G.R.I.O.T. to host Martin Luther King Mentoring Day, Saturday, Jan. 14

griot-mlkmd-why-we-cant-waitG.R.I.O.T. ( Greatness Rediscovered In Our Time) is hosting a National MLK Mentoring Day. What is the 2017 Black Male Achievement MLK Mentoring Day?

The Martin Luther King Mentoring Day (MLKMD) works to ensure that black boys and young black men are connected to effective mentoring services.  MLKMD trains, coordinates, and supports partner organizations and connects youth and families that request and need mentors with good-quality mentoring organizations nationwide.  We also help guide and support cities, communities, faith and community organizations, schools and others who want to create and maintain effective mentor programs.

G.R.I.O.T. hosts a mentoring day to promote and popularize mentoring in black communities and to encourage mentors and mentoring organizations in every state to mentor black boys and young black men. Although the focus is black, everyone is invited in hopes that other mentoring organizations can come to fruition to benefit all of children and youth.

This event is free but registration is required. You must register online by clicking here.

Sponsorships are still needed. Please see the following flyer: griotdonationrequest-letter-2017

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