Antioch Charter Academy II Renewed for Five Years

By Dolly Ogawa-Amsk

The Antioch Charter Academy II, was renewed after several teachers and parents spoke in favor the petition at the Antioch School Board meeting on March 14. The ACA II drew several teachers to the hearing, including: Amber Hummel, who teaches 4th, 5th & 6th grade, Marianne Dubitsky, Julie Fajean and Michelle Mankewich who teach 1st through 3rd grades, and Matt Hagan who will be teaching 8th grade beginning next year.

This year they served 188 students but by adding 8th grade they will be at 198. With a long waiting list, the school received strong support from parents and teachers. The school has addressed the need for other learning options with project based learning, including several grades in one classroom. Their results have enthusiastic support from the teachers and parents.

Other important items on the agenda included the budget. The news regarding the Second Interim Report of the 2011-12 showed developments since the First Interim Report. The State Triggers have been pulled; transportation Funding has been reduced and other reductions that have had an impact. The staff recommendation is that “based on the information included in the Second Interim Report, the staff is able to certify that AUSD can meet its fiduciary responsibility to maintain fiscal solvency for the current and subsequent two fiscal years.”

The district is on a very tight budget and there are variables that could make it even harder. The staff is making tough decisions with the “current truth” while making sure that basic needs and programs are covered. The state itself has made it difficult but things could happen to make a more positive change.

Kay Power, Chairman of the Oversight Committee for Bond Measure C, said that they have met their responsibilities by “Following the bouncing ball…”

The Antioch Unified School District will have a new bond Measure proposed for the June ballot to cover needed improvements to the Antioch High School.

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