Enjoy Los Vaqueros Watershed programs in November
Valley View Hike
Saturday, November 17, 8 a.m.
Meet at County Line Staging Area Next to South Watershed Entrance Kiosk
Join Naturalist John Mottashed on a moderately strenuous, hilly, south watershed hike that will offer excellent views of the reservoir and Livermore Valley. You’ll need drinking water, sturdy hiking shoes, hat, snacks and sunscreen.
Directions: Take the new Vasco Road toward Livermore, turn right onto Los Vaqueros Road and drive to the entrance kiosk.
For information, call (925) 688-8010 on weekdays and (925) 240-2440 on weekends.
Parking fee is $4 per car for CCWD area residents, $6 for non-residents, and $5 for non-resident seniors.
Post Black Friday Hike
Saturday, November 24, 10 a.m. to Noon
Join Naturalist Briana Moore on a moderately strenuous, 5-mile loop hike to work off your Thanksgiving dinner and holiday stress. Meet at the Interpretive Center and plan to climb some hills. Bring at least 2 liters of water, sturdy hiking shoes, hat, snacks and sunscreen.
Directions: Take the Highway 4 Bypass through Brentwood and turn right on Walnut Boulevard before you drive onto new Vasco Road. Continue driving on Walnut Boulevard 2 miles into the watershed and to the end of the road, next to the Los Vaqueros Dam.
For information, call (925) 688-8010 on weekdays and (925) 240-2440 on weekends.
Parking fee is $4 per car for CCWD area residents, $6 for non-residents, and $5 for non-resident seniors.
For more information visit www.ccwater.com/losvaqueros.