By just 54 votes Supervisor Glover to face Assessor Kramer in November run off for District 5

Antioch school district’s Measure T bond fails by just 43 votes.
Other results from throughout the county: 4 other measures pass, 2 fail
By Allen Payton
With the final results in for the March 3rd Presidential Primary from the Contra Costa Elections Division on Friday afternoon, District 5 Supervisor Federal Glover missed winning the election outright by just 54 votes. He will face County Assessor Gus Kramer in a November General Election runoff. (See results here.)
Had any candidate received 50% plus one vote they would have won in the Primary.
With all the votes counted Glover garnered 22,142 votes or 49.88% of the vote. Kramer placed a distant second out of the three candidates, with 11,441 votes or 25.78% of the vote. He was trailed by Martinez Planning Commissioner and first-time candidate for public office, Sean Trambley, by just 637 votes, with 10,804 votes or 24.34%.
The fall campaign has already begun as Kramer wasted no time in attacking the incumbent.
“I’m looking forward to the run-off. It will give me the chance to show the electorate who I really am and who my opponent really is,” he said when reached for comment, while social distancing at his cabin for the next three weeks. “Glover said four years ago and eight years ago that would be his last time running. It’s one of the reasons I’m running against him. He’s not a man of his word.”
“The citizens of Contra Costa deserve a supervisor they can trust,” Kramer said.
“I want to thank all the voters who voted and supported me,” he stated. “And all those who didn’t believe the political hit pieces that were mailed out and the campaign the East Bay Times has mounted against me for the past eight years but, continued to show faith in me. We’re hoping, and will be working to build on that support for November.”
“He doesn’t plan on fulfilling this term, is what I’ve been told by those who are close to Federal,” Kramer added. “Then he will lobby the governor to appoint someone who he supports, to replace him.”
Glover wasn’t ready to engage at this point, but just thanked his supporters and encouraged people to comply with the coronavirus orders.
“It’s interesting, but we’ll gear up for November,” he said. “I really just want to thank the voters for their continued support of my candidacy. Going into November we’re going to continue to ask their support of our efforts. I look forward to continuing to represent the district.”
He is focused on the coronavirus, for now.
“While I’m very thrilled with the election results and the voters who supported me, my major concentration, now is this coronavirus,” Glover stated. “The county as a whole, and my district, it’s really important that we follow the rules, now so that we can flatten the curve to be able to get on with our routine services.”
“But, if everyone does not follow the orders that have been put out there, it’s going to take us just that much longer,” he said. “So, please be obedient to the rules as we’re all in this together.”
“Be safe and stay healthy,” Glover added.
Other Election Results – Four of Seven Measures Pass
Measure T fails in Antioch. The $105 million school improvement bond covering the former Mello-Roos District 89-1 required 55% of the vote. It barely lost at just 43 votes shy of passing with 54.53% of the vote.
Measure J fails countywide. While a majority of voters supported it, the countywide, half-cent sales tax measure for transportation needed a two-thirds vote to pass, meaning 66.7% of the vote. But it only received 51.59%. So, the $3.4 billion measure failed. It would have meant an additional half-cent in sales tax would have overlapped the current Measure J half-cent sales tax for 14 years.
Measure A fails in Pleasant Hill. The bond measure for the Pleasant Hill Park & Recreation District needed a two-thirds vote to pass, but only received 60.15%.
Measure L passes in the Lafayette School District. The parcel tax election, which required a 2/3’s vote to pass, received 73.07% of the vote.
Measure M passes in the Moraga School District. The parcel tax election, which also required a 2/3’s vote to pass, with 70.74% of the vote.
Measure R passes in the West Contra Costa Unified School District. The school bond election required 55% of the vote to pass and garnered more than enough with 58.59%.
Measure Y passes in Danville. The voters of the Town of Danville approved the development of 69 homes on 410 acres. It required a simple majority to pass and received 54.23% of the vote.
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