Two run for open State Assembly seat which covers all of Antioch
Following are the responses to the questions asked of the candidates for State Assembly in California’s new 11th District, which includes all of Antioch, most of Eastern Contra Costa County, and much of Solano County. There is no incumbent. Unfortunately, there was not enough room in our November print edition to include this, so we present it here. Mike Hudson’s responses are below, Jim Frazier refused to respond.
1. Full name: Michael James Hudson
2. Background – age, education with degrees and subjects, city in which you live, elected and/or appointed offices held, family: marital status, how long, spouse’s name and # of children
Age: 51
Education: I have 8 years of college that I took before, during, and after my service in the military. I took college courses while being deployed during the first Gulf War. I have completed my Certified Novell Engineer (CNE), Certified Information Security Professional (CISSP), Sun Certified Engineer, Sun Certified System Administrator, Check Point Certified Security Expert and Security Administrator, Tripwire Certified Professional, Microsoft Certified Professional, Solaris System administrator, HP OpenView certified, and ISS Certified.
Residence: Suisun City since 1996
Elected: Suisun City Council in 2006
Reelected: 2010
Elected: Vice Mayor 2010 by City Council
Married to Sandi, 4 children
4 grandchildren – Derek, Nicole, Christopher & Joshua
3. Contact information – including campaign phone #, email address, street address, website, Facebook page, Twitter and any other social media sites in which you participate
Mike Hudson for Assembly 2012
Cell phone (707) 372-8389
Contra Costa HQ
1781 Vineyard #220, Antioch
(925) 755-9489
Solano County HQ
411 Main Street, Suite C, Suisun City
(707) 428-6175
4. What motivated you to run?
While Chairman of the North Bay YMCA I had the opportunity to apply for Proposition 49 grant money for before and after school programs for Fairfield and Suisun schools. Prop 49 grants require a nonprofit, a municipality, and the school district to act as partners and to provide a soft match for the grant money. The School district was not acting on the grant.
I successfully navigated the proposition’s requirements, got the cities and the school district involved. That was not easy feat, yet I was able to succeed. Suisun City Elementary was awarded the money. In fact , I found I had the knack for getting things done in local government. Other schools still needed these programs, so I began my first City Council campaign in 2006 to Suisun City Council; I successfully ran and we found a way to finance before and after school programs without tax dollars.
5. Top three priorities if elected – what do you plan to accomplish?
JOBS is #1!
California needs to get back to work. We need to create an economy that rewards hard work and investment, rewards job creators, that encourages small business. The economy will bloom through job growth. We need regulatory reform, reduce red tape, create road maps for success, lower taxes will help create a more business-friendly environment. We have to stop driving business out of our state.
#2 Infrastructure
California’s aging infrastructure is not keeping pace with the growth of our state. Projects take too long, are brought to a virtual standstill by environmental studies, and multi-level bureaucratic agencies. We need to cut the red tape. California has the highest administrative cost per mile for building new roads or maintaining existing roads, almost double what it costs Texas.
1. Build and maintain roads and bridges
2. Build and strengthen levies
3. Water
a. Build additional surface storage
b. Use ground water recharging
c. Build desalinization plants
d. Use existing subsurface water storage
4. Protect the Delta by defunding the Peripheral Canal
5. Stop High Speed Rail (the train to “Nowhere”), we can’t afford it.
#3 Budget
California needs to toughen up and balance the budget without counting on revenues that will never materialize, borrowing billions of dollars that will cost the state billions more in interest, new gimmicks or tricks that really disguise a poor budget. We need decisive action. A balanced budget amendment that limits borrowing, caps spending, and creates a true reserve fund, a 2-year budget cycle not tied to election years, sales tax apportionment reform, reform redevelopment, stop raiding, back filling, borrowing, and stealing from local governments.
6. Do you support Prop. 30 and/or Prop. 38?
Both are ballot box budgeting, so I am opposed to both. These propositions also demonstrate the legislature’s inability to agree on anything. We pay them to make the tough decisions. They chickened out and went to the voters.
I am especially opposed to Prop 30. The Legislature and the Governor both stated “Kids are our top priority”. Then they cut education, “we are broke”, they stated. Yet they gave raises to Sacramento bureaucrats and bought a brand new high speed train. This proposition simply back-fills the general fund without providing any monies to schools.
7. What has been your greatest accomplishment? Why should people vote for you?
My greatest accomplishment is bringing more businesses to Suisun City and more jobs, creating before and after school programs, and redeveloping the downtown. All of my accomplishments required working together with fellow Council members. Politicians may claim all the glory, in proportion to their egos, the fact remains, at no time can a single Council member get anything done by themselves; Working Together We Achieve!
People should vote for me because I am honest, hardworking, I listen, and I care about people and their communities. I offer real world solutions to jobs, education, our state budget, and protecting the delta. My vision is to return California to the top, the best in education, best transportation, balanced budgets, and real jobs.
Mike Hudson
Candidate for Assembly District 11, FPPC # 1342466
the attachments to this post:
Hudson needs to pay his bills! His first act was to vote himself a pay raise…
Pay dispute underlies Assembly candidate’s campaign
To read this article, click here.