he continued and claims it has a tinge of racism included.

“Every stereotype of a black man that you can find is in that mailer,” Thorpe stated.  “Deadbeat dad, sexual predator and a lazy Black man,” referring to a photo of him relaxing that was posted on his Facebook page.

Asked if he’s all current with his child support Thorpe responded, “it comes out automatically. It’s taken out of both my city stipend and my employment check. I knew I was overpaying. But that’s fine. That’s why the state refunded me, recently.”

Thorpe Child Support Judgement 2015. Redactions and document provided by Lamar Thorpe.

Both Thorpe and Wright Asked to Provide Documents to Support Their Claims

Both Thorpe and Wright were asked if they had copies of the documents from the two court cases regarding the child support issue to support their claims. The Wright campaign provided a background report on Thorpe from showing the two  judgments against him. Pages from Background Check Report for Lamar A Thorpe _

In addition, Wright’s campaign responded via mail regarding Thorpe’s claims about the two court cases with, “this is absolutely not true. When you get the full documentation from Mr. Thorpe, you will see what these judgments really are. Attached is the background report on Mr. Thorpe in its entirety. As you can see, they are ‘judgments’ listed as such with a gavel by the word ‘judgment’. In addition, you will also see that Mr. Thorpe doesn’t pay his taxes.

We looked extensively before going out with this information … and at this location, you will find that the Dept of Child Support Services does the following:


Case workers and attorneys in our office:

  • Establish court orders for paternity, child support, and medical coverage;
  • Locate the noncustodial parent and his/her assets to enforce the court order;
  • Collect and distribute support payments;
  • Maintain accounts of payments paid and due;
  • Modify court orders when appropriate; and
  • Determine and take appropriate actions to enforce court orders for child, family, spousal, and medical support.

Services not provided by Contra Costa County Department of Child Support Services (DCSS)

  • We do not legally represent either the custodial or noncustodial party’s interests. Our attorneys are not your attorneys.
  • We cannot assist with visitation or custody issues.
  • We cannot obtain divorce decrees nor represent either party in a divorce action.
  • We cannot establish or modify spousal support orders.
  • We cannot obtain or enforce restraining orders, except those orders which include child support.

To further clarify, per our research, an ‘AX – Abstract of Support Judgment’ is in essence a ‘lien’ on a noncustodial parent and his or her property for nonpayment of child support. Here’s what we have in our files about that:

Here’s a pamphlet from the San Diego Dept of Child Support Services for your review: this best explains what an Abstract of Support Judgment is. IT IS NOT AN ACTION TAKEN BY A NONCUSTODIAL PARENT TO MODIFY CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENTS. What Mr. Thorpe is telling you is a bold-faced lie.

Furthermore, this is the form that must be completed to process an ‘Abstract of Support Judgment’ lien on the property of a noncustodial parent

AS YOU CAN SEE, THIS IS NOT A NONCUSTODIAL PARENT OPENING UP A LIEN AGAINST HIMSELF OR HIS OWN PROPERTY FOR PAYMENT OF CHILD SUPPORT. It is someone else (likely the custodial parent) filing to place a lien for payment on Mr. Thorpe and the property he owns … to hold him accountable to making his child support payments.”

County Child Support Services Confirms Thorpe’s Claims About the Court Documents and That He is Current on Payments

However, regarding the two court cases and liens on Thorpe’s property, Danielle Torres of Contra Costa County Child Support Services said, “He is current with his balance. He is current with his child support.”

“Those are just standard liens, because he has a case opened for child support,” she continued. “We place those liens as soon as we open a case against someone, in the event they happen to accrue a balance, and if they sell or refinance their property, we are able to collect.”

“But in his case, if he has to sell or refinance his property, we won’t collect anything, because he’s current,” Torres stated.

In fact, he has a partial future payment balance of over $100.

“The second case was an amendment in which the judge ordered a reduction in his child support payments,” she explained. “The lien will remain until his son is age 18 which is standard practice.”

Thorpe Child Support Withholding Order 05-01-2015. Redactions and document provided by Lamar Thorpe.

Thorpe Provides Documents Proving First Court Case was to Establish Child Support

Thorpe sent the Herald both pages of the judge’s order from the first court case in 2015, showing it established that he had to make child support payments beginning December 2014 and the Withholding Order, dated May 1, 2015. The case took place in Merced County. Asked why, Thorpe responded, “That’s where I lived when I first moved to California. I lived with my cousin in Delhi. So, my son’s mother found me via my cousin who I stayed with as we transitioned to Antioch.” Thorpe Child Support Judgement 2015  Thorpe Child Support Withholding Order 05-01-2015

Asked about the “past-due child support – Arrears greater than 12 weeks?” listed in the Withholding Order, Thorpe explained, “It’s not based on the fact I didn’t pay. Judgments are back dated to when the original claim was made.”

While Thorpe was unable to find the documents from the 2018 court case, but the Child Services representative confirmed his claim that it was for reducing the amount of child support he had to pay.

Another Accusation by Wright Campaign

The Wright campaign then accused Thorpe of calling some of the ladies whose photos appear on the mailer and yelling at them.

When asked if that happened, Thorpe said, “I called Lori Garrow, and I was very respectful, and told her she and her husband had contributed to my campaign. I gave her my condolences for Ralph’s passing, recently. But I wanted her to hear it from me, as a man, that it was disgusting and inappropriate. She was feeling very uncomfortable. There was no need for me to yell at her.”

An effort to reach Garrow for comment was unsuccessful prior to publication time. Please check back later for any updates to this report.

Wright Campaign Runs Ads With False Accusation

Screenshot of Wright’s Facebook ad attacking Thorpe. Provided by Lamar Thorpe.

Wright’s campaign is running an ad on social media from the website, which shows at the bottom it’s “Paid for by Leadership for Antioch – Sean Wright For Mayor 2020 – ID# 1384338”, which includes the false claim, “Lamar Thorpe doesn’t pay his child support.” The ad also reads “and has numerous judgments against him. Now he wants to be your Mayor. See Dept of Child Services file numbers here.” The ad links to the website.

7:30 PM UPDATE: The Wright campaign informed the Herald Wednesday night that they had pulled the ad as of this morning. Asked when the ad started, neither Wright nor the campaign responded.

“At the end of the day the mayor has nothing to show for the last four years,” he stated. “There are serious concerns around homelessness, police reform and the jobs and housing imbalance, and increasing funding for youth programs, once we get out of COVID.”

“He (Wright) can do whatever he wants and I’m going to continue talking to voters the right way,” Thorpe concluded.

The election is three weeks from today. Wright and Thorpe who are both completing their first terms on the council face three other candidates in the race for mayor. For the list of all candidates running for office in Antioch visit our Election 2020 page on this website.

In person voting at 14 Antioch polling places will happen on Election Day Nov. 3 just like the last two elections

Wednesday, October 14th, 2020

Photo from

Plus, Regional Early Voting Sites will be offered beginning Friday, Oct. 30

By Allen Payton

For those who want to vote in person at a polling place and not mail in their ballot, there’s good news. The Contra Costa Elections Division is providing both 150 polling places throughout the county, and 17 Regional Early Voting Sites, beginning Friday, Oct. 30, as well.

“The model that we’re using for polling places in the November election is the same as in the March election and the November 2018 election,” said Contra Costa County Assistant Registrar of Voters, Scott Konopasek. “The locations may have moved around a bit based on the availability of sites for the polling places.”

“If a voter wants to know where to go to vote at the polls, they can visit our website at, click on Am I Registered, then in the search box type in their name and birthdate and it will tell you everything you need to know about the election,” he continued. (Or click here.)

There will also be Regional Early Voting Sites the weekend before, beginning Friday, Oct. 30.

“You’re not assigned to any particular one and you can vote at any of them, using the exact ballot for you,” Konopasek added.

Regional Early Voting Sites *Outdoors in Event Tent

Friday, October 30   11am – 7pm Saturday, October 31   9am – 5pm Monday, November 2   11am – 7pm
REV Sites
Building Name Address City
Stone Valley Rd Chapel* 2949 Stone Valley Rd Alamo
Antioch Water Park 4701 Lone Tree Way Antioch
Somersville Town Center* 2550 Somersville Rd Antioch
Ambrose Community Center 3105 Willow Pass Rd Bay Point
Cornerstone Fellowship* 6641 Lone Tree Way Brentwood
Clarion Hotel 1050 Burnett Ave Concord
El Rancho Restaurant* 1450 Monument Blvd Concord
St Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church* 1955 Kirker Pass Rd Concord
El Cerrito Community Center 7007 Moeser Ln El Cerrito
Veterans Memorial Building* 3780 Mt Diablo Blvd Lafayette
Moraga Library* 1500 Saint Marys Rd Moraga
Best Western Plus Delta Inn* 5549 Bridgehead Rd Oakley
Hyatt House Pleasant Hill 2611 Contra Costa Blvd Pleasant Hill
Hilltop Mall Parking Lot* 2200 Hilltop Mall Rd. Richmond
Richmond Memorial Auditorium 403 Civic Center Plaza Richmond
Amador Rancho Community Center 1998 Rancho Park Loop San Ramon
Heather Farms Park* 301 N San Carlos Drive Walnut Creek

In Antioch the polling places on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 3 will be at the following 14 locations:

Antioch Middle School 1500 D St. Antioch
Antioch Water Park 4701 Lone Tree Way Antioch
Black Diamond Middle School 4730 Sterling Hill Dr Antioch
Carmen Dragon Elementary 4721 Vista Grande Dr Antioch
Dallas Ranch Middle School 1401 Mt. Hamilton Dr Antioch
Golden Hills Community Church – Antioch 1800 Woodland Dr Antioch
Grace Bible Fellowship of Antioch 3415 Oakley Rd Antioch
John Muir Elementary – Antioch 615 Greystone Dr Antioch
Lone Tree Elementary School 1931 Mokelumne Dr Antioch
Nick Rodriguez Community Center 213 F St Antioch
Opportunity Junction 3102 Delta Fair Blvd Antioch
Rio Grande Chapel – LDS 3015 Rio Grande Dr Antioch
Somersville Town Center 2550 Somersville Rd Antioch
St John’s Lutheran Church 1360 E Tregallas Rd Antioch

Currently, voters can drop off their ballot at multiple locations throughout the county at both 24-hour sites and indoor sites during business hours.

Contra Costa County Indoor Drop Boxes Available During Business Hours*
Clayton City Hall 6000 Heritage Trail, Floor 3 Clayton Mon – Fri, 9am-5pm
Pittsburg City Hall 65 Civic Avenue Pittsburg Mon – Fri, 8am-5pm
San Pablo Library 13751 San Pablo Ave San Pablo Tues, 1pm-8pm Wed-Thurs, 11am-6pm Fri-Sat, 10am-5pm
San Ramon City Hall 7000 Bollinger Canyon Rd San Ramon Mon – Fri, 8:30am-5pm
Alcosta Senior and Community Center 9300 Alcosta Blvd San Ramon Mon-Fri, 8:30am-5pm
San Ramon Permit Center 2401 Crow Canyon Road San Ramon Mon-Fri, 8:30am-5pm

*Hours shown may vary. Check directly with the location for current hours.