Supervisor Piepho seeks residents to serve on county commissions
Contra Costa County Supervisor Mary Nejedly Piepho is seeking qualified, motivated candidates to serve on the following county advisory committees:
County Library Commission
2 seats
Closing Date: Open Until Filled
The Commission serves in an advisory capacity to the Board of Supervisors and the County Librarian. They provide a community linkage to the County Library and establish a forum for the community to express its views regarding goals and operations of the County Library. The Commission assists the Board of Supervisors and the County Librarian to provide library services based on assessed public needs and develops and recommends proposals to the Board of Supervisors and the County Librarian for the betterment of the County Library including, but not limited to, such efforts as insuring a stable and adequate funding level for the libraries in the County.
The Commission meets on the 4th Thursday of every other month at 7:00 p.m. located at 75 Santa Barbara in Pleasant Hill.
Alcohol and Other Drugs Advisory Board
1 seat
Closing Date: Open Until Filled
The board assesses family and community needs regarding treatment and prevention of alcohol and drug abuse problems and provides input and recommendations on prevention, intervention, and treatment services to the Contra Costa Health Services Department, the Board of Supervisors, and the communities they serve.
The Board meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 3:45 p.m. located at the Alcohol and Other Drugs Services Division, 1220 Morello Avenue, Suite 200 in Martinez.
Emergency Medical Care Committee
2 seats
Closing Date: Open Until Filled
The Emergency Medical Care Committee (EMCC) function is to review the operations of each of the following at least annually:
1. Ambulance services operating within the county.
2. Emergency medical care offered within the county,
3. First aid practices in the county.
Regular meetings of the EMCC shall be held at least four (4) times per year or more often as deemed necessary. Meetings will convene at 4:00 p.m. on the Second Wednesday of March, June, September, and December unless otherwise directed by the EMCC or its Executive Committee. Location: Contra Costa County Schools Insurance Group, 550 Ellinwood Way, Pleasant Hill, CA.
Family & Children’s Trust Commission
1 seat
Closing Date: Open Until Filled
The Commission conducts a bi-annual needs assessment on family and children’s services in the County.
The Commission meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 8:30 a.m. located at the Employment and Human Services Dept., 40 Douglas Drive, in Martinez
Discovery Bay P-6 Citizen Advisory Committee
1 seat – Ravenswood Development
Closing Date: Open Until Filled
To make reports and recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on extended police protection services which shall include, but not limited to, enforcement of the State Vehicle Code where authorized by law, crime prevention, and litter control.
The Committee meets on the 2nd Monday of every month at 7:30 p.m. located at 1800 Willow Lake Road in Discovery Bay.
Contra Costa County Fire Protection District’s Fire Advisory Commission
1 Alternate seat
Closing Date: Open Until Filled
The Commission shall review and advise on annual operations and capital budgets; to review district expenditures; to review and advise on long-range capital improvement plans; pursuant to district ordinance to serve as the Appeals Board on weed abatement matters; to advise the Fire Chief on district service matters; to meet jointly with the Board of Supervisors and provide advice to the board as needed; to communicate with the other fire district advisory commissions on services and functional integration; to assist in the Fire Chief’s selection process as required; to serve as liaison between the Board of Supervisors and the community served by each district; to perform such other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned and as directed by the Board of Supervisors.
The Commission meets on the 2nd Monday of February, April, June, August, October and December located at the Administration Building, 2010 Geary Road in Pleasant Hill.
Bethel Island Municipal Advisory Committee
1 seat
Closing Date: Open Until Filled
The Council shall advise the Board of Supervisors on land use and planning matters affecting the community of Bethel Island and may represent the Bethel Island community before the Board of Supervisors, the East County Regional Planning Commission and the Zoning Administrator on such issues as land use, planning and zoning. The Council may also represent the Bethel Island Community before the Local Agency Formation Commission no proposed boundary changes affecting the community. The Council may advise the Board on services which may be provided to the Bethel Island Community by Contra Costa County or other local governmental agencies.
The Council meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. located at Scout Hall, 3190 Ranch Lane in Bethel Island.
The Board of Supervisors receives valuable input and community participation from numerous citizen advisory boards on a range of issues. Boards usually meet monthly on a regular basis.
Candidates for these positions must live in District III or any specified boundary area for special districts. District III is comprised of the cities of Antioch, Brentwood, and Oakley, and the unincorporated communities of Bethel Island, Blackhawk, Byron, Diablo, Discovery Bay, and Knightsen.
For more information about the advisory committees, click here.
Click here to download an application from the County’s website. Applications should be submitted to the Clerk of the Board’s office, 925.335.1900, located at 651 Pine Street, Martinez, CA 94553.
For more information, including on how to apply, you may contact Supervisor Piepho’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Lea Castleberry at 925.820.8683.