Archive for the ‘Education’ Category

Los Medanos College seeks nominations for awards celebrating life of César Chávez

Sunday, February 11th, 2018

Los Medanos College (LMC) is preparing to host its annual “César Chávez Celebration” on Thursday, March 22, from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the college’s Recital Hall [Reception at 6:00 p.m., Awards & Recognition Ceremony at 7:00 p.m.].  LMC is located at 2700 East Leland Road in Pittsburg.  The public is welcome to attend the free event.

Los Medanos College hosts this event each year to honor the life of César Chávez and to recognize East Contra Costa County community leaders who continue his great tradition of service and social activism. A true American hero, César Chávez exemplifies service to community and non-violent social change.

The college is now seeking nominations for three recognition awards, which will be presented at the event.  The LMC César Chávez Award for Exemplary Community Service, established in 1995, is awarded to local residents who have demonstrated a long-standing commitment to service and who represent the core values established by César Chávez: Service to Others, Sacrifice, Help the Most Needy, Determination, Non-Violence, Acceptance of All People, Respect for Life and the Environment, Celebrating Community, Knowledge, and Innovation.  The East County Educator Award honors members of the educational community who demonstrate the above values and a commitment to student success and equity, particularly for low-income students and students of color.  The Chávez Spirit Award recognizes emerging/student leaders who are making an impact on East Contra Costa County in the areas of advocacy and social justice.

To submit nominations for the César Chávez awards, visit:  The deadline for nominations is Wednesday, February 28, 2018.

For more information, please contact Jennifer Adams, or (925) 473-7302.

Los Medanos College (LMC), one of three colleges in the Contra Costa Community College District, has served the East Contra Costa County community since 1974. LMC offers award-winning transfer and career-technical programs, high-quality support services, and diverse academic opportunities in an engaging and inclusive learning environment. With exceptional educators, innovative curriculum, growing degree and certificate offerings, strong regional partnerships, and state-of-the-art facilities, the College prepares students to succeed in their educational pursuits, in the workforce, and beyond. LMC’s Pittsburg Campus is located on 120 acres near the Antioch border, with an additional education center in Brentwood.

Deer Valley High student advocates for organ and tissue donation, takes first prize in contest

Tuesday, January 30th, 2018

Erika Villanueva with her winning artwork.

Deer Valley High School senior, Erika Villanueva, won first place in the 2017 Holiday Card Art Contest. The art competition is organized by Donor Network West, the organ and tissue recovery organization for northern California and Nevada.

Villanueva’s artwork, which displays two hands holding a red heart with a golden tree within it, was inspired by the contest’s theme, Families make miracles happen: The Gift of organ and tissue donation.

“I used the tree and the flower of life which signify human continuity through the generations,” says Erika, whose design was selected from high school student entries in Donor Network West’s service area of 40 counties.

“Our annual high school art contest is a vehicle for bringing organ and tissue donation and transplantation learning modules into the classroom, with the added benefit of sparking student-led conversations about the importance of being registered donors,” says Ayanna Anderson, Senior Community Development Liaison of Donor Network West.  “We applaud students like Erika for their imaginative designs, and their passion for our mission of saving and healing lives.”

Anderson presented the prize at the school and met principal, Kenneth Gardner, and ceramics instructor, Wendy Marchetti. The latter served as mentor to the student and encouraged her participation in the contest.

The Art Contest winners were selected through several rounds of judging by Donor Network West staff and organizational leaders. Villanueva won a $500 gift card and her winning design was featured as Donor Network West’s holiday card.

Nearly 900 people are waiting for an organ transplant in Contra Costa County. One organ donor can save the lives of up to eight people and a tissue donor can heal more than 75 others. Anyone can register as a donor at or at the DMV. For more information on the Art Contest visit:

About Donor Network West

Donor Network West saves and heals lives by facilitating organ and tissue recovery for transplantation. The organization was established in 1987, and is an official Donate Life organization accredited by the Association of Organ Procurement Organizations (AOPO) and the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB). Federally designated to serve 40 counties in northern California and Nevada, Donor Network West partners with the Department of Motor Vehicles and the state-authorized donor registries. For information, visit and find us on social media: @mydnwest.

Tickets still available for Antioch’s Black History Month Family Night at the Warriors game Feb. 8

Friday, January 26th, 2018

Just announced, half time show will feature Grammy Award artist Tony, Toni, Tone. Support our students and enjoy a great game. Onlly 41 tickets left. Call today. All sales and Tuesday, January 30th. Each ticket includes a SPECIAL voucher to receive a commemorative gift.

Antioch to celebrate Black History Month during African American Heritage Night at the Warriors game Feb. 8

Thursday, January 4th, 2018

County Office of Education to manage county’s EdTV Channel

Thursday, December 28th, 2017

CCCOE to partner with Contra Costa County in expanding community access television programming focused on local education

The Contra Costa County Office of Education (CCCOE) announced Wednesday that the agency will begin to coordinate local education programming for the Contra Costa County Education Channel, EdTV. CCCOE, with support from Contra Costa Television (CCTV), will be providing more access of quality, local pre-K through College educational programming to residents, students, educators and stakeholders in Contra Costa County.

“We are extremely excited to begin promoting education in Contra Costa County through the power of community access television,” said Karen Sakata, Contra Costa County Superintendent of Schools. “This partnership with the County will enable us to provide a voice and a forum to students, schools, school districts and higher education in our County so they can effectively tell their stories through video.”

EdTV, an Educational Access channel, is a basic cable TV service on Comcast Channel 32 and AT&T U-verse Channel 99, and is available throughout most of Contra Costa County. Currently, EdTV is unavailable to cable subscribers in San Ramon as well as WAVE subscribers. EdTV is one of a handful of PEG (Public, Education and Government) Access Channels that operate in Contra Costa County. All of these channels are carried in Standard Definition. Contra Costa Television (CCTV) currently manages five PEG channels. Online streaming of EdTV and availability of online video on demand will also be explored.

“Contra Costa County is home to nearly 400 K-12 public and private schools, 18 school districts, as well as several institutions of higher education, said Terry Koehne, Chief Communications Officer for the Contra Costa County Office of Education. “Each of these local education agencies would have the ability to publish unique, locally produced content and bulletin board material to EdTV, thus providing direct access to a majority of Contra Costa County residents and businesses; that is our goal.”

The role of the County Office of Education will be to work in collaboration with CCTV to direct the overall content and programming schedule for the channel, approve video and bulletin board content through the development of content submission guidelines, and promote EdTV using all communication tools available.

“It is a natural fit for the County Office of Education to take on this role,” said Chris Verdugo, Interim Director of Communications and Media for Contra Costa County. “We look forward to more quality content that promotes and impacts our local education communities.”

Antioch School District to face three years of deficits, Vinson gets consolation appointment, laptops approved for trustees

Sunday, December 17th, 2017

Visitors to the AUSD Offices are greeted with Christmas window decorations as part of a challenge by Superintendent Stephanie Anello to other government buildings located in Rivertown, and other district schools to do the same. Photos by AUSD

By Robbie Pierce

The main focus during the Dec. 13 Antioch Board of Education meeting was the election of the President and Vice President, however several other items were discussed by the board that night. Colorful and festive Christmas decorations created by local schoolchildren adorned the district office as deliberations went on. It included the mid-year budget report showing the district will face “manageable” deficits for the next three years.

In addition, Christine Ibarra, the new Associate Superintendent, was welcomed to her position by Superintendent Stephanie Anello during her report, in which she also congratulated music students and teachers for their recent “amazing concerts”, noting that the Board’s efforts to improve music education “really paid off.”

Martin Luther King Day Events & Essay Contest Announced

No student delegates offered reports due to finals, however three individuals spoke during public comments. Velma Wilson stepped up to congratulate Ibarra for her “passion” as well as to formally invite the trustees to and make a general announcement about a Dr. Martin Luther King Day event being held Monday, Jan. 15, 2018 by the AUSD and the City of Antioch at 1:00 p.m. at Deer Valley High School. The theme of the event is “The Power of One, the Strength of Many: Building a Better Community” and will feature local student skits and artwork as well as a middle and high school level essay contest, with the deadline for student work – which can be submitted at the district office or electronically – being Jan. 8. She also made announcements for an NAACP Prayer Breakfast the same day at 8:00 a.m. at Martin Luther King Junior High School.

Concerned Parents

Nina Yellama and Laurie Holly both spoke about two unrelated incidents regarding mismanagement of their children’s Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). Yellama told of her experience of having to fight unrelentingly for her child to be taught with the rest of the class when not receiving specifically individual instruction. She asked the Board to consider changing some policies to make inclusion for children with IEDs easier and more of a goal.

Holly spoke about issues with her child’s required Occupational Therapy (OT) sessions, which they were not receiving due to understaffing problems. Furthermore, not only was her child not receiving as many sessions as they were supposed to, she was not even being informed of this fact. To make manners more complicated, a friend of hers who faced a similar issue was informed of it and given a resolution immediately. She asked the Board to investigate the therapist staffing issue in schools and try to find a solution to the problem.

Board Approves Various Contracts

Of the Consent Items, 11.P, the board split on approving a $195,000 “Master Contract with Bayes Achievement Center” regarding legally required services, including a residential nonpublic school placement and associated transportation costs, for a transfer student’s IEP. It was pulled for a separate vote, where it later passed without much discussion or issue with a vote of 4-1, with trustee Gibson-Gray voting no as she would have preferred more time to examine it.

The remaining 22 items were passed with a 5-0 vote after some minimal questioning about the following items: Item 11.J, a change order consisting of a near $50,000 increase to the projected cost for a project involving the “Modernization of Classroom Wing 1100 at Antioch High School” due to unforeseen issues such as bad plumbing as explained by an official on the project.

UC Davis Math, UC Berkeley Science Teacher Training

Also approved under Item 11.Q, was a contract for a professional development program for math teachers with the University of California, Davis.

“[Math is] definitely going to be an area of focus for us,” Ibarra said of the program, discussing the district’s recent problems, including low test scores in math and English.

Vice President Vinson stressed a desire to make sure the district is “getting our bang for our money” with the program, and that it will provide relevant information and techniques that teachers can actually use and apply, “not training just for training.”

“We have to find out what’s really going to work for our teachers,” she stated.

Anello pledged to gather and forward links for the contract and data relevant to it, such as the test scores of students who were enrolled in classes impacted by similar training programs.

The board also approved an agreement with the U.C. Berkeley, Lawrence Hall of Science to provide professional development training for district science teachers, focused on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

District Finances & Budget Report

The board also heard the First Interim Report on district finances and the budget, which showed, among other things, that the district expenditures were actually lower than originally projected. The report also included a multi-year projection for the district’s finances over the next two school years, predicting that the district will see a 4% increase in CalSTRS spending and a 5% increase in CalPERS spending, both forms of employee benefit, as well as a general reduction in teacher expenses due to factors such as contract expiration between now and 2020. The report also predicted that revenue would increase despite lower enrollment due to state-level government budgeting shake-ups.

The most notable part of the report was the prediction that the district will engage in three school years of deficit spending due to voluntary choices and programs, though an official tied to the report described it as being at a “manageable” level, with the district’s fund balance reducing from $16.5 million now to $12.6 million at the end of the 2019-2020 school year.

Vinson stated that she appreciated the inclusion of the ending balance numbers, and Gibson-Gray remarked that the deficit spending was not an issue for her as “if we have money, I’d rather spend it than save it.”

The board eventually gave the district a Positive certification, meaning that, in their eyes, the district will be able to meet financial obligations for the current as well as the next two fiscal years, by a vote of 4-1. Vinson voted no, stating that she “just [needed] more time to look at it.” (Please see the forms the district is required to submit to the state, here.)

Vinson Appointed as Liaison to County School Board

Aside from the tumultuous President and Vice President elections previously covered by the Herald, Gibson-Gray and Vinson were elected unanimously to the positions of “Board Representative to CFD (Community Facilities District) 89-1” also known as the Mello-Roos District, and “Board Member Liaison to Contra Costa County School Boards” respectively.

Laptops Approved for Board Members

The last major items were discussion on providing laptops for board members and creating a new nutrition program for the next school year, with both topics raised by Trustee Crystal Sawyer-White. The former was approved via consensus after an overview of the implications, with board members allowed to check out the same laptops they had in front of them at the meeting for take-home use, though strictly for business purposes only and with the taker of the laptop personally liable if it is lost or damaged. Trustees would not be allowed to install any programs on the laptops, however full suites of Microsoft Office would be provided, as well as email services.

Creation of Healthier Nutrition Program Discussed

For the latter, the board discussed creating a new contract with Revolutionary Foods to create a new nutrition program that would be healthier and less expensive than the current one – according to Sawyer-White, the San Francisco Unified School District saved money when they switched to a contract with Revolutionary Foods. No immediate action was taken, however Anello volunteered to provide several reports on the current program to aid any future deliberation.

11 Schools Pass Annual Williams Site Visits

The Board approved the annual Williams Settlement Site Visits Report, in which the 11 district schools visited were found compliant with standards for academic sufficiency. According to the staff report, at the beginning of each school year, the Contra Costa County Office of Education visits all schools within the County that rank in deciles 1 to 3 on the Academic Performance Index.

The visits are to determine the sufficiency of standards-aligned instructional materials in all four core subject areas; that there are no facility conditions that post an emergency or urgent threat to the health or safety of pupils or staff; and to ensure that accurate data is provided on the school’s accountability report card related to instructional materials and facilities.

According to the ACLU website, Eliezer Williams, et al., vs. State of California, et al. “was a lawsuit filed by the ACLU against the State of California because of the terrible conditions in many of its public schools. Parents, students, and teachers argued that the State failed to provide thousands of public school students, particularly those in low-income communities and communities of color, with the basic necessities required for an education.

They argued that the State’s failure to provide these bare minimum necessities to all public school students in California violated the state constitution, as well as state and federal requirements that all students be given equal access to public education without regard to race, color, or national origin.”

The case was settled in 2004 and as a result five bills were passed to implement the terms of the settlement known as the “Williams Settlement Legislation” and included an increase of almost $1 billion in state education spending.

The following district schools were visited in August and found to be in compliance: Belshaw, Fremont, Jack London, Kimball, Marsh, Mission and Turner Elementary; Antioch Middle and Park Middle, and Antioch and Prospects High Schools.

Revise Board Development Policy

In final action, a revision to the Board Policy 9240 for Board Development strongly encouraging that every member of the board attends at least one training conference annually, with costs covered by the district, was passed by consensus after brief debate. The maximum expenditure agreed to earlier this year is $3,000 per trustee. It was the fourth time the policy was on the agenda and discussed by the Board over the past year.

President Walter Ruehlig ended the meeting by wishing everyone in the district a “blessed holiday season.” The next school board meetings will be held Jan. 24 and Feb. 21.

To read the entire Board Meeting Agenda for Dec. 13, click here. To hear the audio of the meeting, please visit the District’s YouTube Channel.

Allen Payton contributed to this report.

Antioch School Board Trustee Ruehlig compliments school concerts, music programs

Friday, December 15th, 2017

Deer Valley High School recently held its Jazz Ensemble during which members of their instrumental music groups performed. Photo by AUSD – See more photos of the various school concerts on the district’s Facebook page.

Dear Editor:

This holiday season brings the usual cheer, but adds a personal festive exclamation point with the local bounty of school concerts.  I was personally privileged to attend the Black Diamond Middle, Antioch and Deer Valley High Schools and Dozier Libbey Medical School combined concert and the Park Middle Schools performance. We had heard about the overflowing 1,300 students at elementary schools taking band but now we tasted the fruit of that pipeline.

We’re in our third year with music alive and well in the AUSD and are reaping benefits in more ways than one.  As might be expected, motivation took a hit when the heart and sound that can soften the daily grind was taken from the schools to save dollars and allow doubling down on core subjects. Granted, reading and math remain fundamental, but face it, for many kids, music or sports are the sole connection and engagement keeping them from truancy.

Aside, though, from increased attendance and GPA, we’ve noticed that, in and of itself, music is aiding academics as a sort of super brain food, bringing a plethora of values.  No surprise to us music lovers as poll any group of physicians or engineers and you will find that an amazing number of these hi-achievers had studied music in their formative years.

You see, in one sense music is pure math. Understanding beat, rhythm and scales helps children learn how to divide, create fractions and recognize patterns.  It sharpens special, temporal skills associated with math comprehension.   Essentially, then, music is a sort of hard wiring for all kinds of basic and advanced math.

Studying music also instills short and long-term memory aides by using mnemonic devices.  It also physically develops the left side of the brain, the part involved in language acquisition.

Music employs multiple skill sets, exercising eyes and ears and both larger and smaller muscle sets. Certain instruments, like percussion, develop timing, coordination, motor skills and ambidexterity. Call it sports in a chair.

Good news moms and dad; a 2007 study by Christopher Johnson at the University of Texas showed students in elementary schools having superior musical programs scored 22% higher on standardized English tests.

So-called soft skills, cited by employers as invaluable workplace skills, also mature. Musical student attendance is cumulatively higher and discipline rates less. Poise under pressure and accepting and giving constructive criticism also benefit. The habits of discipline, perseverance and the ability to demonstrate deferred gratification also develop.

Musical students learn teamwork and collaboration in group performance, and how to patiently wait their turn and respectfully listen to others.  They also broaden horizons as they are introduced to various genres, styles and cultures.

We might ask, how, then, does our child pick a chosen instrument?  Treat it like a petting zoo and let your child explore for the right sound, feel and temperamental fit. Make sure the challenge is appropriate, the price affordable, and that you, the parent, can live for endless hours without going crazy over home practice of that instrument. Drums, after all, may not fit us all.

Thankfully, with School Board support, and LCAP funding, we have welcomed back the spiritual soundtrack of our lives.  The enrichment surely can’t hurt our kids and our collective humanity. It’s an opportunity to celebrate as we affirm Frederick Nietzsche’s charge that “without music, life would be a mistake.”

Walter Ruehlig, Trustee, Antioch School Board

A Charlie Brown Christmas free Family Bingo Night at Park Middle School tonight

Friday, December 15th, 2017