Archive for January, 2012

Deer Valley High School Band & Auxiliary Crab Feed

Friday, January 6th, 2012

The Deer Valley High School Band & Auxiliary Boosters will host an all-you-can-eat Crab Feed & Tri-Tip Dinner on Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012 at the Contra Costa County Fairgrounds, Sunset Hall, 1201 W. 10th St., Antioch.

Tickets are $45 per person and includes Marinated Crab, Tri Tip, Salad, Pasta, Garlic Bread and Dessert. Full bar available. Raffles, auctions and Live Jazz. Doors open at 6PM with dinner at 7PM. All proceeds will benefit DVHS band programs.

For tickets and information, call Eric Wunderly at 925-755-2724. No tickets sold at the door.

Legislation Allowing Boys in Girl’s Bathroom, Locker Rooms

Friday, January 6th, 2012

By Capitol Resource Institute

A recently amended bill in the California Legislature would allow boys to access the girl’s locker room, bathrooms and play and compete on girl’s sports teams, starting in elementary school. Assembly Bill 266 had been a bland bill dealing with sports teams and arenas. But with a quick amendment on Wednesday the bill now allows for self-selection of gender by students in California schools.

The modified legislation now states:

A pupil shall be permitted to participate in sex-segregated school programs, activities, and facilities, including athletic teams and competitions, consistent with his or her gender identity, irrespective of the gender listed on the pupil’s records.

By amending an existing two year bill, the modified legislation avoids certain hearing and public input requirements and perhaps some of the expected public opposition.

“The promoters of this legislation are exploiting children’s gender confusion with their proposal to let each student choose the bathroom and locker room where they most desire to be,” said Karen England, Executive Director of Capitol Resource Institute. “Does anybody really believe it is a good idea for either the troubled or the tempted to be told it is up to them to decide whether they should use the boy’s or the girl’s bathroom?”

AB 266 will be heard in the Assembly Education Committee on Wednesday January 11.

Please contact your Assemblymember and the Assembly Education Committee members and urge them to oppose this radical piece of legislation.

Assembly Education Committee
Assemblywoman Brownley (D) (Chair)

Assemblyman Norby (R) (Vice Chair)

Assemblywoman Buchanan (D)

Assemblywoman Butler (D)

Assemblywoman Carter (D)

Assemblyman Eng (D)

Assemblywoman Gaines (R)

Assemblywoman Halderman(R)
916-319-2029 Assemblyman Wagner(R)916-319-2070

City Council Agenda

Friday, January 6th, 2012

City Council/Development Agency
Regular Meeting
Date: Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Time: 6:00 P.M. – Closed Session
7:00 P.M. – Regular Meeting
Place: Council Chambers, 200 H Street
James D. Davis, Mayor/Agency Chairman
Wade Harper, Mayor Pro Tem/Agency Member
Gary Agopian, Council Member/Agency Member
Brian Kalinowski, Council Member/Agency Member
Mary Helen Rocha, Council Member/Agency Member
Denise Skaggs, City Clerk
Donna Conley, City Treasurer
Jim Jakel, City Manager
Lynn Tracy Nerland, City Attorney
Electronic Agenda Packet viewing at:
Hard Copy viewing at: Antioch Public Library, 501 W 18th St, Antioch, CA
Council meetings are televised live on Channel 26

6:00 P.M. ROLL CALL for Closed Sessions
PUBLIC COMMENTS for Closed Sessions
1) CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR – City designated representatives: Deborah
McHenry, Human Resources Director and Glenn Berkheimer IEDA; Employee organizations: Public
Employees’ Union Local No. 1; Antioch Police Officers’ Association. This Closed Session is
authorized by California Government Code §54957.6.
(A) of Government Code Section 54956.9: California Healthy Communities Network, an
unincorporated association, v. City of Antioch; Real Party in interest WAL-MART Stores, Inc., Case
No. N10-1804; Contra Costa Superior Court
7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL for Council/Agency Members
PRESENTATION by Economic Development Commission on New Business Welcome
PUBLIC COMMENTS—Only unagendized issues will be discussed during this time
Recommended Action: Motion to approve the minutes
CCOOUUNNCCIILL CCOONNSSEENNTT CCAALLEENNDDAARR —— Continued B. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL WARRANTS Recommended Action: Motion to approve the warrants C. REJECTION OF CLAIMS 1. Yvonne Meyer 11/12-2000 (personal injury) 2. Hooshmand Hessari 11/12-2038 (return of property) 3. Tameka Turner 11/12-2035 (property damage) Recommended Action: Motion to reject the listed claims D. ELIMINATE EARTHQUAKE INSURANCE FOR CITY HALL AND THE POLICE STATION Recommended Action: Motion to adopt the resolution finding that earthquake insurance is not available on the open market from a reputable insurance company at a reasonable cost and direct staff to continue not obtaining an earthquake insurance policy for City Hall and the Police Station for fiscal year 2012-13 E. TRANSFER OF STATE ROUTE 4 BYPASS: REVISED COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH CALTRANS, THE ROUTE 4 BYPASS AUTHORITY, ANTIOCH, BRENTWOOD, OAKLEY AND CONTRA COSTA COUNTY REGARDING TRANSFER OF ROUTE 4 BYPASS TO CALTRANS Recommended Action: Motion to adopt the resolution approving and authorizing the City Manager to sign in substantially the same form the revised Cooperative Agreement with Caltrans, State Route 4 Bypass Authority, Contra Costa County, Antioch, Brentwood and Oakley for the transfer of State Route 4 Bypass
2. DISSOLUTION OF ANTIOCH DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Recommended Action: Motion to receive and file
3. FULTON SHIPYARD BOAT RAMP CLOSURE (Continued from 11/08/11) Recommended Action: Motion to approve the closure of the Fulton Shipyard Boat Ramp and adjoining property


Dallas Ranch Crab Feed Fundraiser

Friday, January 6th, 2012

Dallas Ranch PTSA will be having our 3rd annual Crab Feed and Raffle on Saturday, March 3rd from 6-10 p.m. and the new Community Center. Tickets are $40 for adults and $20 for kids 14 and under.

This includes all the crab you can eat, pasta, salad, bread, dessert, and a non-alcoholic beverage. We will have a beer and wine bar as well. Funds raised from this event will be used to purchase much-needed school supplies at Dallas Ranch. The school has had $20,000 slashed from its budget this year, and the DRMS PTSA aims to replenish those monies.

To purchase tickets email

One Bay Area Plan is Nixing Opposition

Friday, January 6th, 2012

By Heather Gass

*****East Bay Tea Party Call to Action*****

Apparently the management at MTC (Metropolitan Transportation Commission) and ABAG (Association of Bay Area Governments) are so afraid that there will actually be REAL citizens showing up at their One Bay Area “Kabuki” theatre visioning meetings that they have intentionally been rigging the attendee list.

This goes to show how far these agencies will go to hide what they are really planning on implementing. They know that if the public really knows what SB375 (Sustainable Communities) and AB32 would really do to our economy and private property rights that we would say NO!

As of yesterday almost 95% of the citizens that have signed up for workshops around the bay area have either NEVER received a confirmation or only received one if they signed up identifying themselves as a “Social or Environmental Justice” advocate.

I have never heard of a PUBLIC meeting requiring the public to preregister for the event and identify and/or characterize themselves as either; “concerned citizen”, “smaller role of govt.”, “social advocate”, “social justice”, etc. MTC purposefully set a maximum attendance at each meeting to 100 people.

Currently all of the meetings are waitlisted. If so many want to attend they should be postponing the event and finding a bigger venue to hold it in. Many of these concern citizens signed up in early December and have never received an email confirmation. When they call MTC to inquire they never get a call back.

In late December Greenbelt Alliance, who is a strategic partner in One Bay Area and also co-sponsored and facilitated the visioining sessions last spring put out a desperate call to all their supporters advising them that REAL citizens would be showing up to these meetings and pleading with them to attend as well.

This is a Major conflict of interest and should not be tolerated. These meetings are meant for PUBLIC input not shills and stakeholders who seek to benefit by the outcome of these meetings. All of this is clearly their way of weeding out who is pro-One Bay Area and who is not prior to the meetings. They are only holding One public input meeting per County for all nine Bay Area counties.

These 900 attendees will be the only ones providing public input about the fate and future of over 7 million people in the Bay Area for the next 25 years! To have a government agency display such blatant disregard for the public is a travesty. MTC has clearly been controlling who is being allowed to attend.

I’ve had enough of this crap. Yesterday I filed a formal complaint with the DOT about the shenanigans going on with the signups with MTC. I also specifically emailed a complaint to Ted Matley with the FTA (Fed Transportation Association). You can also file a complaint directly with Mark Green, the chair of MTC.

My suggestion is that everyone on this list should do the same. We need to flood their in boxes with complaints. The Federal Transportation Association and Fed. Highway Assoc. will be holding a hearing next Tuesday to ask the Public how MTC is doing. This should give them something to talk about!

File complaints with DOT, FTA and also with Mark Green the Chair of MTC. Here is there contact info. We need to fight fire with fire. Do it today.

1. Ted Matley FTA Region IX office at (415) 744-2590, or by email at

2. DOT/FHWA Complaint Online OIG Hotline Complaint Form – E-mail to

3. Mark Green – MTC Chair


At this point….. don’t bother trying to sign up and register for these sessions. The process is obviously rigged. I say just show up. After all it’s your future and your tax money paying for all of this!


Register Here:


Disadvantaged Business Workshop

Friday, January 6th, 2012

California Unified Certification Program Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) CERTIFICATION WORKSHOP
Including one-on-one certification assistance

The Business Outreach Committee (BOC), with co-sponsor Contra Costa Supervisor Federal Glover and City of Pittsburg, invites you to learn about the DBE Certification Program.

Date: Thursday, January 19, 2012
Time: 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Place: Pittsburg Senior Center
300 Presidio Lane, Pittsburg, CA

For information on taking public transit to the event, please visit

* Learn how a DBE certification can provide you access to federally-funded projects. New federal requirements coming into effect February 2012 make it even more important for your firm to be certified.

* Bring your DBE certification application or questions and receive one-on-one assistance. Download an application at

* Receive information on upcoming projects from BOC member agencies.

(Go to for complete details)

* Firm must be at least 51% owned and operated by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.

* Firm must be an independent business.

* Only existing for-profit “Small Business Concerns” as defined by the Small Business Act and Small Business Administration (SBA) regulations may be certified.

* SBA size standards apply.

* Personal Net Worth (PNW) of socially and economically disadvantaged owners must not exceed $1.32 Million, excluding the individual’s ownership interest in the applicant firm and the equity in his/her primary residence.

To register online or sign up for future newsletters and event information, click link below (or copy to web browser), complete form, then click “submit form’:

Certifying agencies include BART, SFMTA, Samtrans, and VTA.

Code Enforcement Meeting Agenda

Friday, January 6th, 2012

Commercial Code Enforcement/Shop Antioch Subcommittee Meeting
Monday, January 9, 2012
4:00 p.m.
Third Floor Conference Room
Antioch City Hall
Mayor James D. Davis
Councilmember Gary Agopian
Econ. Dev. Commissioner Martha Parsons
Econ. Dev. Commissioner Monica Wilson
Antioch Chamber Rep. Brian Bellante
Antioch Chamber Rep. Terry Ramus
PUBLIC COMMENTS (Only unagendized issues will be
discussed during this time)
I. Elect a Subcommittee Chair
II. Subcommittee Goals/Direction
a. How will goals be relayed/delivered from the subcommittee to the public?
III. Code Enforcement
a. Other city’s shopping cart requirements – Ryan Graham
b. Allied Waste Cart Retrieval Possibility – Gary Agopian
IV. Shop Antioch
– Next scheduled meeting: February 13, 2012 at 4:00 P.M. –

Former 49er to Speak at Dow MLK Event

Thursday, January 5th, 2012

Dow’s 12th annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration takes place on Thursday, January 12 and it promises to be a time of reflection and inspiration.

Former San Francisco 49er offensive lineman, Guy McIntyre, will deliver the keynote speechWith an NFL career that spans more than a decade and includes three trips to the Super Bowl and five trips to the Pro-Bowl, McIntyre has a story that goes beyond the gridiron.

Renowned jazz saxophonist, Kevin Moore, will also be entertaining the audience with several musical selections.

For the fourth year, Dow hosted an essay contest for local high school students. This year, in keeping with the County Office of Education’s new focus on civility, students were asked to describe how 21st century technologies (cell phones, social media, the Internet), not present in Dr. King’s time, have impacted civility.

The winning essay will be read by its author, Bianka Machado, a sophomore at Pittsburg High. In addition, this year a poster contest was held and the winning poster, drawn by Karla Rosales, a senior at Deer Valley High School, will also be revealed.

Dow employees and invited community guests will be on hand to participate in this event.

The recipient of the Community Award is Professor Silvester Henderson, Chair of the Music Department at Los Medanos College in Pittsburg. Henderson has used gospel music to unite communities for more than 25 years.

The recipient of the Dow Employee Award is Jamie Polan, a Production Engineer, who has demonstrated a true commitment to diversity in the workplace as she helps with hispanic recruitment, leads the Women’s Innovation Network, mentors young engineers and more.

The Dow Chemical Company purchased the Pittsburg facility in 1939 from the Great Western Electrochemical Company. It is one of more than 150 manufacturing sites located in 37 countries around the world and supports two of Dow’s eight global businesses – Dow AgroSciences and Performance Chemicals. The Pittsburg facility produces a variety of products used in personal care products as well as a variety of crop protection products and intermediates.