Writer shares thoughts on Councilman Agopian
Knowing City Councilman Gary Agopian as I do, I expected nothing less from the man than his spirited resolve to fight brain cancer with every ounce of his faith and his pledge to continue public service.
In four years serving with him on the Antioch School Board, through thick and thin, I never saw him flinch from challenge. I never saw him bitch, moan or whine, He’s a trooper and a certified positivist and if anybody can beat cancer, this warrior is the one to do so.
Knowing Mary Rocha, I again expected nothing less from this big-hearted woman than her glowing praise for Gary’s character. She, like so many of us, have grown to love Gary and to see him not as a towering 6’4” giant but as a teddy bear at heart.
You hit the bulls eye, Mary, when you characterized Gary as enormously dedicated to public service and a policy wonk who is always prepared. I found the same in him. There’s never any mistaking his unflappable commitment to homework, to the public goodwill, to speaking his mind and to sticking to his conviction.
His charm is that beneath the passion is a gentleman’s soft streak. if Gary disagrees with you it is never personal and always respectful.
Certainly, all voters will, and should not, always agree on every policy decision but life is bigger than politics. I would daresay that all Antioch citizens of good faith are rooting for your recovery, Gary. You’re, after all, a good man, Charlie Brown. Antioch’s proud to have you.
Spit in the eye of this nemesis. Trust, a legion of prayers are with you.
Godspeed your recovery, my dear friend.
Walter Ruehlig
hello walter,
i just want to echo marys and your words. i wish him well and to be a strong fighter.
while i do not agree with him on some issues as council member, he makes himself available at all times. he is the only one who answers calls and emails right away, makes himself available to talk to after council meetings.
stay strong and tall gary.
Thanks, Karl. He deserves moral support and prayer.
I agree. The other Council Member who did that was Arne Simonsen- you could go to the bank on him getting back to you and doing so promptly, whether you agreed with him or not. That’s very professional, very respectful.
In my humble opinion, Gary Agopian is the most logical and responsible council member of Antioch. I pray he will be able to serve the rest of his term. The loss of Kalinowski has already reduced the leadership level of city council.
Something needs to be done. I voted for Harper because his ad said he has “zero tolerance for crime” I was duped into this clever marketing campaign.
It seems that crime has increased since his election. I feel like he duped be good.