Antioch Herald Coming Soon to Your Home – In Print and In the Mail!

Antioch to Once Again Have a Free, Direct-Mail, City-Wide Newspaper

By Allen Payton, Publisher

I’m happy to officially announce that the Antioch Herald will be printed and mailed to 26,000 homes and businesses in Antioch, beginning May 1st, 2011.

We appreciate the opportunity presented by the Monthly Grapevine, to insert a print version of our news site, into their East County/Antioch edition, which publishes on the 1st of each month, reaching 26,000 homes and businesses by mail – for FREE!

It has allowed us to reduce our postage costs and pass those savings onto our advertisers, reducing ad rates by 40% and more, making it more affordable for local businesses to reach their market with their message, each month.

We have some of the same team members who published the original Antioch Press, before I sold it in 2005, back together working to make both the Antioch Herald print and online versions, a reality, including Editor Dave Roberts and soon writer Teresa Klein and graphic artist Linda Baker. Plus, we’ve added some new team members, Webmaster and graphic artist Emily Bernardi, writers Harry Stoll and Tami Barrera, and advertising sales reps Dave Godfrey and Sharon Ouka.

We go to print on Tuesday night, April 19, so there’s still time to get your ad in our first issue. It includes a free ad on our website. Please email by Monday or call me at (925) 457-5324 and we’ll make it happen for you.

Since this is a free paper to the readers, it’s because of our advertisers that we’re able to publish our paper and news site. We thank them for that. So please be sure to support those advertisers and let them know you saw their ad in the Herald.

We look forward and are committed to bringing you the news and information about Antioch, you might not read elsewhere – about our people, politicians, police, pastors & priests, places, events and activities, while we help promote our businesses and grow our local economy, once again. Our desire is to help fulfill our City’s Vision to make Antioch a better place to live, learn, work, worship and play in a safe and stimulating environment.

The Herald is The People’s Paper – your paper. So if you have something you think is interesting and/or important that you want covered, either write it up and submit it to us, with a photo or two, or let us know by contacting Dave Roberts at We’ll do our best to get it, at least on our website – which we’ll update regularly, and/or in the newspaper.

For those who want to advertise, we also represent the Monthly Grapevine in Antioch. So if you’d like an ad in that publication, please let us know. To learn more about them, please click on their ad, on the upper right side of this page. We thank Jim and Karen Spann for this new business relationship that we hope and expect will be beneficial for both our businesses and all those who advertise with us.

Please be sure to look for the Antioch Herald inside the Monthly Grapevine, each month, beginning on May 1st.

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