DUI driver arrested after crashing into fence in Antioch Tuesday night

DUI driver’s damaged car in the Sycamore area of Antioch, Tuesday night, April 21, 2020. Photo by APD.
By Antioch Police Department
Drinking and Driving is NOT an Essential Activity.
Tuesday evening, April 21, 2020 at about 10:45 pm, an Antioch Police officer patrolling the Sycamore area spotted a vehicle driving erratically just prior to crashing into a fence. The driver was found to be under the influence of alcohol and arrested. Luckily, she suffered only minor injuries, and nobody else was hurt. Her vehicle was totaled and a fence was badly damaged.
Every day, nearly 30 people die in the USA from DUI crashes. That’s one person every 50 minutes, or approximately 10,000 people per year. In 2013, approximately 23,000 people were injured on California roadways from a DUI driver. This is completely preventable and there’s no excuse, especially during a time like this.
Please don’t drink and drive! If the loss of your license and paying approximately $10,000 in fines and fees isn’t enough, think about the lives you’ll save, including your own.
If you spot an impaired driver on the road, please keep a safe distance, and call 9-1-1 to report.
#SaferAtHome #DontDrinkAndDrive #AntiochPD
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DUI driver’s damaged car 04-21-20 APD