Archive for the ‘Politics & Elections’ Category

Both initiatives on Sand Creek development in Antioch have enough signatures to qualify for ballot

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2018

Map of the area included in the environmental groups’ initiative showing projects already approved and The Ranch and Zeka Ranch projects they’re working to stop.

By Arne Simonsen, Antioch City Clerk

The County Elections Office has completed the signature verification on both of the initiatives that were submitted to my office.

“Initiative To Restrict Development in Portions of the Sand Creek Area, Approve a Development Agreement for “The Ranch” Project in That Area, and Allow Amendment of the Urban Limit Line by the Voter Approval Only”

Number of valid signatures of registered voters required: 5,111

Number of valid signatures verified by the County Elections Office: 5,156

Map of area covered by the Richland Communities’ alternative initiative.

“Initiative To Change General Plan Designation Within The Sand Creek Focus Area and Permanently Require Voter Approval of Amendments to Urban Limit Line”

Number of valid signatures of registered voters required: 5,094

Number of valid signatures verified by the County Elections Office: 5,682

In coordination with the City Attorney, I will prepare a staff report for the July 24th City Council meeting to certify the petitions.

The City Attorney will give the Council three choices on each initiative per Elections Code 9215:

1) Adopt the ordinance, without alteration, at the regular meeting at which the certification of the petition presented, or within 10 days after it is presented.

2) Submit the ordinance, without alteration, to the voters pursuant to Section 1405 of the Elections Code.

3) Order a report pursuant to Section 9212 at the regular meeting at which certification of the petitions is presented. When the report is presented to the legislative body, the legislative body shall adopt the ordinance within 10 days or order an election pursuant to subdivision (b).

See related articles here, here, here, here, here and here.

Environmental groups, local supporters announce Sand Creek initiative signatures submitted

Saturday, June 16th, 2018

Sand Creek initiative supporters, including Michael Amorosa holding petitions and Don Greibling in sunglasses, present signatures to the Antioch City Clerk’s office on Monday, June 11, 2018.

Richland Communities submitted their initiative signatures a week earlier

On Monday, June 11, fifteen excited volunteers for the “Antioch Community to Save Sand Creek” coalition submitted 5,969 signatures to the Antioch City Clerk’s office to qualify their “Let Antioch Voters Decide” initiative 10 weeks earlier than the August 22 deadline. The group needs 5,092 good signatures and turned in 5,969, or 117%.

However, they were submitted three weeks later than the suggested deadline of May 18 provided to them by City Clerk Arne Simonsen, and a week after the “West Sand Creek” initiative by developer Richland Communities submitted their signature petitions on Monday, June 4. Simonsen said the prima facie count by his office shows Richland has submitted about 7,900 signatures, with about 50 or 60 that were invalidated.

“We’ve reached new heights in preserving the Sand Creek Initiative Area and I couldn’t be more thrilled. Turning in these signatures is further proof that our initiative is what the people of Antioch want,” said Tina Gutilla, one of the Antioch residents who submitted the petition to the city and a member of the Coalition Steering Committee, “Huge congratulations and gratitude to every volunteer who has played a monumental role in making this achievement possible.”

The “Antioch Community to Save Sand Creek” coalition drafted the initiative starting last August. It was submitted to the city for Title and Summary on February 8. The city provided Title and Summary on Feb. 23. Notice was published in the newspaper and signature gathering began March 3. Initiative signature-gathering drives are allowed 180 days, which meant a deadline of August 22. Instead, the coalition submitted its signatures ten weeks early, on Monday, June 11th.

If passed, the initiative would:

  • Limit the extent and amount of development in a 3 square mile (1,850-acre) area between Kaiser/Deer Valley Road and Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve;
  • Require a vote to allow any major development in the initiative area;
  • Protect the existing Urban Limit Line;
  • Decrease impacts on city services including police, crime, fire, water, and schools;
  • Dramatically decrease projected traffic increases;
  • Preserve nature, open spaces, and historic qualities;
  • Maintain agriculture;
  • Protect the Sand Creek stream corridor;
  • Help focus city investments, revitalization and economic development on existing neighborhoods, downtown and along the waterfront.

Sand Creek initiative supporters bring their boxes of signed petitions to the Antioch City Clerk’s office.

The coalition had great success gathering signatures. It held more than two dozen events, hikes, forums and other activities, and attended another dozen community events. It organized signature collecting shifts every weekend day and then on weekday ones as well. More than 150 volunteers signed up for two-to-four-hour shifts, some of them every single week. The Steering Committee held weekly meetings in person, and weekly debrief phone calls after each weekend’s efforts.

Tina Gutilla, one of our angels, managed all of the materials, keeping track of every single petition. Juan Pablo Galvan and Margaret Kruse scheduled volunteer shifts. Thousands of Fact Sheets were distributed. Social media increased dramatically.

Dick Schneider, Margaret Kruse, and Lesley Hunt are the real unsung heroes; they evaluated almost 9,000 signatures in order to remove non-Antioch residents, bad signatures, and duplicates.

Then “The Ranch” project developer Richland Communities created a second competing initiative, the “West Sand Creek” initiative, using paid signature gatherers, and which includes a development agreement approving Richland’s 1,100-unit “The Ranch” project.

The more aggressive paid signature gatherers competed for locations, upset store managers, and made things more confusing for the public.  But they also used the same message of “limit development, save our hills, reduce traffic” as the coalition, reinforcing our public education effort. The developers turned in their competing measure last week.  We turned ours in this week, ten weeks earlier than the August deadline.

In total, more than 150 volunteers collected almost 9,000 signatures (173%) to reach the goal of 5,092 valid registered voters.

Next Steps

Now that the signatures have been submitted, the Antioch City Clerk’s office transfers the petitions to the County Elections Department for verification. If the initiative qualifies with enough signatures, the Antioch City Council has the option of adopting the measure into law or placing it on the ballot.

“We’ve been out there, signature collecting since the beginning of March, and all that very hard work is now paying off. From the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who has walked their neighborhoods, stood in front of stores, reviewed name lists, spread the word and donated their time and energy in all sorts of different ways. This was truly a ton of work. We’re definitely planning a big thank you party to celebrate,” said Juan Pablo Galvan, Save Mount Diablo Land Use Manager, who helped organize the campaign.

“While this grueling phase of the Antioch campaign is over,” said Galvan, “there’s still work ahead. We need to make sure the Initiative is adopted or makes it on the ballot, fend off any potential frivolous legal challenges, and so on. But make no mistake, this is a huge win and cause for great celebration.”

Lesley Hunt of the California Native Plant Society expressed the hope that “the citizens of Antioch will use the opportunity this initiative represents to take control of development in the West Sand Creek area. They can vote for more houses, or they can vote to keep the land the way it is.”

“This has been a challenging, but incredible worth-while journey this spring, gathering signatures and meeting hundreds of people who are in great favor of saving one of the last unspoiled open-spaces in Antioch,” said Michael Amorosa, a Coalition Steering Committee member and one of the three required Antioch residents who were signatories for the effort. “I had the pleasure and privilege of working with some dynamite volunteers to hopefully put another feather in our cap for our town’s quality of life as we are one step closer in saving the prettiest three miles in Antioch. I am very proud to be part of this initiative process.”

“On behalf of Save Mount Diablo, I want to thank all the wonderful Antioch residents, incredible volunteers, staff, and coalition partners for stepping up to help collect enough signatures for an Initiative to give Antioch residents the ability to better protect one of its two most significant natural features, the Sand Creek Focus Area,” said Ted Clement, Save Mount Diablo Executive Director, “It helps distinguish Antioch as a desirable place to live, work and visit, which will be critical for Antioch’s economic well-being long-term. Antioch is blessed with the beautiful Delta area to the north and the Sand Creek Focus Area to the south. These distinguishing natural features should not be taken for granted.”

“Sierra Club is happy to have helped collect enough signatures for the Sand Creek Area Protection Initiative to qualify for the ballot,” said Dick Schneider, a Sierra Club volunteer who helped draft the initiative, “We believe that given the choice, Antioch voters will protect their remaining open space and prevent the massive traffic congestion that sprawling development in the Sand Creek area would bring about. We look forward to helping pass this important legislation when it appears on the ballot.”

“Many Antioch residents love their city and they’ve found their voice in city government. We supported the formation of a powerful grassroots coalition, residents have plugged in. They’re committed to the public having a say in development and quality of life issues” said Meredith Hendricks, Save Mount Diablo Director of Land Programs.

She continued, “I also strongly feel that this land cannot be mitigated for with some other property – containing tons of rare wildlife & riparian centurion oaks, and with vast extensive views from all angles that the Lone Tree Valley & Sand Creek corridor only provides in this special corner of Antioch; It is unmatched anywhere in Antioch and the citizens of Antioch, and in all of East Co-Co-County, will be thankful if we preserve it.”

Allen Payton contributed to this report.

Graves concedes to Becton in District Attorney race

Friday, June 15th, 2018

By Allen Payton

In the face of interim appointed District Attorney Diana Becton’s growing lead, her main opponent in the June election, on Thursday Supervising Assistant D.A. Paul Graves sent out a letter to his supporters conceding the race.

Becton now has 921 more votes than is needed to win, with 50.49% of the vote, up from 50.01% in the last update on June 8. The County Clerk’s office announced on Wednesday that they have approximately 10,000 ballots left to count and that some of those might be disqualified.

In addition to thanking his supporters, during a brief interview Friday morning, Graves also thanked those who voted for him.

A Heartfelt Thank You

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Nearly all the votes have been counted, and although it is very close, it is unlikely we will have a runoff in November. This afternoon, I called Diana Becton to congratulate her on her expected election as District Attorney.

I am grateful for the support of Contra Costa’s law enforcement community and firefighters, Marc Klaas, and the support and confidence of my fellow prosecutors.

I have been especially moved by the survivors who have reached out to reconnect, and in doing so reminded me why I am a prosecutor. Most of all, I am grateful for the support and encouragement I have received from friends and my family, most of whom already knew that I was probably a better prosecutor than a politician.

I want to say to all my supporters that your dedication to this campaign has been humbling and inspiring, and I complete this chapter knowing that I would do it all over again for the privilege of fighting the good fight alongside you all. We didn’t just fight for “change,” we fought for the right change, and I know that we will continue to fight for the safety of our communities and justice for crime victims.

Most of all, we can be proud of our effort and that we maintained our integrity throughout this election, including the appointment process. The District Attorney’s office is an office built on trust, and we met our obligation to the people of Contra Costa with the type of campaign we ran from start to finish – armed with real knowledge, focused on real issues, and fueled by real, local grassroots support.

Now we must come together and support our newly-elected District Attorney for the sake of Contra Costa residents who are counting on us to put politics aside for their benefit and safety. This campaign has ended, but our worthy cause continues in our courtrooms every day.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart,

Paul Graves

According to County Clerk-Registrar of Voters Joe Canciamilla, the final election results are expected to be announced next Friday, June 22 by 5:00 p.m. Please check back later for that final update.

Becton expands lead, may have won Contra Costa District Attorney’s race, Graves not conceding

Friday, June 8th, 2018

Election results as of Friday, June 6, 2018. From

By Allen Payton

After counting about 20,000 of the remaining ballots from Tuesday night’s election in Contra Costa County, appointed Interim District Attorney Diana Becton has expanded her lead by another 1,000 votes to 50.01% over her main opponent, and Supervising Deputy District Attorney Paul Graves who now has 42.29%. She now leads him by 11,398 votes. To avoid a runoff in the November election, she only needs to win by 50% plus one vote.

However, Graves is not conceding, yet.

“There are still thousands of provisional votes to be counted,” said Katie DeFerraria, his campaign manager. “When the votes are all in there will be an opportunity for comment. Right now, Paul Graves will continue to focus on his responsibilities as a prosecutor for the people of Contra Costa.”

According to County Clerk-Registrar of Voters Joe Canciamilla, his office has counted “174,000 ballots so far, and we have 50,000 vote-by-mails to go and 10,000 provisionals. So, 60,000 total, roughly.”

Asked when the next update will be, her responded, “We’re going to hopefully have all of the vote-by-mail done and a semi-final by Wednesday. Then on June 22 we should have a full, final report with the provisionals included.”

For all of the latest election results in the county, click here.

Please check back Wednesday for the next update to the election results in Contra Costa County.

Overview of the Contra Costa County election results

Wednesday, June 6th, 2018

All incumbents won or placed first, $3 bridge toll increase passing, battles continue in D.A.’s, Superintendent’s races

By Allen Payton

Following is a recap of the election results in Contra Costa County from Tuesday night which saw a dismal 20.74% voter turnout in the county and only 21.9% statewide*. The County Elections office has 30 days to certify the elections and while their website shows 100% of the precincts have been counted, they will continue to count mail-in ballots turned in at the polling places on Tuesday and provide updates each Friday until completed.

WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON UPDATE: According to County Clerk-Registrar of Voters Joe Canciamilla, “The Contra Costa Elections Division estimates that based upon Vote-By-Mail ballot returns from our polling places on Election Day, drop-off locations and those that have been received in the mail as of Wednesday afternoon, there are about 70,000 Vote-By-Mail ballots left to be prepared and counted for the June 5th Primary Election. We also estimate that we received about 10,000 Provisional Ballots at our polling places that will be processed. We will be posting another results update on Friday afternoon.”

County Races

The highest profile race in the county was for District Attorney. The top two candidates, appointed interim D.A. Diana Becton and Supervising Assistant D.A. Paul Graves, will face a run-off in November. At the current count she’s less than 450 votes shy of winning outright. Attorney Lawrence Strauss who placed third was eliminated.

The other battle in the county was the race for Superintendent of Public Instruction, Lynn Mackey placed first and will face second-place finisher Cheryl Hansen. Ron Leone was eliminated having placed third.

Auditor/Controller Bob Campbell was easily re-elected, besting his same opponent for a second time, Ayore Riaunda.

In the race for County Supervisor in District 1, John Gioia had no opponent and was reelected. In District 4 incumbent Karen Mitchoff easily beat her opponent, Harmesh Kumar by a three-to-one margin.

Sheriff David Livingston, County Clerk Joe Canciamilla, Treasurer/Tax Collector Russell Watts and Assessor Gus Kramer were all re-elected without opposition.

U.S. House of Representatives

In the Congressional races, in District 5 Democrat incumbent Mike Thompson will face in the November election independent Nils Palsson who edged out another independent, Anthony Mills by just 137 votes.

District 9 – Republican Marla Livengood who beat Mike Tsarnas, who dropped out of the race earlier, this year, for the right to race Democrat incumbent Jerry McNerney.

In District 11, Democrat incumbent Mark DeSaulnier will face Republican John Fitzgerald, who the state party denounced and from whom they withdrew their automatic endorsement, last week, for his anti-Semitic comments and views. They both handily beat Democrat Dennis Lytton and independent Chris Wood.

In District 15, Democrat incumbent Eric Swalwell will face Republican Rudy Peters, Jr. in the November election. Independent Brendan St. John placed a distant third in the primary.

State Assembly

In the Assembly races, District 11 Democrat incumbent Jim Frazier will face Republican Lisa Romero in November, after Democrat Diane Stewart placed a distant third.

In District 14 Democrat incumbent Tim Grayson will face fellow Democrat Aasim Yahya in November. But, Grayson easily bested his opponent with 83.02% of the vote to 15.72%.

In District 15, in a wide-open race incumbent Tony Thurmond opting to run for State Superintendent of Public Instruction instead of reelection, since Contra Costa’s own Tom Torlakson was termed out. Democrat Buffy Wicks beat out 10 fellow Democrats and one Republican for the top spot. She will face second-place finisher Democrat Jovanka Beckles in November.

In District 16, Republican incumbent Catharine Baker will again face her only opponent in the primary, Democrat Rebecca Bauer-Kahan, whom she beat 58.34% to 41.6%.

Bridge Toll Increase

Although a majority of Contra Costa voters opposed the $3 bridge toll increase Regional Measure 3, it appears to be passing with 54% of the vote. That’s because seven of the other eight Bay Area counties voted in favor of the measure which only required a majority vote to pass. According to a KTVU Channel 2 News report, Solano County was the only other county to vote against it, with only 30% voting yes. However, not all votes have been counted, yet. As of this morning only 30 to 50 percent of the ballots from precincts in San Francisco, Santa Clara and Solano counties had been counted.

Statewide Races

Clayton resident Mark Meuser, a Constitution and election law attorney, placed second in the California Secretary of State’s race, and will face the incumbent Alex Padilla in the November election. (NOTE: This writer serves as his campaign manager).

* The statewide voter turnout figure is skewed since 11 counties, including Los Angeles and San Diego counties, have over 100% voter registration due to people on the rolls who shouldn’t be, such as those who have died, moved out of state, are registered more than once or are foreign residents.

For more details on the election results in Contra Costa County click here.

Stay up-to-date on Contra Costa County election results

Tuesday, June 5th, 2018

First numbers will be available shortly after 8:00 pm

You won’t have to wait long to get updated election results from Contra Costa County Elections Division on Tuesday night.

Results of vote-by-mail ballots for the Statewide Primary General Election that are returned through last Friday will be available shortly after the polls close at 8:00 pm on Election Night.

Meanwhile, with results being collected from precincts throughout the County, the first update can be expected at about 9:30 pm, with results updated about every 30 minutes until all precincts report.

The availability of updated reports will be communicated via Twitter and Facebook, using the hashtag #cocovote.  Changes to the reporting schedule, if any, will also be communicated on these social media sites.

The Contra Costa Elections Division social media pages are:

Election results will be posted to the Elections website,, throughout the night and will be updated by 5:00 pm on Friday, June 8th and then every Friday until the election is certified.

The county has until July 5th to certify all items on the ballot.

Local election results will also be available throughout Election Night on Contra Costa Television (CCTV) beginning at 9:00 pm on Comcast channel 27, Astound channel 32 and AT&T U-Verse channel 99.

OPINION: Republicans in California – The perpetual race for second place

Monday, June 4th, 2018

An argument in favor of Travis Allen for Governor

By Brenda Higgins

This commentary originally appeared on on June 2, 2018. Republished at the author’s request.

Travis Allen

Polls are not hard to understand.  The science of polling, even with the basic college level understanding of how the math behind it works, is also easily understood to be not just subjective, but fully within the manipulation of the pollster.

It doesn’t take a scientific poll to see and comprehend what has happened in elections in the U.S. and around the world in the past three U.S. election cycles.  People with a real power to vote, have done so. And, they have done so in outright rebellion to those in power who have told them what to do and how to vote.  In spite of the effort of this ruling class of politicians and pollsters and pundits, people have rejected their group-think advisements to vote as they are being told to vote, and they are voting, with a level of enthusiasm and fervor, that we have not seen in our lifetime.

People have, in massive numbers, rejected what they have been told, and voted for candidates that experts said could not win.  My opinion is based upon my own very unscientific polling. I knocked on people’s doors and talked to them about things like health insurance and abortion. I called them on the phone and talked to them about unions and school bonds.  I knocked on their doors to remind them to vote or show up to their caucus. I have done this many thousands of times in the past few election cycles.

They want to talk about things that aren’t in the polls.  In 2014 in Arkansas, people expressed angry reflexive passion to vote for any candidate with an “R” by their name. In 2015 there was fury over more special elections and efforts to create more special taxes to fix things they thought were already paying taxes for.  In Nevada in 2016 they only wanted to talk about Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders and had no interest in hearing anything else.  In 2018, as I talk to people on phones and at their front door, about the down-ticket, they want to talk about Travis Allen.

The politicians and pollsters and pundits, have told people in the past three election cycles that whatever they are feeling or thinking as an individual, sitting in their living room in front of their TV or behind their computer screen, the way that they should think because a lot of people think that way, and this is who you should vote for because all the other people are going to vote that way.  The American public has rejected that instruction out of hand and have become inherently distrustful of the media and of ‘establishment’ politicians.  Funny thing it, the media is now telling them that this has happened because of Donald Trump. The media misses it again. The rebellion is not ‘because’ of Donald Trump. Donald Trump is because of the rebellion.

So, it is in 2018, California.

Here’s a poll.  How many Democrat governors have we had in California since 1959?  That is more than a half century.  Think about that, because in the past three election cycles, Democrats, Republicans, pollsters and media pundits, continue to tell Californians that they can only have a Democrat governor.

In the past 59 years, we have had three Democrat Governors.  Brown, Brown, Davis, and Brown again.  Three. And one, Grey Davis, was kicked out of office by the rulers of California, the California people.  In the same time period, we have had four Republicans, Schwarzenegger, Wilson, Deukmejian, and Reagan.

Reagan’s two terms were after the two terms of Edmund G. Brown. and before two terms of his son, Jerry Brown.  Jerry Brown had ANOTHER two terms, after Schwartzenegger ousted Grey Davis. The last time we had a one term Governor was Culbert Olson in 1938. He was a Democrat. Before Culbert Olson, sequential Republicans held the office for nearly 50 years. You have to look back to 1894 to find another Democrat Governor.  My point is, there is not a long or strong history of support for Democrat Governors in this state, and in the last three election cycles, voters in every other state have rejected Democrat governors by wide margins.  Republicans are Governors in 33 states.  In 32 states, Republicans control BOTH houses of the legislature.  In 2010, Republicans controlled ONLY FOURTEEN STATES.  14, in 2010.

The tide has changed, and California citizens are missing the benefit of conservative ideals.

In the past three election cycles, the pollsters and pundits and party leaders (in both parties actually) are telling the voting public to sit down and be quiet, that there may never be a republican Governor in California again.  In keeping with their pearl clutching and hand wringing, over their polls, and research and infinite wisdom, they have given us, Meg Whitman and Neel Kashkari in the past two races for governor.  There was a bizarre victory lap when Neal Kashkari lost by less than expected in 2014.  These two were barely Republicans, they were wealthy people who spent their own money and the party rejoiced in that.  Kashkari, who had never held public office and supported Obama in 2008, was outspent by something like 10 to 1, so he got more votes per dollar than Meg Whitman.  The party leaders bizarrely counted in a victory and called on Tim Donnelly to step down because (by default), Kashkari was the party ‘standard bearer’.

Now we have another non-Californian, rich guy, and they are asking the voters to do the same. Take one for the team, vote this way because we are telling you that everyone else is going to vote this way, and we need to have a candidate at the “top of the ticket”.

Gone is any language about reclaiming the governor’s mansion at any time in the future, the strategy is simply to get someone bland enough, lack luster enough in policies, and rich enough to pay for some TV commercials, but not to win.

There is no strategy to re-take the governor’s mansion or find and promote a conservative candidate for governor in California.

Donald Trump did not have a path to 270.  There is a scientific poll.  The historic fact however, is that he far exceeded that necessary 270.

In 59 years, a member of the Brown family has held the governor’s office for 24 years, six terms.  There are no more members of the Brown dynasty, but the professionals are telling us that it is time for the Newsom/Pelosi dynasty to be coronated.  There is nothing you can do about it, we have given you this proper second place finisher, please just sit down and let us tell you how to vote.  Ruling, establishment, elitism, but in their tone deafness, they miss, that THIS is precisely what the rebellion has been aimed at.

Remember, this is what they told us about Hillary.  It was her turn.  She had the money, the experience, she was the most “qualified” and that Donald Trump was a joke. The coronation of the next ruling member of the Clinton dynasty had arrived.  Sit down Peasants.   The pollsters always leave out one thing.

The ruling class are not rulers, and the people are still in charge, and their not buying this.

Cox is a big government advocate still. No matter what he tries to do to distance himself from his own ideas. His only voting record, is his vote for Pro-Choice, Open Borders, Libertarian, Gary Johnson.  Cox has never won a race.  That makes him a perfect choice for the second place strategy.

Travis Allen has never lost a race and was never expected to be in office.  The pollsters, pundits and ruling class have counted him out, and told him to sit down and wait his turn for the entirety of his political career.

Historically, it is time for the Governor’s Mansion to be turned back to the Republicans.  Someone needs to tell the leadership of the Republican party, they don’t know it yet.   There is no justification for rolling over and paying dead with a second-place candidate.  Californians, just like Americans across the country in the past three elections, have risen up to remind you, who is in charge, and they seem to be pretty tired of Second Place.

Higgins practiced family law for 17 years prior to becoming a pro-life activist. She is currently the Executive Director of Stanton Healthcare SoCal, a non-profit medical center for women who’s mission is to replace Planned Parenthood with life affirming medical care. She writes for both OCPolitical and The127Activist.

Editor’s Note: Opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Herald, or it’s publisher and editor.

Congressional candidate responds to accusations of anti-Semitism

Saturday, June 2nd, 2018

John Fitzgerald


I find it interesting that simply pointing out the fact that Jews played a predominant role in the African Slave Trade along with questioning Israel and challenging their control over U.S. foreign-policy, consequently gets me labeled an anti-Semite and NAZI by Former Republican Chairman, Ron Nehring. I will bet that he has NEVER taken the time to read the numerous and informative links I have provided on my website that substantiate my claims. Does Mr. Nehring find it interesting that the ONLY historical issue that lands people in prison– in eighteen countries and counting– is the holocaust? This is a fact! Why is this and why do so many people get imprisoned under Orwellian Hate-Speech laws, simply for challenging any aspect of it outside the “official narrative?” Please read:

Also, watch this video of Monika Schaefer, who is also serving time in prison for apologizing to her mom’s spirit in a video: Isn’t debate good to rule out falsehoods, etc. and to glean fact? So why is the holocaust off-limits but no other issue? Also, why did South Carolina recently pass a similar Hate-Speech law strictly focusing on Israel and anti-Semitism in public schools and college campuses. Please read:…/south-carolina-passes-bill-to-fig….

Now Tennessee is soon doing the same and a federal law was just introduced last week in Congess to cover all 50 states for a similar anti-Semitism bill:…/. I find this remarkable and, even moreso, troubling! No matter the issue, taboo or not, why is our 1st amendment (free-speech) being eroded and only for questioning Israel and/or Jewish interests and no other country or people? We supposedly live in a free and civilized society, yet how free are we if we cannot express contrary opinions without fear of being deemed afoul of the law? Also, isn’t this a slippery slope that may lead to more draconian laws and/or measures in the future? After all, shouldn’t one’s opinion– no matter how offensive it may be to some– along with what’s deemed “truth” stand on its own merit when scrutinized? I think so.

I challenge people to go to my website and find any information that I post that is incorrect or anti-Semitic. I research every issue extensively and take what I claim very seriously and I hope you will do the same. I am not an anti-Semite by any means, but only a person of strong values, morals and character who has the courage to challenge controversial and, what many people perceive to be “taboo” subjects that a certain sect of society try to suppress and/or, subsequently, deem off-limits. Thank you and please remember to vote June 5th. Here is my website:

John Fitzgerald

Candidate for Congress, CA District 11